Member Reviews

4.5 Stars !! Wow what a crazy ride this was. I really enjoyed this thriller. I had no idea who to trust during the whole novel, it really kept me guessing with a lot of twists and turns. I loved how Gia's chapters were her manuscript and left to interpretation about what is fact and fiction. The greek setting was written so beautifully, it really made you feel like you were also on the island enjoying the sun, beach, and greek food. I highly recommend giving this a read when it comes out.

Thank you to Random House Publishing and Netgalley for the digital arc in exchange for my honest review.

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As soon as I saw this book in my email I knew that I had to read it immediately. And I did and I didn’t want to put it down. Even though it seems predictable it will have you wondering until the very end. If you love toxic female friendships and rich people behaving badly then you will love this book.

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I liked Ladykiller by Katherine Wood. The storyline and characters were interesting from the start and held my attention. The only thing I wasn't crazy about was the ending. I kept expecting a twist that didn't come so the simple, ambiguous ending, while the most true to real life, was unsatisfying. I believe this is a debut novel for the author and, if so, I would look forward to her next novel. I believe she has the potential to write a great novel. Ladykiller is not great, but is very good.

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"Ladykiller" by Katherine Wood is an electrifying psychological thriller that unravels the dark complexities of obsession and revenge. Wood masterfully weaves a tale of suspense, centered around a strong, enigmatic female protagonist. The narrative is taut and gripping, exploring the blurred lines between justice and vigilantism. Wood's writing is sharp, creating a chilling atmosphere that keeps readers on the edge. As secrets are revealed, the story takes unexpected twists, adding layers of intrigue. "Ladykiller" is a compelling and thought-provoking thriller that delves into the psyche of its characters, offering a thrilling ride that lingers in the mind long after the final page.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book. Although the premise was intriguing and the story was suspenseful, I found most of the characters unlikeable and I didn't enjoy reading about their escapades. I'm probably too old and prudish and not the target audience. I did want to know what happened, so the author managed to keep me interested enough to finish the book.

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Enjoyable, quick Saturday read. The pacing created enough tension and suspense to propel the book forward to its somewhat surprising ending (based on the breadcrumbs throughout, I was expecting one more twist that didn't come, but there was enough ambiguity in the final pages to make it a satisfying story). 3.5 rounded up to 4 stars.

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Thank you #Netgalley, Katherine Wood and Random House Publishing for an arc copy of this book.

What a fantastic and thrilling read. I did not want to put his books down. Katherine writes the scenery in Greece so beautifully and she tells a twisted story of friendship. Is is revenge, who do you believe, what’s true and what’s made up.

I really enjoyed the way Katherine told the story…the manuscripts were my favorite.

This is a fantastic book that I’m still thinking about. I’m going to have to re-read it to see if I missed anything!

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Patricia Highsmith style in the Greek Islands!

Gia and Abby have been friends since childhood - Abby's mom was Gia's family cook. The two grew up almost as sisters. However, when the girls are 18, an event transpires that neither can get past and they seperate across continents.

Many years later Gia reaches out to Abby. She is newly married and hoping to celebrate her birthday in a a lavish chalet in Sweden. As Abby makes the decision to meet her, Wood peppers the chapters with pages from Gia's journal, revealing the trouble in her marriage, and her bank account.

When Abby arrives in Sweden, Gia is MIA. placing everything she knows (and we know) about her friend into question. This novel will turn you around and around and around! There were times I needed to take a break because I was so uncomfortable for one of the characters! That's a true sign of a great novel that you will want to discuss and debate online and with friends. Grab this book and let me know what you think - and what happened!
#randomhouse #Ladykiller #katherinewood

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Gia has invited her friend Abby to meet in Sweden to celebrate her birthday. Just three old friends since Gia’s brother Benny will be there too. But Gia and Abby haven’t been close for a while. Abby was against Gia marrying Garrett after knowing him for only a few short months.
Unlike Gia, who was born wealthy, Abby is working hard as a lawyer, and cannot just take off unexpectedly. But she decides to make this trip, hoping to mend the rift with Gia. It also doesn’t hurt that Benny, who Abby has had a crush on for years will be there.
The story is told through a book Gia is writing, detailing what happened between her and Garrett. In the present, Abby’s narrative takes place mostly from the time she flies to Sweden, but also touches on her past. Where does the line between fiction and reality end? Can either Gia or Abby be unreliable narrators?
Most of the book focused on Gia and I was fine with that. Abby wasn’t nearly as engaging of a character, though her chapters did move the story forward. The ending definitely left room for every reader to interpret what actually happened. I flipped pages like my Kindle was on fire, and I had to get to the end before it burst into flames.

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Thank you to #NetGalley, Random House Publications Group, Ballantine, Bantam and Katherine Wood for the opportunity to read an advance copy of The Ladykiller, to be published 9 July 2024. 5/5 Stars for this spicy psychological thriller which could be a treatise on the difference between truth and reality where truth is dependent upon experiences and observations and reality exists independently of it. This was an intense and intriguing novel that I couldn’t put down. The characters were unbelievably real and easy to love and/or hate. I especially enjoyed the philosophical aspects of it and the Greek mythological culture that ran throughout. Highly recommended. #NetGalley #KatherineWood #RandomHousePublications #Ladykiller

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This is a fun read.. a beach book… a romantic story of lost loves and hidden truths. Not a literary novel , rather a sardonic take on revenge and culpability. Who submit? Maybe sometimes you cannot be sure. Against a gorgeous backdrop of private wealth and lifestyles, it is a quick paced mystery that will entertain. Nothing more.

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Great book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, double crossing, kidnapping, gas lighting, great who done it, great plot twist and some crazy twist and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I am not a huge fan of the authors writing style. So this wasn't a fun read for me . Sorry. thank you netgalley.

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Thank you to the Publisher for my arc!

This was so good. I loved the chapters where you're reading Gia's Manuscript up until Abby finds it and its up to you to decide if she's really lying or not. I loved the characters and the writing. The Story was super fast paced and i couldn't put it down.

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