Member Reviews

Okay, so I was super excited when I was approved on NetGalley for this book! This has actually happened to me! When my husband was in the USAF, we lived on base and those houses are super close in proximity. While the incident was insanely creepy it was not nearly as hostile as in The Baby Monitor! I really enjoyed this book! I thought the concept was eerily realistic and well thought out. What makes a thriller novel so creepy is when it’s realistic, when there’s a possibility of it happening to any one person. Rosie Walker honed in on that and wrote an amazing book! I HIGHLY recommend it!

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I just finished The Baby Monitor by Rosie Walker and here are my thoughts.

Mim is exhausted. She just had her second baby and her husband is watching her closely. She had issues after her first baby was born and he is taking no chances this time.. so she Mim heard a voice through her daughter's baby monitor saying.. your mother doesn’t love you… Mim doesn’t know whether to believe her own exhausted ears.

Her husband doesn’t believe her and Liv, her 5 year old daughter, doesn’t want anything to do with her.. things couldn’t get much worse.

Her house is full of secret cameras and her husband doesn’t believe a word she has to say. Someone is messing with her life and no one believes her.. her psyche is fragile and she hasn't got the best track record.

I love thrillers like this. Ones where you always feel wrong footed right until the last chapter. I had no idea who was lying or telling the truth at all. I felt Mim was a very unreliable narrator but it felt like she could have been right and it was the best feeling ever! You don’t know who to trust. It’s funny because even at the end of the book I still felt uncertain and everything was tied up nicely.

The plot was great. I have a huge beef with those kinds of baby monitors and this really took it to new levels of fear. It was well paced and I never got bored. The writing was definitely very good and I liked the overall tone of the whole thing.

4 stars

Great psychological thriller

Thank you @netgalley and @bookouture for my gifted copy

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In "The Baby Monitor," author weaves a chilling tale that grips readers from the very first page to the heart-stopping twist at the end. This psychological thriller delves into the depths of maternal instincts, paranoia, and the sinister forces that lurk in the shadows of domesticity.

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This book was twisty and creepy and held my interest the whole time. It centers on Miriam, who has just had her 2nd child, and as soon as they get home from the hospital really scary things start to happen, starting with a voice Miriam doesn't recognize talking to her 5-year-old daughter though the baby monitor. Miriam had a very rough time after her first child was born and is a deliciously unreliable narrator throughout the book.

I did have to suspend my disbelief a bit because some of the things in the book seemed very unrealistic. As long as you can get past that, there are some definite creepy parts and some of the twists were really surprising. I could sympathize with Miriam, though sometimes she did things that drove me insane; the author did a good job at making it unclear how much of what was happening was in her head versus being real. I struggled a bit with the end of the book because I didn't feel like I had a clear understanding of why some of the characters made the decisions they made. It felt like the author was going for "shocking twist" without laying the breadcrumbs to make it make sense.

Overall, this was an engaging and fast-paced read with a definite creepy factor, but I wish that some parts had been a little more realistic and that the ending made better sense to me. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Why have I never read a Rosie Walker book before now? I've literally spent the afternoon obsessing over it!

Knowing someone was watching my every move would be enough, but for them to then communicate with my child through the baby monitor...can you even begin to imagine?

The plot is fast paced, addictive and before I knew it, boom I was finished!

With Mim having a history of post-partum psychosis it got you thinking was it her mind playing tricks on her, or was there someone playing games to make her think she was losing her mind.

The characters are well developed and it took me a while before I could form any bonds with them...who could you trust?

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Wow! What just happened?? I finished this book a few days ago and I’m still thinking about it. Miriam is learning to adjust to caring for two children after returning home with her newborn son. It’s not an easy transition, and now her husband is leaving for a business trip. He worries about her caring for them alone. A baby monitor is installed in the kids room and Miriam doesn’t trust it. She sees it moving around and hears someone talking to her daughter when she’s not in the room. Is she seeing and hearing things, is her sleep deprivation causing hallucinations, or is there something else going on?

I sympathized with Miriam so much! She is such a relatable character. The story keeps you on your toes from start to finish. I couldn’t believe how some of the twists came to play!

Thank you @NetGalley, @rosiejanewalker, and @bookcouture for this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Oh wow, what a gritty twisty book - just when you think you have it figured - no you dont..... read this book in a day - amazing, loved it.

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The Baby Monitor by Rosie Walker

Fast-paced and you will read it chapter after chapter without noticing the time passed!

Jeremy and Miriam just came back home from hospital with a newborn called Samuel to meet with their toddler Liv. Liv asked strange questions that shocked Miriam and Miriam probably thought she was jus my jealous.

Until there’s a voice from the baby monitor saying, “she’s lying. She doesn’t love you.”

I enjoy the creepy storyline here. It just makes me goosebumps! Is that Miriam hallucination? Postnatal hormone problem? Or really there’s someone..?

I highly recommend this thriller to you all. Utterly gripping and exciting!

Many thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for my copy.

Pub date: Feb 1, 2024

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A mom made to feel like she’s going crazy and the use of technology to help that intensity is scary in the world we live in today. Factor in not feeling you can trust your husband and just loving your kids so fiercely you don’t want to lose them, #TheBabyMonitor had me on the edge of my seat ready to finish it. I thought I knew all along who the bad guy was, but at the very end, the talented #RosieWalker threw in a twist I did not expect!

Thank you, Rosie Walker, Bookouture, & netgalley for my copy! All opinions are my own.

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Wow! What a page turner.. I was hooked all the way through. There was plenty of twists and turns with a fantastic ending. Everything about this book was great. The characters were enjoyable, the story itself was suspenseful and the style of writing was perfect.
I have read all of this authors books and I have loved them all, so I can’t wait for the next one out.
I would highly recommend this book and this author to anyone who enjoys reading psychological thrillers.
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a honest review.

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Very eerie. Loved the incorporation of technology into this domestic thriller. Technology and creepy kid stuff is top tier fear fuel!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Bookoture for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I enjoyed this book! This is a thriller that would be good for both new and seasoned thriller readers alike. I did think I guessed the twist while reading; however I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. This is a moderately-paced thriller told from a single POV, with a narrator that you are forced to question is reliable. This story is very twisty, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I would recommend picking this one up!

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A rollercoaster of a plot, you never know what to expect, and if you do, you're probably wrong. Well plotted, and steeped in tension, it's female characters shine brighter and more cohesively than the male, but it feels appropriate as this is a story centered on a mothers love.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of The Baby Monitor by Rosie Walker. I really liked this one. It caught my attention right from the start and kept me engrossed in it the whole time. There were some shocking twists and surprises that helped to keep me so engaged. I would highly recommend this book and it gets a 5 star rating from me.

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Super exiting beginning, it really hooks you in. I very much enjoyed how twisty it was and how it keeps you guessing between what is going on and who you should trust. The story is well written and I flew through it. I just had to find out what the hell was happening !

It did bother me a bit how unlikeable I found every single character though. And even though the ending delivered with it's twist, it left me with some questions unanswered. I wish that the author had made the ending more clear, in terms of how and why.

But I enjoyed the book overall and I do recommend it if you love a phycological thriller with a twist.

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*4.5 Stars On My Instagram Account*

"And the monitor is back: plugged into the socket, it's little red light blinking at me to show that someone is watching."

"I'm the crazed mother in the horror film, standing over the bloody remains of her murdered children, an axe in her hand."

I honestly don't even know where to begin to explain how unsettling the anxiety inducing The Baby Monitor by psychological thriller author Rosie Walker was to read. I actually had to stop a few times to just breathe and regroup.

Miriam and Jeremy bring home their newborn son Sam but there's tension. Miriam feels everyone is walking on eggshells waiting for her to crack. When she had her daughter Liv 5 years ago she suffered from postpartum psychosis. She got help and has been fine but when she hears a voice coming from the baby monitor telling Liv, "Your mother doesn't love you," her husband, mother, and friends believe she's relapsed and before you know it she's being forced into a psychiatric "retreat." What follows is nothing short of every mother's nightmare.

What this writer does so impeccably is create a world where you feel as helpless as Miriam as her house becomes a smart house with the heat turned way up, the refrigerator shutting off spoiling her breast milk and a Reddit online thread of public hate for the "monster" mother.

As with most thriller or horror stories there's insightful social commentary. The bullying and misinformation on social media, smart technology allowing unknowns into your home and, most importantly, suffering from mental illness being a derogatory forever label.

Who is doing this to Miriam? There are red herrings, some obvious clues, but even the innocent are guilty of assuming the worse. The ending was shocking, a bit ambiguous and caused me to stop using Amazon's Alexa!

I received a free copy of this book from #bookouture via #NetGalley for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book, a little slow in places, but the shocking twists made up for that. A recommended read.

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Miriam and Jeremy have just arrived home with their newborn, Samuel. Their daughter, Liv, 5, is not impressed by the new baby and says she wants him gone.

When Miriam hears a voice on the baby monitor talking to Liv, she wonders if it has been hacked. Liv thinks her parents don’t want her now that they have Samuel.

Jeremy insists that the baby monitor couldn’t be talking to Liv and thinks that Miriam is having some mental difficulties that she encountered when Liv was born. Therefore, he insist that she stay in a swanky mental “retreat” for two weeks as he says she is stressed and needs rest and counseling. While there, Miriam is determined to make it appear that she doesn’t have mental problems.

This story was interesting but I can’t say that I liked Miriam. I felt she wasn't always capable of making good, solid choices which made her appear to be unstable. The story is about how to find out who is behind the baby monitor problem and other events that take place. There is a lot of computer technology discussed here that went straight over my head, but I’m sure techies might like that. All and all, a good story and I’m hoping readers will enjoy it.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Miriam and Jeremy have a toddler and a newborn baby. With her first born, Miriam suffered from postpartum psychosis. As such, her husband and friends are keeping a close eye on her this time around. They decide to install a baby monitor, so Jeremy can see his kids while he is away on business.

One night, Miriam hears the baby monitor tell her daughter, "mommy doesn't love you". Miriam's husband and friends do not believe her. Miriam is sent for a two week "retreat" (which is actually a mental facility). However, when Miriam returns, there are even more cameras. Once again, she is not believed. Things really take a turn when Miriam's daughter falls down the stairs. Miriam later finds that the baby gate was unscrewed. Who is messing with her? And why?

I LOVED this book. So many of the characters frustrated me, due to their treatment of Miriam. However, the gaslighting was SO realistic. Unfortunately, women in our society are often treated very similarly to Miriam. The author did a great job at drawing attention to this and portraying things in a realistic matter. I felt so frustrated and bad for Miriam!

I really enjoyed how the author designed this book - the reader is constantly debating if Miriam is crazy, Jeremy is out for his wife, or if someone else is trying to mess with Miriam. I went back and forth the entire novel. The story is engrossing and a page turner, so you will not be able to put this one down until you reach the end!

Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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In the book "The Baby Monitor," we follow Miriam's return home with her newborn Samuel.

Waiting for her at home are her husband Jeremy, daughter Liv, and countless complications.

From the baby monitor emitting suspicious sounds to the impossible and terrifying behavior of little Liv, the story unfolds.

At a time when Miriam needs the support of her loved ones and they want to help her, it becomes increasingly apparent that not all assistance is well-intentioned.

Moreover, it becomes evident that someone, under the appearance of helping her, actually intends to harm her. This person is willing to do ANYTHING. Until the last page, the question remains open – who is this person, and can Miriam trust anyone at all?

The writing style is highly readable, and the book is a quick read. The reader experiences frustration, feeling the helplessness, hurt, fear, and entrapment, along with Miriam's disappointment in her closest family members and friends. The author successfully evokes strong feelings of paranoia in the reader, making them doubt everything & everyone ...

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and the twists and unexpected explanations kept me engaged until the end, which I didn't foresee and left me with some unanswered questions.

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