Member Reviews

First, I want to thank Rosie Walker, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

OMG don’t blink or you will miss something in Rosie Walker's insanely twisted new psychological thriller The Baby Monitor! Rosie kept throwing curve balls after curve balls that totally blew my mind. Clear your schedule for this totally addicting book that I could not look away from! This deserves way more than 5 stars!

Rosie would like to dedicate this book to her Mum Hilary. She understands now that she has a daughter of her own how amazing her Mum is. She is blessed to have you in her life.

Techies will probably devour some of the storylines!

My jaw was on the floor for so many intense and shocking scenes! So many times I wanted to rush into the book and see if the characters were ok!

My heart absolutely broke in a million pieces the way Liv reacted to meeting her newborn Brother Samuel. The things she said just tore me up inside! I needed to know why she was acting the way she was!

The Baby Monitor will have you questioning the character of every character in this book! You think you know someone but you really don’t! I thought I had it all figured out and bam she threw in more twist plots!

Oh the way the book ended I was screaming we need a sequel!! Netflix we need this book turned into a series that I would binge watch!

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This is what a mother’s nightmares are made of…

Miriam and Jeremy have recently welcomed a son, Samuel to their family. They also have a five year old daughter, Liv. When Miriam was pregnant with Liv, she experienced severe post-partum psychosis. With the birth of Samuel, her husband and friends are keeping a close eye on Miriam for symptoms. This includes installing a baby monitor, so Jeremy can see their kids and make sure his wife is okay when he’s on business trips. Everything is fine, until one night, Miriam hears the monitor telling her daughter that “Mommy doesn’t love you.”

Miriam is obviously hysterical, but her husband is concerned that she’s exhibiting symptoms of postpartum psychosis again. Jeremy, trying to help his wife, sends her to a mental health facility. So she can get the help that she needs. Miriam insists that she does not need to go to the “retreat” for a “rest” as Jeremy calls it. When Miriam gets back home, there are cameras everywhere. Worried that her husband still thinks she’s losing her mind, she decides to enlist the help of her tech savvy friend Zain. What he finds, Miriam would have never guessed.

It was very easy to connect with the main character Miriam. She's exhausted, confused and scared. She is being told by her husband and friends that she is imagining these things. Miriam knows that she is not. Is someone trying to manipulating her because they're trying to take something from Miriam. Is it her husband, having a secret affair. Could it be someone in her inner circle of friends, or is it someone from Miriam's past out for retribution?

This story will get you hooked within the first chapter. There are so many possibilities who could be involved. Is Miriam hallucinating, or is someone out to get her? The ending was just as enjoyable as the rest of the book. Get ready for the twists and turn that happen all throughout this book. It is definitely a page-turner and quite entertaining. A four star read for me. I recommend for all psychological thriller readers!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the advanced readers copy. THE BABY MONITOR will publish February 1, 2024.

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I was a bit uncertain at the start of this book but once I got in to it I was hooked. Lots of twists but then ending threw me. I wasnt sure about that. Good book though and well worth four stars
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC

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The Baby Monitor had me glued from start to finish. Although, I was right about the antagonist initially, the plot twists really had me second guessing myself and wondering if the narrator was reliable, which I loved. I’ll definitely check out more of Walker’s books in the future.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookoutre for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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WOW!!! What an incredible thriller that had me hooked til the very last page! The Baby Monitor was a twisty tale and I couldnt put it down!

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*Advance copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Rosie Walker’s The Baby Monitor was a fast-paced thriller that got me out of a reading slump! Miriam just had her second child and, after suffering with PPD with her first, she feels like everyone is watching her. Not just during interactions, but she’s convinced she’s on camera- all the time. And sometimes the person watching on the camera is talking to her 5 year old daughter, telling her that her mommy doesn’t love her anymore, alienating her at a difficult time.

There was so much tension in this book- Miriam felt like an unreliable narrator throughout and I went back and forth so many times on believing her. Moments of vindication, like when her friend Zain confirmed there were cameras everywhere, were immediately questioned. Is Miriam making this up? Does Zain really exist (maybe I’m too paranoid too?!)?

Add to this how very relatable Miriam was as a new mom- I immediately was brought back to the early days of questioning whether I was doing everything right. Validating her feelings by relating them to your own made it hard to distrust Miriam, even though your instincts screamed something was off.

My favorite part was the epilogue. It was fun to trace back the “truth” through the story and see how it was woven in, but also to take what you know and try to put together what happened next. This was a great psychological thriller that I highly recommend!

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Not sure what to make of this book to be honest I liked it but I didn't. I will leave this up to others.

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This is the first book I've read by Rosie Walker and I will definitely be reading more! Extremely gripping storyline from the get go, I didn't want to put my kindle down. Absolutely FANTASTIC!

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The Baby Monitor by Rosie Walker was a fantastic thriller.
A gripping page turner that is so hard to put down once you start.
The pacing was well done and the plot moved along smoothly.
As the plot unfolds, you'll be hooked. It's a gripping tale that keeps you turning the pages.
The writing style was easy to read. With great character development.
In "The Baby Monitor," Rosie Walker weaves a captivating story that will stay with you long after you've finished reading. Don't miss out on this compelling and thought-provoking read.

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I’d like to thank Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Baby Monitor’ written by Rosie Walker in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

When Miriam puts five-year-old Liv to bed she senses the baby monitor following her every move, it’s even speaking to Liv telling her that mummy doesn’t love her. Although Miriam is exhausted after giving birth to Samuel she knows she isn’t losing her mind so when she sees cameras in every room and strange things start happening in the house even though her husband Jeremy is away at business meetings, she immediately thinks he’s trying to make out she’s a bad mother.

‘The Baby Monitor’ is a creepy psychological thriller where a new mother hears voices through the baby monitor and someone is determined to make Miriam appear unstable. This is a well-written thriller that’s kept me hooked from the first page and is so spooky I felt a chill up my back as I was reading. It’s so full of suspense, drama and nail-biting twists and turns that I couldn’t stop reading until I’d reached the conclusion with its final intriguing and unexpected twist. I thought the end was rushed and slightly disappointing but despite this it’s a cleverly thought-out thriller that’s kept my attention throughout and is one that I’m happy to recommend.

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This is a page turner with some unexpected twists throughout the book.

Imagine hearing a chilling voice saying damaging things to your child through your baby monitor, and then being removed from your family because those who love you think you need to be in a mental health facility for two weeks. Who can you trust?

This book would have been 5 starts, but the main character's actions did not ring true to me now and then.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I have to admit I was hooked and couldn't put this book down. I could not stand the husband, Jeremy, I found him incredibly unlikeable, nearly every mention of him made me cringe. It was very fast paced and exciting in most parts but then would suddenly waffle on a bit and I'd get a little bored waiting for the action, but boy did it deliver

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Edge of the seat thriller about a young mother who is adjusting to life with a newborn and a five year old, and someone is trying to take away her children and her sanity. I don't usually like stories where women are being gaslighted and especially ones where women are held against their will in mental health facilities, but this one was just different enough to make me read the whole book in one sitting.

Miriam has just come home with baby Samuel and her five year daughter doesn't want a baby brother and is already acting up when Miriam hears a voice coming from the baby monitor; a voice saying "Your mommy doesn't love you". Jeremy, her husband doesn't believe her, mostly because she suffered from postpartum psychosis with her first birth and he fears it is happening again.

Miriam fears she is being watched and Olivia insists someone is talking to her through the monitor, but Jeremy fears for her mental health and makes arrangements for her to attend a wellness center that is really a mental health facility that is locked down and takes away her. phone. While she is at this facility she meets a friend named Kate who tries to help her figure out what is going on since Olivia won't see her and tells her she has another mommy and someone sent a resignation to Miriam's employer without her consent. Lots of twists and turns and I rooted for Miriam to gain the upper hand in this fight for her life. I did find the ending to be lacking because it wasn't really clear what happened but overall I enjoyed this book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

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I received this book from NetGalley. It ended as a solid 4 stars.
At first, I wasn’t sure I was going to like it and about a 1/4 of the way through, I was hooked.
So many plot twists and turns. A bit confusing at the end. Maybe one plot twist too many as it seems thrown In and not thoroughly explained.
Fun read that will keep you wondering.

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I couldn't put down this book; I needed to know how it ended. If you love psychological thrillers that have you on the EDGE of your SEAT, this book is for you. I would give it more than five stars if I could.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins Publishers for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of The Baby Monitor by Rosie Walker due to be published February 1, 2024.
Mirium has had her second child and doesn’t know if she can handle a newborn and a five-year-old. Her husband, Jeremy, thinks the same thing. She had several friends – Jac, Nicole, Zain – but doesn’t know which ones she can trust when she starts imagining things going wrong in her house.
I really enjoyed this one – it was my first book by Rosie Walker – and now I need to read some of her others.
It kept me interested in the whole book to see who was loyal – Mirium’s husband, friends, or none of them!
It was very addictive and suspenseful, kept my interest, and the end was a total shock – definitely recommend this one!
.#netgalley #rosiewalker #bookoutre #thebabymonitor

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I read this as an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher. This is a great and thrilling novel! I loved that it felt fast paced, and I felt the emotions were appropriately displayed in this novel. I definitely recommend this to thriller fans!

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I was fortunate to receive an ARC from Bookouture for this book in exchange for a spot on the blog tour.

Despite not having children, I still really enjoyed this book! It was creepy quite honestly, who is putting ideas in the child’s head? At times I was put in mind of the Exorcist. The novel is very cleverly plotted in leading you to suspect various family members and friends and although I my guess was correct, it didn’t in any way detract from my enjoyment of the ending.

My favourite quote:

“I can’t even compute how a broken fridge-freezer could take so much from me. So much waste. So much loss.”

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WHAT A RIDE!! This book pulled me in from the first page. I didn’t want to put it down. The ending left a little something to be desired, even so, add this to your TBR. You will not regret it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I hear a voice speaking to my child...'Your mother doesn't love you'...

I thoroughly enjoyed Rosie Walker's first two thrillers "The Serial Killer's Secret" and "The House Fire" , both of which were phenomenal! So I had high expectations for this one. It didn't disappoint, on the whole, but the ending lacked a little in execution. And left me with a few questions (something of a pet peeve of mine as I like things to be neatly tied up). Don't get me wrong, this is a fantastic story and at times it was decidedly creepy. I still really enjoyed it for the most part.

An addictive thriller with a solid storyline, and coming off the backs of the author's first two, I was excited to dive into this domestic thriller extraordinaire. But her previous two were a lot darker than this one taking instead a domestic approach with creepy messages and a ton of gaslighting. The question is...who is behind it all?

Miriam and Jeremy's family is now complete with 5 year old Liv and now newborn baby Samuel to add to the fold. Ever since they discovered Miriam was pregnant, they have worked hard at preparing little Liv for the new addition reiterating that she will be a big sister to her new baby brother. But from the moment they come home, their perfectly curated plan (and lives) fall to pieces. Liv refuses to have anything to do with the baby insisting she didn't want him and asking when were his real mummy and daddy coming to get him. It broke Miriam's heart to see her daughter reject her little brother and the confusing emotions she must be feeling about his sudden appearance. She has been an only child for five years, has had her parents' sole attention for all of that time. Suddenly there is a new baby that will inevitably take their attention away from her...and she doesn't like it one bit.

But it's as Miriam closes the bedroom door to Liv's room on the way out that she hears a disembodied voice whisper to her daughter "She's lying. Your mother doesn't love you."

Miriam is furious. Who is talking to her daughter and filling her head with lies? A quick glance around the nursery and her eyes fall on the new WiFi baby monitor. Could that be the culprit? Is someone watching her every move and speaking to Liv that way? But when she tries to voice her concerns to Jeremy he doesn't believe her. He immediately thinks she is imagining things, it's an auditory hallucination brought on by Samuel's birth and a pre-cursor to post partum psychosis, which she suffered badly after Liv's birth.

So what does Jeremy do? He gathers her friends, her mum and himself and has her sent to a "retreat" but basically it is a private mental health facility, for two weeks. During that time Liv refuses to join in the daily video calls and visits. The one time she does visit she punches Miriam in the face then insists "Can we visit my other mummy now?" Miriam feels the sting of rejection not only from Liv but also Samuel who she has ached to breastfeed since admission to the facility but when she unbuttons her blouse Samuel rejects her too. Jeremy, in his stupid wisdom, gave him a bottle of formula before coming into the visiting room. Why would he do that? He knows Miriam wanted to breastfeed him. And he organised for a state of the art breast pump to be supplied so she could express every day and freeze her milk which would later be delivered to Jeremy to feed him with. And he feeds him formula? I could slap that guy from the very first moment for his stupid behaviour.

When Miriam is finally discharged, she returns home to find that she is under continued surveillance. Hidden cameras everywhere. Her house has suddenly become a smart home which she has no control over. The only consolation is that Jeremy had disposed of the baby monitor and now she has a cheaper non-WiFi model so that no one can hack in and whisper lies to her little girl. Miriam doesn't know who to trust or who to confide in? Who is watching her? And why? What do they want?

There is so much going on in this story, some of which you will have to suspend belief while others will leave you scratching your head. Both Jeremy and Miriam were clueless and failed to talk to each other. He automatically dismisses her claims as being part of a psychosis and rejects anything she has to say without actually listening to her. Miriam wasn't much better but at least she was better than Jeremy and Liv put together. That child was like the devil incarnate. She made my blood boil behaving like a spoilt princess. I'm the oldest in my family and I was excited about my baby brother's arrival. I certainly didn't behave like that.

And then there is the gaslighting. That is on a whole other level. It sometimes makes for uncomfortable reading because you sympathise with Miriam as no one is listening to her, which then leaves her questioning herself and her own sanity.

I knew who was behind it almost from the start. But then when the ending came it left things a little confusing. Who was actually to blame? We are given a couple of suspects at the end but it's not really clear which of them was actually the guilty party.

[(view spoiler) And there was the whole hidden network thing. Miriam was told that whoever set it up knew exactly what they were doing and it was beyond her husband's and her friend's expertise. So the two suspects we are given, how did they have the nous to set up an entire hidden network and then remove it with barely a trace? It doesn't make any sense. It would make a little more sense for one of them but I still question their actual knowledge when others had a lot more. (hide spoiler)]

I really couldn't get my head around that and it's for this reason I had to knock off a star. Throughout the entire book it was five stars all the way...until I got to the end.

Misgivings aside, this was a taut tense and thrilling read. I devoured the entire book in one day. It is compelling addicive and wholly entertaining.

I would like to thank #RosieWalker, #Netgalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #TheBabyMonitor in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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