Member Reviews

I don't know how I feel about this. The baby monitor was super creepy but the husband was also a whole issue. and why couldn't this friend tell her whatever. Plus the facility!
I loved it though. I loved the ending! It was just a good domestic thriller all around. I will be thinking about this one for a while.

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The Baby Monitor is a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat psychological thriller. Jeremy and Miriam arrive home with their new baby son and can't wait to introduce him to Liv, their five-year-old. But Liv's response is cold and threatening. They assume this is normal behavior for a toddler who is getting a new sibling. But, then, Miriam hear's a voice on her daughter's baby monitor saying "Mummy doesn't love you" and Liv's behavior gets worse. Due to a past traumatic incident, Jeremy thinks that Miriam is making everything up and could be a danger to Liv. After a "retreat", Miriam comes home hoping things are better; however, things go from bad to worse, and no one will believe Miriam. Who is the true threat? Who is breaking into Miriam's house and rigging cameras? Is it Jeremy or someone else close to the family? Or is it all in Miram's head?

The Baby Monitor is gripping and fast-paced. I read this book in a day; I, honeslty, couldn't put it down. There was so much suspense and plenty of twists. I do wish that the author would have explained a couple of plot points a bit more. I like the openness of the ending, but I do still have some specific questions that I'd love answered. I really liked that the book switched settings in the middle when Miriam attends her retreat. A lot of thrillers are single-setted; this book was unique in providing a section with new characters and setting. I think that added to the whole telling of Miriam's story. Overall, I enjoyed the book and will recommend to anyone looking for an exciting thriller.

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I remember those news stories a couple years ago, showing people whose baby monitors and doorbell cameras were hacked into. Hearing disembodied voices talking to your children has to be terrifying - and it’s exactly what happens to the couple in this story.

Jeremy and Miriam have a toddler, Liv, and a newborn son named Samuel. With Liv, Miriam had postpartum psychosis, so her husband and friends are keeping a close eye on her for the symptoms. This includes installing a baby monitor, so Jeremy can see his kids and make sure his wife is okay when he’s on business trips. Everything is fine, until one night, Miriam hears the monitor telling her daughter that her mommy doesn’t love her.

Miriam is obviously hysterical, but her husband is concerned that she’s exhibiting symptoms of postpartum psychosis again. Jeremy soon sends her to a mental health facility, or as he calls it, a “retreat” for a “rest”. When Miriam gets back home, there are now cameras everywhere. Worried that her husband still thinks she’s losing her mind, Miriam asks her friend Zain to see why her home is now acting like a smart home. What he finds sends her spinning…

This story is engrossing because there are so many variables that soon, you start wondering if Miriam is crazy, if Jeremy is crazy, or if everyone is crazy. Why does the power keep going out? Why did the refrigerator turn off, ruining everything in it? What’s wrong with the heater? What is happening in this house? Is Miriam hallucinating, or is someone out to get her?

The ending of this was as great as the rest of the book. I thought I’d had the ending pegged since the first few chapters, but I wasn’t ready for the surprise twist! This one is definitely a page-turner and quite entertaining. Four stars.

(Thank you to Bookouture, Rosie Walker and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on February 1, 2024.)

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This book had me totally intrigued. I had made my mind up in the first chapter who was behind the campaign of misery, but how wrong I was.
I read this book in one sitting as had me totally hooked and I was desperate to get to the end. I certainly didn't see the twist at the end coming!
Fantastic book but scary how easy somebody could do this in real life!

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Overall, this was a very gripping read. Some bits of this seemed to drag on or seem a bit over the top. It's small moments but the rest of it and the shocking twists truly made up for it. I loved how this played out and it truly kept me guessing the entire time. At some points I even felt like I was losing it, as I started believing the main character. Iol such a wild ride! Absolutely a worthy read!

I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publishers to read and review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this book.

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I flew through this! It was a decent thriller with a solid storyline. The main couple’s behaviour was beyond frustrating, but I guess that was the point since the story hinged on us not knowing which one to trust, if at all.

The twists packed enough of a punch to be enjoyable and I would definitely be interested in reading more works from Rosie Walker.

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"𝐒𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐌𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮."

THE BABY MONITOR was the stuff of nightmares--someone hacking into your baby monitor not only to watch you but to say awful things to your five-year-old daughter who is already feeling uneasy about her new sibling. Because Miriam suffered from post-partum psychosis with her first child, her husband Jeremy is keeping a close watch on her after the birth of their son. When she starts showing the same behavior that she did before, Jeremy takes action.

It was very easy to connect with the main character Miriam. She's exhausted and confused, but everyone is telling her she's imagining things. But someone is manipulating her because they're trying to take something from Miriam. Is it her husband, having a secret affair and trying to drive her crazy so he can take the kids? Is it someone in her inner circle of friends, or is it someone from Miriam's past out for retribution?

There were many twists and turns, and the ending was quite satisfying. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the early copy. THE BABY MONITOR will publish February 1, 2024.

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It was very interesting to see a mother’s mental health after having a baby. There were a lot of moments in this book that made me sad and heartbroken for all the mother’s that go through this. The amount of gaslighting and manipulation this book had was so upsetting. I think the author did a good job at allowing the reader to connect with the main character. The end of the book was pretty cool! Overall, I enjoyed this read & I found it to be entertaining!

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OMG! This was a wild ride of a book. I think I actually stopped breathing at times! A clever, and thought-provoking novel, bringing in all the emotions of being a new parent (having had PND myself I could really empathise), with a twisty, gripping plot. The ending was neat and satisfying, but also delivering that final twist with aplomb. Will definitely be looking for more books by this author.

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Miriam has just come home with her new son, Samuel. Even after all the time she and her husband Jeremy have spent preparing their young daughter Liv for a new baby brother, she is not excited to see him. Miriam thinks it will just take time, but when she hears the baby monitor saying something terrible to Liv,she is alarmed. Jeremy doesn’t believe her and even worse doesn’t totally trust her with their children. What happened to make him doubt her and what is going on in their house?
I had my suspicions about what was happening, but the ending showed me that I was totally wrong. I read an article once about baby monitors being hacked, and boy, does this story give you a lot to think about. This was a story that made me change my mind several times about what was really going on.

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The Baby Monitor:
So many twists and turns!! Filled with suspense!! I could not put it down. Chilling!!

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As the saying goes: “Comparison is the thief of joy”. In this gripping thriller we have the main character Miriam, or as many call her, Mim. Mim has a history of postpartum psychosis after the birth of their child Olivia, or Liv. Mim and her husband Jeremy welcome their second child Samuel and this is where Mims life takes a turn for the worse. It’s the first book I read written by this author and honestly I finished it in under two days. It has so many twists and turns, the ending took me by surprise so I will not say much more!

A big thank you to NetGalley and Bookoture for the opportunity of an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


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The Baby Monitor by Rosie Walker is an unsettling psychological thriller where a mother hears voices through her baby monitor, telling her daughter that she does not love her.

She is convinced someone is messing with her life but no one believes her. They treat her like she is mentally ill and suffering from post partum psychosis. She feels so alone and has no one to turn to.

While I enjoyed this book, it isn't one of my favourites. I liked the little tidbits along the way that once you finished you could look back and go 'ohhhhhhh'.

I did pick the ending about 2/3rds through but it wasn't super predictable and there were many ways this book could have ended.

If you love psychological thrillers, add this to your list.

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Thr Baby Monitor was a fantastically gripping read which had me hooked from the beginning. It feels like we really get into Miriam's head and feel all the anxiety and fear she does as a creepy voice manipulates her toddler through the baby monitor. But she's a fighter and has a strength and determination to her, so I stayed solidly on her side through every unexpected twist and gasp-worthy reveal.

This book is for anyone that enjoys the psychological side of thrillers or those just looking for a good, twisty read.

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RATING: 4 out of 5 stars.

This book kept me on my toes the ENTIRE time. I had no idea which way the turn of events was going to happen. Having a baby less than a year ago gave me a connection to Miriam I did not think I have had to a character in a book in sometime and the fact that I use our baby monitor... this book has me second guessing the one in my own home. I read this in less than a day - so fast paced, brilliant story line, great characters that you are introduced to. The ending..... holy moly.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC.

WOW. 4.5 stars. What a book! So fast paced, I literally didn’t trust anybody! My heart broke for Miriam multiple times over watching her MH struggles. An absolutely brilliant book, can’t wait to pick up more from the author.

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This is a great book able to read in one sitting. I was up all night reading this book. Is Miriam just exhausted like her husband Jeremy says or is she trusting the wrong person? Her daughter gets injured and she has to watch her daughter Liv lying in a hospital bed. I would recommend to anyone who loves psychological suspense.

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This was so good! I was hooked from the beginning, and it was hard to put it down. I needed to find out how it all ended. This book had some really great twists, and the ending was fantastic! I would recommend to fellow thriller readers!

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This was brilliant the author really must have really done her research i too suffered with postnatal psychosis and it was so difficult i really felt for miriam and i could so relate to everything she felt the characters were written in really well and i couldnt put this down it ws so fast paced and it was also inspiring to see how far miriam had come and it makes you realise how precious motherhood is and how sometimes it can be very difficult this book made me feel so many emotions and im so happy i came across this and im very grateful i got to read it.This book is exceptional i have left a review on my goodreads and also on storygraph

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an EXCELLENT early copy of The Baby Monitor. This was definitely HEARTPOUNDING!! I felt Miriam’s frustration every time, it was so consuming. I Never knew who was speaking the truth, this totally got me, the ending was totally NOT what I expected. This book will stay with me for a long time, I will definitely be telling my friends about it. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED IT!!!!! Super Great Book.

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