Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Muse for allowing me to read an ARC of Nice Work, Nora November by Julia London, in exchange for my honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. I admired Nora's bravery, resolve, and strength during her self-discovery in the After.

This was not a quick meet-cute, happily-ever-after story. Nora worked at becoming the person she wanted to be. There were funny moments, sad moments, but she persevered. Yes, there was romance; however, Nora herself was the focus of this book.

I look forward to reading more by Julia London.

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What can I say? This one just wasn’t for me. I’ve never met a “powerful” attorney who acts like such a doormat and then decides to jettison her entire career to discover herself. Lots of plot holes, including why she was a senior attorney in her family’s law firm who had trouble making rent, yet could take undetermined amounts of time off from work to garden. Obviously, works of fiction typically employ some degree of suspended reality, but I found myself rolling my eyes at all the parallels and near misses with Jack.

I didn’t really like any of the characters and the romance felt cliché and forced. I’m sure many readers will enjoy this story of self-discovery, but it missed the mark for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this complimentary ARC.

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Mein Leseerlebnis

Der folgende Roman enthält eine zweite-Chance-Geschichte der besonderen Art. Die Heldin des Buches versucht ihr Leben komplett zu verändern, nachdem sie fast ertrunken ist. Die Suche nach einem Mann, denn sie vor Monaten getroffen hat, ist dabei nur ein kleiner Bestandteil ihrer Reise.

Vor dem Lesen hatte ich erwartet, dass eine mögliche Liebesgeschichte im Buch mehr Raum einnehmen würde. Man lernt die Heldin Nora und ihren möglichen Partner zwar je näher kennen, sie selbst treffen sich allerdings erst gegen Ende des Romans. Wer also einen recht klassischen Liebesroman sucht, wird hier nicht fündig werden.

Der Schreibstil wirkte auf mich teils etwas nüchtern und ich konnte mich insgesamt nur schwer auf ihn einlassen. Die Geschichte selbst war emotional und machte mich teils betroffen. Einige Aspekte aus Noras Leben, vor allem aus ihrer Kindheit und Jugend, haben mir das Herz gebrochen.

Doch auch wenn ich die Geschichte emotional berührend fand, konnte ich mir die alte Nora nur schwer als richtige Person vorstellen, das traf auch auf ihre Eltern zu.

In Noras Leben ist teils verdammt viel los, für meinen Geschmack hätten ein-zwei kleine Erzählstränge weniger dem Buch gut getan. So blieb teils wenig Zeit für die Entwicklungen, von denen ich gerne mehr gesehen hätte.

Blicke ich auf mein Leseerlebnis zurück, so hatte ich aufgrund des Buchcovers einen leichteren Roman erwartet. Dass die Grundstimmung der Geschichte über weite Teile eher gedrückt sein würde, habe ich nicht erwartet und es war für mich auch nicht ideal.

🖤🖤🖤 1/4

Für wen?

Wer Romane mag, in denen viel los ist, ernstere Themen behandelt werden und in denen die Heldin versucht ihr Leben auf den Kopf zu stellen, für den könnte das Buch etwas sein.

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This book was not what I was expecting - in a good way.
Nora has returned to life after being clinically dead in a drowning accident. Now that she’s in “the After,” she realizes that she wants to live her life to the fullest, and decides that the best way to achieve that is to create a reverse bucket list of goals for her to tackle. One of her list items is to find the man she connected with while they were trapped during a convenience store robbery. While this plot could read like a cute read with some serious moments, this book went deep.
Nora’s family is not the most supportive (understatement), and before her near death experience, she suffered from clinical depression. Coming back she’s having to face these challenges from “the Before” as well as decide the person she wants to be moving forward.
This book is all about standing up for yourself, being gentle with yourself and understanding that having depression doesn’t mean you’re broken, and earning that we learn things from both life and death.
I went into this thinking it was going to be a lighter rom-com style read, but I ended up with some poignant life lessons.

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Despite a few humorous situations, don’t be fooled into thinking this is a rom-com. Instead, this is a fairly serious look at someone bravely learning to make the most of her second chance at life. Depression and overbearing parents ruined her Before, but Nora is determined that her After can be a time to make up for lost opportunities. In fact, there is little romance in this book.

Trigger warning for Jack’s job (he works for Hospice and several deaths are described, and for the eventual reveal of the true circumstances of Nora’s accident.

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Nice Work, Nora November, by Julia London, is an interesting novel that drew me in right away. While this one definitely covers many situations that are triggers for some, they are an integral part of knowing Nora and understanding her story. Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with the ARC ebook I read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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Fairly predictable rom com but it was still a good read that I enjoyed. But it wasn't a favorite. But I have enjoyed books by this author in the past.

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In "Nice Work, Nora November" by Julia London, readers are taken on a captivating journey through the life of Nora, a young woman who experiences a profound transformation after a near-death experience. The novel begins with Nora awakening from a coma, having survived a tragic surfing accident that left her clinically dead for several minutes. What follows is a remarkable story of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of a life truly worth living. London skillfully delves into Nora's fragmented memories, where she recalls her time in a coma and vividly remembers her late grandfather and an enchanting garden, along with the taste of the most delicious tomato she ever experienced. These recollections become pivotal in Nora's newfound determination to embrace life fully and confront the unfulfilled desires and expectations that haunted her prior to the accident. The novel poignantly portrays the stark division between Nora's life "Before" and "After." In the "Before," she existed as a mere ghost, burdened by the weight of her parents' expectations, suffocating under the demands placed upon her. However, in the "After," Nora embarks on a reverse bucket list, driven by a desire to learn how to cook, be a better sister to Lacey, and revitalize her late grandfather's neglected garden. Additionally, she becomes consumed by the thought of a chance encounter with a mysterious man she met months ago and cannot forget. London masterfully captures the essence of Nora's journey as she navigates the challenges of her new life. Despite her best efforts, Nora's attempts at embracing her newfound purpose often lead to disastrous outcomes. It is through these failures that she finds the strength to confront the truths she had been hiding from herself. As readers accompany Nora on her quest for self-discovery, they are invited to reflect on their own lives and the importance of pursuing genuine happiness. London's writing effortlessly transports readers into Nora's world, creating a deep emotional connection with the protagonist. The author's vivid descriptions and nuanced storytelling evoke a range of emotions, from sorrow to hope, as Nora's transformation unfolds. "Nice Work, Nora November" is a thought-provoking and heartwarming novel that explores themes of resilience, identity, and the pursuit of a life well-lived. Julia London's compelling storytelling and relatable characters make this book a captivating read. Through Nora's journey, readers are reminded of the power of embracing second chances and the importance of living authentically.

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This book was such an amazing read and I really felt like I was able to connect with the characters. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who feels stuck and needs a push out of doing what they think they should be doing.

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Such an interesting story. It is slow moving with parallel story lines from the main characters. It was realistic and intriguing. I liked the unique story.

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Overall I really enjoyed this book, especially as it drew me in right away and I wanted to find out more about Nora immediately. So many different taboo topics that are brilliantly dealt with.

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What a fantastic read - and how cute is the cover?! I love the beginning chapter - it just reels you in. Good plot and character development. There are a number of trigger warnings in this book: death, addiction, mental health issues. A wonderful story. The ending was a bit rushed but otherwise a great book!

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Title: A Thoughtful Exploration with Room for Improvement

In "Nice Work, Nora November" by Julia London, the premise of Nora's second chance at life after a near-death experience brings a refreshing perspective to the narrative. The concept of a reverse bucket list and Nora's desire to reshape her existence post-coma is an intriguing foundation for the story.

The author, Julia London, crafts a vivid portrayal of Nora's journey, capturing the essence of her struggles and aspirations. The thematic elements of self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of meaningful goals are well-woven into the storyline.

However, the execution of Nora's attempts to rebuild her life often falls into predictable and occasionally clichéd territory. The narrative, at times, lacks the depth needed to fully engage readers in Nora's emotional and transformative journey. Some character developments felt underexplored, leaving certain relationships and conflicts feeling unresolved or oversimplified.

Despite these drawbacks, the novel has its moments of charm, especially when delving into Nora's connection with her late grandfather and the beautifully described garden. The exploration of life's priorities and the pursuit of genuine happiness is a commendable aspect of the book.

In summary, "Nice Work, Nora November" offers a unique premise with moments of emotional resonance. While it may not fully capitalize on its potential, the novel still provides a thoughtful reflection on second chances and the importance of self-discovery.

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Nora November had a near death experience (she was actually clinically dead but was revived). So everything she thinks about now is divided into the Before (before her near death experience NDE) and the After. She is determined to change her life for the better by making a bucket list of things she wants to accomplish.

While romance is definitely present in this story, this novel isn't really a rom-com. It tackles many hard topics like depression, grief, addictions, abusive parents etc all while keeping a sense of humour and a light touch to the hardships Nora goes through. While Jack gets time as well in the book, this is mainly Nora's story and I found myself rooting for her over and over.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I was not expecting to laugh out loud (and cry) as much as I did in Nice Work, Nora November. The ups and downs of Nora’s journey after her near death experience were such an enjoyable read. They make you question, how you doing on your own bucket list? What are you not making time for? Countless times the descriptions brought me to tears as they were so relatable.

The cast of secondary characters are fantastic. I gasped when this became a dual POV book. I did not seeing that coming and it was absolutely wonderful. Jack’s perspective, the stories of the families he met along the way and the senior gardeners/thespians helped to keep the book just light enough while the main character works through her journey. The flare and [sometimes brutal] honesty they bring to the book is great!

Make sure to read the trigger warnings for this book before you dive in. There are many serious struggles and situations discussed that, if you aren’t in the right headspace could be very hard on your heart.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for the ARC. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to read this!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Muse for the opportunity read Nice Work, Nora November by Julia London. This was an amazing book, very thought provoking.

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Nora November is a character. After her near death experience, she really begins to live her life. Well paced, descriptive and creative. I enjoyed it immensely.

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What an unlikable cast of characters… it’s hard to say who is worse, honestly. I wanted to sympathize with Nora but I don’t feel we get a good understanding of who she was before the accident - everyone accuses her of letting them down and being scatterbrained and it feels almost out of character for a lawyer (even a begrudging one) and also for a 32 year old. The romance in the story was outlandish and silly in my opinion and almost unnecessary. Having Jack as a subnarrative also felt unneeded and I really disliked Catherine as a character, who then becomes the glue to bring them together. All in all, this just was not the book for me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
I was unable to complete this book due to the lack of writing to keep me pulled in and entertained.

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I thought this book was cute, it reminded me of Taylor Jenkins Reed’s Maybe in Another Life. This book felt very true to life. Even nearing the end everything seemed like it was still going wrong for our main character-nothing was coming together for her. But that’s what made it so relatable.

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