Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley, Hazel St. Lewis, and Victory Editing for this arc in exchange for my review. This book is great for fantasy romance readers that enjoy enemies to lovers, forced proximity, Greek Mythology, and deadly trials. Overall, I enjoyed this story. Theodora, our FMC, is a bad ass nonsense goddess of war! I loved the slow burn romance between her and Kellyn. I enjoyed Hazel St Lewis’ style which made for a quick and enjoyable read. I struggled a little bit with the first chapter, and how the book started, but my concerns quickly dissipated as I fell in line with the story. I wished there was a little bit more world building, but the dialogue and banter between the main characters was nice. Courting Wars was a refreshing and creative read, and I would recommend!

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This book was such a great story! Like a mix of hunger games and Greek gods! I absolutely loved it! The way the author portrayed dyslexia and that theme kept up throughout the entire book was very interesting. I don’t have dyslexia, but seeing a main character deal with an obstacle like that really opened my eyes to it. I would absolutely recommend this book if you love fantasy, competitions, and gods!

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I was really excited about this book, the concept for the story sounded brilliant. I love mythology, especially Greek Mythology so I thought I was onto a winner with this one.

The first few pages had me interested. I was enjoying learning about Theodora and the fellow good but then it rapidly fell short. The world building was not there for me and the characters felt very flat. We were being told about things that had occurred but without any backstory as to when or how or why said things actually happened. There was just some illusion as to why it may have happened leaving unanswered questions. I found myself getting quite frustrated very early on to be honest because it was confusing and the plot seemed to be going a bit all over the place.

There was the discussion of the triplets, an explanation for two of the triplets, who they were what god they are etc, but the third triplet who was referred to a number of times wasn't introduced or explained properly at all and was bomb dropped in as info dump whilst explaining an entirely different situation.

I very much felt as if someone was telling me a story instead of being able to actually connect with the characters and experience what they were experience. Which is an odd sensation when reading a book, to feel as if you are being read to, whilst reading. Not keen.

Nevertheless, I thought things may develop the further in I got so I persevered. Things did not pick up. They got worse. The interaction between Theodra and Cecile. What even was that. There was some explanation to how gods can sense the thoughts of humans but not actually read their minds. Yet evrytime Theodra asks Cecile a question, Cecile doesn't give a response, Theodra just asks another question in response to the answer she's assumingly god powered from Ceciles mind, but we aren't given Ceciles answer, we are left to fumble around and try and figure it out for ourselves. Like the whole going to the palace to be dropped of. Theodra didn't seem keen, do we know why? No we don't, we don't know anything.

The writing style is very juvenile for what is intended to be an adult story. Which reqlly made it hard for me to read. The MMC is introduced and again, very flat, no depth, inability to connect, no real explanations. The characters seem to explain things in hindsight after said things have already been discussed, so you are already confused and frustrated before you even get to the too late explanations. For these reasons I unfortunately had to DNF.

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First of all, thank you net galley and the publisher for giving me the arc in exchange for my honest review.

Courting War by Hazel St. Lewis is a book about Theodra who is the goddess war. She makes a deal with death. Theodra can't fall in love unfortunately but she is wrong. She plays in a tournament, the sacrifice as punishment for killing. She has to work together with a partner who is incredibly sexy who she then falls in love with.

I really enjoyed the enemies to lovers and the forced proximity in this book along with the romance. It was well written and the whole time I was rooting for the main characters. It was perfectly spicy in my opinion.

But I couldn't keep my attention from the start of the book. The main reason because in my opinion not a lot happened in the first sixty pages. This might have not been the book for my I think. I didn't really connect with the story as much as I hoped to and I kind of skipped the fantasy to get to the romance.

I would recommend anyone to try this book to see if it is your taste. It might've just been the wrong time for me to read it but I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy this book because the writing is pretty good.

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This was fantastic. It has everything you could want in a fantasy/romantasy plot. There’s betrayal, secrets, mythical creatures, gods, romance, tension & more!

This felt like a hunger games meets the immortals vibe which I loved. The characters were complex and I loved the banter between them all.

Theodora is vengeful and compassionate which was unexpected, and I liked seeing the layers of who she was at her core when she was mortal. I can’t believe how many secrets and truths there were to come out just in this book. I cannot wait for the author to release more!

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Okay listen, this book had me in a chokehold. I literally drew out reading it so I didn't have to be finished with it. I liked it that much!

It was such a unique take on a romantasy read, like a breath of fresh air!

I was in love with Theo and her overall character development, and Kellyn was her perfect love interest. Reading about them and their healing of one another? 10 out of 10!! I cannot wait to read the next books in the series.

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CAWPILE score of 8.86/4.5 stars

First of all, I loved the subtitles that described Theo's feelings and how they transformed as she let herself feel more and more emotions instead of being a stone-hearted god.
This book has so many things I liked:
-Dual POVs
-Self-discovery journey
-Enemies to lovers (but on that scale it's more like a 1.5/5 of how much they hated each other at the beginning imo)
-Deadly trials
-Disability rep
-LGBTQ+ rep
-A little bit of spice, but it wasn't a lot and that's more to my liking (I really hate when we get like 95% spice and 5% actual plot)
-Mental health is also talked about

The book also has a glossary at the beginning and a TW list

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of Courting War.

The book was a little slow in the beginning but as the story kept evolving it captivated me and I could not stop reading!

This was my first mythology book but it has definitely given me a desire to read more. I loved the changing of POVs and the beautiful world that I didn't want to leave. The writing was so captivating and I found myself so lost in reading.

This book is a must read for fantasy and mythology lovers and I will definitely be getting myself a physical copy when this book is released!

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This book was fantastic! The diversity of the characters is so well written and such a driving force for the story. I loved the unique take and presentation of the Gods and their relationships. Theo and Kellyn's struggles were relatable and allowed you to form a real connection with them. Can't wait to read more from Hazel St. Lewis!

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I enjoyed this book a lot. I liked the writing style, it gave a good indication of the author’s voice. From the first page, it was clear that the characters had a lot of depth to them, even the side characters. However, the worldbuilding was lacking for me. It explained very little about the world as a whole, aside from knowing the names of places and that the city of gods is on an island. There was a significant knowledge gap regarding the geography of the continent(s) and how the world operates. The character development of both Theo and Kellyn felt rushed. It would have added to the story to see more of their inner conflicts and growth along the way. They both went from purely physical attraction to suddenly being in love. It was likely written this way to allow the story to fit in the timeline of The Sacrifice, but I think that caused the narrative to suffer. This book felt more character-driven than plot-driven to me. I don’t believe that the challenges were flushed out enough to make me buy into the idea of them and their necessity in this world.

I look forward to reading the following books in this universe. I just hope to see more world-building and character development along the way. Lastly, I want to thank Hazel for including a note about mental health in the book. As someone who also struggles with their mental health, it was a great reminder of the importance of social support and added a lot of value to the story.

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** 3.5 but rounding up **

“Courting War” brings the Goddess of War to judgement as her hatred for men leads her to make a tragic mistake costing an innocent her life and to right such wrong she willing trades the soul of the person she loves most, a decision made easy by her prejudice. Following her fall from Grace she finds herself tasked with protecting a tribute against a deadly game filled with gods and monsters all ready to get their hands dirty.

This is a book that is very much okay but the way it is set up leads me to believe that as the world expands each new addition will get better and better.

The characters were really great between both the mortals and gods with the latter being fun to see how they were crafted between different mythologies and takes on similar figures to create something new but with a familiarity of what we already know and love. While the romance was fine I really felt like the connection between Theo and Cecile is what made this book better.

There’s representations of dyslexia and color blindness which I thought was done well and it was an aspect that I personally have never seen explored in previous books I’ve read but I think the conversations and emotional responses to approaching those difficulties were well done and and I’d be interested in hearing from those who are affected in how accurate the representation is.

Overall not a bad start to a series and I very much look forward to what comes next!

*special thanks to the publishers and netgalley for providing an arc in exchange for a fair and honest review**

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I really enjoyed this book. Spice is decent (could have had more). Feels like a grumpy/ sunshine trope with the girl being the grump. It also feels like Hunger Games meets Greek Mythology. Hunger Games because of the trials human tributes have to compete in every few years and often die in, which powers the gods. Greek mythology because of the types of powers/ characters and names. I also really liked how this book portrays real world problems that we can relate to like color blindness, dyslexia and depression. If I was going to give one critique, it would be that the story takes place within the span of a week. We all know true love doesn’t happen in a week. So just ignore that and enjoy the story!

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Prepare to be swept away in a one-of-a-kind love story filled with gods, humans, and a whole lot of emotional turmoil in "Courting War" by Hazel St. Lewis. This novel took me on a journey through the hearts and minds of Theodra and Kellyn, two unforgettable characters who face their own struggles and triumphs.

Theodra, the formidable Goddess of War turned mortal, is a force to be reckoned with. Consumed by deep-rooted trauma and loneliness, Thee's journey towards healing and redemption is a testament to the power of character development. As I got to peel back the layers of her bitterness and heartbreak, I found myself rooting for her and understanding her inner dialogue, brimming with snarky remarks and a resilient spirit that shines through.

On the other hand, we have Kellyn, a man of few words but with an undeniable charm. Despite his constant grunts and an affliction that he keeps hidden, Kellyn's loyalty and kindness shine through his actions. His internal struggle between concealing his vulnerability and embracing his true self adds depth to his character, making him an endearing and relatable protagonist.

What sets "Courting War" apart is its unflinching portrayal of disabilities and mental health issues, even among gods. Hazel St. Lewis handles these themes with grace and sensitivity, leaving me a front row seat to witness the power of friendship in overcoming life's obstacles. The bonds formed amidst these challenges remind us of the resilience of the human spirit.

One refreshing aspect of "Courting War" is the absence of the overused miscommunication trope. Theodra's swift action in addressing any misunderstandings sets a refreshing tone for the story, allowing it to progress smoothly and authentically. Personally I absolutely loved this and how it added to the overall satisfaction and enjoyment of the reading experience.

However, after the main characters get together, the story does feel slightly rushed, which can disconnect readers from their journey. Despite this minor drawback, the ending of "Courting War" proves to be satisfying and fulfilling, providing closure for Theodra while granting Medusa a well-deserved happy moment, making the entire read worthwhile.

As an eARC recipient of this book, I can confidently say that "Courting War" left a lasting impression on me. Hazel St. Lewis's writing skillfully weaves together raw emotions, complex relationships, and personal growth, creating a truly immersive narrative. I extend my gratitude to NetGalley and Hazel St. Lewis for the opportunity to dive into this mesmerizing world and share my honest thoughts and opinions.

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I fell asleep thinking about this book. I woke up thinking about this book. I can’t stop thinking about this book. I keep replaying the story, the beautiful quotes, the powerful scenes over and over in my head. I can’t get over how beautiful this book was. Can’t wait for book 2 already!

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In the spirit of transparency, this author is my friend and I'm so proud of her! This book was a great time. The romance was sexy and fun, but my favorite part was the plot. Lewis did such a good job setting things up so the two main characters were forced together and yet had so many obstacles keeping them apart. There were so many twists and turns. Everything went wrong, but there was always that hidden thing she'd planted a few chapters back to come out and make it right. Honestly, the way all that was laid out was just expertly done. It made for a really enjoyable read and I'm excited for more!

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After reading the blurb for this book, I was excited to start reading it, but it honestly fell flat for me. I found it hard to get into the story, which made me struggle to finish this one. The characters had good growth, so I enjoyed that aspect of the book. But other than that this one was just okay for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for the ARC!

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Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for this ARC exchange for a honest review.

When I first read the blurb about this book, I was excited to dive into it. I had gotten about 20% into the book and I just cannot get into it at all.

The writing is not that great, the dialogue is awful. The main female character seems to only talk about how she despises men.

Overall, I rate this book three stars because I was having trouble connecting to the characters and story. It’s a shame because this had so much potential and I was excited for my first ARC.

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This was such a unique story!

I have never read a book about the Goddess of War before and she did not disappoint! Theo was such a strong character and I loved watching her navigate becoming a human and trusting them (and even falling in loveeeee).

I enjoyed Kellyn as well and I liked the disability (reading disorder) being brought up for awareness!

This story has tons of action and kept me engaged the whole time. I read through it so quickly.

This quote perfectly sums up the story: “Because I’m a villain. Loving me is a death sentence”.

My only concern was the first couple of chapters had so many names dropped that I felt overwhelmed trying to keep up with who was who! After I got the hang of it, it was super enjoyable!

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

I enjoyed Courting War by Hazel St lewis. It's told in dual pov which I love! The book follows Theodora who is an ex goddess of war and Kellyn who is human.

The books was engaging and kept me reading until the end. Both MC's had character growth through out the book which is always a plus.
If you like SJM books, I would recommend picking this one up, and giving it a try.

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I especially liked, starting with the authors note about Theodra/Morrigan, because it made me appreciate Theo‘s character development that much more. A unique idea with well done world building that was not shoved down your throat, but also not leaving the reader asking too many questions or confused. I would love to see a map and family tree of the gods!

Spoilers below

It’s very easy for these characters who are supposed to be ice queens to come off as one dimensional or make their tragic backstory their whole personality, or the big brute with a learning disability to come off as only good for his body, but I found Theo’s motivations to be compelling and especially loved, that Kel was still a master of poisons.

I am more interested in Celine‘s story that was interwoven, and to learn more about night. I’ll be honest I don’t like Emmett but I know that’s because he will have the best character growth arc of them all, because he is very vain and jealous now.

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