Member Reviews

Mafia families, and those mafia families becoming one big family - here for it!
Another damsel in distress who is actually feisty underneath it all - not here for it.

Just not my thing in all honesty. Especially when the story starts off with our damsel having to be protected in another mafia family home becomes someone’s after the head of her family - her brother.
She’s all weak and cannot protect herself… yet she’s gonna mouth off to the head of that family and get very bold with him… yeah ok.

A good thing about it - I liked the layout. The different little headed parts in the book were cute. I haven’t seen one story laid out like that before.

Unfortunately, a lot happened in this book and nothing happened. Every time something was being built up it ended so quickly. It was all sorted and wrapped in a bow with next to no drama, nothing else really happening… how I like to say, no meat to it. It was very much “oh no this is happe- oh never mind Derricks sorted it.”

There was nothing wrong with this book overall, nice story, but then nothing (to me) that was overall exciting about it either. Think it just needs to be filled in a bit with something.

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I really wanted to like this because it had all the makings of a fun smut novel, but it just fell flat. The writing felt like a ai was given a task and produced this?

I didn't feel the chemistry really, it was just strange.

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I have read mixed reviews regarding this book but I enjoyed it. Alfonzo Romero and Sergio Still both powerful mafia men who know each other but do not cross boundaries when it comes to business. They both have children and after Sergio passes on his son Derrick takes the reins. Alfonzo’s son Noah is a weak man and when his sister Ivy gets into trouble, Noah asks Derrick to step in and help protect her.

Lots of action moves the book along at a fast pace and I found myself totally immersed in the story. There is a lot of drama going on and the characters are so well developed you are completely taken along for the ride. The seven deadly sins are present in the plot and this is what gives the book strength, it is a fantastic backdrop of a theme that brings all the action together. I have not heard of this author before but I am greatly looking forward to the next book.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions are my own.

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✨ARC Review✨
📖: Seven Deadly Sins: The Sins of Desire
🖋️: S. R. Leinbeck
⭐️: 5 of 5
💬: “I will do anything to protect us.”

Get ready for a crazy ride!

From power plays, desire, secrets, and betrayals. This story will have you gripping the pages to see what happens next.

“It was nice talking to you, Mr. Stoll.”

The book starts out with two powerful families meeting to discuss business but for their sons to see how things can be handled. It’s where Ivy meets Derrick for the first time.

Eight years later, Noah has found himself in a dark time where bridges have been burned, debts need to be paid, and threats linger. When his sister ends up having a target on her back.

Noah goes to the man the runs the city and the only person that can truly keep her safe, Derrick Stoll.

“You, Ivy Romero, are the only person I’ll kneel before.”

Ivy isn’t happen with the situation her brother, Noah, has put her in. Staying at derrick’s home when she’s always thought about the first time she met him. She finds herself desiring Derrick and wanting more from him.

With this book containing three different stories. The stakes for survival get higher, Derrick finds himself working with law enforcement with a hit man in their lives.

I can’t wait to see what happens next!🔥🔥🔥

Thank you, S.R. Leinbeck and Netgalley for this EARC! As always, my review is my opinion and thoughts. This review will be shared on my Instagram @Alexandriavwilliams_ shortly.

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A gripping tale of power, family, and desire. Alfonzo Romero and Sergio Stoll lead their respective family businesses, each with a firm understanding of their boundaries. However, as a new generation takes the reins, the story takes a thrilling turn. Derrick Stoll, the new head of the Stoll family, faces a dilemma when asked to protect Alfonzo Romero's daughter. This decision sets the stage for an engaging narrative filled with suspense, emotion, and complex characters.

The novel masterfully explores the human condition through the lens of the seven deadly sins, offering a thought-provoking reflection on our vulnerabilities. With its well-crafted plot and well-developed characters, The Sins of Desire is a great read for those seeking a captivating blend of family drama, suspense, and a deeper exploration of human nature.

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Buckle up, folks, 'cause Seven Deadly Sins: The Sins of Desire is a rollercoaster ride through power, family, and a boatload of temptation! Picture this: Alfonzo Romero and Sergio Stoll, two big shots who usually keep their distance. But oh boy, when Derrick Stoll takes the wheel, things get crazy! He's got to protect the daughter of the enemy, and let me tell ya, it's a wild, wild ride.

What's cool is how this book dives deep into the seven deadly sins, like Lust, Greed, and all that jazz. It's a gripping page-turner that'll make you question your own dark side. If you dig family drama, a dash of suspense, and a whole lot of soul-searching, Seven Deadly Sins: The Sins of Desire is your jam!

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Seven Deadly Sins by S. R. Leinbeck is a wonderful story.

This book got a little bit of action packed, mafia, plenty of explicit spicy scenes, fast paced, suspense, angst, thriller and heart breaking moments. This book contained 3 different story which are related. The first one are about Ivy, the second are about Noah and the third one are about Logan which will be complete with fourth sin which is Sin 4: Logan's Pride. Since the book are fast paced, the book are easy to read and understand.

I'll definitely be reading more from S. R. Leinbeck and waiting for the next book.

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ARC review!
I am new to spicy books but I've gotta say I really enjoyed this book!!
Thank you Netgalley & for my complimentary copy of this great book for review consideration.
**All opinions are my own**
This is a gripping romance read about 2 Italian mafia families. There is plenty of (mild) spice between several if the characters, aswell as the 2 main characters. The Romero and Stoll households are the 2 most feared and recognised crime families in the area. The sons of each family take over and the most successful son, Derrick Stoll, offers protection for his rival's daughter after things start going wrong for her brother.....It wasn't hard to get excited about these powerful men, the writer describes them very well! Lots of twists and spicy scenes that kept me turning the pages eagerly! Totally a stand alone book but there is a 2nd book coming out in the future: Sins of Obession which I'd definitely want to read! Sins of Desire was released 1st Dec 2023.

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This Is a new author for me and so enjoyed. Alfonzo Romero and Sergio Stoll where both head of their Mafi businesses. Alfonzo has a son and daughter. Sergio has a son. Now Sergio is a very greedy time goes on both fathers die. Sergio's son Derrick. takes over the business with his right-hand man. Logan Alfonzo's son Noah is very weak. And his sister Ivy needs he asks for Derrick to take her in to his home and protect her. Now Ivy is a very strong time he will see that. they are in love with each other. But there is a threat on Ivy's life. it's so good and the other women characters that come in you will love to Iso can't wait for book two a very gripping read.

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Seven Deadly Sins: The Sins of Desire - S. R. Leinbeck
Trope - mafia, rivals daughter, romance
Trigger warnings ⚠️ - smut, language, mention of torture


Two people from rival mafias fall in love, beating the odds. They are pushed forward from past trauma and the deaths of their fathers. One taking over his father's business, Derrick. Whereas Ivy's brother takes over his, leaving his sister to threats and more danger.


Honestly, it wasn't that great. I felt as if the two main characters in this book Derrick and Ivy we're pushed together too soon. There was no "background" to how they seriously met. No background on more conversations they must of had. It was rushed and gotten to sleeping together after two days? It felt very robotic on how the author wrote, the words didn't flow together and it made for a mundane read. I could not finish this book all the way, but I did finish to about the middle and it didn't get much better. I read many sentences that had me cringing and wanting to quit. This book needs to be seen by more people to get the help it needs to be successful.

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