Member Reviews

This book is great for those wanting to start with meditation.

There was lots I didnt know, such as the different types of meditations.

As well as teaching you how to meditate, there are a number of meditations for you the follow.

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Clear, straight-forward, easy to read and approachable. A great guide for meditation and one that gives a great intro—informative and engaging.

My thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. This is my personal opinion on the book.

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I take an interest in meditation and already own some books on the subject, which is why I was interested in this.

This was a fairly short but informative and interesting read. For anyone interested in taking up meditation, this book may tell them everything they need to know. The information is detailed but easy to understand. The book explains exactly what meditation is, talks about the different types of meditations, and has exercises to try out. If you'd like to try mediation, but you're not sure how to go about it, you may find this book very useful.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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Really interesting to read about the different positions for meditating - i always thought it didn't matter which way you do it as long as you're doing it. That is true, but each position has different benefits too.

Really enjoyed trying some of them out,some I'm going to keep doing - remember for another day when I need to centre myself.

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"The Only Meditation Book You Need" by Eric Michelson is a breath of fresh air in the world of mindfulness guides. With a friendly and accessible tone, Michelson demystifies meditation, making it approachable for beginners and refreshing for seasoned practitioners. The book seamlessly blends practical advice with a touch of humor, making it an enjoyable read from cover to cover.

Michelson doesn't just preach the benefits of meditation; he walks the talk by offering simple yet effective techniques that can easily be incorporated into anyone's daily routine. What sets this book apart is its emphasis on customization – Michelson encourages readers to find a meditation style that suits their individual needs and preferences.

Whether you're a busy professional seeking stress relief or someone looking to enhance overall well-being, this book has you covered. The author's personal anecdotes and relatable examples create a connection that makes the journey into meditation feel like a conversation with a wise friend. "The Only Meditation Book You Need" lives up to its title, providing a practical and enjoyable guide to harnessing the power of mindfulness in our hectic lives.

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This book is short and practical. It goes through the basics, such as different poses, and offers several ways to meditate.
I've been reading a lot of books about meditation because honestly, I should be meditating instead. This one is good if you are getting started or if you want to expand on your current practice. I love how it said that meditation is different for everyone.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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The Only Meditation Book You Need lives up to its bold title by providing readers with a comprehensive and accessible guide to meditation. This book stands out for several reasons: its clear and straightforward language, its effective and practical approach to meditation, and its coverage of the entire spectrum of meditation types. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced practitioner, this book has something valuable to offer.

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Hey, you awesome souls out there! If you're ready to unleash your inner zen master and level up your life, The Only Meditation Book You Need is your secret weapon. Seriously, it's like the meditation Bible but without the confusing jargon. This book spells it out for you in simple terms, making meditation a breeze.

And guess what? It's not just for experienced gurus. Whether you're a meditation rookie or a seasoned pro, this book's got your back with over 25 meditation guides that are like having a meditation coach in your pocket. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from; this book says meditation is for everyone, and we're here for it! So, don't wait – grab it, start meditating, and watch your life transform into a blissful, zen paradise. Your future self is gonna high-five you for this one!

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An interesting overview of all of the different techniques you can. put to use for meditation. I enjoyed that it showed such a span, clearly highlighting that there are many different ways and it's about finding what works for you. On a personal level, I definitely need an audioguide of some sort so a book didn't quite cut it. But for more understanding, it was beneficial.

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This is a really concise overview of introductory meditation techniques. I enjoyed that the content was accessible and easy to comprehend, but was expecting some more advanced techniques since this is marketed as the only meditation book someone would ever need.

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