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3.5 stars. Legacy of Temptation is the first book in the Demonica Birthright series, a second generation series of the Demonica characters' kids' stories. This book was Eva and Logan's story. Eva works for Aegis in their PR department and is anti-demon, while Logan is half-demon and the son of one of the Four Horseman, Death. Eva is chosen to be in a exchange program between Aegis and the Demonic Activity Response Team. She goes to work at DART, along with her fellow-chosen colleagues, where she meets Logan, who works there as well. The two have an attraction when they meet, but things between the two organizations go horribly wrong. Eva finds out she has been wrong about demons and she and Logan must go on the run to save themselves and keep the world safe as well.

I enjoyed Eva and Logan's story. I liked them as characters and they seemed to be a good match. I wished there was more time with them getting to know each other and falling in love. I just felt like there was a little too much going on. I've read all of the Demonica books, although it's been several years since I've read them. So I was aware of the worldbuilding here, but things had changed since the last book I had read and now there are adult children of the characters I knew thrown into the mix. I just felt like there were a bit too many characters, not enough likeable characters at that, and the worldbuilding got a little confusing. I think I pretty much got the gist of it by the end, so hopefully the next book will have less of a learning curve for me as reader. This book was also a little bleak and seems like there may be a depressing future for the characters in this world. So hopefully that improves a little too. Still, I liked Eva and Logan together. Their romance had a bit of a Romeo and Juliet aspect and I hope they get to live happy lives together before the end of the world comes for them all.

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*Complimentary ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review.*

I think this book mentioned just about every offspring of all of our favorite couples throughout the Demonica & Lords of Deliverance series, and I cannot wait for this series to unfold. It also has callbacks to a lot of events throughout both series. Therefore, if you haven't read either series yet, this book could be a bit overwhelming. For a fuller experience, I'd highly recommend reading or brushing up on the entire history of the parental figures for a much more satisfying experience.

There was a lot going on in this first book, but I honestly didn't mind that the romance took a back seat to everything else happening all at once: the Aegis-D.A.R.T. exchange program, a rogue D.A.R.T. agent, a coup in heaven, and the Horsemen have to deal with a familiar enemy.

I was very fond of Logan's sister Amber and her special ability. I look forward to seeing her growth and maybe a special someone can help her with her anxiety and her gift. Next are Runa and Shade's hot sons—Blade and Rade. I felt a thrill when Thanatos armored up in front of the "kids". I thought, <I>Yup, Daddy's still got it</I>.

I noticed that I was kind of disinterested in Logan and Eva as a couple. Furthermore, I was expecting a lot more push and pull and heat since they're lovers on opposing sides, but instead they were a little boring. I thought the forced proximity would give us a lot more than it did, but it felt like whenever they were together for any period of time, Logan left her with other people: first at Limos's cookout he left her to talk to Kynan, then later at his place in Australia, he left her again to collect her clothes from her hotel room when he ran into Draven.

Another thing that fell a little flat was Logan's handling of the news about how his parents had really got together and how he was conceived. His reaction seemed so at odds with how kind he was portrayed. He threw a huge tantrum, and it surprised me that—for a 33-year-old—he wasn't more mature about it.

I realize it sounds as if I didn't enjoy this story, but that is not the case. There was so much going on to delight and excite, just not necessarily in the romance area. I don't want to say more and give anything away, but as a long time fan of all of Larissa Ione's books, LoT delivered on the familiar thrills, great characters and unexpected twists and turns. I'm already looking forward to the next book and hope it won't be too long of a wait.

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Absolutely loved Logan and Eva's story. Logan needed, and deserved a strong, intelligent woman and he found the right one in Eva. The book was equal parts romantic, dramatic and terrifying, and the twists and turns kept me riveted!
I've been a fan of the Demonica world since the very first book and I'll keep coming back for every single one. Ms Ione is my favorite paranormal romance author and I can't get enough!
~Vicki Rose - Platinum Book Reviews

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The next generation from the Demonica and Four Horseman are adults and entering the fray. Old foes are back to wreak havoc on everyone and new trouble is happening in heaven. I don’t think this new series will be as enjoyable if you haven’t read the earlier series because of older characters appearing. It’s a wonderful start and I’m interested to see where the next book takes us.

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Here comes the time of the second generation
In the fantastic world that is Larissa Ione’s creation.
Our vampires, werewolves, angels and demons returned
To continue their story after the long years we yearned.

Familiar and new faces - some expected, others not –
Start a string of books that will surely hit the spot.
Besides the present, there is much to tell about the past,
To see what the characters lived through to get here at last.

Our first couple, Logan and Eva are a prime example,
As both experienced events that weren’t easy to handle.
Now they found each other, first to tempt and finally to love,
But until then, there are obstacles to come over and above.

This story is really a fresh start and a homecoming at once,
A wide range of feelings from happiness to choking lungs.
It is a very good launch to a journey most promising,
Already a 5 star read and it is just the beginning…

/I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley./

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Ok first off, this book happens after all of the events in Reaper. Like 30 years later. It's the start of a brand new series in the world. And while it could be read as a standalone, I absolutely recommend reading that series!! Not only does it introduce this whole world to you, it is just a great series to begin with!! Eva Tennant, like everyone at The Aegis, hates demons. But she loves her job as Deputy Spokesperson for the global demon-slaying organization, and she’s excited to be in the running for Chief Spokesperson. All she has to do is not screw up the two-week exchange program with The Aegis’s rival agency, the Demon Activity Response Team. But things go horribly wrong when a murder turns her into a fugitive from justice and puts a demonic target on her back. Logan, son of the Horseman of the Apocalypse known as Death, has dedicated his life to fighting demons alongside his colleagues at DART. He loves fighting, females, and his pet hellhound, Cujo. What he doesn’t love is The Aegis, whose leadership attempted to slaughter him at birth. Understandably, he balks when he’s ordered to protect an Aegis Guardian responsible for the deaths of his friends. Really, he’d rather feed her to Cujo. But when an old enemy rises from the ashes, Eva and Logan find themselves giving into temptation even as they sacrifice the things…and people…they love the most.

First off, as a lover of the original series-I loved that we get to see the original couples a little bit! Logan is so much like his dad but with his mom's level headedness thrown in there. I wish he had been a bit more dramatic like his dad, but honestly it was nice to see parts of his mother mixed in there. Eva is definitely the typical Aegis agent, but she seemed to be slightly more stubborn about how she feels about their world. On a whole, I definitely enjoyed this story and will be reading all the rest when they come out! But the romance portion of it, well it just seemed like that was very slow going. Which is the only reason that I gave it 4 stars instead of 5. I didn't feel that for quite some time, but I still was sucked into the story and couldn't put it down!

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Legacy of Temptation kicks off the Demonica Birthright series with a bang, introducing a fresh batch of demon-slaying characters. As the first book in this spinoff from the popular Demonica series, it brings in the next generation of protagonists.

The story revolves around Eva, a spunky Aegis Deputy Spokesperson, and Logan, the son of Death, injecting new life into the familiar Demonica universe. While I didn't connect with Eva as much as I hoped, the story makes up for it with a reunion of familiar faces from the original series, giving it a nostalgic touch.

Being the starting point of the Demonica Birthright series, Legacy of Temptation teases with the offspring of characters we know and love, promising exciting stories down the line. The world-building is solid, throwing in multiple 'villains' to keep the plot engaging and full of suspense.

This book manages to balance romance, humor, and action, making it a fun and immersive read. Emotional scenes are well-woven into the story, adding depth to the characters and their relationships.

As the kickoff to the Demonica Birthright series, Legacy of Temptation not only brings a compelling plot but also stirs up anticipation for what's next. With its mix of romance, humor, action, and emotion, it's a promising start that has me excited for more adventures in the Demonica Birthright universe. It's just the kind of read that rekindles the joy of paranormal romance.

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What a thrill to be back in the Demonica universe again! I had started the Demonica series back when they were first published and had read up until the Four Horsemen. Life got in the way and I haven't revisited this world until now. I forgot how much I enjoy this author's universe that she has created and the characters in it. It was fun getting to see some of the characters from those first books again, and meet all the new ones. There is a lot that happens in Legacy of Temptation and its very fast paced in some ways as you move through the story. I was completely caught up in this world and all the characters and seeing how things would unravel and how Eva and Logan would resolve all the differences between them to find their way. I felt like Eva moves from believing all demons are evil to accepting and embracing a little quickly, but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed this world and this story. I'm not only looking forward to the next one in this new series about the next generation, but I'm planning to now go back and reread some of the earlier ones and catch up on the stories I missed before.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Blue Box Press for sending me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

It was worth the wait. The 2nd Gen Demonica kids. A wild ride. I need .are Larrisa Ione.. my journey with her right was pleasure unbound..

Great job on this spin off. I'm ready for more

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I have loved every single one of Larissa"s books. Incredibly written as always and wonderful characters. Can't wait for the next adventure.

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Che dire questo libro mi ha conquistato subito dalla prima pagina e Larissa Ione si dimostra sempre la migliore nel suo modo di raccontare e di farti provare mille emozioni diverse dalle risate ma anche mi sono commossa storia di Logan ed Eva è unica ,indimenticabile anche a distanza di giorni .Non vedo l ora di scoprire altro di alcuni personaggi e vedere cosa accadrà dopo .Larissa Ione sono una tua fan per sempre .Ovviamente consiglio questa storia .Ringrazio Netgalley per la copia gratuita per la recensione.

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Legacy of Temptation starts a new Demonica spin-off series, Demonica Birthright. I’ve been reading these books since they first began to appear 16 years ago, and although this one has a 30-year time-jump, the complex world and the characters are the same, and everything felt familiar.

The premise is the same too: humans still hate and mistrust demons, and at the centre of the hatred and misinformation is the Aegis agency. It felt a bit dated—haven’t they learned anything in thirty years?—but the plot that was based on the hatred worked fine.

Demons have their own agency, DART, for fighting evil demons. An exchange program between the two brings humans in the middle of demons, and things don’t go well. The focus is on Logan, the son of one of the four horsemen, Thanatos, and Eva, a spokesperson for the Aegis. She’s the typical brainwashed hater that the series has introduced before, difficult to like at first, but with demon trouble of her own. And she does change in the end. Logan is the typical hothead hero with a good heart.

A romance happens, sort of. The two barely interact during the first third of the book, and right after things start to warm up, the plot takes a turn that basically ruins the chances for any romance. Logan and Eva spend most of the book apart, dealing with their own family dramas and other emergencies, and the romance is very much like an afterthought. The spicy scenes are stolen moments in the middle of drama, sex for sex’s sake, and they don’t feel very romantic. It’s not the emotional rollercoaster of the earlier books, but love is declared and a happy ending is had, so I guess it’s a romance.

But the book is full of supernatural action of other kind. Lilith is on the loose, causing trouble for Logan. A demon colleague of his is about to turn permanently evil, and the hunt for him is on too. And there’s trouble brewing in heaven, with different point of view characters. It makes for an exciting book, but it also feels like a setup for the series to come. There will be interesting action. I hope there will be better romances too.

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Readers, hold onto your hats, keep your hands and legs inside the book at all times and fasten your seatbelts. Things are about to get crazy! Holy goodness this is a wild ride!

The Demonica series has always been a favorite of mine. I love this “no rules” world of demons, debauchery, and deviousness. Where the battle between Good vs Evil is not always in a straight line. Where choices have consequences deadlier than you can imagine. And where love blooms in the most unusual of places.

Which is why I am SO excited to read about the second generation of Demonica Kids! The series begins three decades after the events that happened in Reaper (Demonica #19). So, you absolutely can reread Reaper before tackling Legacy of Temptation, but it’s not absolutely necessary. There may, however, be some spoiler-y things if you don’t, but when I discovered them, I just thought they were fun surprises that just added to the magic of the story.

In Legacy of Temptation, the world is definitely a different place and a lot of things have happened. Some good, some bad and some really, really, REALLY bad. So bad, in fact, that the Aegis (a mostly human demon-hating organization) embarks on an exchange program with the Demon Activity Response Team (Demons/Angels/Otherworldlies fighting against baddie demons and otherworldlies) to help each other learn techniques to help take down scary bad demons. It’s more of a PR stunt than anything. Don’t want to alarm the humans on how dangerous the threats to the world are. Things are literally going to hell in a handbasket, and that’s on a good day. Unfortunately, it’s about to get a whole lot worse.

No one gets out unscathed.

Oh my GOODNESS! I read this book in less than 24 hours. It’s unputdownable! Brilliant world building. Diverse characters. So many WTF moments!

If you thought Larissa Ione was pulling her punches in previous books, she sure the hell isn’t now!

An absolutely exciting, amazing, funny, unpredictable, explosive, grief-inducing, crazy wild story full of action, danger and so much more! I HIGHLY recommend Legacy of Temptation and the entire Demonica series!

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I'm kinda sad that I DNF at 25%...

Legacy of Temptation is the first in a spin-off series within the Demonica universe and the author does a great job with world-building and doesn't necessarily require you to have read any of the prior books.

The concept and premise for this particular story were intriguing, but I think at this moment in time, there was too much bigotry and classism, and what in the world was going on with "G-ma"?!

In general, I'm fine with sexual aggression towards a character, but the aggressor in this story is the person's grandmother and despite the "theme" fitting this particular character, it's still a bit much and super uncomfortable.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Blue Box Press for sending me an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

This was a 3.5 start book for me and I think if I had read the Demonica Series this would have been bumped to a 4. It is very clear that this is a well established world and the events of the past series have heavily impacted this story and while the author did a fine job giving the reader enough information to make the story enjoyable I think I would have been so much more invested if I knew all the details surrounding the full cast of characters and the overarching story that has unfolded.

While I don't love the insta lust between the characters Eva is refreshing as an FMC. She feels real in the fact that she isn’t automatically great at everything but she does put real effort behind everything she does and doesn’t want to rely on others to save her. She is open minded and doesn’t ignore when people present logical challenges to her beliefs.

There were a few times where the pacing felt a little off and I really didn't care for Lilith or how she was introduced. It is hard to picture her as a big bad, she comes off as more of a minor single arc baddie but I’ll have to wait and see if she is developed more as the books progress.

The world and characters are very interesting and had me fully ready to dive into the previous series to know even more.

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Excellent step back into the world of Demonica again by Larissa Ione!!!
I have missed this world so very much with its unique and complexed characters and they are some of my very favorite demons!!! Legacy of Temptation is the first book in the series of the next generation! And it promises to be just as awesome and well written as the original series! These are the children of the four horseman and Angels both heavenly and fallen and one of my favorite characters of all time and favorite all around sexy bad ass grim reapers...... Azagoth!!!! Damn! I've missed this bad boy of Sheoul-gra!!! And the whole gang is back again! This is Logan's book and he is the son of Thanatos and Regan. Logan has grown up looking over his shoulder waiting for the his fathers and the others enemies of the four horseman to extract revenge and he and the other offspring have been targeted many times. After Azagoth sent free souls from Sheoul-gra one in particular has waited for revenge and Logan is in her crosshairs. Logan is a agent with The Demonic Response Team and is asked to stand in to welcome a group of guardians from The Aegis exchange team not something he wants to really do considering it was Aegis who tried to kill him as a child. But when he locks eyes with the beautiful and smart Eva, hes attracted instantly! Just as they start getting closer one of the team members fiancee is killed and its a race to keep one step of a powerful demon lover bent on revenge for his mate. And if this isn't enough! In heaven shits hitting the fan and the archangels Michael and Gabriel and Radiant Reaver are caught in the middle of a coup when Zaphkiel the asshole! along with a couple other groups decide to take over heavens throne and strip Michael,Grabriel and Reaver of their powers! No one can enter or leave heaven but Reavers mate Harvester makes a daring move and busts out!! In doing so she upsets the balance and if the new king of Hell Revenant finds out theirs a opening his horde of demons could not only storm heaven but come for them all. Larissa Ione is a fantastic writer and her storytelling and characters AMAZING!!! Can't wait to read each of this next generation's books! We get a little taste of what each of their personalities and they are all fascinating so far! Until next time Luv's😉💋

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Thank you to NetGalley and Blue Box Press for the ARC of Legacy of Temptations by Larissa Ione.

I was on Reddit Urban Fantasy subreddit last week, and one reader recommended Larissa Ione's Demonica series and then specifically named this book as being an entry-level choice to get into Ione's universe. Ione clearly has spent a lot of time building out this world and its magic - there are 22 books in the Demonica series before the Birthright series begins, and that is impressive and clearly indicates there is a readership for this series and Ione's voice. Ione does include a large glossary at the beginning of the story, and it is clear a lot of energy and time has been put into making this accessible to new readers and old ones. In its own way, seeing this massive series reminded me a bit of Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark Series, which I think is now at 26 books with a young adult offshoot to it now.

Unfortunately, this book just was not for me and I made it 25% of the way through before I opted to DNF, which I try to do rarely. There were three things that led to this:
1) It was a bit hard to keep up with all the characters of Logan's side of the story. There were a LOT of people. I was working my way through this, as it wasn't the worst problem to have, but it did sort of throw of my reading of his plot. I did think Logan was written well though and seemed to have a cool and levelhead toward his role in DART and toward his family.
2) Eva is kind of the worst. I could get over her bias and bigotry toward demons once we learned more about her tattoo, but I could not get over her referring constantly to another woman colleague as a bitch, when, for all we know, she's just filling in on the job, and then she and Logan have almost one drink together before she is kissing him, jealous of other women around him, and inviting him to her room while still hating everything he stands for.'s 2024, the petty, jealous woman vs woman, judgmental characterization isn't cute.
3) The real main reason I had to stop, because I was willing to grow with the first two items, was the super strange incest plotline. There is a reviewer on Goodreads for Alex Stern's Hell Bent that just says "There is a glowing demon dick and no one even uses it." That is how I feel about this story except it's more, "Logan's grandma keeps trying to fuck him or make gooey demons rape him which also somehow gets her off and because she's a succubus he is constantly fighting a hard on and it is a lot to mentally handle." I think if maybe I went back to the original series first book I might be able to have that level of forgiveness and leeway with Ione, but as a first time reader of hers, I could not get past what seems to be the core plotline of this story.

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Thank you NetGalley, Blue Box Press, and the author for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I've never read a Larissa Ione book before. I didn't realize this was a standalone part of a larger universe, but I didn't feel too confused in terms of world-building. However, I couldn't connect with the characters as much as I'd hoped. I think it would have been slightly helpful if I had read the other books in terms of forming emotional bonds with the characters. Once I finished reading the book, I looked up the series. The vast cast of characters stretches over many books, so anyone who has read the series will be much more connected to the characters and the events in the book more influential. However, this isn't to say I didn't enjoy the story and the characters.

The premise of the book kept my interest the entire time. The action scenes were well-written and engaging. As I read, I felt like I was watching the OG supernatural shows, which warmed my heart. I enjoyed the government agency/sci-fi-esque attributes of the story. However, the writing, especially the dialogue, was a bit cheesy and repetitive at times, but it didn't take me out of the story.

The rivals to lovers and forbidden love tropes between the MMC, Logan, and the FMC, Eva, are well written. Their relationship is well-developed, so when the spice scenes occurred, I believed the feelings the characters possessed.

Overall, it was a quick read, and I couldn't put it down.

4/5 stars; 3/5 spice - spicy but nothing crazy.

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Oh oh oh! Going to love this series to! But heck what not to love about her books! Eva is the face of the Aegis, when she’s selected to be in a trade with the DART she’s not happy, then she meets Logan!
Follow the story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley, the opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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The Demonica world gets even larger as the children get their own stories, and the danger to them all becomes more than they were prepared for. An evil they all hoped was gone has resurfaced, and one of their own will become a danger to all of them
DART and the Aegis create a task force comprised of both agencies to foster a possible partnership. Eva is one of those agents. She thinks she is prepared for what her stay at DART requires of her, yet she is not prepared for Logan or what transpires next.
Logan has been hurt before and is wary of any interaction with human females, especially an Aegis that hates all demons. Their attraction is palpable and hard to deny, for both of them. But s..t hits the fan as it inevitably always does, and they must fight to keep her safe and stop the evil that has been set loose. Action pact, sexy and brutal, it's everything you could want from the next generation and of course the old.

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