Member Reviews

Four and a half
This is clearly a hugely anticipated book and I am over the moon to have had the opportunity to get back into the Demonica world whoop whoop ! Yes there’s a lot of characters that show up but as a long time fan of the series I was all for that because hey we want to know what they are up to . So believe me when I say it doesn’t disappoint.
The Aegis (humans )and DART (the demons )have agreed to a two week exchange to try and supposedly share knowledge and hopefully build bridges. Eva isn’t too sure about that and trusting demons isn’t going to be easy no matter that some are very easy on the eye ! Logan knows with his complicated DNA he passes for human but doesn’t deliberately hide who he is ie son of Death so happily helps gorgeous Eva when he finds out she’s got a sleeping problem ahem no spoilers here . Everything goes to pot though when a scuffle at work leads to the death of two demons and suddenly Eva has a huge target on her back but not every problem they face is on the ground !
Just wow and I honestly cannot stop smiling. This had a story that flowed easily and there’s enough going on behind the scenes or above even to already make me want to read more. It lost half a mark for this reader simply because as much as I loved reading this I didn’t find Logan quite as sexy as Shade, Wraith or Lore because hello Seminus demons , sigh ! This was a great way to introduce the next generation and I happily recommend this book, plus if you have missed the Demonica series definitely go get it !
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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Legacy of Temptation was a sweetly nostalgic return to the previous book series - it was fun to see the beloved characters from previous books, such as Cara and Ares, and find out how the past 35 years have been from them. I actually almost wanted a bit more of those two, and to see more interaction with their kids, but of course being that this is Logan’s book, it made sense that Thanatos and Regan stole the nostalgia scenes.

It wasn’t all a bed of roses at any rate, which links in with the theme of the past coming back to haunt the new generation. It was a bit of a set up book - introducing you to all the children of the demons and horsemen, setting up a tragedy in the past threat effected them all and the complexities of their interpersonal relationships.

To be honest, I wasn’t that big of a fan of the female protag in this, or the love story, but I think it might just have been personal preference - Logan was really nice and I’m a sucker for the bad boys. I think Stryke might be one to watch out for!

Thanks to Net Galley and the author for providing me with an advanced copy - worth the wait!

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I read this as a standalone and while it was a bit like walking into a party uninvited it was super easy to read the room! I feel like it's easy to acquaint yourself with the magic system and worldbuilding

The premise was really strong and sucked me in, it was a very nostalgic paranormal book feel which I loved to bits.

Logan and Eva were a real epic love, rivals to lovers, shouldn't want you but I do done so well. I liked that even with all that power at his fingertips being the son of Death that Logan was able to help change Eva's perspective/prejudice.

Overall I definitely recommend it, and am probably going to go back and read the prequel series.

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Not enjoying it but can accept the story. I read some chapters and cant force to end up. Maybe its not my cup of tea but it doesnt mean this book is not worth to read. Keep up the good work, author! Will have to read another works from this author too…

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For anyone who is not aware, this book can be read as a standalone but it is much more likely to be enjoyable and less confusing if you rea the prior books in the demonica series first.

I enjoyed this story a great deal. I liked the concept, most books you read regarding demons etc are usually set in older world backgrounds. I liked the modern twists on this story, like the DART agency. For me, the character development could have been a bit better but the overall story itself was brilliant.

I will be looking out for more from this author

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This is a spin off series so if you haven’t read her other books (like me) it feels like a lot of information in the beginning. Once I got into the story I really enjoyed it! Definitely recommend reading her other books before this one, but can also enjoy on its own!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an Arc of Legacy of Temptation by Larissa Ione.

Legacy of Temptation follows Logan and Eva's story. If you've read Larissa's Demonica series, then you're going to want to to pick up a copy of Legacy of Temptation.

It can be read as a stand alone but I highly recommend reading the Demonica series to get the full benefit of the story. It's face paced, a roller coaster of emotion and the chemistry between Logan and Eva was off the page!
Highly recommend!

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Larissa Ione se lance dans l'écriture de la seconde génération de Demonica/ Les Cavaliers de l’Apocalypse!

Trente ans se sont écoulés depuis les événements du livre de Reaper, les enfants ont bien grandi.. On va suivre Logan, le fils de Mort, qui combat les démons avec ces collègues du DART et un jour, il va devoir faire équipe avec l’Aegis pour une enquête et surtout avec Eva Tennant… L’attraction est indéniable mais vont-ils pouvoir se faire confiance?

J’avais peur en me lançant dans ce livre de ne plus me souvenir de tous les personnages de cet univers mais Larissa a mis beaucoup de rappel et cela permet de replonger dans cet univers avec grand plaisir! L’intrigue est très prenante dès les premières pages, c’est rempli d’action, de rebondissements mais aussi de révélations… Après je dirais qu’il y a quelques longueurs qui peuvent ralentir le rythme aussi… Les personnages sont drôles et attachants et revoir les personnages de la première génération donne du baume au coeur! J’ai vraiment hâte de lire le prochain livre!

En bref, un très bon premier tome pour cette nouvelle génération malgré quelques longueurs mais je lirais la suite avec plaisir! Je croise les doigts pour qu’il soit traduit en français un jour!

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3.5 stars!!

With this being my first Larissa Ione book, I was slightly overwhelmed with information at the beginning but pleasantly surprised that this was not too painful to get through without the full knowledge of the parents' stories from her previous books! Granted there was some backstory that I was able to glean, but there were definitely some parts I felt I was missing- and now want to go back and check out!! I personally liked that I was able to connect with the story following Logan and Eva without having pre-conceived notions about the parents and family dynamics, as well as the organizations they both worked for throughout the book.

The main premise of this book is that Logan, a 33 year old part-demon-part-angel-part-human who is the son of one of the Four Horsemen, works as a demon hunter through DART, a demon led agency that helps fight off the bad demons so the good demons are able to live amongst the regular human population ends up working with Eva, at 28 year old human who hates demons, through a work exchange program with her agency the Aegis, the other top demon fighting organization. The two have palpable chemistry from the beginning (and some fun fight training sequences) and have to come to terms with what that means with their identities. I loved learning more about their world, the two major agencies, the different types of demons, and getting a love story thrown in there. This was definitely a fun read!

Thank you so much to Larissa Ione and NetGalley for a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review. Legacy of Temptation comes out on February 6, 2024!

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This was my first Larissa lone, and I was so excited to read it, but the story line feel all the short for me. The concept was intriguing and the world building was interesting, but the character development was lacking for me.

I love a dual POV, but it felt like these two characters were written by two different authors.

I enjoyed Eva's chapters most of the time, but Logan was so annoying and gave off frat boy energy.

The interactions between Logan and Lilith were very cringe worthy and made me want to stop reading.

I wanted to love this book, but it just wasn't for me,

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This book is a standalone fantasy romance. This is a spinoff derived from her previous books from the Horsemen series. This was a pretty decent book. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I knew the Demonica series and have read the Four Horsemen books as well and I was excited to go back in to the world of demons, angels, humans and everything in between.

🔫What to expect 💫
This book is about Logan, son of Death and Eva, the spokesperson of demon hunting agency. I really loved the bonds between the horseman, their kids and allies. I was hooked from the start. The characters had depth and I could feel the chemistry between the leads.

Logan grew up in a loving household with stable environment and supportive relationships. Eva was neglected as a child and had troubled childhood due to a sleep demon hunting her since she was 10.

Both characters were full developed and I enjoyed that Eva was level headed who had her brain washed by her organization. The rivalry and forced proximity made the plot interesting. With so many stories going on, we get a glimpse of investigation, heaven politics and family time.

I would suggest reading the previous books in the series first but this is a spin off and could be read independently. Overall I enjoyed reading this book and it gripped me till the end. I cannot wait for this new world to develop and get new stories.

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I have been a fan of this series from the beginning so it was a lot of fun to start with the next generation.
We are following Logan who is the child of Thanatos who is the god of death, and Regin a former member of Aegis. Who are still causing issues 30 years from the last time we saw them.
Logan is fiercely loyal to his friends and family and I loved starting this new series with him. His love interest also happens to work for Aegis. So they get off to a bit of a rocky start. I thought they had great chemistry, and once Eva realizes that demons and other immortals aren't that bad I started to really get behind them being together.
We also get to see that while when we last left the series everyone had found their happily ever after, things happened in the 30 years in between, tragedies, and horrible situations that forged the new generation into who we are meeting today.

I loved getting glimpses of all the other main couples from the previous books and getting to meet their kids. I'm excited to see where all their stories are going to go and how they will fit into the upcoming Apocolypse.

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This was just WOW! I am so glad to be reading Larissa Ione again. It's been a while since she ended the Demonica series. Thirty years have passed and the babies from Demonica are all grown up, but thankfully their parents are still around. This is the kick-off to the new Demonica Birthright series and it's a roller coaster ride!

We spend most of our time with Logan who is Thanatos and Regan's son, but everyone else is there too. The fact that the parents are still around, though in a "guest starring" capacity is what I love. You get so invested in the characters over so many pages, it's hard to give them up completely and I am glad I don't.

LOVED this book and what is going to be an intense new series. Now just have to try and wait patiently for the next installment!

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This book had some really interesting concepts and some fun parts but also a lot of scenes/actions I struggled with. I know this book is in the same world as previous stories and I felt like I was missing some information but I did my best to push past that.

I wasn’t a big fan of the two POVs in this book. I liked the female characters and she kept me interested but when switching to the male character it felt very one dimensional and really focused on sex or anything sex related. He didn’t really have much of a personality on his own or seem very realistic to me.

Additionally, I found a lot of scenes that just didn’t really make sense. Like they’re in this very dangerous situation where friends might die but then they decide to ignore it and go flirt or fuck? It just seemed very odd and like a lot of important scenes didn’t actually have any weight to them because of how much the characters just brushed them off.

Overall, it didn’t really grab me and it wasn’t my cup of tea. But someone else might like it!

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This was a very fast paced story! I enjoyed seeing the different ways the family and friends worked together. In the middle a couple things happen that I questioned how they were related to the overall plot, but in the 2nd half it became clear why those events where important to the story.

Overall an enjoyable story!

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This book was amazing!
Want to get all the other books now and can’t wait for the next one on the series.

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5 Demonic Stars! This went straight to my “To Read Again” shelf! I absolutely love this book! It pulled me in right from the first chapter and held on to my interest right to the end! I am so excited for the rest of the series! This story was about accepting people for who they are and not for who you think they are because of their association with a certain group. The character development for this book was quite detailed, and featured a few surprises for me. Even secondary characters were given a lot of page-time. A lot of characters were introduced, as I'm sure they will continue to be featured in future books.

To quote the author's Front Matter, “Happily Ever After isn't Happily Easily After”. And oh wow! Eva and Logan went through a lot of turmoil to beat the odds. They each learned some things about their pasts and about their parents that really knocked them for a loop. I was surprised that some of the secondary characters did not make it to the end of the story. There were a few really good twists in the story, which really helped to hold my interest.

It's been 11 years since I read the original Four Horseman series by Larissa Ione, and throughout that time, I would think back to those books and remember aspects of it. It was that good! I've always thought that I would go back to read them, and after this, I think I will. This Demonica Birthright series features the children of the Four Horseman series, with the parents being secondary but still played significant characters here. Specifically in this book, Logan's parents had a smaller story arc which totally blew me away! I don't think it's necessary to have read the original series. However, I think it would be more fulfilling if you did.

It's a really long novel. But there were no slow spots. There was action on every single page!

Thank you Larissa Ione and NetGalley for this ARC. The above is my own and personal opinion.

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Logan is the son of the Horsemen known as Death and an Aegis defector. He works in the Spirit Management Division at DART, an agency that deals with supernaturals. Logan finds himself babysitting a group of Aegis guardians in the exchange program. There is one among their group that garners his complete notice. Logan knows better than to trust anyone in The Aegis, but he cannot seem to ignore Eva. When tragedy strikes, pitting DART and The Aegis against one another, he must protect her from his friend. Can Logan trust Eva? Or will he be forced to choose his friend’s life over hers?

Eva Tennant excels at her work as the Deputy Spokesperson for the Aegis. She aims to win the promotion of becoming the next Chief Spokesperson. However, Eva first needs to participate in an exchange program with DART, an agency known to employ demons and supernaturals. When the program fails drastically, Eva and her comrades find themselves being hunted. She knows the only chance of survival is with Logan. While on the run, Eva learns a great many things about herself and her agency. Will Eva betray Logan for her career? Or will she side with him and DART?

I just have one word for Logan. “Rawr”. He is the perfect blend of both his parents. Logan may be Death’s son, but he never once behaved arrogant or conceited about the fact. I remember the details surrounding his conception and birth from LETHAL RIDER, book three in LORDS OF DELIVERANCE. Ione did a great job keeping that circumstance from being the main focus of the story. What I love the most about Logan is his camaraderie with his family and friends, especially Cujo. They mean the world to him, and Logan would do just about anything, ignore his heart and feelings, to help or protect them.

Eva is a career-minded woman. Everything she worked for centered around getting a certain promotion. I like how Eva did not seem as fanatical as her superiors and comrades. Yes, she believed everything taught to her in school and the agency as truth. However, when faced with factual truth, Eva did not cling to it. Instead, she started questioning everything she had been taught. I really respect that about her. What I really like about Eva is her ability to accept Logan’s heritage. She understood his reasons for omitting them when they first met and sympathized.

LEGACY OF TEMPTATION is the first book in Larissa Ione’s brand-new paranormal romance series, DEMONICA BIRTHRIGHT. This series deals with the next generation, so I highly recommend reading the DEMONICA and LORDS OF DELIVERANCE books. Some of the later books I have not read, but it did not impede my ability to follow the state of their world or the storyline.

I cannot stress how psyched I am for this story. I fondly remember when I first discovered this author and her world. The DEMONICA and the LORDS OF DELIVERANCE books became fast favorites of mine. I never realized how much I missed the characters, especially Thanatos and Wraith! It was like re-acquainting myself with beloved friends I haven’t seen in ages. I love the fact that their children are snarky replicas of their parents.

Now to wait for the next installment! All I can say is: BRING. IT. ON!

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4 stars. Legacy of Temptation is a standalone romantacy/ PNR romance in a new series by Larissa Ione; however, it is a spinoff series that is HEAVILY based on previous books by Ione (her Horsemen series). And that series is long and has a lot of characters. A LOT of characters. So while this book is a standalone, it is also sort of expected that you be tangentially familiar with some of these characters. I was not. That said, I do think Ione does a good job of providing backstory on these characters in a way that doesn't make it feel like an info dump. I was absolutely able to follow along. I just felt like maybe I was missing some things (like the intricacies of all of the relationships) because I hadn't read the original series. So, can you read this as a standalone? Yes. Can you read this as your first from Ione? Also yes. But, if this is something that might bother you, I recommend reading some of the original series first.

Now, on to Legacy of Temptation itself. I'm definitely in my romantasy era and I think Legacy of Temptation is a great edition to the genre (micro-genre?). I loved that Ione wasn't afraid to make hard decisions (aka killing characters off). It really helped pack the emotional punch every time it happened. I also really liked the relationship between Eva and Logan. If you're a fan of enemies to lovers, then this is ENEMIES to LOVERS. She hunts demons, and he's a demon. He's literally the son of one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse-- you don't get more demon than that. I actually also really enjoyed the political aspects of this book-- a big focus was about demon rights/ how government agencies felt about demons, etc. I like that Eva had a lot to offer and wasn't just some damsel in distress. There are 2 plots happening (which also intersect)-- one overarching one that feels like it will span across multiple books/ the entire series. And then one specific to this story. I liked both of them, but the one specific to this story, again, pack a real emotional punch. This is open door (which is my preference) and there are steamy scenes, but I think they were appropriately placed and not too plentiful or too infrequent. I also really enjoyed the world that Ione created and learning about all of the different demons. All in all, I'm really glad that I read this. I definitely enjoyed it and will 100% be continuing with the series. I also hope to cycle back and read some of Ione's earlier stuff. I definitely think fans of Ione's earlier work would enjoy this. I also think fans of Lauara Thalassa or Suzanne Wright would enjoy this!

Thank you so much to Ione, Blue Box Press, Get Red PR, and netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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