Member Reviews

I know this was a spin-off but it says it can be read as a standalone, so I took the plunge after only reading one book from that previous series.. that was my mistake. I just didn’t feel any connection to anything in this book.

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Going into this I didn’t know about the whole wealth of backstory and the entire Demonica universe so when I did see that there’s a ton of books before this I was a little apprehensive. Legacy of Temptation says it is a spinoff from this original series and can be read without having the read the rest of the books in this world - but I was definitely worried I would end up lost. I needent have worried though as I thoroughly enjoyed this and I think it was really well managed as while there’s clearly a lot that has happened I didn’t feel confused or overwhelmed reading. What I will say though, is that this would probably have been MORE fun if I had read the others as I get the impression there’s a whole host of little easter eggs and inside jokes etc. that I probably missed or didn’t get purely because I didn’t know the history. And this isn’t a complaint as this is a contained book, but it has absolutely made me want to look into reading the previous series!

Legacy of Temptation was fast paced, with lots of action, lots of spicy scenes, lots of delicious romantic tension building up, some great twists and turns in the plot, nuanced and likable characters, and a super well developed world - honestly what’s not to love?!

In short, Legacy of Temptation was a really easy and fun read that I couldn’t put down and has left me wanting to read more from this world! I’m now off to look into the Demonica series as I NEED to see how some of the most established relationships in this book came about!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an E-ARC

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I’ve read all of this authors books related to the “Demonica” series and I enjoyed this addition that adds in their kids. I did feel that there were a lot of new extended family members to try to keep straight. I think a new reader to the series would have a lot of trouble jumping into this book without having a background. I liked Logan and Eva but felt like this was the same as some of her other stories just with new names and the return of old villains.
That being said, I enjoyed it and will continue with the series.

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Hands down my favourite book I have read in ages!

Action packed from start to finish, angels, demons, warring factions and a coup in heaven - there was nothing not to love!

Loved the length, the writing style and Logan’s character. I can’t wait for the next installment and would highly recommend to anyone that enjoys fantasy books. Five out of five!

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Okay. Wow!!
So much happened within these pages and I'm still all over the place about it all.

Logan and Eva were the main protagonists of this tale. They work for opposite sides trying to accomplish the same thing: protect humanity from evil demons. Too bad Eva believed that all demons were bad. Being the son of Death, Logan has to hide so much of himself from the woman he has quickly grown an attachment to. What will it take to obliterate Eva's prejudice so that they will have a chance at happiness together?

I adored the way these mythical beings love one another. The bond between the Horsemen, the bond shared by their kids, the bond shared with all of their allies... I'm here for it. I could have done with the prejudice that permeated this story from Eva and her cronies (they soured my stomach), but it fed the story and I loved when she finally saw the truth behind the lies. For a world renowned journalist, she didn't do a lot of fact-checking, huh?

I'm a huge fan of Logan and the depth of his story. For such a strong being, he had plenty of vulnerable bits. Who doesn't admire a hero with a heart?

My heart is hurting right now. No one is safe and the story is far from over. I need the books to come in this series in my hands NOW!! While I wait, I'm going to be reading the original books of the Demonica series to better acquaint myself with all of the characters I met in this book and discover, from the beginning, the many ways they love each other.

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I have missed this world Larissa created and have anxiously awaited the next generation. She did not disappoint in this installment. This is the story of Logan the son of Thanatos and Eva, we get a glimpse of a few characters we have not seen in a bit. Some insight into some of the kids who are now adults. Larissa always gives us a story that will draw you in and make you want to know how things will turn out. As well as have you feeling a myriad of emotions for her characters as they deal with the challenges thrown at them. If you have not read this series you are missing out, and it is advised to read the books in order from my opinion. So that you can love and appreciate the story of Logan and Eva even better.

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This book was very good! The settings was perfect and I could not put this book down. The world building was very well done

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5 stars!

This is probably my most anticipated book for 2024, and it started the year off on a massive high! I dropped everything when I got my hands on this book, thrilled to be back in the Demonica world, and I loved every moment of this exciting, dramatic, fun and sexy paranormal romance.

This the first book in the Demonica Birthright series, which gives us the stories of the children of the original Demonica and Lords of Deliverance characters. It’s set 30-ish years after the events of Reaper (BIG things happened there!), and the next generation is now all grown up and dealing with the consequences of all that went down the original series. I was so freaking excited when Larissa Ione announced that she was going to write these books, and this first one was everything that I was hoping for!

Firstly – I wouldn’t recommend reading this one as a standalone. There is a huge cast of characters, and SO much has happened in the earlier books, I can’t imagine starting this one with no idea of who everybody is, how they link together, and what they’ve all been through. Most of the main characters from previous books appear (and I LOVED seeing them again) or are at least mentioned, and the events of this book directly link back to events from the earlier books. If you haven’t read the Demonica series, do yourself a favour and go and get lost in those for a while before making a start on this one.

This is the story of Logan – son of Thanatos and Reagan (their book is Immortal Rider, Lords of Deliverance #2). He’s a big supernatural badass with his very own bonded pet hellhound, and he works with DART, the Demon Activity Response Team, alongside his best friends and family members. The world is now aware of the presence of the supernatural, and demons and paranormal creatures are now living in the open. Some are good, some are bad, and it’s DART’s job to take out the bad ones.

Eva works for rival demon-fighting agency, The Aegis (we learned lots about them in the earlier books). Like her colleagues, she is of the belief that all demons are bad demons, and as deputy spokesperson for the agency, Eva is right on the front line. When DART and The Aegis agree to an exchange program, Eva is sent with a team of Aegis members to work with DART for two weeks. She is plunged into the thick of the supernatural world, and quickly learns that the world is very different from what she has been raised to believe. Especially when she finds herself attracted to Logan – one of the very supernatural beings she has been taught to hate. When the exchange goes horribly wrong, she’ll need to rely on Logan to protect her, putting the two of them all up in each other’s business, and sparks fly.

"This is probably really stupid," he said against her mouth.
"Agreed." She grinned. "But it's gonna be fun."

There’s all kinds of action going on in this book. Not only in the battle between DART and The Aegis, but enemies of old are on the loose again and looking for vengeance, and Logan, as the son of a Horseman of the Apocalypse, is a huge target. In fact, the whole extended family is, and we’re sucked right back into life with Logan and his cousins, and the new generation of Sem brothers, and it’s all so awesome! The dynamics are unexpectedly complicated, but really well established, and there’s already some build-up for future books in this series, which sounds all kinds of awesome.

At the heart of it all is the love story between Logan and Eva, which unfolds as they learn from, and get to know, each other. In addition to the actual chaos around him, Logan has been burned badly in love before, and has family things that he’s dealing with. Eva has her own demons (literally), plus, as a member of The Aegis, she knows things that Logan doesn’t about his past, which makes the conflict between their careers and their lives even more pronounced. It’s a fantastic ride watching them sort through it all and, in the midst of danger, fall so hard for each other.

“You know what I am, and you’re still here.”

“Not everyone finds their person or soulmate in each of their lives, but when you do find them, you know.”

It was a joy to be back in this world. I adored seeing all of these beloved characters again and getting to know the second generation. I am so excited for what is to come in this series, and cannot wait for more!

5 huge stars!

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I'm a little burned out on corporatized depictions of supernatural phenomena, so Larissa Ione's Legacy of Temptation might be one of those "Your Mileage May Vary" books.

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3.5 Stars

Before I begin, I want to say that I got an eARC from Netgalley for this book and I appreciate being entrusted with that responsibility.

This book is the beginning of a spinoff series where we follow the previous series' children. I did not know this when I requested the novel, and I have not read that series. I am very happy to report that you can enter the world through this novel, and while things are referenced from past stories you will not be lost.

This novel specifically follows Eva, a human working for Aegis -a supernatural hunting company that is very antidemon - and Logan, the son of Regan and one of our four Housemen. Within the first few chapters I worried that this book was not going to be what I had hoped, but I kept coming back to it and choosing it over the other novels I am reading. Very. Bingeable. I enjoyed a lot of the side characters and can see a book in the future with some of these as main characters and would pick those up too. It was fast paced, had a lot of action and some spice and kept me turning pages.

Which brings me to why this rating isn't higher: the plotline (this will be spoiler free) involving heaven did not make as much sense to me as I hoped, and is the only part of the novel that makes me think perhaps I needed to read the other series prior to this. Mostly this subplot felt unnecessary right up until the end. The near ending was not as satisfying to me as I had hoped, as it felt like a deus ex machina in order to force the HEA. It was still a good read despite this, but it does prevent me from rating it higher.

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It is really hard to properly write an opinion about this book. Mainly because it has better and worse parts.

Lets begin with the outline of the plot. So we have Eva, who is a human employee of anti-demonic organization and there is Logan, who is a demon and works in a similar organization, but with demonic employees. Both fight to keep the world in its finest. They meet in an "exchange" of employees and try to fight for their lives. Both have their own enemies. It won't be a spoiler to say, that they create a relationship.

So to start with better parts, I really liked the main plot twist, the run after Draven, the mysteries and secrets coming out.

But there are worse parts, first of all I don't feel any kind of chemistry between Eva and Logan. They meet, they think of each other as atractive and suddenly their start being physical, which was really really weird. I also don't find Lilith as any kind of plot twist. Her presence was more odd and creepy than interesting. I believe that there was too much added to create more sequences of events, but at the end it didn"t matter at all. Only confused the reader.

My main problem with the book is that it is a spinoff to the previous series and the Author doesn't explain the correlations between characters in the book. I think I missed some points in the story because there was no explanation about the previous events. And it was visible from the beginning of the prologue.
And if there are no similarities with the previous series, it is even worse, that the Author didn't explain the basic rules of the world created.

I would rate this book 3/5, it started being interesting after the middle, but the first part is boring. It seems as if the Author had a really great idea for the main plot sequence, but then didn't know, how to introduce it.

Please note that I'm not native English speaker ;) I'm terribly sorry if I made any mistakes in this review.

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I feel like I'm missing something. I didn't know that this was a spin-off before requesting it and that's my bad, but I feel like the story made no sense. It wanted to be one thing but it was focusing on developing another. Multiple storylines in a book are, of course, expected, but this just felt confusing to me. I didn't understand the world-building piece and while I appreciated the references to past books (as I deduced), it just didn't work for me.

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First let me share that I had to go and read both Azagoth and Reaper after reading the preface because Ms. Ione recommended that you should have read Azagoth's story and/or Reaper's book prior to reading this book so that you're familiar with certain events that have occurred. I think this was a really good move on my part because even though I had previously read the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse books (which are great and these characters all appear in this book), you need the background from Reaper’s book particularly as it includes the events that lead up to this book.
Having said this, let me share that this is Logan and Eva's story. Logan is the son of a human and one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Eva is an Aegis agent (humans who fight against all Supernaturals). While they're not exactly on the same side, they both work for agencies that say they have similar missions in eradicating the world of evil demons and spirits. However, Aegis agents don't believe that there are any good demons which creates a bit of a problem for Logan and Eva considering the immediate attraction that zings between the two of them.
The heat between the them and Eva's preconceived ideas create a great storyline for the book that makes it difficult to put down plus there are a couple of surprises that hit early on in the story and keep coming throughout the book.
Loved how the book isn't all rainbows and sunshine but still manages to keep you engaged and cheering for the couple. The book also has side-story between an evil demon the Horsemen, Logan and the agency he works with are trying to stop plus angelic politics that have you wanting to knock some sense into some of the characters from Heaven when the story moves above. There’s also a brief taste of the next book that definitely leaves you wanting more. Couldn’t put the book down and look forward to the next book when it is released. If you’re into paranormal characters, conflict and series you’ll really enjoy this set.

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As always, thank you to NetGalley, Blue Box Press and Larissa Ione for the opportunity to read and review this book. I promise that my review is completely my opinion and has not been affected by anything external.

I will add a small disclosure: I have not read the original series, and this book is a spin-off, too. But after just reading the prologue alone, you can bet that the series is 100% on my TBR now. As someone who has not read the original series, I will say it took a bit to catch up to the story. I found it extremely helpful that there was a glossary at the beginning, which meant that there was information you knew before going into the story. Plus, the details the author gave throughout the book helped as the story continued.

I do wish that there was a preface to say the timeline between the prologue and chapter one. I had to flick back and forth because one moment, Logan is a little boy, and the next, he is not. I know that prologues typically are from different times, but I always prefer to know the jump, which can help with the flow.
The writing style alone was beautiful. It was easy to follow and understand. It was extremely engaging and hooked me from the start.

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marked as read by mistake - review to come - reading this now .Thanks to NetGallery and Blue Box Press for allowing me to get a copy of the book

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Thank you NetGalley for sending me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Legacy of Temptation by Larissa Ione showcased the author’s seasoned writing in the best way possible and was such a fun romp of a read. If you enjoy paranormal romance and spicy reads, you won’t be disappointed picking up this book (and any other books from her Demonica universe).

I will note that if you haven’t read her other books in the series, it may feel like you are being dropped into the middle of a story. While I do think this can be read without reading the others, it would be more enjoyable if you’ve delved into her world before.

Overall I gave this book a four star rating because it was such a fun, easy read. It reaches the standard I’ve come to hope for in the paranormal romance books I read. I highly recommend this book, series, and author!

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Thank you to NetGalley and BlueBox Press for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This book is like a combination of Laura Thalassa's Four Horseman series, Neil Gaiman's Good Omens, and the action movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". It's a fun and quick read, and I really enjoyed the premise of two rival agencies trying to protect humanity from evil demons.

This book is the first in the Demonica Birthright series, which is a spin-off of Ione's original Demonica series. While I had not read any of her prior works, the author did add enough context to allow a new reader to understand the world she had built and the interconnected relationships. However, to fully enjoy this book, I would suggest to read the Demonica series first before starting this series.

I did enjoy Logan and Eva's banter, spice, and the action sequences, and I enjoyed seeing Logan's friends and family in various scenes. Overall it was an enjoyable and bingeable book that will likely be an excellent continuation of the characters introduced in the Demonica series.

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I’d not read any other books in the Demonica universe but after reading Legacy Of Temptation by Larissa Ione, I definitely will be! This drew me in right from the start, I loved Eva and Logan’s relationship with lots of angst and a bit of spice 😉 The world building is great but not too overwhelming which can then make it hard to read, it also helped having the terminology in the beginning so I wasn’t lost. If you love all things supernatural and paranormal with a bit of nasty romance, this is the book for you.

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3.5/5 stars

This book was fast paced, fun and satisfies your romance reading desires.

The story itself is heavy smut based and is good for what it is, I liked the glossary at the front of the book as well!

The two main characters are both likable and interesting, but at times it felt somewhat lacking in chemistry.

My only complaints were that the chemistry was somewhat off between the characters and the the plot to romance ratio was somewhat off for me.

Overall, this is a great fast paced, romance read that makes you laugh and keeps you entertained. I’m looking forward to the 2nd book in this series!

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I found the book engaging but struggled as a newcomer, feeling as though I entered a world already in motion. While the author adeptly integrates past events, providing context for returning readers, it leaves newcomers like me feeling slightly disconnected. The world-building, though not as detailed as in Ione's previous series, presents an intriguing backdrop where supernatural beings coexist with humans. The character dynamics between Eva and Logan are entertaining, but the quick development of their relationship feels somewhat rushed, and the supporting cast lacks full characterization, leading to occasional confusion. Overall, it's an enjoyable read, but the sense of entering a pre-established universe might hinder the experience for those new to Larissa Ione's works.

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