Member Reviews

Just turned the last page and am still wanting more. I have loved the Demonica World since it was created amazed at the imagination that developed this entire world. I was thrilled to receive an ARC copy to read and devoured it in 2 days. Larissa has maintained the same "voice" and continued into the next generation.
I am a huge fan and beyond the demons angels and humans this a compilation of a new love story and continuing love stories. I don't want to leave out there is a bit of steam for those like me who enjoy that too.
I highly recommend this book.

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It has been quite a few years since I’ve been in this universe, and I was worried. I shouldn’t have because I remembered almost all the “old” characters, and I love the new ones. In this series opener, Eva is sent to The Aegis’ nemesis DART for an employee exchange, and of course, chaos ensues because feelings are running very high. I love how the author seamlessly brings back things that happened in the previous series to intertwine with the new series, bringing new readers up to date, and helping us that haven’t read it for a long time. Her writing is very engaging and detailed, and I am so glad to be able to read in this universe again. I can’t wait to see what happens next, and I hope this series is as long as the first one. Highly recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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I have been provided with a copy of Legacy of Temptation from the publisher through NetGalley for an impartial review. This is the first book in the brand-new Demonica Birthright series and it is a spinoff of the Demonica and Four Horsemen series. This series is set several years after the events of the main series and it features the children of the original characters. That being said, this was the first book I have read by this author so I believe it’s not necessary to have read the previous series to thoroughly enjoy this book and the future ones to come. In fact after reading this title I want to go back and read the previous series because I found the older characters so interesting and I would love to learn more about them and see their stories unfold. I just had a lot of fun getting to enter this world and there was just so much going on it was a lot to take in. I’m so interested to see where this series goes. I hope the other books come out soon.

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Thank you to NetGalley & Blue Box Press for the opportunity to read Legacy of Temptation by Larissa Ione in exchange for my honest review.

This was my first time reading Larissa Ione and I enjoyed the world she created. In Legacy of Temptation, we follow Eva who is a spokesperson of the Human demon-slaying organization, and Logan who works for the demon response team run by a mix of humans and supernaturals. Logan is also the son of the Horseman of the Apocalypse (Death). The world is our world but supernaturals are living amongst humans and not everyone is okay with it.

In general, the world-building may happen more in Ione’s previous series, but I felt like there was enough information shared in Legacy to keep me in the world and understanding what’s going on. There’s also an extensive amount of vocabulary words at the start of the book.

We follow Eva, who is super ambitious, and a team of human demon-slayers are sent to work with the demon response team and “learn” from each other. No surprise here, when you take a group of judgemental, “I’m better than you” thinking people, to a place where they are surrounded by things/people they don’t understand, tragedy ensues and spirals out of control.

Fair warning there is instant attraction that moves a little too fast in my opinion especially when you take in the personality of the characters. You’re introduced to a lot of characters but they aren’t flushed out enough for you to follow who’s who. For me, I kept mixing up a few of the characters, which I found frustrating. That said, other characters were fun to read and follow.

Overall I felt the book was a quick read, you don’t need to read the previous series to jump in, although it may provide more background info. I wasn’t a fan of Eva, I found her judgemental and selfish, but then she’s also open to learning new things. It felt like she flip-flopped a lot on hating supernaturals and thinking they were the worst and didn’t deserve to live, but then maybe they do, but they don’t…the back and forth was frustrating. I just wanted her to admit that maybe she didn’t know the right answer…

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Ok so this one wasn't a bad book it was just that I felt like I was in a book two or a world that was already formed and going. I felt like I was missing connections and just like I should know things that I didn't. Then I found this is actually a spin off of another series called Demonica. I would suggest you read those books before this one to have a better understanding.

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Fav Quote: Her gaze didn’t waver. “I want to be with you.” I want to be with you. Not, I want to go with you. Or I’ll be saver with you. His heart swelled.

The Deets: I have not read the Four Horsemen or any other of the author’s books, so this was my first introduction to the characters. Logan, the sexy DART agent, was hell on wheels while Eva, Aegis media lead, was her own kind of strong. I enjoyed the banter between the two and the draw toward each other. A lot happens in this book that leads me to believe a whole series of events has been set into motion with crazy adventures to come. You learn enough about other characters that you want to know more and I would definitely think about keeping my eye out for following books in this series. Not sure that I’d re-read it again, but it was an enjoyable book the first time through!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Blue Box Press for this opportunity to read rate and review this arc which will be available February 6,2024!

This is a book of consequences. Of children reaping what their parents sowed. I read the original books years ago when they first came out. This new series is about their kids. I liked it. But I think my reading tastes have evolved and this book didn’t quite capture what the first series did. I do recommend it to the readers who love a good story with steam and snark though.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the arc of this book. This is my first time reading a book by Larissa Ione and my introduction to this world. I was able to follow the story without reading any of her other books even though she has wrote about this world before. Both main characters equally held my attention and I was invested in their stories. I enjoyed this book and will be reading some of the others by this author.

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4.5 stars

I've missed Larissa's writing and I'm so happy she's back. I absolutely love the Demonica universe, and it felt so good to be back in it. I was hooked right from the start, being back in this world made me feel so nostalgic in the best way possible. While this book is the first in the series and I do believe it can be read as a standalone, I also think knowing who a lot of the characters were and some of the backstory from previous books helped a lot in understanding everything in this book, it wasn't as confusing or overwhelming as I think it could be for new readers.

I couldn't stop reading, I loved every page. I cried. I swooned. I smiled and giggled and I cried some more. I think Larissa did such a tremendous job with this spin-off series, it felt both familiar and still brand new. I loved seeing characters from previous books, I loved discovering all their lives thirty years later, seeing their kids all grown up, and seeing them function as a family. Logan and Eva's story was pretty epic, the usual rivals to lovers Larissa is so good at.

As usual with her, Larissa didn't pull any punches and surprised me with a few twists. I'm so curious about certain characters and what is going to happen next. There are still so many things I'm wondering about, and I'm so genuinely excited for the next story.

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This was truly not for me. The writing wasn’t my preferred style and I felt like I was jumping halfway into a story with the flashback.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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"Legacy of Temptation" by Larissa Ione follows the story of Eva Tennant, a Deputy Spokesperson for a demon-slaying organization called The Aegis. She finds herself in a precarious situation when a murder makes her a fugitive, leading to a demonic target on her back.

Meanwhile, Logan, the son of the Horseman of the Apocalypse known as Death, is ordered to protect Eva, despite his animosity towards The Aegis due to their past actions. As they navigate their complicated and dangerous circumstances, they find themselves drawn to each other, even as they face temptations and make sacrifices.

The novel delves into a world of demon-slaying, conflict, and the complexities of loyalty and love in the face of danger.

A good portion of the dialogue was unrealistic and seemed a bit awkward to me at times, and I think there were some parts that would have been better with a little more show rather than tell.

While I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I thought I would, I do believe it was good and different. I think a lot of people will enjoy this especially for the fantastical romance and unique plot.

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Thank you to Blue Box Press for my arc!

So going into this I didn’t realize that it’s a spin off from a different series by the author so I was honestly confused the entire time. However I really enjoyed the world and the characters were interesting.

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Disclaimer: I received an e-arc from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really, really, really was looking forward to reading this book. The synopsis sounded right up my alley and I was just so excited. That being said, it was a major flop for me.

The writing the style was not for me. I had a hard time connecting with the characters and keeping track of who as who as more characters were introduced. Similarly, I felt like there were pieces of the story missing. Overall, I had a hard time following what was going on.

I felt let down also with the plot overall. I felt like the writing was juvenile considering all the sex talk, and again, I could not resonate with a single character. I got bored reading. But I kept reading to the end to see if any point the story and I would click. I am not in any rush to try any other potential books by this author at this time after this reading experience.

One bit of advice: don’t go in with high expectations or begin comparing the story to Laura Thalassa’s Four Horsemen series.

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Legacy of Temptation by Larissa Ione was a great way for me to get my toes back into the fantasy romance/thriller genre after yearse of not reading it.

The first in her new Demonica Birthrite series, it centers on Eva, the Deputy Spokesperson of the Aegis, and Logan, the son of Death. They seem like a very unlikely couple, but they just work for me. They are both likeable and have chemistry together that is undeniable.

I haven't read any of the other stories preceding this series, but I am going to go back and read them and then re-read this again. I'm very intrigued about the Four Horseman and the co-existence of humans, demons, and other other-worldly creatures.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Legacy of Temptation by Larissa Ione (DEMONICA BIRTHRITE SERIES). Now, I have to give a warning: this book is about God, Angels, Demons, Vampires, Werewolves, and everything in between, loved it. In the beginning of the book, there is a glossary of terminology that includes terms relevant to the world the author has built, along with some terms you may already be familiar with. That being said, when you first start reading, you may feel like you are in book 2 or 3 of a series, but I can tell you this: it does not last long. This is the first book of this series, but the author does have multiple series, and from what I can tell, some of the players are in this book. Yes, you can read this as a standalone or choose to start it in the Demonica Series. The author's world-building is mind-blowing. Even though I have not read anything from her before, I was able to immediately pick up the story flow. If you're looking for a good series, I would definitely recommend this author.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This is my own fault but if I would have known this book was set in part of an already existing series I wouldn’t have picked it up because I did not understand one bit of the world even though it can be read as a standalone. There was just a lot of info-dumping and I couldn’t keep up!

Either way, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an arc in exchange for my honest review

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Thank you, NetGalley and Blue Box Press, for the ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first time reading a book by Larissa Ione, and I was impressed with the Demonica and Horsemen book series. Fans of the earlier series will appreciate this new installment and look forward to revisiting the Demonica world that Larissa has created.

However, this book was not quite to my liking. Those who have read the earlier series might enjoy this new series. The concept of demons and humans coexisting and the role of the Horsemen in the plot was intriguing. The writing style was smooth and engaging, which was the best part of the book. But sometimes, I couldn't tell if the characterization was done well because the dialogue sounded similar to the characters, which was one of my main issues.

Overall, it was entertaining, and paranormal romance and fantasy fans who are looking for something different and unique might enjoy it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Blue Box Press for this ARC.

While this book may not be for me, I do believe there are others out there that will thoroughly enjoy it. Eva and Logan are easily likeable characters. I do think I like Eva the most. The idea of demons and humans integrating as well as demons and horseman centered characters and plot is very intriguing and initially drew me to this book. The writing was very palatable and made it easy for me to be swept into the story. The romance and tension between two of the characters was also great.

Now, I’ll just say the overarching storyline pertaining to the antagonist was a bit too much for me, but others may like it a lot. The pacing is a little too slow. I don’t believe this book needs to be as long as it is, there is a lot of filler scenes and dialogue that could ultimately be edited out and still be left with a powerful story. A good portion of the dialogue was unrealistic and seemed a bit awkward to me at times, and I think there were some parts that would have been better with a little more show rather than tell.

While I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I thought I would, I do believe it was good and different. I think a lot of people will enjoy this especially for the fantastical romance and unique plot.

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I had fun with this book! I hadn’t read any of her other books in this world but might have to check some out now. It was entertaining and I enjoyed the world being so unique. So many fantasy novels lately like this feel very similar but this has a different vibe and reminds me of some of the older series in a good way (Shadowhunters and a little Bufffy-esque).

Definitely a fun read not too serious I’d recommend if you are in the book to just be entertained.

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It's such an immersive world, which I appreciate, but this one wasn't a love for me as much as some of the others set in the same space. There weren't any characters I really loved this time around, which made the book feel just a bit too long. And given how much back history there is, I don't think readers would have a good time if they hadn't read the previous series. This one was heavier on the romance, like a teen drama. I still had fun with it, but not as great of a read as I was hoping for. 3.5.

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