Member Reviews

This book was adorable, fun, and I may have stayed up until 2 am reading it on a work night (don’t tell my boss).

Things I liked:
-The tension!!!!! So good.
-Molly’s character development throughout the book, and her realization that she does not have to sacrifice her dreams.
-As a horse girl (for 21 of 26 years of my life) I found the barn/riding/horse stuff to be super well written! Is Dugan a horse girl or does she just do excellent research? I always go in to books that include horses just waiting to roll my eyes, but my eyes were kept firmly unrolled.
-The mother daughter relationship is relatable (unfortunately!).

Things I think could be improved:
-Dialogue got a bit cheesy in some places, and the solutions were oftentimes right there in front of our characters! However, the cheese factor DID have the desired effect (I am in love with Shani).
-I wish we knew what happened with the mom. And maybe a small epilogue about the farm? Perhaps a wedding between two guys that are endgame coded?!?

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys small town romance books, or really any romance lovers! And, of course, all my fellow horse girls!

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I started this book at the end of the year, thinking it was just going to be a super quick, silly, and a little stupid read. But I was pleasantly surprised when a sapphic country girl x city girl ended up being not just a fun read to finish of the year but also an emotional story about trying to find yourself, chasing your dreams, the struggles of growing up, and heartbreak and betrayal.

This book surprised in a way that i never expected. It made be really take time and think about my future and how hard it truly is to chase your own career goals while also trying to build a real relationship. I found both the main characters likeable and i always understood where each of them was coming from when they were telling their own side of the story.

The love and friendship the characters built throughout the story felt real and natural and not at all rushed, like i tend to see and other romance books. I also like how the characters went through real life struggles that you could face when trying to accomplish such goals like the main character.

Overall, I really enjoyed this boom and would recommend it to everyone!

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F/F romances can be hit or miss with me. This one was cute. Not totally memorable for me but I did enjoy it. I believed the chemistry between the main characters. 2”3.5 stars

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If you love Hallmark "small town" movies then you'll love this read! I enjoyed watching the sparks fly between the two leads, as well as watching Molly find her way. However, there are some "um, duh" moments that seemed obvious to the reader, so I'm not sure why Molly wouldn't think of it -- or why her friend would be the way that she is, either. But, I'm willing to suspend disbelief for the charm of the HEA in this book!

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this book. This was my first F/F romance, and I was not disappointed. I think that Molly and Shani had really good chemistry and worked well together as a couple. The only thing I didn't like about the book was how Molly's relationship with her mother was left hanging in the air. I would have loved to know if Molly and her mom completely severed ties or decided to work through their issues. Overall, this was a good read. I felt satisfied at the end, and I'm glad Molly and Shani got their happily ever after.

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The Ride of her Life by Jennifer Dugan was a fun romp of a romcom. I love the found family aspect of this book and that it takes place at barn as a former horse girl. It was sweet seeing how it played out and I didn’t want to put the book down.

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I was (am) so invested in the MC of this book! I really admired her guts and her passion, and seeing her achieve her dreams (+ the way she adapted and modified them along the way, listening to her heart) and also stand up to the nay-saying people around her were all so inspiring!

Also, the horses! They were so cute 😭

Also, also! It's a sapphic romance! I loved it!

TWs - death of a relative, sports related injury (secondary character), sabotage/betrayal

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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