Member Reviews

This is book two of a series that appears to end here, though the story is not concluded. Too bad, because the backstory of the Ryan twins and their mother was getting interesting.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for my copy of this audiobook rerelease

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To be fair, I didn’t enjoy the first one a whole lot, so it’s not surprising that I didn’t really enjoy the second, either. However, I DID feel like it was worse. The story felt very disjointed, combining a disturbing plot with cringey lines from “teenagers” that are written as though they are ten. Also, this is supposedly the last book, yet ended on a semi-cliffhanger? I still don’t find that I have all of the answers (not even close?) so that’s frustrating.
BUT — to be fair, I didn’t see the ending coming from a mile away. So. There’s that.

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This is the 2nd book in the Port Gamble series. It was more intriguing and much better than the first book in the series. While it did have some twists and a decent plot, it dragged on and was boring in other parts. The audiobook narrator is definitely this book's saving grace. She does a fantastic job of holding the attention of the reader. Overall, it was an easy read and decently entertaining. Three starse. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for providing me with a copy.

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When English exchange student Olivia Grant is found dead at the home of local schoolgirl, Brianna Connors, the town assumes that it’s a Halloween prank gone wrong. But when Brianna and her boyfriend Drew are spotted casually shopping the next day, people start to talk: how could they be so unaffected by Olivia’s death?

Twins Hayley and Taylor Ryan have received signs from beyond the grave for as long as they can remember. As the local police piece together the mystery, the girls begin to receive messages. When the prime suspects disappear, the twins know that time is running out. But to get to the killer, they will first need to confront someone close to them who has been keeping deadly secrets.

I was excited to head back to Port Gamble for the second in this series and Dying to Be Her didn't disappoint. Having just finished the first book before this one, it continued seamlessly and I enjoyed the continuation of the characters' stories. I like that we learned a little more about this historic bus crash and am now suitably invested to want to read the others in the series to learn even more.

My thanks to NetGalley and the Publishers for sending me this ARC in return for an honest review.

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The Port Gamble books chronicle the lives of twins Hayley and Taylor Ryan, who have mysterious abilities.

Not unlike most twins, you might think, but Hay-Tay have a few noticeable add-ons (i.e. they receive messages about the past and future). These are quick and easy reads, very much YA-inspired, but fun, although they can be a bit over the top.

Gregg Olsen is known for his true crime books, and while the Port gamble books are not in the genre, this does have similarities to the Amanda Knox case.

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You do really need to read/listen to this in order for it to make sense. This is a very interesting story but more directed as a YA. Given that I enjoyed listening to the two books and the narration worked.

I was given a free copy by netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the arc!
I was mixed on this book. There were parts I really enjoyed and got sucked in and others that felt drawn out and boring, because of that, it took me longer than normal to finish this. I read the first book of the Port Gamble and this continues with the twins stories of how they can feel and see things others can’t. Another murder and searching for the killer. There were some twists to this, but nothing jaw-dropping. Overall, it was just an ok book for me, not bad but also not one I was completely enthralled with either. If you like his writing style and the first book, this will be a great book for you!

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Dying to be her by Gregg Olsen and Narrated by Karen Peakes, is the second book in the excellent Port Gamble Chronicles series and I really enjoyed it. Especially as it was better than the first book. I was hooked within the first chapter and found it hard to stop listening to this audiobook.

This is a series set in the sleepy town of Port Gamble, which was formerly known as Empty Coffin,

Olivia Grant is a new foreign exchange student and has recently found a new friend called Brianna Connors. Brianna is throwing a big Halloween party from her family's plush home. Her parents are away on a cruise and they will never know.........Her high school friends etc are arriving to have fun at the party, including Olivia.

Olivia finds and starts on Brianna's father's craft beers, then shortly afterwards, Olivia goes upstairs to lie down, as she is feeling unwell. She falls asleep quickly and later wakes to find she's being attacked by someone and sadly her injuries are fatal.

Hayley and Taylor Ryan who are twins, possess psychic abilities and are pulled into the aftermath of the murder as suspicion grows as to who the likely culprit is. Danger is lurking around them and they must learn the truth quickly as the clock is ticking and their time is running out for them.

WoW...........I love these twins and I loved this audiobook.

I highly recommend it. But stick with the first book as the second one is so much better and just falls into place ready for this book.

Big thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for my arc.

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Crime solving with a supernatural twist.
I really liked the premise of this book and enjoyed the way the crime was based on a real live case

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The teenagers in this town are awful people! I mean really really awful! Some of them have grown on me though, aside from the twins of course. Beth has come into her own, and I, glad she’s still a part of their story. I’m interested in seeing how things play out now that the twins are a step closer to learning what happened with them. I had a feeling about their mom, but it was nicely set up for that little tidbit. The question now, is where do they go from here? Creepy text guy is still out there, but who is he working for? I guess we’ll have to read the next one to find out!

Huge thanks to Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for sending me this ARC for review! All of my reviews are given honestly!

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This book is better Than the first and that was good. Murder mystery with plenty of twists. The characters develop well but still more to learn about them. Karen Peake's narration is excellent again hope she gets to narrate more of these books. I received this audiobook from Bookoutre audio and Netgalley for a review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
Really enjoyed the second book in this series.
This author does a good job of keeping it interesting. Narrator did good as well.

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Wow! This was an intense listen!

The second book in the series of Port Gamble Chronicles doesn’t disappoint. This series just gets better and better! Several secrets are finally revealed but the danger has definitely increased. Trust no one in Port Gamble! For one of the murders I did quickly pick up several elements to the Amanda Knox so it was interesting to see how this one differed from the real case. Lots of twists and turns.

The narrator, Karen Peakes does a wonderful job portraying a variety of characters with her tones and inflections. She kept me engaged till the very end.

If you’re looking for a mystery thriller, then definitely pick this series up!

A very special thanks to Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for the ALC.

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The second chilling YA murder story in the Port Gamble chronicles. A year on from the dark murder of a teenage girl in the small town, a second teenage girl has been found brutally stabbed at a Halloween party. The teen hostess and her boyfriend act suspiciously calm the following day and then go missing. Psychic teens Hayley and Taylor soon find themselves tied up in the search for truth regarding the murdered Olivia and the missing Brianna. They also find themselves receiving the attention of a creepy texter and possible killer. Another slow reveal auduobook that will keep you hanging on for the big finale. #dyingtobeher #greggolsen #netgalley #ya

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When reading a series, I love when each book can function as a standalone. I had not read the first one when I picked this one up. While there are some things that are enhanced about the story after reading the first, it functions just fine on its own. I thoroughly enjoy Olsen's storytelling and am yet to be disappointed.

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This book was originally published in 2012 and has been re-edited and retitled. It’s the second is the series and is begging to not be the last! I’m hoping after publication, author Gregg Olsen gets the opportunity to write a third book staring the psychic Ryan twins

This book starts with British exchange student Olivia Grant and her mean girl bff Briana at her costume party

When Olivia is found murdered, the twins feel driven to investigate

This story involves the police investigation more than the last which I liked, but we still get plenty time with the twins. I also loved the reappearance of Starla and her mom Mindy - they’re hilarious and so Desperate Housewives😅

I would definitely suggest reading the first book in the series Beneath Her Skin as the twins have a story arch that continues on from book 1 which is vital to understand

If a third book is written, I would love to see the twins hone their abilities to help them solve more crimes

Thanks to Netgalley and RB Media for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review

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Thank you NetGalley! I appreciated the opportunity to review these books by Gregg Olson and once again he did not disappoint!

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Olivia Grant, a British exchange student, is murdered in Port Gamble. When she arrived, she was viewed as a sweet girl, in fact she blended in perfectly with the "mean girls". Her murder was only the first. Self importance and money are at the root of the evil. I was gifted this from Net Galley

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When foreign exchange student Olivia gets murdered at Rich girl Brianna‘s Halloween party Port Gamble is shocked by the news no one more so than Taylor and Haley‘s best friend Beth Lee that is who Olivia was staying with but when part of her costume is found in the dead girls mouth Beth is speechless. Brianna on the other hand will tell you how absolutely devastated she is and yet the very next day she was seen making out with her boyfriend Drew at Victoria’s Secret buy of all people Mandy. When detective Ann questions Brianna and Drew they really prove how clueless they are but when Brianna‘s father gets back into town from Cancun he tells the police she is in no way form of fashion going to speak to Brianna again unfortunately the parent Breonna really wants there is her mom Brandy but whenever her mom doesn’t so it’s not a problem because Brianna will make up a grand story as to why. We also get to know the twins ‘ mom Valerie better as to her daughters because she is keeping a secret from them and so while trying to find out who murdered Olivia they also want to know what their mom doesn’t want to tell them and it may just put them in peril. The first book I read from the Port Gamble Chronicles I thought the twins with their special psychic abilities would be the one to solve the crime but I think I like them being spectators and doing it for their own curiosity much better than the usable way. I love Greg Olsen‘s books I know these are released and have new names but I didn’t read them the first time they came out and I am so glad I got to read them this time this is really a great book with a shocking ending in a few love great mysteries with even better twist you definitely should read dying to be her book 2 in the Siri‘s I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it. I want to thank Bookoucher audio and net galley for my free audio copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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I was really excited to listen to this and completely forgot that it was YA at first. This is the second book in the series and I would say that it is OK to read or listen to as a standalone. There were some details that I wish I had known going into it though- like the twins special abilities. I think I would have been more engaged had I known about that from the beginning but as I caught on I thought it made the story really unique.
From a YA standpoint, I thought this was a solid thriller. The personalities were pretty believable and I went back and forth a few times on who I thought was responsible for the murder. I was happy with the ending and felt that it wrapped up the story really well. Without revealing any spoilers, I assume the “surprise information” shared at the very end mean there will be more of these books! Definitely left me wanting more!

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