Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing the ARC.

This was a very low stakes cozy fantasy book. An easy read for those looking for something a little magical touched by a bit of mystery. The main characters were fun and interesting to read about, but I wish that the author had a more even divide between them for the dual POV. About 70% is from Lilia's POV and Ragnar's is sparse throughout the rest of the book.

A fun, fast read.

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I have some struggles rating this book because there were equally amount of parts I liked and disliked.
I was happy with the characters and the original idea of the book but the pacing and storytelling could be a bit more neat / less chaotic to hold the tension.

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This is a cute, cozy fantasy romance with dragons and festivals and magic all in one. The setting of the second book was just as wholesome as the first (Forged by Magic) and even though this is a stand-alone, I really enjoyed revisiting the magical island of mythical beings and their festivals to follow another low-intensity magical mystery.

I also loved both MCs, but personally felt their romance could have been kicked up a notch during the build-up. The rivalry was very short-lived (though great when it was in play) and once they turned allies, I wish their was a bit more emphasis placed on the stakes of them being together (but I do understand that intensity or stakes are not usually a component of a cozy fantasy romance). Ultimately it just left me wanting a bit more from these otherwise loveable characters and their adorable romance.

As with the first book, I absolutely loved the dragons!

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My first read of 2024 and it was a 5 star read for me. I loved the first book in this series Forged In Magic so I couldn't wait to read this one about Rivelin sister Lilia and I loved it even more.

This was such a cute cozy fantasy, it was super fun, low angst and easy to read and the romance between Ragnar and Lilia was perfection. They were definitely brewing in chemistry.

I can't wait to see if we get more in this world.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for providing me with a advance reader copy for review

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Four and a half
Oh my this was a sweet read full of unexpected twists that just kept me guessing. Imagine if you will a free spirited female constantly travelling and she honestly cannot imagine ever settling down. Now add a gorgeous male who is kind and loyal but has secrets that he really is desperate not to reveal. Lilia is a master brewer although you cannot say the same for Ragnar but together they can make a magical Yule celebration happen but not without more than a few mishaps and sneaky deeds along the way !
This was fantasy romance with warmth and a lot of heart. More than a few shenanigans along the way too if honest but it all adds up to a book that made me smile.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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(3.5 stars, rounded up)

Brewed in Magic is a delightful combination of cozy and chaotic. Plot points are hitting, twists are twisting, debauchery is debauching, and through it all is an underlying warmth and ambiance. I listened to much of this via text-to-speech while I deep cleaned my home and it was an odd but perfect combination. Have you ever heard of the idea of turning on tavern ambiance YouTube videos while you clean your home, and it gives the feeling of being a tavern owner? This was the same feeling.

I found this book to be a bit of a duality. I found it slow and not completely captivating, but also the plot was very quick moving and there were multiple plot twists throughout the way. It didn't grab me from the start, but I certainly enjoyed it while I was reading it.

I recommend this book to anyone looking for a warm, delightful romantic fantasy to keep them cozy on a warm winter evening.

Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Brewed in Magic is a cute cozy fantasy romance. This is the perfect book to cozy up and read. The story is a slower one. Some parts of the book I found myself growing a bit bored. I also thought the romance could be just a bit better. I did enjoy the mystery of why the supplies were going missing and who could have taken them. I didn’t feel like the main characters had a very good connection. Overall, this is a cute slightly spicy romance.
Thank you to NetGalley for an arc.

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This book was like a warm hug, but with dragons, and rivals that call you “darling”!

“To be a wanderer was in my soul.”

Brewed in Magic was a cozy, sweet, lighthearted romance with the added bonus of being set in a fantasy world – and it was so much fun. Everything was very low stakes and just an easy palate cleanser read, and our main couple were so cute – both had well developed characters and, as always, I appreciated the dual POV!

“Then we’ll wander as long as you want… the only home I’ll ever need is you.”

I will admit that there was so much chaos happening in the third act of the book that I could barely keep up – but nonetheless, it was fun! Sprinkle in an adorable dragon, motherly mountain troll, and hilarious and loyal best friend, and this had everything I needed for a really enjoyable read. Plus a little bit of steam for my smut lovers, and some cute cameos of our fav couple from book #1 in this cozy series. All in all, I’m very happy!

My cozy romantasy cravings were highly satisfied – thank you so much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC copy provided :).

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Ahhh!! I went into January wanting to ready some cozy books and was so excited to get this arc. I was lucky enough to get book 1- Forged in Magic as well and absolutely loved them both. Low stakes, super sweet love interest, calamity galore and just all around shenanigans. I absolutely loved this book and would highly recommend!

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jenna wolfhart, you have a special place in my heart. thank you and the publisher so much for the arc. just like the first part of this series, forged by magic, brewed by magic is just as cozy and mystical. i’m completely obsessed with this world and i’m so happy i got to be a part of it yet again. i already fell in love with lilia in the first book, but this book solidified my love for her. she’s an amazing, sweet, and caring character that deserves all the good things in the world. same goes for ragnar. his lore was very interesting and i applaud his persistence and the softness in his heart despite all the hardships he has faced. i really enjoyed their dynamic and how their relationship progressed. i’m also so happy that the dragons had a big part in this book, and that the dragon had a personality that continued to change as the story progressed.

this book is a perfect cozy fantasy, so if you’re into those vibes you’ll adore this book. the stakes aren’t that stressful, so reading this book paired nice cup of tea and a candle would be the perfect vibes. i really hope the author continues this series because there are so many characters that deserve their own book. plus, i’m kind of obsessed with this world and i need more.

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This is a low stakes, fantasy romance with a cozy plot and a naughty dragon. I read Forged by Magic last year and just loved the way Jenna Wolfhart makes lovable, adorable characters and incorporates an interesting sub plot with the perfect amount of spice.

Lillia is the owner of the Travelling Tavern and has been the main brewer at the Yule festival for years..that’s until a handsome stranger takes her spot. Both Lillia and Ragnar have their own share of secrets but can they work together when a thief steals all the food and ale, leaving them with nothing for the Yule festival.

This was a cozy read that I didn’t want to put down. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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Brewed in Magic is the second in the Falling for Fables series. In this rivals-to-lovers tale, we follow Lilia and her travelling tavern as she makes her way to the Yule festival in the town of Riverwold. Whilst on the road, Lilia crosses paths with Ragnar, a firey-haired elf who comes to her rescue only to disappear by morning.

When she finally catches up to him, she finds that he has stolen her coveted pitch for the festival and set up shop with his own tavern albeit with a poor substitute for her home-brewed ale. However, when both their wagons are broken into and all the ale for the party is stolen, Lilia and Ragnar must work together to find the thief and their ale before the festival is ruined for the whole town.

Brewed in Magic was the perfect cosy winter romance and I loved all the characters introduced and the development of the relationship between Lilia and Ragnar (despite their competitiveness) was so sweet. I was so excited to receive the arc and a huge thank you!

Spice: 🌶🌶
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Characters: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

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What a delightful read! I absolutely loved Forged by Magic, and this felt like a perfect followup! Jenna Wolfhart has the skill of perfectly balancing cozy fantasy with romance and some medium stakes plot. I also love the side characters that get pulled in, especially Ulrika in this installment!

If you loved Legends and Lattes or Cursed Cocktails, this is going to be right up your alley! Lilia, a traveling tavern woman runs into a stranger on her way to a Yule Festival. From there chaos, romance, and drama ensue! It's the perfect book to curl up with in a snowstorm with a hot toddy or cider!

The only downside for me what that I wanted more of the characters internal monologues, like I felt like we got with Forged by Magic, but I'm still going to be a loyal Jenna Wolfhart reader from here on out! Thanks to #NetGalley for the ARC!

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I love this cozy, romantasy series. These books feel like a warm hug on a cold day. Sign me up for the next one.

I voluntarily read an early copy.

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I just love this world so much! Legends and lattes introduced me to one of my new favourite genres, cozy fantasy. Forged by Magic, the first book in this series, was the second book in this genre I read and I gave it five stars. This one, another five star perfection. It’s just so COZY, it’s low stakes, humour and all the magical & fantastical beings you love. It has dragons, need I say more?! They are stand alones, but I do think you will get more out of the story if you read them in order! This book follows the MMC’s in the first books sister. It also has a couple of really steamy and good spicy scenes, so be prepared 🔥

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Another wonderful cozy fantasy from Jenna Wolfhart. I loved Forged in Magic and was excited to learn more about Lilia and her Traveling Tavern. This mystery follows Lilia on her journey to Riverwold for the Yule Festival where she meets the mysterious Ragnar. Hijinks ensue and they must find a way to work together to save the Yule Festival. I really enjoyed Lilia, Ragnar and their banter. This book also solidified my need for a dragon side-kick. While this was a quick read, there was a few too many hijinks that made the ending a little longer than nessecary. Overall, this is the perfect book to curl up with on a cold winter day.

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Brewed in Magic by Jenna Wolfhart

taking a break from my holiday hiatus to post only because I loved this book so much 🫶🏼

tl;dr rival tavern owners have to work together to save the winter festival 

this book single-handedly cured my reading slump. I was drawn in immediately by the charming author's note, and then fell in love with the characters and couldn't put it down.

if you're into cozy fantasy or romantasy, this is the perfect winter read. the author described it as a Hallmark movie in a fantasy world and that sums it up perfectly. you can expect rivals to lovers, only one bed (or wagon 👀), and some spice 🌶️

SO excited to read the other stand alone in the Falling for Fables series next!!

thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op & Jenna Wolfhart for the arc!

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4.25 stars. I received an ARC from NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review. Another super cute and cozy fantasy by Jenna Wolfhart. Seeing more in the Falling for Fables world was exciting and I love me an animal side kick - make that animal a dragon and we are winning. All in all it followed the plot I expected, low stakes, and was exactly what I wanted to read with a blanket and a cup of tea during the busy holiday season.

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I really wnjoyed the first book in this series so was delighted to get a copy of this book. First of all, that cover is amazing. I loved the traveling strangers meet and end up running into each other again plot. The forced proximity and teaming up to solve a problem was fun. I adores the dragon companion and finding out Ragnar's identity was fun. My only drawback for this book was the lack of chemistry I felt. I don't know why either, but these two just felt more like friends than love interests. The plot also got a bit boring at times so it took me longer than necessary to finish. All in all a solid 3.5 stars and I'd definitely read more in this cozy world.

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"Here's to adventure and endless horizons."

Rating: 4/5
Format: ARC - ebook

What I liked about Brewed In Magic:
-This was the perfect cozy, winter read!
-Ragnar and Lilia are SO likable and their banter is incredible.
-He calls her Lil and Darling.
-Lilia loves her dragon the same way I love my dog. (They're so much more than just a pet.)
-I need to read book 1 of this series ASAP

A few of my favorite quotes:
-"We watched the sky together in comfortable silence."
-"You're the one gaping at me, darling."
-"I'd spend forever wandering the world with you."
-"The only home I'll ever need is you."

I recommend Brewed in Magic if you like the following:
-Rivals to lovers
-Only one wagon
-Ale 🍻

Thank you Jennie Wolfhart, NetGalley, and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the ARC of this title!

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