Member Reviews

This was a solid thriller about a murder that happened in a small town. The long list of characters meant a lot of possible suspects and secrets. I found it to be well-plotted and interesting.

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This was a quick fun read. I did guess the suspect early on but it didn't take away too much from the overall book. I enjoyed it through and through.

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I thought the story telling was great, and I loved how the point of views changed every few pages in this novel. It made the story interesting and kept me guessing on “whodunnit”. The plot was well thought out and the premise was so enticing that I binged this book in 3 days. Small town People drama is what I live for! I also very much enjoyed the parts where Diana’s ghost was talking to us, the audience, in first person. It gave it another level of story telling along with the third person point of views that I think is what had me wrapped up in this story for those three days!

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This is a solid thriller that hooks you right from the beginning. Shari Lapena explores the idea that crime and killing can happen anywhere - even in the seemingly perfect and quiet towns. I figured out who the killer was early on, even though there were several suspects. That being said, I still enjoyed the read. Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group Viking for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Big thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for allowing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
So, this was a wonderful read! 4.5 stars.
This book was told in a linear fashion - without jumping timelines. It moved swiftly and built-up suspense as it went along. It even had the perspective of the dead girl mixed in from time to time. And I really liked it that the chapters didn't only follow one person at a time but touched on many people. It was nice to have so many characters to choose from and it was surprisingly easy to keep everyone straight in your head. I did have an inkling as to who the killer was before the book revealed it, but I still really liked it.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

‘What Have You Done?’ is a fast paced mystery about a small town in Vermont, where everyone knows everyone. Once a teenage girl is found naked and murdered in a field, everyone becomes a suspect. The story is told through 9 POV’s, and it’s mostly easy to discern the narrator. There were plenty of red herrings, but the last couple of chapters became kind of predictable. Still an enjoyable read.

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Great mystery for readers who do not need a lot of gruesome murder details. Though it isn't much of a who-done-it, it does make you guess who the murderer is right up until the end. Sadly there are too many potential suspects and the system has failed our victim. It should not take tenacious teen detectives to solve murders, but it does make for good reading. I will not hesitate to recommend this book to our mystery and suspense booklovers.

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Shari Lapena is a master mystery writer, creating intriguing characters and storylines that keep a reader up late into the night. A killer on the loose in a small town. Is anyone safe? Great addition to any collection.

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Diana Brewer, a well liked local high school student, is found murdered in a hayfield. But there are just so many possible suspects of who could have committed this heinous crime. I enjoyed this book and it definitely kept me turning the pages, but I'm kind of mad at myself for figuring out who did it pretty early.

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In Fairhill, Vermont, on an early Friday morning, Roy Ressler, his dog and a flock of vultures find the body of teenager Diana Brewer on his farm. She is nude and has been strangled. The book follows her boyfriend, Cameron, her best friend, Riley, close friend, Evan, mother, Brenda, Paula Acosta, her teacher, gym teacher and coach, Brad Turner, Joe Prior, her stalker and Graham Kelly, her principal in the search for her killer and an examination of how her death affects each of them. Diana’s ghost also surveys some scenes.

This as a fairly good murder mystery. I could have done without the presence of Diana’s ghost, that addition seemed a bit silly and didn’t add anything to the story. Enjoyable overall.

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Solid domestic thriller that kept me reading into the night. The tale of how one crime can rip open the curtain to expose many secrets of an idyllic town. Well written with short chapters to keep you guessing. Was not a huge fan of the ending, but all in all a decent read. Great for a beach read! #whathaveyoudone? #sharilapena #netgalley #goodreads

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After high schooler Diana’s body is found in a field the mystery of who did it starts to build. Was it her clingy boyfriend? The flirty customer from her job? Her PE teacher? Different signs indicated that it could have been any of them. This was so easy to immediately get hooked on and thank goodness I had a sick day at home to lay on the couch and read because it’s all I would have thought about at work. There were some slight inconsistencies in language used that made me question the setting of the book being in Vermont. examples: grade nine students would be called 9th grade or freshmen- nothing major- just didn’t feel like it was worded correctly. Overall a very easy, quick read that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend!

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This was good in that it kept me going and was an easy read. I rarely say this, it's not like I want to know, but the murderer seemed very apparent almost from the start. I've read almost every book by Shari Lapena., and I would put it solidly in the middle, with three stars. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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Shari Lapena never fails to give a surprise ending.
As a small town is chaotically trying to figure out what happened to one of their own, a young daughter of a single mom, there are MANY points of view and background stories that all tie in to the story. A few too many perspectives, it’s almost too hard to believe that there could be that many horrible secrets about so many of the characters from such a small town that has always felt safe. And by the end it almost seems that not many or any of those details really matter.

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Shari Lapena wrote another great thriller. I was on the my edge of my seat and turned the pages vigorously. She kept me guessing throughout. I had an enjoyable experience throughout. Excellent book! Can’t wait for her next one!

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Shari Lapena’s new novel What Have You Done? is the best book I’ve read in quite awhile and I read ALOT. There were several murder suspects to choose from and each one was well written and seemed guilty. What a wild read! It’s a reader’s cliché, but I could not put this book down.

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This is my second Shari Lapena book, and it certainly won't be my last, Last year, I read Not a Happy Family, and I would have to say, I enjoyed What Have You Done a little bit more. Both books, however, received 4 stars from me on Goodreads.

I love the setting of this book - small town Vermont. We are told that nothing ever happens in Fairhill, but in the very beginning of the book, Diana (perhaps the most popular and beautiful girl in her senior class) has been murdered. Her naked body, which has ligature marks on the neck, is discovered by an unassuming farmer as it is being descended upon by vultures.

I really liked Lapena's use of so many different characters' voices to tell this story. I believe that varied perspectives allow the reader to dig deeper into the characters. Lapena uses so many characters' voices to draw us into the crime scene - Diana herself is a voice in first person; her best friends (one in first person perspective and one in third) supply important perspectives; a couple of teachers as well as her principal add points of views. Her mother, her boyfriend, her boyfriends' parents, a teacher's fiancé (who also happens to be the daughter of the farmer), and a creepy construction worker all contribute their perspectives as well.

We are presented with the speculation at the beginning...Who would do this to a girl like Diana? Lapena weaves a web that presents us with a plethora of suspects. By the time I was two thirds through the book, I was thinking to myself, "I cannot believe there are this many viable suspects."

If you are a fan of crime and thoroughly enjoy domestic thrillers, pick this one up. You will be surprised by its ending.

Thank you, NetGalley and Penguin Random House for this ARC. My book club already has another Shari Lapena book, Everyone Here is Lying, picked out for our March selection. She is definitely the answer when in search of a good domestic thriller.

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The small town of Fairhill, Vermont, has its fair share of hidden secrets. No one knew it would take the death of Diana Brewer to bring those secrets to light. When Diana is found in Roy Fessler's field, the rumor mill starts. Was it the boyfriend who was more possessive than loving? Was it the stranger who stalked her at her workplace? Or was it the teacher she had accused of being inappropriate towards her? Follow several points of view, including Diana's ghost and the killer, to find out if justice will be served.

This was my first Shari Lapena novel and it will not be my last. The storytelling is fast paced, which makes for a quick read. The different POVs keep you guessing the characters motives and intentions, which makes it hard to put down. Definitely recommend this when it comes out.

Thanks to #NetGalley, the publisher and Shari Lapena for allowing me to read an advanced copy for an honest review.

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I was immediately drawn into this story, and read it within 2 days. Characters were interesting and the story was compelling. However, I can only give 4 stars, bc the ending was not as tight as the rest of the book.

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Synopsis: Fairhill, Vermont is a tiny town where nothing bad ever happens to anyone. One day a girl is discovered on a farm, murdered and being eaten by vultures. The town is wondering, who killed her and why?Everyone in town is thinking the other person did it, so who, exactly, is to blame?
In Shari Lapenas new novel, we follow a small town that all quickly falls apart at the death of Diana Brewer. She had everything going for her; good looks, good grades, very sweet, and overall popular with everyone in town. Over the course of the book, we see how quickly everyone in town makes assumptions about the other townsfolk after she is found dead. Everyone is paranoid for their families, and is scared someone in town is a killer and will get away with it.

My review: I ate this book up with my bare fingers! I was lucky enough to get an advanced ebook copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review. I listened to another one of Shari Lapenas other books earlier last year and was enamored with her books. She’s quickly becoming one of my favorite thriller writers!

I thought the story telling was great, and I loved how the point of views changed every few pages in this novel. It made the story interesting and kept me guessing on “whodunnit”. The plot was well thought out and the premise was so enticing that I binged this book in 3 days. Small town People drama is what I live for! I also very much enjoyed the parts where Diana’s ghost was talking to us, the audience, in first person. It gave it another level of story telling along with the third person point of views that I think is what had me wrapped up in this story for those three days!

The only thing I have to say negatively about this book is that I felt like the “bombshell” of the big secret and twist at, what I thought was the end, was not big enough. It seemed like this book was coming to a HUGH head, but when the ending was revealed, everything seemed like it wasn’t as major as it was going to be.

Even still, the twist at the VERY very end of the book and what the character said in the ending chapter gave me chills. Overall I gave this book 4 stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you again to Netgalley for giving me an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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