Member Reviews

Love the advice in this book. I'll definitely be snagging a copy so I can refer back to things. I love that it breaks down everything from exercise to eating healthy to routine tests to keep you in the best shape for your aging years.

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A comprehensive book about aging. It does a great job of breaking down exercise, eating healthy, routine tests, insurance and so much more. It breaks down each section with useful information. A great read to learn that as you age it is the age you feel.

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A comprehensive guide to caring for your mental and physical well-being while aging and finding happiness through the process.

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Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging is a new book about the biology of aging and what we can expect. They looked at the age lift span and how it has changed. In the 1900s the average life span was about 45 years old. Now people live to almost 80. This book is geared to try and help increase the age gap and to help us live longer. They looked at the brain, heart and lungs, immunity health, urinary health, and much more. They explored topics such as retirement planning, exercise, eating well, and vaccinations.

The first part of the book explored the brain and how it ages. Our brain will shrink in size and this will in turn affect structures of the brain and we may have a decrease in cognitive function. We will lose our response time and it is 1.5 times slower than a young adult. One positive thing is that our judgement often gets better with age and this is because of knowledge and skills and experience. The book explained how researchers have discovered that we can control some of the risk factors to our brain health. One of the ways is keeping our brains challenged and boosting our cognitive. We need to address our physical activity, stress levels, tobacco use, blood pressure, and much more. One of the studies found if we have interrupted sleep, we are more at risk at developing dementia. They recommended following a plant-based diet to prevent dementia. They shared how helpful it can be to have a calendar and a task list to keep you focus and to help you remember. It’s important to perform one task at a time. There is mental aerobics we can use to stretch our brain and to keep it sharpened.

I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to age better and they want to improve their quality of life. I loved how they covered the entire body and health systems. I liked how they discussed kidney stones since this is something I have experienced a few times. They shared some of the causes and how we can try to prevent them as we age. I liked how they discussed what to eat and the importance of maintaining physical activity and getting enough sleep. They covered a wide range of different topics that will assist people as the age and it was very informative.

"I received this book free from Mayo Clinic Press for my honest review.”

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This book isn't just your typical read on ageing—it's like a roadmap, guiding you through the journey of getting older with vitality. Divided into two parts, it covers everything from the details of how each part of your body changes over time to practical tips for living your best, healthiest life.

In the first part, you'll delve into the ageing process, chapter by chapter, gaining insights into the subtle (and not-so-subtle) shifts that happen as we age.
The second part is like having a wellness coach at your fingertips, offering valuable advice on diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices that can make a difference in how you feel as you age. Each chapter has actionable tips to help you make informed decisions about your health.

Sure, it might not always be a breeze to read through every page, but the knowledge you'll gain is priceless. Armed with this book, you'll be better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of ageing, knowing what's normal and when it might be time to seek a little extra help.

In short, consider it your go-to guide for ageing gracefully and healthily.

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This book covers health issues related to aging. In fact, there is so many issues detailed that this book might be a bit overwhelming or even depressing for some readers. The first part is educational - moving through the body, explaining the illness, disease or disorders that may impact older adults. In this section the reader can identify issues and potential issues and set goals for better health. The second part of the book gives information on how to slow down or prevent age related health conditions. It covers a wide range of topics from stress to vaccinations. It provides practical guidance for anyone seeking to improve their health. This reviewer was disappointed that the book focused more on the physical rather than the emotional or psychological issues of aging. Research from positive psychology show the benefits of shifting thoughts and beliefs to a more positive view of aging. Becca Levy's book Breaking the Age Code excels here.

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Reading this book, "Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging..." from a personal, female perspective, I greedily absorbed the contents with an open, positive mind to 'think and do better' health-wise as I move forward in the aging process.

We can do things for ourselves by engaging in self-care, applying creams and make-up, and re-arranging our wardrobe- all wonderful (and important if it contributes to uplifting one's well-being), yet- it is surface window-dressing. For me, it's the self-care process regarding our inner-core and what we can do to maintain good health, physically and mentally, as the years progress.

Being a deep thinker fascinated with medical suggestions to attain and preserve a healthy lifestyle, I found this deeply comprehensive book to be a wonderful read that really educated me. It made me think positively... to start taking my aging process seriously, and plan and make decisions that are ripe with medical wisdom.

This book contains details on specific subjects we may be currently experiencing or may encounter in the future. It's an ideal book that gets us 'ready' and being a planner, I like that- al lot. It makes me feel organized and safe- more than any other self-care regime I can implement for myself.

Verdict: This is a tremendously wonderful resource guide everyone should have on hand within their home.

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This book was logically sound and very insightful and thought provoking. This is not my typical book, but I enjoyed all the various parts. The explanations of the aging process were very informative. It discussed diagnostic tests and preventative measures to avoid negative outcomes to said tests.

This book also discussed various tips and scenarios to improve an individual’s aging process. The end of each chapter has everything from exercises to healthy eating suggestions. I appreciated the simple and easy-to-follow writing throughout. I learned a lot from reading this book, and I am glad that I stumbled across it.

Thank you NetGalley and Mayo Clinic Press for an ARC in exchange for my honest and voluntary review.

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Thanks to Nathan K. LeBrasseur; Christina Chen, The Mayo Clinic Press and Netgalley for access to the advanced review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a thorough book on aging and the changes that happen as we age. The first half of the book is focused on sections of the body and highlights the changes that are normal and those that are not. The second half addresses how to live better longer with attention on diet, exercise, physical health, and planning for the future.

While comprehensive, the book is very readable and a useful resource to remind us of all of the basics of health and of changes we will all encounter at some point in our lives. Recommended not just for people in later years, but also for those who need to understand changes that loved ones may be encountering in their lives.

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Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging was insightful and encouraging at the same time. I am in my late 40s and it is good to know you can still change your outcome. I believe I am a pretty healthy eater for the most part, there are days or weeks where I stumble but get right back on the horse, every little bit helps for your future. Yes, genes do play a role in some aspects but you can help your body/mind/spirit by eating healthy, limiting stress and exercising, even if it is just a short amount of time per day.

With this book being in 2 sections, the first all the medical/disease jargon, the second how to eat, exercise, reduce stress, etc was very helpful. I always knew stress could play a huge role in body and mind but until reading this book I didn't know just how much it can affect every aspect of your body/mind. Reduce Stress, eat healthy and exercise will go a long way in having a more healthy and fulfilled life in the long run. Here's to living to a ripe old age to see the grandchildren and hopefully maybe even the great grandchildren play and grow.

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This was an informative guide with lots of general information about the aging process, This is an easy to read text which is detailed and includes lots of information about the subject matter, changes in the specific systems if the body, different disease processes, and wellness practices to achieve optimal health outcomes with the aging process. The subject matter was well covered and the text is well written.

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Thank you for letting me access this title via NetGalley. Mayo Clinic is definitely one of the top trusted sources for health and wellness information, and this book does not disappoint! I will refer back to it often.

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A nice collection of information on aging. I'm pretty well read and I didn't find any information that was particularly new or interesting to me, but for a person who is just beginning to explore and learn more about aging, this would be a useful reference book. Every library should have a copy. The other plus is that the Mayo Clinic can be depended on to have accurate information and is trustworthy and authoratative.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. It's solid.

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Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging by Nathan K. LeBrasseur and Christina Chen is very insightful guide on the stages on healthy aging. Published Jan 2024.
Me myself as being in the stage of my life where needing insight on ways to age gracefully as well as in a healthy fashion.
This guide is touching base on all the way from the brain to your senses and dementia as well as vaccinations etc.
Overall, this book is a helpful and informative read. I feel like I most definitely will be using this guide on my occasions if my future. Having been lived more than half of my life and dealing with chronic illnesses and ailments.
Thank you to NetGalley and the Mayo Clinic for this advanced reading copy!!!
**Looking forward to using the guide to aid me in healthy aging. Thanks again. Not my first Mayo Clinic book and it won’t be my last.

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“Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging” by Nathan K. LeBrasseur and Christina Chen is an informative guide divided into two parts, the learning phase and the doing phase.
The cell biology discussion is particularly interesting because it covers how the body changes and the conditions that are more likely to develop with age. This information is important because it helps the lay person distinguish between what is expected and when a situation needs to be addressed.
The doing phase of the book covers how to live a vibrant lifestyle as well as how to be resilient in the face of the unexpected.
Overall, this book is a helpful and informative read. Thank you to NetGalley and the Mayo Clinic for this ARC.

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This book can be a useful resource for people as it covers key issues around aging, which is a process that so many are worried about. It also delivers the welcome news that the effects of aging can often be modified by considering lifestyle elements.

The issue of epigenetics is touched upon, with the message that our genes are less important than we think, and that the choices we make with regard to exercise, stress management, nutrition etc have more of an impact in determining which genes are switched on.

The book would however benefit from organising the information in a more user-friendly fashion, as it is somewhat densely packed in. Given that much of the information is useful, it would be better to have it in a format that is easily absorbed. Definitely worth a read.

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MAYO CLINIC ON HEALTHY AGING by Nathan K. LeBrasseur and Christina Chen has a wonderfully inspirational subtitle: “An Easy and Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your Body Young, Your Mind Sharp and Your Spirit Fulfilled.” This second edition uncorrected preview, however, was full of errors and difficult to follow. There were multiple instances where the text just jumped to a completely new section in the middle of a sentence. That aside, it did seem relatively text heavy and while there were efforts to summarize ("what do you think" sections with questions) and to list a (surprisingly) few resources, both of those areas could have been strengthened, particularly given its older audience. Assuming it addresses the formatting issues at least, a revised PRINT edition would likely be helpful (still not sure about easy or comprehensive), but there are many other wonderful sources on this complex topic to pursue.

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A great resource for healthy aging, content-rich yet easy to read and comprehend, from the highly regarded Mayo Clinic. Highly recommended!

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This is an excellent resource for anyone who is overwhelmed by all of the information that’s floating around on healthy aging. Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging contains many time-tested ideas on to living healthily (at any age), covering physical and mental health, the power of community, recovering from injury and much more. I do not know enough about Medicare and was impressed by the comprehensiveness of that section of the book — that alone might be worth the purchase price!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the digital ARC.

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There is so much information about healthy aging it can be confusing and overwhelming. In the new book, Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging, the authors provide a comprehensive resource for time tested ways to live a healthy and long life. They stress that the goal is to live healthfully into old age as opposed to just living longer. I appreciated that the book covers not only physical health, but also the aspects that many do not think about until it is upon them. I was impressed by the chapter that covers Medicare; it is more complicated that I thought and will require an understanding of the program to obtain the appropriate coverage. This book is a good resource for healthy aging and provides solid, but basic recommendations.

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