Member Reviews

#AnOceanofCourageandFear #NetGalley

A novel based on survivor accounts from the USS Salt Lake City during WWII. The accounts were detailed and followed the characters Justin Collier and his family stationed in Hawaii. The novel starts around the time of the attack of Pearl Harbor. This book held my interest in most of the book takes place in the South Pacific. The story is told from several POV's, and they are clearly marked. I think the details hold true to the storyline.

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An excellent telling of WWII on the USS Salt Lake City
A compelling read that follows the heavy cruiser USS Salt Lake City through its battles of WW 2 in the Pacific as the officers and crew distinguish themselves in many of battles they are engaged in. The story is told through many of the individual actions and events that make the reader feel that they get to know and care about the characters and their lives, but also the toll that the war took on those who fought. The author has told the story with a mix of authentic characters and fictional ones to tell the remarkable story of the USS Salt Lake City and its effect on the Pacific battles. As you read you feel yourself experiencing the action, the highs and lows of the crew, and you begin to understand the individual conflict the any war brings to those engaged in it. A wonderful read that kept me hesitating to put down – wanting to know what would happen next. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the copy. This is my review and all thoughts are my own.

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This was a mix of fictional and real characters, about their experiences aboard the USS Salt Lake City during the war with Japan. A vessel that claimed many distinctions in battle thanks to its courageous crew. These are a few of their stories mixed in with a cohesive storyline that doesn't info dump and the whole thing was enjoyable to the last.
Having been on the USS Alabama recently I really enjoyed this and even surprised myself with how accurately I could now picture this whole narrative. I highly recommend it and even though these men are no longer around to thank in person for their service this book among others will help contribute to their memory and sacrifice.

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An Ocean of Courage and Fear by Jerry Borrowman

The USS Salt Lake City is one of the most decorated ships of the Pacific War. This book details 3 years worth of battles - beginning just days after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The details are unbelievable, and given by survivors of the battles. These are never before told stories and events that follow a Lt. Commander, a scout pilot, and even a 15 yr old who lied about his age to enlist.

If you like war stories- details of the ships and the battles, and want to read about the effects that war has on those involved- families included, you will enjoy this.

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