Member Reviews

This was not what I was expecting based on the blurb.

First of all, how is yoga in any way linked with the occult?! Granted, this was just a passing comment, but I feel like this is where the book first lost me.

This book was very weird and sexual (in a bad way) from the start. This honestly reminded me of why I’ve almost stopped reading books written by men. It’s very graphic, to the point of troubling. It makes my dark romances seem like Hallmark movies. And yes, I did read the entire book because it was short and now you won’t have to. I would have DNF-ed at 20% if I hadn’t received this as an ARC. The thing is, the story in itself is quite compelling. I just wish the sexual aspects didn’t exist and that the writing style wasn’t so overly descriptive. Phrases like “bowels of the earth”, impregnate, penetrate, and similar were used without reason. But since the story in itself was interesting, I gave it 2 stars instead of 1. I will not be continuing the series.

Alan, the main character, objectifies every woman he ever lays eyes on. He is also possessive and jealous. Him questioning why he objectifies every woman, does nothing to alleviate his behaviour for me, especially since he continues doing it.

Phrases like “lips red like menstrual blood,” and “boobs not like porn stars, but hanging down to the navel” made me cringe. Why not just say red like blood? And your boobs don’t hang down to your navel just because you don’t have silicone in them. Like please just admit you’ve never seen a real woman naked…

Also, Kali is an actual goddess in Hinduism, and “Cali” in this book is clearly inspired by her. This is made clear due to her being the one that “bestows liberation” to Alan and based on her physical description. If you are writing a book about something that resembles a real religion, please be respectful and either make it based on that religion, or change the story more so it’s not just a perversion of that religion. This felt like a very weird misrepresentation of a powerful goddess from a religion that the author is, as far as I can tell, not a part of (being that he is a white man).

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This is going to be a DNF for me. I'm sorry.. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to read and review the material. I simply cannot get through the writing style, the graphic, gratuitous sex in the beginning and I was hoping for more horror and less fantasy.

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This was a strong start to the Lost Carcosa series, it had everything that I was hoping for from the description. The characters were interesting and enjoyed how well everything flowed with the genre's elements. It left me wanting to read more in this series and from the author.

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Summary: Rejected by family and on the brink of homelessness, Alan's desperate quest for meaning takes him to a place where worthiness is proven in the most dangerous ways.

🌟 Four stars for this Barker-esque adventure! "The Claw of Craving" captures the essence of Clive Barker's style, making it a dark delight for fans.

😈 The worldbuilding and setting are like a dark carnival, inviting readers into a twisted realm where reality and fantasy dance a macabre waltz.

🌌 An awesome adventure awaits, accompanied by a generous serving of heart-pounding action that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

🔥 The ending is a tantalizing tease, leaving you hungry for the sequel. Brace yourself for a cliffhanger that hooks you like a gapping fish.

💔 Some overly sexualized descriptions, especially of Cali, made me cringe. Sorry, but I prefer my dark fantasy without an uncomfortable side of cringe-worthy moments.

📚 I wish this lovecraftian feast was longer – there's a hunger for more exploration in this dark and twisted universe.

In conclusion, "The Claw of Craving" is a Lovecraftian buffet with a side of desperation, perfect for fans of Barker's dark fantasy. I'll be eagerly awaiting the sequel, hoping for a journey as good as this one. 🎢📚

Disclaimer: A cosmic-sized thank you to NetGalley and Blood Bound Books for this ARC. All opinions are as uniquely mine as a Lovecraftian horror in a realm of twisted dreams. 🌌💀📚

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Not what I was hoping for. DNF.
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I didn't like this book. I couldn't pay attention to the plot due to the writing style being overly descriptive without reason. The descriptions were quite weird as well. An attractive woman was described to have lips the color of menstrual blood which doesn't exactly paint of picture of beauty. She was also described as having hips large enough to girdle the earth which just didn't make any sense to me at all. I couldn't fully finish the book and had to force myself to push to the 50% point because the descriptions never seemed to end. I wanted more plot than I do descriptions.

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This story is amazing! I was not expecting the story I got. I’m so ready for book two!!
The Claw of Craving is full of creatures, sex, family issues, heroes, and heroines. It is a non-stop action story from start to end. It is an epic journey of a man’s path to finding an answer to a question he has had most of his life.
The world building is fantastic, filled with so many obstacles and monsters. Sale has a creative imagination for the wilderness and creatures, and the characters that play a vital role in the story.
The character development is great, too! The main character has lots of inner dialogue to keep the reader in sync with his ups and downs. Eventually, once you get to know him, you start to be his cheerleader and hope he finds what he is looking for.
An immersive fantasy horror story, just right for when you need to change up your horror themes.

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