Member Reviews

In Amanda Cabot’s ‘Secrets of Sweetwater Crossing’ series, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Emily and Louisa Vaughn (and the men who capture their hearts, of course). But I’ve been eager to finally meet the middle sister Joanna who has been out of the country thus far in the series. Like her sisters, Joanna finds herself back at Finley House due to unforeseen circumstances, and while she’s glad to be reunited with her family she also grieves the loss of the dreams that had her leaving home in the first place. Getting to know her on the pages of Into the Starlight was a true pleasure. She carries herself with quiet dignity and possesses exquisite talent but at the same time she’s down to earth and approachable, and her kind heart makes her easy to love. The way the author describes Joanna’s musical gifting and the peace it brings to other characters in the story had me wanting very badly to listen to her play the piano every time she did so – pretty sure that’s a first for me, to wish I could HEAR something in a book.

Dr. Burke Finley thinks he knows why he’s traveling to Sweetwater Crossing – to bring his almost-aunt Della to see the house his late Uncle Clive built for her and to take a much-needed break from his medical practice after some painful experiences. But as is often the case, God has other plans that could exceed Burke’s imaginations, and one of those ‘new dreams’ He is stirring in Burke’s heart has a lot to do with Joanna and his growing feelings for her. Like Joanna, Burke is so easy to love right away and so is the idea of a relationship between Burke and Joanna. Their almost immediate connection, the way they selflessly supported each other in little ways and big, and their warm friendship that subsequently develops into a gentle romance is sweet and uplifting. Just watching them together on the pages made my heart smile – and that goes for the love-at-first-sight secondary romance in this book too!

Bottom Line: Into the Starlight by Amanda Cabot beautifully explores the dreams we have for our lives, the acute disappointment we experience when those dreams die, and the joy that comes from surrendering those dreams to the perfect ones God has for us. Joanna and Burke are such wonderful characters, and their relationship (first as friends and then as a romance) is grace-filled and edifying, not just for them but for readers also. But that’s not all I loved about this book, nor was wanting to meet Joanna all I’d been looking forward to. Because out of all the secrets that the otherwise-charming town of Sweetwater Crossing has been keeping, the mystery of what happened to Clive Finley is chief among them. I’ve had my suspicions from the beginning but I wasn’t expecting all the twists that the truth took before coming to light – or the surprises that the author had up her sleeve! If we must say goodbye to Sweetwater Crossing for now, Into the Starlight is the perfect sendoff with its wonderful characters, heartwarming romance & unexpected turns!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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ted on July 27, 2024 by dixiegran
Into the Starlight (Secrets of Sweetwater Crossing Book #3): (Three Sisters Facing Mystery and Romance in the 1880s Texas Hill Country)by Amanda Cabot
Such an interesting Historical Romance/suspense with believable characters. This book is about the third sister Johanna and it’s also the last in this series. Johanna has recently returned to her childhood home. Is now a widow and expecting a child. Somehow she feels she no longer fits in the Finley family home. Then to the amazement the original builder of their home, fiance’ along with his nephew Burke, arrives to visit the grave of her loved one. Also to see the home he built for her so many years ago. The mystery surrounding the fate of Clive Finley, who built Finley House for his fiancée, has finally been revealed. While everyone assumed he left to fight in the war and died, it has now come to light that he never left town. Johanna and Burke Finley join forces to investigate what happened to Clive Finley… You will certainly be surprised to learn what really happened to Clive Finley……I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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I have been anticipating this book for quite some time. It is the third installment into the Secrets of Sweetwater Crossing Series and Amanda Cabot did not disappoint. This book continues the story of three sisters who grew up in a large house, The Finley House, which has a history of its own. After the death of their parents the sisters turn the house into a boarding house. In this last installment Joanna, who has been off playing the piano abroad comes home. We also meet Della, the lady the house was built for, along with Burke, the nephew of the man who built the house. I won't give away the story ending, but you will not be disappointed by the suspense, character personalizations, and inspirational references. I recommend reading all three books in the series but it is not necessary to understand the story. I can't wait to see what Mrs. Cabot comes up with next as she always outdoes herself!

I would like to thank Netgalley and Revell Publishers for allowing me to read this story. I was in no was influenced to give a positive review.

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Lovely historical romance

I really enjoyed Amanda Cabot's Into The Starlight. It is set in the late 1800's and has fascinating details of medical treatments of that era, along with the issues of being a working woman. There is a bit of a twisty mystery part of the plot along with romance; a great book to read on a hot summer day inside the air conditioned house or by the pool. Highly recommended.

This is the 3rd book of a series but I haven't read the other books; possibly would be better to read them in the correct sequence, but not necessary.

Thank you to the publisher who lent me a time-limited e-arc via Netgalley. This review is optional and my own opinion.

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Into the Starlight is an exciting book with deeply relatable main characters that immediately captured my attention. I loved reading about the town of Sweetwater Crossing that took on life as I turned the pages. Its characters have many layers, some of which I didn't find out about until the end—lots of surprises in this one.

There are secrets, new love, and even heartbreak. But a sense of faith came through it all as everything came to a close and wrapped up nicely. This story will stay with you long after you turn the last page.

If you like clean romance and historical details of the 1800s in a small-town rich with character, this book is for you. Highly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher; a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed returning to the Finley House in Sweetwater Crossing, Texas with the last of the Vaughn sisters' story. In earlier books of this series, we learned how Clive Finley built a beautiful house for his intended bride but before it was finished, he left to fight in the war and they received word that he had been killed leaving the house to his close friend, Pastor Vaughn. Clive's fiance, Della, and his nephew have now come to see the town and the house that Clive was building for her. Joanna Vaughn returns home from a year in Europe the same day. Many surprising events including romances, healing, babies and murder take place with all of the characters in the book! Amanda Cabot has outdone herself with Into the Starlight! I received an e-book copy of the book through NetGalley. This is my honest opinion.

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Into the Starlight brings the Secrets of Sweetwater Crossing series to an end. There are three books in this series, and this just may be my favorite. In each of the books we see some characters from the other books which makes for a nice read when you are familiar with the characters.

Joanna Vaughn returns to Sweetwater Crossing after more than a year in Europe. Not only are her dreams of becoming a concert pianist shattered but things really are on a downward spiral for her. Her short-lived marriage is over in what seems like an instant as her beloved has died.

Looking forward to forgetting about it all and relaxing in her childhood home back in Sweetwater Crossing doesn't feel right either. She has changed so much in her time away it no longer feels like home.

Dr. Burke Finley is devastated. One of his patients has passed and he feels responsible for their death. A little getting away from the stress is what he needs and he and his Aunt Della visit Sweetwater Crossing trying to figure out what happened to his uncle and her would be husband.

Joanna and Burke spend time in each other's company to help Della figure out what happened years ago.

An absolute page turner, this one had me intrigued as I read. Mystery, suspense and romance are abound in this emotional and with a very surprising ending book. I enjoyed this so much and greatly look forward to seeing what the author publishes next.

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“It might lack the museums and monuments that Grandmother Kenner had called the essentials of a civilized city, but this small town in the Texas Hill Country had something far more valuable: her home.”

What a beautiful way to start a novel. Into the Starlight was a story of new beginnings and coming home. There was a mix of intrigue and romance. The characters were lovable. While the melodrama didn’t keep my attention, I think this would be a recommended read for those seeking a feel good, clean novel. Into the Starlight has a great small-town feel.
I hadn’t read any of the other books in the series prior to reading Into the Starlight. While it worked well as a standalone , it might be recommended to start at the beginning of the series to get to know the characters of Sweetwater Crossing a little better.
I received an advanced copy through NetGalley with no obligations to provide a positive review. . All opinions and ratings are my own.

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*I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher; the review is my own.*

3.5 stars

Although I enjoyed this book, I wasn’t quite as interested in it as I was in the first two. It was still good, and I feel like it wrapped things up in Sweetwater Crossing pretty well. I was saddened by some of the events even though they provided much needed closure for the characters involved.

Joanna and Burke were well suited for one another, and I liked that they saw their adjusted futures as changing their dreams rather than giving up on them. The things we want change throughout our lives, and it’s okay to trade in one dream or plan for another.

Notes: Can’t think of anything.

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Wow! What an exciting conclusion to the Secrets of Sweetwater Crossing series! Amanda Cabot combines an intriguing, slow burn mystery, a lovely second chance romance, and inspirational faith which made Into the Starlight such a fast paced, unputdownable read! After reading the previous two books, I was so intrigued by Joanna’s story who was away in Europe and unreachable by letter in the last book. Learning about what happened to her & her return to Sweetwater Crossing was even better than anticipated.

Joanna Vaughn’s return to Sweetwater Crossing’s bittersweet. She’s endured severe illness, the death of several loved ones including her husband, and the heartbreaking loss of her dream of being a concert pianist. As she struggles to find her place when so much has changed, she finds growing comfort and joy from being with her sisters again. She also finds a deep friendship with Dr. Burke Finley who’s come to Sweetwater Crossing with his “aunt” to see the home her fiancé built for her before he disappeared many years ago.

After his fiancée married his partner and blamed him for her mother’s death, Burke is ready for a change. When the woman who was engaged to his uncle wants to visit Sweetwater Crossing, Burke readily agrees to accompany her. He also wants to finally find out what happened to his uncle. When he meets the beautiful Joanna, he admires her talent & wants to help her. As their friendship grows, the undercurrent of attraction sizzles between them. As they work together to investigate Burke’s uncle’s disappearance, he also finds new purpose in helping Joanna’s sister, the local doctor. But when the past comes back to haunt them, will they find a happily ever after or be torn apart.

I loved Joanna’s & Burke’s second chance romance & how it beautifully grows from friends to more. I enjoyed seeing how they supported each other & helped each other overcome the past. The slow burn mystery was so good especially because it’s been simmering throughout the whole series. There were multiple suspects with a couple of red herrings thrown in. The villain was a bit surprising which made it all the more intriguing. The ending had me on the edge of my seat!

Highest of recommendations for this book and the entire series! Though it can be read as a standalone, it’s so much better if you’ve read the previous books in the series. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author & publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.

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When all her dreams fall apart, Joanna returns to Sweetwater Crossing to lick her wounds. Fortunately, her return is at least partly overshadowed by the arrival of unexpected guests: Della Samuels, the woman for whom the mansion that was now their family home had been built, and her nephew Burke. Della has come looking for her dead fiance's grave, but instead uncovers a mystery. Burke came to escape a tragic medical accident that destroyed both his career and his planned marriage. But his time in Sweetwater Crossing - not to mention the attractive and intriguing Joanna - shows him the good he can still do, and starts to convince him that he's not the failure he's begun to feel. And Joanna for her part begins to develop new, and maybe even better dreams. Can they lay to rest the mystery of Della's fiance - and perhaps build something better together than either ever imagined?

A delightful conclusion (I assume) to the series, with characters I enjoyed getting to know, old friends I appreciated seeing more of, a long-buried (pun intended) mystery to solve, some tender moments, and an inspirational message or two. I loved Burke's gentle encouragement of Joanna, and likewise her support when he finally tells her his story (which I was very glad to see resolved...). The introduction of Della and conclusion of the story of the Finlay mansion beautifully ties up threads I hadn't realised were left hanging earlier in the series, as to his disappearance, so that was a bonus, and adding in the thread of mystery really added to the story. (Note that while this includes characters from previous books, it can still be enjoyed as a standalone story.) All in all, a great read - recommended, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the author writes next!

Note that I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and this is my considered opinion of the book.

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Joanna Vaughn has returned from Europe to Sweetwater Crossing after the death of her husband and grandmother. Her dreams as a concert pianist in tatters, she is hoping to regain her life at Finley House where she was raised. To her surprise Burke Finely has brought his aunt Della to see the house that his uncle Clive built for her when they were engaged. Tragedy took Clive before he could collect his bride, and Della wants to know what happened all those years ago.

There are many twists and turns in this story. Burke and Joanna dive into finding out where Clive mysteriously went after leaving Sweetwater Crossing. The mystery end was such a surprise. Clean, slow romance between the two main characters.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Joanna & Burke have a sweet love story in Into the Starlight. The author does a great job with complex and believable backstories and weaves a romance that neither Joanna nor Burke want to happen. Except, they can’t help from falling deeply and madly in love. I really enjoyed this sweet series. It was a little sad to say goodbye to Sweetwater Crossing because Amanda Cabot did a wonderful job endearing me to the adorable town and the engaging characters who lived there.

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Into the Starlight is a beautifully written historical romance. I throughly enjoyed the plot and the characters were believable. My thanks to the publisher for my advance ebook. This is my unbiased review.

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Joanna returns to Sweetwater Crossing after losing her husband and dreams of being a concert pianist, and finds herself swept into a long unsolved missing persons mystery.

A intriguing drama with well developed characters within a riveting plot that kept the pages turning. I loved revisiting Sweetwater Crossing and the three sisters, as they reunite and work to figure out what really happened to Mr. Finley.

Great character interaction, and a well developed plot moved the story. I liked Burke, and how he is willing to share his knowledge, as well as how he is open and up front about how he feels.

Overall, a well rounded read that does an excellent job of tying the series together, though each could also be read as a stand alone. Engaging drama, with great characters and sweet romance.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I received a copy for review purposes; all opinions are honest and mine alone.

Altho’ INTO THE STARLIGHT is the final volume in a three book series, it can easily stand alone. Author, Amanda Cabot provides enough backstory on the key characters so readers don’t feel cheated regarding the ability to understand relationships and motivations.

Cabot offers something for everyone in this story: murder, mayhem, romance, second chances at love, mysteries and a small town setting that is full of interesting, quirky characters. There is a solid Christian theme running thru the storyline that occurs naturally: people pray at dinner, for and with each other, go to Bible studies, attend church and functions in and around the church, quote scripture in their regular speech and so forth; not forced or preachy.

Issue that are contemporary in small town Texas 1883 are presented via the lives of the characters: changing roles of women, needs for chaperones, women working outside the home, women doctors, equity treatment of wealthy people vs. poor or middle class, unwed mothers & children and voting rights, to name some.

A good sense of time and place with a solid historical background and romance that’s not too mushy. I’ll take heartfelt and thoughtful every time📚

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Into the Starlight is the third book in the Secrets of Sweetwater Crossing trilogy, the story of the Vaughn sisters. This one features the middle sister, Joanna, a trained pianist who is recovering from some tough life blows.

A running thread through the trilogy is the man who built the house the Vaughns live in. His nephew, Burke, brings the woman his uncle was to marry to town to see the house and find answers to what happened to him.

This is a lovely story about second chances and finding your place in the world. This is Christian fiction so expect church services and discussions of faith.

I enjoyed it and would recommend it to lovers of historical fiction.

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What would you do if your dreams were shattered and you had to start over? Amanda Cabot wraps up her Sweetwater Crossing series beautifully with Into the Starlight, a tender story of love, loss, and rediscovery set in a quaint Texas town. Joanna Vaughn returns home devastated after her dreams of becoming a concert pianist are shattered by illness and the death of her husband. Coming back to Sweetwater Crossing, though familiar, feels strangely unfamiliar, reflecting Joanna's own inner turmoil.

Enter Dr. Burke Finley and his aunt, Della Samuels, whose arrival in town brings a blend of mystery and unexpected connections. Burke's quest to uncover family secrets leads him to Joanna, and together they embark on a journey that not only solves mysteries but also heals wounds and opens hearts.

Cabot paints Joanna's emotional journey with such authenticity that it's impossible not to feel her pain and hope alongside her. Her struggles with loss and identity are portrayed with depth, making her journey of rediscovery all the more poignant. Sweetwater Crossing comes alive through Cabot's descriptive writing skills, evoking a sense of community and history that adds layers to the narrative.

The theme of faith is seamlessly woven into the story, grounding Joanna and Burke's experiences in trust and resilience. Quotes like "But you did your best … That’s all anyone can do. The rest is in God’s hands," resonate deeply, reflecting the characters' reliance on God Almighty.

Cabot's storytelling captivates with its blend of romance and mystery, keeping readers engaged through twists and heartfelt moments. The chemistry between Joanna and Burke feels genuine and evolves beautifully throughout the novel, offering a satisfying exploration of love and personal growth.

In Into the Starlight, Cabot showcases her gift for creating narratives that shine as brightly as the stars themselves, deeply touching the soul. This book is far more than a series conclusion; it’s an inspiring tale of hope and healing that will illuminate your heart long after the final page is turned. What lasting twinkle of faith will Into the Starlight leave in your heart?

I received a digital ARC of Into the Starlight from the publisher and NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability.

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The conclusion to The Mystery of Sweetwater Crossing will answer all of the reader's questions. The mystery of what happened to Clive is quite surprising. Joanna is back from overseas after her grandmother and husband died. Her relationship with her sisters has greatly improved. Dr Burke Finkley has brought Clive's fiancee back to see the mansion and find out the truth about Clive. Readers will want to read the first two books incthe series to fully enjoy this story. Historical fiction readers will enjoy thos trilogy.

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Thank you to Baker Publishing Group and NetGalley for providing me an ARC of this wonderful story. All opinions and views expressed in my review are my own.

Joanna (Vaughn) Richter had returned from Europe with her dreams in tatters. Dr. Burke and his Almost Aunt Della have traveled to Sweetwater Crossing to visit the town where her fiancee built her a home. This home has become the home of Reverend Vaughn’s family and they are currently using it as boarding house. Della and Burke fit right in and soon become part of the family and the town. Can they all work together to figure out what happened to Della’s fiancée’ all those years ago?

This is a great wrap up of The Sweetwater Crossing series. All three books have been great. Each book had it is own mystery and the series had an over arching mystery. Some of the characters that go bad are unexpected, while others aren’t that surprising. This author really knows how to keep you reading without a lot of extra violence.

The faith content is there but it is not preachy. They all learn reliance on God and they must lean on him through good times and bad times.

I would recommend this to anyone wanting to read good clean historical romance with a touch of mystery. If lighter faith bothers you this may not be your book.

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