Member Reviews

The story revolves around thirty-nine-year-old Deena Wood, who recently moved back to her childhood home in Brunswick, Georgia, where she lives with her father and his new wife, Ruth. The move hasn’t been easy for Deena. She is still grieving the loss of her mother and her recent divorce and having to move back home and take up an unfulfilling job after being fired from her position as a litigator in a prestigious law firm in Atlanta hasn’t been a pleasant experience. On a day trip to the south Georgia Coast to clear her mind, she encounters Holcomb Gardner, who looks to be in his seventies living in a trailer, who claims she is trespassing on his property – land that he jointly owned with his sister Delilah. Deena is curious and on looking into the details, discovers that Delilah is recently deceased and when she attempts to meet Holcomb again, she finds him gone -and the land up for sale, which her suspicions as Holcomb had been adamant about protecting what was rightfully his. Deena sets out to find out what happened to the Gardner family and who is behind the realty company that is facilitating the sale of the Gardners' land.
As Deena embarks on her quest to find out what happened to Holcomb, she uncovers a complex web of illegal land grabs targeting low-income communities, political corruption, corporate greed, conspiracy and murder. As Deena gets closer to the truth, it is evident that there are players in the mix who would resort to any means to stop Deena and she will need all the help she can get.
The plot, the writing and the characters grabbed from the very first page and I stayed up all night reading this novel, simply unable to put it down until I reached the end. The story touches upon themes of grief, family, community, inheritance and legacy. The narrative is shared for the most part from Deena’s first-person POV with the other narrators’ perspectives shared in short chapters interspersed throughout the narrative.

First book by this author and i will read more.
The story kept me wanting to read from page 1. I just really loved the suspense and trying to figure out who was responsible for the deaths of Delilah and Holcomb. Was great writing.
Great Writing and Great Story.
Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review.

the author's ability to weave thought provoking stories should be studied. i enjoyed it. thge suspense comes together perfectful and Ai really loved deena's strenght as a female lead. cant wait to read more from this author

In What You Leave Behind, Wanda M. Morris explores the Gullah Geechee history and the role that land rights play in their lives. I loved the sense of place. While the storytelling was engrossing throughout, I would not call this a thriller. It is more of a slow burn mystery mixed with family drama,.
Thank you to #NetGalley and #WillamMorrow for a free copy of #WhatYouLeaveBehind by Wanda M. Morris. All opinions are my own.

**4.5-stars rounded up**
I am a huge Wanda M. Morris fan. I have no problem believing we would be friends IRL, because obviously we have similar tastes and likes. I put off reading What You Leave Behind longer than I should have. The overall rating surprised me; less than a 4-star? Having read this now, I have no idea why. This novel deserves so much more hype and love.
Admittedly, this contains some of my favorite tropes and I'm a sucker for a compulsive Legal Thriller, but still, I think this could be enjoyed by so many Readers. The set-up for this is one of my faves; an MC returning to their hometown after quite some time away, trying to figure out a mystery, or solve a cold case.
Our MC in this story is Deena Woods. Deena is an attorney, who has recently returned to her family home in Brunswick, Georgia, after a horrible divorce. She is now living with her Dad, Jimmy, and Step-Mom, Ruth. We learn so much about Deena, and I loved getting to know her. Her Mom didn't pass all that long ago, so she is still wracked with grief. Additionally, it didn't take long for her Dad and Ruth to get together, so there's a little resentment there, of this new woman living in her Mom's house.
Nevertheless, they get along and you can tell there's a lot of love in the house. For her part, Deena is trying to work through all her feelings, but it isn't easy. One of the things she sometimes does when she's feeling overwhelmed, is goes for long drives. She looks for quiet places she can sit and be with her thoughts. It's on one of these occasions, on a beautiful waterfront parcel, that she has a run-in with the property owner that will fundamentally change her life.
He mistakenly identifies Deena as an agent of the company that has been trying to buy the property from him. The thing is, his family has owned that property since just after the Civil War and he has zero interest in selling. He's sick of them hounding him and let's Deena know, in no uncertain terms, that he will never, ever sell that land. Even though Deena tries to explain herself, he's not hearing it and she gets out of there as fast as she can.
The interaction leaves a lasting impression. She can't stop thinking about the man and the things he said. When she asks her Dad and Ruth about the man and the property, they're shady, like they know more than they're letting on. Shortly thereafter, when Deena returns to the property, the man is no where to be found, even his trailer is gone and there's a For Sale sign on the property. What the heck? Something isn't right.
It's at that point, Deena knows if she doesn't start looking into this, no one will. She's determined to find out what happened to the man and what this organization, scooping up all these properties, really is.
I was drawn into the mystery of this from the start. The way Deena's Dad and Step-Mom acted, I didn't blame her for digging further in. It's a very small town, one they've both lived in their whole life, they definitely knew something. I loved how determined Deena was and how she wasn't afraid to stick her neck out for others. She was doing the right thing and she knew it.
This was full of danger, intrigue, beautifully-developed characters, small town drama, as well as real life issues that are rarely discussed, or that people don't even realize are a problem until it happens to them or their families. The incorporation of the very real problem of Heirs' Property, I thought was so well done here. As someone interested in both the law and real estate, I'll admit, it did work particularly well for me. However, this is a very real and very serious issue, so hopefully people who read this will be interested enough to learn more about it.
I also liked the idea of this shadow organization coming in scooping up valuable properties from vulnerable individuals. Think BlackRock, which is another very serious issue that doesn't get enough recognition as to its threat in many markets throughout the U.S. More than the issues though, I just really enjoyed how Morris told this story. I loved the character work, and even the incorporation of some slight paranormal elements.
There's a lot of exploration of family legacy, love, forgiveness and grief. It's a story about taking action and pushing through hardships. It's a story of fresh starts and honoring those who came before you. It's action-packed, full of intrigue and heart. It's definitely my kind of story. Overall, I thought this was brilliant. I was a Morris fan coming in, and I'm an even bigger Morris fan going out. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.
Thank you to the publisher, William Morrow, for providing me with a copy to read and review. This was such a fantastic read; highly recommend!

wanda morris is incredible and this work shows that she can keep up the momentum basically no matter what, amazing novel

The story kept me on the edge of seat trying to figure out who was responsible for the deaths of Delilah and Holcomb and as a dog lover I'm so happy Trooper found his way back to people

Wow, I could not put this book down. I read it in a day, and now I’m sad because I’ll probably have to wait a year for the author’s next book. Her stories just keep getting better and better. This was suspenseful, with characters I really loved and rooted for. It’s such an important story, with an informing afterword that was truly eye opening.

Wanda Morris writes such an interesting and gripping story right from the start. It was difficult to put down. There's the story she weaves with her characters and along with the rich and largely unknown history of the Gullah Geechie tribe. Read this book. Seriously.

I really liked this book. The characters were easy to like, the story flowed nicely. I have read this author before and enjoyed her other novel . 3 stars

This book was not for me. I do not enjoy books with a protagonist who makes every wrong decision or that include a supernatural element.

I DNF'd this book, but I did share it on my 2024 Summer Book Preview before I tried to read it and discussed my thoughts on the portion I did read on my 2024 Summer Circle Back podcast episode.

What You Leave Behind is a thriller that follows Deena Wood who is a lawyer that uncovers a conspiracy which dates back to Reconstruction and persists in half the United States today. This all happens after the strange disappearance of a local landowner and the death of the landowner's sister. This was a new to me author and I can not wait to read more of the authors books. The book was writtten really well and had great characters in it. I was turning pages untill the very end and it kept me guessing. Overall this was a well written book with great twist, great characters and was fast paced. I highly enjoyed this book and would recommend this one to any reader who loves a good thriller. Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for this thrilling book in exchange of my honest review of What You Leave Behind by Wanda M. Morris.

WHAT YOU LEAVE BEHIND by Wanda M. Morris (Anywhere You Run) centers on Deena Woods, a 39 year-old who recently lost her mother, her lawyering career, and her marriage. She is back in her hometown of Brunswick, Georgia and underemployed when she comes across some disturbing questions about local real estate transactions. Like her earlier novel, Morris explores systemic racism in an objective and powerful way. Deena is in danger, but gradually puts herself in a position where she can be a strong activist and have an impact. WHAT YOU LEAVE BEHIND received a starred review from Booklist ("Not to be missed"), was a LibraryReads selection for June, and was recommended as one of "5 mystery novels for late-summer reading" by The Washington Post. Readers are sure to learn from and to enjoy this diverting read.

I cannot praise this enough. I loved Deena. She was incredibly relatable. She ends up back in her hometown after her life in Atlanta falls apart. There is very little focus on the reasons she is home, and I loved that because it kept us focus on the day to day stuff she is dealing with. She ends up being chased off when she stumbles onto an old man's property. He is insistent that he is not selling his and his sisters property. Deena cannot stop thinking about the man and ends up completely embroiled in a mystery.
I learned a lot about inheritance and how these companies steal wealth and homes from disadvantaged people. I loved all of this because I am the vice president of a preservation/history group. We have lost a lot of history to developers. Gentrification has been ruining my hometown and it isn't even nearly as bad as what is happening in this lovely book.
I want to recommend this to everyone one.

This newest book by Wanda Morris is a must read!
As Deena is forced to leave her high owned job and return home to her rural roots, she tries to deal with the death of her mother and her fathers remarriage, she soon runs into an old curmudgeon insisting he’s not going to sell his land. Intrigued, she soon finds him missing, developers making large purchases, corrupt officials and more!
Wanda has packed in all the things in this novel and she does it masterfully! You will not want to miss this one!

Deena has lost her mother, her husband and her job in a short time. She takes a break and moves back to her childhood home and regroup. She's taken a job she doesn't really like - and one day while she's taking a crying break and driving - she ends up at the end of an elderly man's shotgun and him yelling that he's not leaving his land. She tries to explain what happened and drives away. But he sticks in her mind and she starts looking into his disappearance. This is an awesome story - I really enjoyed the Geechee traditions and storyline. The characters are well developed and the mystery is really crafted cleverly.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for a temporary, digital ARC in return for my review.

Wanda M. Morris crafts thought provoking stories that are realistic and informative. She carefully weaves suspenseful elements into her stories and just when you’re about to fall over the cliff, everything comes together perfectly. I loved this story so much. Deena was definitely a great female lead and her strength shined throughout the story.

I really enjoyed this book, especially reading as my first buddy read 😁😁😁
Deena was hard-headed but determined to help others like her Mama told her.
Uncle Duke the protector ain't take no mess along with her Daddy.
If you're looking for a thriller with some 🤯🤯🤯 this is the book right here.
Thank you again Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. I'm a huge fan of Ms. Wanda M. Morris

I really enjoyed this book. It kept me engaged and it only took a few days to read. I think this is going to be a good book club option for several clubs. I plan recommending to my book friends and I look forward to reading more by this author.