Member Reviews

This book helped me so much with my confidence & personal growth. Jamie is vulnerable and relatable in this book. Getting to hear stories from her past was a a great testimony to what faith can do. The questions at the end of each chapter was a great addition to apply what you learn, too!

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Amazing book - I am getting ready for a re-read soon. I would recommend this book for all women and young girls.

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Absolutely love this book! I have it in multiple formats and have gifted this book to many friends, family, and loved ones. Also, I had the privilege of joining the author at a live, virtual kickoff event.
Jaimie does a great job throughout the book starting with Part 1 to first identify our limiting beliefs that hold us back from a feeling worthy enough throughout the aspects of our lives. Part 2 goes through unlearning these limiting beliefs. Part 3 then continues to transforming ourselves to build unshakeable self worth. Part 4 goes deeper into the knowing, building our knowing into all cells of our beings to live in the transformed belief system in our day to day lives.
The most impactful quote I want to share with you all here: “both self doubt and self belief take equal amounts of energy to manifesting something that hasn’t happened yet. … We get to choose which one we put our energy into because neither has happened; neither has been proven.”
All throughout listening and reading this book, I just could hearJamie‘s voice in my mind talking back to all of my limiting beliefs! The next step is to follow her advice and in turn I will talk back to those automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) myself in order to live a happy, fulfilled life knowing I am worthy of greatness.

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I honestly did not think Jamie Kern Lima, the queen of IT Cosmetics and personal development, could outdo "Believe It," but THIS is the gem of all gems right here! If we do not feel worthy, we are doing the world (and ourselves) a disservice! Who knew?! Worthiness has been quite a struggle for me my entire life. No matter what I did or how I did it, I never felt I was worthy. Negative Nancy was always such a strong inner critic who constantly tried to stop me! But now I know WHY I was feeling that way, and I have the tools from this beautiful book to guide me! I love that this is broken down into 4 simple parts --> Seeing, Unlearning, Transforming, and Knowing. This is absolutely a process, and Jamie helps us work through it! She's so incredibly relatable, and her vulnerability is refreshing! Jamie's poem "You're Not Crazy, You're Just First" is GOLD. Every entrepreneur needs to print this out and tape it up somewhere where it can be seen as a reminder that we are not crazy... we're just first! 2 enthusiastic thumbs ups!

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This was an excellent book about how we as women make ourselves small and we need to start taking up space and getting what we want without self shaming or worrying about our appearance, etc.
Jamie does an excellent job with helping people navigate through their thoughts and mindset to see their true worth.
Jamie helps differentiate the difference between self worth and self confidence and dissects the things that trips up women's lives (E.g. Imposter Syndrome, Body image issues, etc).
My favorite quote form the book (and also is addressed in a poem in this book) was: You're not crazy, you're just first (Addressing people's reaction to our big ideas).
This book is not a syrupy sweet how to book where you are just "supposed to be positive" or have "good vibes only"
There was so much good information I would have to take breaks to absorb all the good information.
I highly recommend this book and it is easily one of my favorite Non fiction reads of 2024.

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At its core, Worthy is about overcoming self-doubt and societal pressures to embrace one's true worth. Jamie Kern Lima candidly shares her experiences of growing up with insecurities, facing numerous rejections, and ultimately achieving monumental success. Her journey is nothing short of inspirational.

What makes Worthy particularly compelling is its relatability. The author does not shy away from discussing her fears, failures, and the moments when she felt most vulnerable. She recounts stories of being told she wasn’t good enough, battling with body image issues, and struggling with the imposter syndrome. These honest reflections make her triumphs feel accessible and her advice feel genuinely attainable for readers.

Beyond the inspiring stories, Worthy offers practical advice for personal and professional growth. The book provides actionable steps for building self-confidence, recognizing and harnessing one’s unique qualities, and maintaining resilience in the face of adversity. These tips are grounded in real-life experiences, making them all the more impactful and inspirational.

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I have loved reading these kinds of self help books in the past. I thought I had heard everything that had ever been written about worthiness and self improvement! This book, Worthy by Jamie Kern Lima, surprised me repeatedly with succinct stories and advice that gave a very different perspective than I have ever read! I would highly recommend reading it! It deserves a second read, and I very seldom say that!

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Jamie has a way of making you feel like you’re a personal friend. And she reminds you that there is only one of you. And that you are worthy. She provides practical tools and advice. If you did not know, she is donating 100% of the proceeds of this book. She is not keeping a penny. She genuinely cares about her readers. If you need a reminder that you are worthy, pick up this book! Although I received a digital copy through NetGalley, I read the hardcopy.

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Worthy is Real, Raw and Empowering. Jamie has written an inspiring book, yet again, that is built on the belief of self-worth and self-love. Every page spoke straight to me, gave me chills and all the emotions I've built up knowing and feeling deep inside that I am worthy of all my dreams, the life that I want and being myself as I am right now. This book is Transforming, Authentic and what the world needs right now to go all in, believe in themselves and love themselves. She gives you the Power and Permission to step into your destiny and the tools you will need along the way to get there. Worthy will change your life!

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This is an inspiring book and I'm recommending it to everyone I know ! I loved the distinction that was made between confidence and worthiness. This one concept put into practice has the power to provide so much more satisfaction and joy in a person's life. This is just one of many life changing gems present in Jamie's book!!

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Worthy has been a revelation for me! I have never been so completely taken by a book in my entire life. From the simple definition of the difference between self-worth and self-confidence, to how to unlearn the lies we and the world have been telling ourselves, to understanding that we are truly worthy of love and belonging simply because we exist, and with that knowledge that we can do all things has been truly life-enhancing for me. I am so grateful to Jamie Kern Lima for sharing her divine download with the world. This is a movement, people! Let’s make sure everyone knows they are WORTHY!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

Jamie Kern Lima does it again. I read her book Believe IT a few years ago and fell in love with Jamie. Her authenticity, humility, love for others, and her giving nature are so compelling. Not to mention her incredible business success.

I pre-ordered this book as soon as it was announced and it did not disappoint! Lack of self-worth is the big saboteur in our quest for happiness in life. We tend to confuse self-worth with self-confidence and think all we need to do to become successful and happy is be more confident. Jamie explains the difference between the two in the first chapter and spends the rest of the book showing the reader how to improve your self-worth, which we can all use more of.

If you know anyone struggling with feeling happy, fulfilled, or successful, please give them this book. I have pages and pages of notes and I intend to go back and read it again because I'm sure I missed a ton of great stuff

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I had been looking forward to reading “Worthy” for months, and it did not disappoint. In a tone that’s like talking with your best friend, Jamie Kern Lima shares about her personal journey to self-worth and uses it to lovingly show us that we are worthy, by birth, of all that is good, full of wisdom and potential, and blessed with the innate ability to thrive and succeed in life.

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Worthy is a book every teen and woman should read. It shines a light on insecurities we may not realize are holding us back. This book is full of stories that prove we aren’t alone in feeling how we do and how to get past the unworthy or imposter syndrome feeling. Jamie is as honest and real, and through that this book can truly change lives!

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It is rare for me to write a review on anything. However, I felt compelled after "devouring" Worthy and being inspired and excited to implement the plethora of valuable and easily applicable tools, insights, and resources that it provides. Jamie Kern Lima writes with such authenticity…generously sharing her own journey and holding the reader's hand firmly yet lovingly, reminding us that we too can move past our limiting beliefs, build unshakable self-worth, and live to our fullest potential. This is not just another self-help book, but rather an invitation to take a transformative journey to recognize our innate value, uniqueness, and worthiness (independent of external goals, achievements, or the opinions of others), and how to sustain that knowing of our worthiness in every single moment. For decades I struggled with accomplishing things yet always feeling like something was missing, and yearning for more. That something I now know is my self-worth. I did not understand the critical difference between self-confidence and self-worth. Honestly, I thought they were the same and my problem was a lack of confidence. That discovery alone from Worthy has been a massive game changer for me. This book is for everyone, regardless of age, gender or professional status. While it is not my intention to speak for others, I wholeheartedly believe that Worthy’s content can richly enhance any individual's current beliefs and progress towards discovering and living in their ultimate greatness. While it is never too late for us to unlearn limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones that speak to our infinite potential, I wish I had this information decades ago. I hope and pray that Worthy's messages, tools, and resources will become an integral part of our education curriculum, influencing and inspiring future generations to truly own the magnitude of their value and the unflinching conviction that they are all that is possible.

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If you are struggling with your self-worth and self-confidence…….:THIS is the book for you! I felt like Jamie was in the room with me. Great read! Feels like you are sitting with your best friend sipping on coffee. Every woman and girl should read this inspirational book!

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If you have ever struggled wiith self doubt or feelings of insecurity, this book is for you. Jamie Kern Lima shares her own journey and struggles while inspiring you in your own story. She encourages you to not stay stuck but how to step out and be you and have grace for yourself.

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How could a billionaire feel unfulfilled?

Jamie Kern Lima has a life that many of us long to have. Her story is typically summed up as the Denny’s waitress turned billionaire. That story is covered in her first book, Believe It.

Worthy is about what happened behind the scenes and inside her mind, heart, and soul. It had to have been a painful journey, because how else would she have such wisdom as “In life, you don’t soar to the level of your hopes and dreams, you stay stuck at the level of your self-worth.”

There are tons of self-help books out there, each with its own methodology or spin on someone else’s. Life lessons, things I have learned, and so on. What hit me at my core in this one was chapter 21: Who Are You Really Doubting? In this chapter, Jamie wrestles with understanding if she is doubting herself or God. As a fellow Christian, I am right there with her and hope I can master it as well as she did.

Those who purchased the book and upgraded to VIP for her upcoming event received extra worksheets and a companion workbook. Since the lessons are so valuable, I wish they were included directly in the book because this is a book that should be read and worked through by everyone. Additionally, I am hopeful that it will soon be translated as I gifted copies to non-native English speakers and know that it would be more powerful if they could read it in their native language.

I suggest you purchase 2 copies because you will want to both keep and share the book.

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Jamie’s book Worthy was like she was reading inside my mind. She knew how I thought about myself and why I was doing what I was doing. The reminder of bringing God into the picture to let me know that if God sees me as enough and worthy, then who am I to question it. By standing in my own greatness no letting my light shine, I give permission for others to do the same.

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Understanding that there is a difference between self-worth and self-confidence might just be the biggest AHA moment of my life. Jamie delivers this book in a clear, practical and ever so gentle and loving manner, the way only she can. Get a few copies - you'll want to share this book with everyone!

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