Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley, Terrance Coffey and Helm House for the eArc of The Surfacing.

The Surfacing is a great sci-fi mystery thriller which had me gripped right from the beginning. Even though some of the MC are actually children, they all have uncanny and somewhat unearthly knowledge and understanding. There seems to be an unknown fight going on to save the earth, will it be us or them?

The plot to The Surfacing, felt medium paced with plenty of character building as the story unfolded. It kept this pace and within the fast quarter of the book, things start to become fast paced.. I also felt I had a good sense of the area, Lynch and Alppachia, Kentucky which were the main places mentioned in the book. I could imagine the swaying trees, the lake, the mines and where the barn/stream were, and felt like they were beautiful places.

Even though Clay, our MC who is a gambler and drunk, I felt like I needed to root for him as his story starts develop and he finds his place. I bonded with him straight away and soon became my favourite character. So glad I did!

I loved the sci-fi elements in this Mystery/Thriller. The body snatching is a great idea. Mind control and the eventual snuffing out of a human soul generally gave me the chills and I also felt like that this book has a great message about looking after our planet.

4.5 stars for Storygraph. 4 stars for Netgalley, Amazon and Goodreads

It's not often I delve into the sci-fi genre and this book left me wanting to delve some more.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

The book is told from several points of view which I found a bit confusing and annoying at the beg, but soon became investedcand got the jyst of it.

Overall a good book. Just noy my typical read, bit enjoyable.


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"The Surfacing" is a gripping and intense novel that takes readers on a journey through a town plagued by inexplicable occurrences. From the enigmatic wisdom of six-year-old Kaden to the eerie blue haze engulfing Lynch, Kentucky, the narrative weaves a tale of suspense and mystery. Author skillfully builds the tension as disenchanted coal miner Clay Krutcher unwittingly becomes the town's unlikely hero, tasked with unraveling the mysteries and ultimately saving humanity from impending doom. The novel's compelling storyline and well-developed characters keep readers engaged as they navigate through the countdown to The Surfacing, delivering a thrilling and thought-provoking read.

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This was a decent book, it had a lot of povs, in all kinds of scenarios but very intricately linked and was at times baffling and confusing but trust the author, you'll get there. The redemption segment was cool for our main pov and I liked the ending.

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Pretty good horror and I liked the idea especially the punisher and the creepy child who knows way too much to be fitting.

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