Member Reviews

Any Karin Slaughter is a great read, this is no different.
This is Will and Sara’s honeymoon that turned into a whodunnit and is beautifully executed too! I wasn’t into their pairing at first thanks to the Grant County Series (read them if you haven’t) but I did come round eventually and now I’m invested in Will and Sara.
The murder happens on a secluded mountain top where Sara and Will are on honeymoon at an exclusive lodge - so basically a locked room mystery and everyone’s involved one way or another.
With plenty of suspects to choose from and a tangled web of past events it’s a good fun read!

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this ARC

This was a real page turner and hard to put down. I thought I'd figured out the killer early on, then as I progressed throughout the book I thought I'd got it wrong and kept changing my mind as to who the culprit was. Turned out I was right the first time, but I could never have guessed the reasons behind it.

Although this is the 12th book in the series, I think it could be read as a standalone.

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You can always trust Karin Slaughter to write a good book. I have to admit it took a couple of chapters to get in to it but once I did it was great. I really like Will and Sara and learning some more background to Will was really interesting.
There were plenty of potential suspects to latch on to and keep you guessing right until the end. It was very Agatha Christie.

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Will Trent and Sara Linton? - Of course I was going to read this one.
The murder happens on a secluded mountain top where Sara and Will are on honeymoon at an exclusive lodge - so basically a locked room mystery and I really do love those.
With a wealth of suspects to choose from and a tangled web of relationships, past events and expectations to work our way through this was a beautifully executed Whodunnit of the highest calibre.

One of the aspects of This Is Why We Lied that I loved so much was that we delved into aspects of Will's past that we previously hadn't seen and seeing the development in his character and the skills he has developed from book one is such a joy.

Beautifully plotted, suspenseful and edge of the seat.
Loved it!

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Will and Sara have finally got married and are honeymooning at the remote MacAlpine Family Lodge.

Their fellow guests are an odd bunch and the family who have run the lodge for seven generations are even odder.

Then Mercy the lodge's manager is brutally murdered and dies in Will's arms.

Will has to reveal he is an agent for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the honeymoon is over.

Battling the remote terrain and the even more remote emotions of the MacAlpine Family, Will must solve Mercy's murder.

Karin Slaughter writes a cracking tale and this is no exception!

I would like to thank Netgalley and Harper Collins Publishing for the chance to read and review this book

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Spoilers spoilers spoilers

I feel a bit cheated by this book.
As someone who's been there since Will and Sara met, I can't believe we didn't get a wedding.
The second reason I feel cheated, is after everything they've been through, you could have let them have a honeymoon!
That aside, it was great. It felt darker and more twisted than some of her other books.
Poor Mercy, who never stood a chance.
The screwed up relationships of the whole family were great to read, horrifying to imagine.
I felt the murderer was pretty obvious from the start, but not the whys. I raced through those last chapters to get to the whys.
Another cracking read from Slaughter

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<I><blockquote>Faith started grinning. "How did I get an Agatha Christie locked room with a VC Andrews twist?"</I></blockquote>

Which is a light moment in what is another dark book in Slaughter's series. There seems to be a mini trend at the moment in mysteries set in high-class resorts and this ticks that box and it also reminded me of some of Christie's claustrophobic families such as in her [book:Crooked House|9875107]. But any coziness stemming from the uber loved-up Will and Sara on honeymoon is soon (though perhaps not soon enough) pushed aside for a typically brutal murder.

Slaughter is deservedly a best seller for a reason but this isn't one of my favourite books: the loviness of Will and Sara is a bit nauseating and her almost maternal concern for him is particularly jarring here. Also Will's past which we've shared over the previous 11 books is, of course, traumatic but starts to feel overdone: bringing in someone he knew in care seems too much of a pointed coincidence, almost exploitative, and feels like the character is constantly being dragged backwards.

Things definitely pick up once Faith arrives on the scene: she's like a breath of fresh air as is Amanda. But the story meanders and makes little progress for hundreds of pages with some shock revelations all rushed in at the end. I also didn't really understand how the physical evidence of the revealed true story gets erased on the fatal night.

This is still a Slaughter page-turner but just not quite up there with her best: 3.5 stars rounded up.

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It took me ages to settle in to this book but after a few chapters I was hooked, it took me longer than usual to finish it but that’s mainly due to having a busy week. As always the author has a way of bringing the reader in several directions before the suspect is finally revealed. Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the arc to read.

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I knew I made the right decision when I requested this book on NetGalley. Karin Slaughter has a way of really making you uncomfortable and distressed with the narrative.

This is a continuation of the Will Trent series, which features the pov of Will, a GBI special agent, his wife Sarah Linton, a medical examiner at GBI, Mercy (more on her ahead!), and Will's partner, Faith.

This doesn't start like a typical murder mystery where you have the detective slowly interviewing everyone, finding the clues, then having a big reveal at the end. It starts with the murder and then takes us 12 hrs back to the pov of the murdered woman. This made sure that we formed a connection with Mercy McAlpine, the manager of the McAlpine lodge. We knew about her impending death right from the first chapter, so we become extra vigilant wrt the behaviour of the people around her. We try to understand who has the most dangerous secret. Meanwhile, Will and Sarah are guests at the lodge, enjoying their honeymoon, only to have it disrupted with a shriek. Then begins the tale of finding out who murdered Mercy.

It is very much a closed door mystery. The suspects include the family and the 8 guests. This made trying to find the motive easier (or so I thought!). Every possible theory that strikes one also strikes the detectives. They go down all paths, only to stumble upon something unthinkable and devastating. This was not just a book about a murder. It was also about domestic abuse, both from the partner and her own family. Mercy led a tough life but escaping seemed impossible. More so after she took over the reins and started managing everything at the lodge herself. Then she couldn't dream of leaving behind her family legacy.

I wouldn't want to delve deep into the trauma since if I went down that road, it would be a looooooooooong review. So instead, I'll talk about the aspects I liked.

● There are three letters that Mercy wrote for her son Jon over the years. They really shed a light on her. I understood her struggles more, along with her sorrowful tale. They tugged on my heartstrings.

● The post mortem was incredibly detailed. Since Will's wife Sara is an examiner, we got to understand the level of violence as they conducted the post mortem. We see the past and present wounds that really made me glum. Post mortem of this detail is often skipped in books but the author did her homework well. It also described all the procedures such a case goes through.

● I can't not talk about Dave, Mercy's ex-husband, abuser, adoptive brother(yes, you heard that right) and an overall terrible being. He was also Will's bully in their foster children group home. He went through severe trauma as a kid and as an adult and that made him really empty inside. Many times, the author tried to make us conflicted about him but then reminded us and reinforced that now, he is an abuser. Facing childhood trauma is no excuse for becoming somebody's trauma. It is unacceptable.

● The murder mystery is not the only aspect. The McAlpine family is riddled with secrets that we slowly unearth. These are some traumatizing secrets. At the beginning, I thought it was a regular run of the mill murder mystery. But then, it took a dark turn.

● I liked how realistic this book was in the aspect that literal wounds take time to heal and need to be protected from infection. Usually, the heroes may be bleeding through several wounds, showing no concern towards infection from open wounds. N then they miraculously heal. Here, the protagonist's hand is hurt and throughout the story, he feels the pain and considers how he would manage tasks with just one functional hand.

● I didn't expect that climax at all. It is unthinkable. I was both surprised and traumatized.

At the beginning I thought it would end up being a 3 star read but by the middle, I realized it's better than expected.
Therefore, 4 stars!

It is a dark story with a lot of triggers. So tread carefully! The author's brain went to dark places to write this one. A multilevelled mystery with webs of secrets.

Special thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins and Karin Slaughter for providing me an advanced digital copy of the book!

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A new Karin Slaughter day is like Christmas. The Queen of crime thrillers. We bow down.

This Is Why We Lied is another outing for the Grant County series. The return of Will Trent and Sara Linton, this is a bottle story. Taking place in a single location over the course of 2 days.

This felt slightly different, A stronger focus on Sara and Will. The crime however is a usual masterclass in tricks, diversions and craft.

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I was really excited to be able to read this, thanks to NetGalley and Karin Slaughter.

Firstly: If you’re considering this book and have not read the rest of the series I beg you to start at the beginning (Grant County series and the Will Trent series in order) although this and the others could be read as standalones, it’s really worth taking the time to get to know the characters and all of the history and details Karin Slaughter has created. Honestly, they just get better with every page!

I stayed up half the night to finish this one, it
was a whodunit like no other! With all the elements you would expect of a locked room mystery- an abusive ex husband, cold and distant family members, strangers who have something to hide, and our favourite newly married couple who were supposed to be enjoying a blissful honeymoon are of course there to figure out the mystery. In true Karin Slaughter style, everything will be far darker and more shocking than you can imagine.

I can’t wait for the next instalment, I’m hoping we can spend a bit more time with some of the other wonderful characters (Faith and Jeremy perhaps?) although of course Will will be forever my favourite!

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This Is Why We Lied is another excellent episode in the Will Trent series. Will and Sara are finally married. For their honeymoon, Will books an idyllic sounding retreat on a Georgia mountain. But, of course, it doesn't go to plan.

McApline Lodge has been in the family for generations. But the family is hiding more dark secrets than Will and Sara could imagine. And then there's a murder.

Will is the only cop within miles, apart from the local sheriff, who is so close to the family that there's no way he will investigate fairly. The question isn't who is lying - because they are all lying. There are so many suspects in what is essentially a variant on a locked room murder.

As the secrets start to be revealed the case gets even more complex. It's a dark and, in places, difficult read. But, as always, an excellent read that draws the reader into the story.

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I love Karin Slaughter books. Full of tension and suspense and keep you turning the page. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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Another excellent episode in this series. Will and Sara are on their honeymoon. I have to admit that I have really bought into them as a couple over the years and I’m pleased that the author doesn’t make them split up or cheat in each other or anything else that sometimes happens to ‘keep the story interesting’. What does happen to them is a new murder to investigate. They are staying at a remote group of lodges which should be a luxury break but turns into a locked room mystery with an extraordinarily dysfunctional and abusive group of characters. Mercy is found dead right at the beginning and then the story flashes back to events leading up to her death. There are twists, turns and revelations but this book is not for the faint hearted. The abuse described is at times hard to read about and this really pulls in your heart strings. If you haven’t read this book, you could read it as a stand alone but I would definitely recommend going back to the beginning. Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC.

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Everyone here is a liar, but only one of us is a killer…
Will Trent and Sara Linton are finally getting away for their honeymoon, to McAlpine Lodge, a remote mountain getaway.

Except not everything is smooth sailing at the lodge and the family are embroiled in a battle when they arrive. Then Mercy McAlpine is found dead. What was meant to be a peaceful honeymoon, turns into an investigation for the pair and tension is high.

This was such a fast paced and suspenseful novel and it had the shock value that you always expect from KS novels. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for this gifted review copy.

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A great whodunnit that keeps you guessing and constantly questioning everything that you think you know, if you’ve read Karin Slaughter books before then you know what a great you are in for; if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?!

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I was thrilled to receive this ARC of This is Why We lie which is book 12 in the Will Trent series from Karin Slaughter via #NetGalley. This series and it's wonderful main charaxters holds a special place in my heart, despite its violence and gore. Even though Karin puts my beloved characters through the wringer, I still adore this universe. While I appreciate that Karin allowed them to have their wedding without any hitches, their honeymoon couldn't escape drama. The introduction of the vile McAlpine family interrupted their bliss, particularly Mercy, who has made mistakes in the past but was trying to do the right thing by her son and herself. She was stuck in a endless inescapable cycle of abuse. If only her Aunt Delilah had not been more forgiving. As with all of Karin Slaughter's books, this one should come with a trigger warning. Just when you think it can't get any darker, Karin delivers an ending that you couldn't predict. Surprisingly, I figured out who the killer was early on, but the reasons behind it caught me off guard. Regardless, this is another dark and twisted addition to Karin Slaughter's repertoire. Highly recommedned!!!!

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I'm obsessed with Karin Slaughter and the will and Sara series is one of the best series I've ever come across so I can't even explain how excited a new installment made me!! Its sheer genius. This story is actually a locked room mystery which I usually hate but of course the author made it as amazing as you'd expect. There are layers upon layers upon layers. The characters are pretty familiar by this point but they're still well written and fleshed out for anyone who hasn't met them before. Any relevant backstory is also included but not to the extent it feels like a recap of previous books. It's so well plotted out and paced, there is constantly something happening, the new characters are original and just as intriguing as the familiar ones. The entire book is just sheer perfection! I took the day off work to read this!!!! And I have no regrets. I can't recommend it highly enough. An absolute masterpiece

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Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins, UK for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of This Is Why We Lied by Karin Slaughter for an honest review due to be published June 20, 2024.
I have read all the Will Trent and Grant County series, so I was thrilled to get the newest edition to the series.
McAlpine Lodge has been in the family for generations. It is so remote you must hike to get there. Everyone in the lodge has a lie they are hiding, and when Mercy McAlpine threatens to expose everyone, she ends up dead. Will and Sara, on their honeymoon, are also trying to hide what they do for a living. Will they be able to with Mercy’s murder and maybe another one coming?
As I read the Will Trent series, I always pictured him in a certain way. I was a little disappointed when I watched the series on TV, but now when I read the books, I picture the “TV” Will Trent as I am reading!
This was another good one with lots of suspects – Mercy’s abusing ex-husband, her horrible father and mother, her conniving aunt, her son, and even some of the lodge visitors! This is Why We Lied kept me interested the entire book until the ending. Very few people can hold my interest of 400 pages to solve a murder – Karin Slaughter can!
If you’re looking for a great series to read, you should start this one. Can’t wait for the next one to be published!
#NetGalley #KarinSlaughter #HarperCollinsUK #ThisIsWhyWeLied

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This Is Why we Lied is the next book in the Will Trent and Sara Linton series which just gets better and better. There is such depths to these two whose personal journeys I have followed and loved, as a crime thriller the action, excitement, jaw dropping moments and ‘who the heck did it’ are relentless.
I particularly loved how Will has finally found peace and pure love with Sara which glows off the pages. That said this is a hard hitting story of domestic abuse, child cruelty, alcoholism and drug addiction.
Now on their honeymoon Will has booked an isolated mountain guest retreat in a beautiful area for them to explore and be together. They are met by Mercy whose family owns the retreat and she manages it and looks after the guests. After only being there one night Mercy is murdered and Will and Sara are plunged straight into the investigation. There are also chapters where we go back hours before the murder and learn about Mercy’s life and the lead up to the murder which really sets the scene well.
All manner of secrets are slowly revealed, lies corruption and illegal activities are exposed. I really thought I had it all wrapped up and had worked out who the the murderer was but my goodness I was way off. The reveal when it came is shocking, so much so I had to read the ending three times to believe it.
In my opinion this is a masterpiece of a crime thriller with a brilliant plot line and a cast of characters whose depth have your total investment in the story.
My thanks to netgalley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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