Member Reviews

Karin Slaughter’s is one of my go to authors… if she writes something, I read it, and although This Is Why We Lied didn’t blow me away, it also didn’t disappoint.

This is book 12 in the Will Trent series which finally has Sara and Will celebrating their honeymoon at a secluded cabin retreat. Only it isn’t long before there’s a murder that they just can’t ignore.

Slaughter has delivered a ‘locked room’ mystery, that would probably work as a standalone, but of course there will be references to previous novels, so I’d always advise to read the previous work beforehand. I think this allows you to understand the main protagonists more and perhaps give a different perspective on things.

This book won’t be for everyone… as Karin Slaughter fans know, she doesn’t hold back, and there are some things in this book that I even struggled to read, and normally I’m not that shockable. However, it will keep you guessing! Normally I work out everything, and although I had figured out a few things, Slaughter still managed to shock me with a few twists and turns.

Slaughter is also very good at constructing captivating characters, and I think Mercy was a very well written character. I particularly enjoyed her letters, although a difficult read, they gave a deeper understanding to her character and definitely added to the story.

However, I don’t think this was quite as strong as some of her other novels, and I think I missed her normal cast of characters (it did pick up when Faith made a welcome arrival), but her writing style is strong and the plot was interesting enough to keep me engaged.

I was a little irritated by every single character fawning over Sara though, as if she’s such a beauty, everyone falls for her. Sara has depth and layers, and suddenly her being branded as this sex symbol became boring and took away from the intelligent and capable character we know.
I also think it could have been a tad shorter; we had lots of unnecessary descriptions of nature and the multiple trails and it honestly became a little baffling.

In summary, it’s definitely worth a look, if you don’t mind some pretty disturbing themes.

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I very much enjoyed this book. Its the second of the Will Trent books that I've read and I'd certainly read more. The story was engaging from the outset. I wasn't sure who the murderer was and I must admit I was kept guessing right to the end but that's no criticism - the final denouement was well explained and plausible though, tying everything up nicely. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Karin Slaughter did a fantastic job making everyone look suspicious. The story was really well-planned and kept me guessing. The author does not hold back- the isolated setting and raging storm create the perfect atmosphere for a high-stakes mystery where anyone could be the killer.

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Will and Sarah Trent, they're finally married and on their honeymoon and for what seems to make perfect sense for Will is to book a honeymoon based upon his past. The characters of this mystery were really interesting and the whole concept gave almost an old school agatha christie type murder mystery. There's only so many suspects due to the location and it turn sout almost everyone has a secret and more than most have a reason for murder.
For a change I felt the murdered was blatantly obvious...then I started to doubt myself. The book has plenty of twists and turns and the usual characters still make their appearances along with the evolving growing relationship of Will and Sarah.

I received this book as an ARC and provide my honest review.

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Karin Slaughter does it again! A gripping thriller that will keep you guessing till the very end.

In most thrillers, I feel characters are out of depth and lack personality but Karin Slaughter writes are characters with such complexity catering to their unique personality quirks and intricacies. You will empathize with the characters, you will hate them with a passion, and you will feel their pain. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it despite the horrific scenes that may or may not scar you.

The story begins when Will Trent is on his honeymoon for a mountain getaway at a family based resort. His honeymoon takes a horrible turn when the manager of the resort is found brutally murdered. The family has secretes to hide but will Will and his wife be able to find the culprit. Read to find out!

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Absolutely loved this book! From page one I was hooked and couldn’t wait to pick the book back up. Can’t wait to read more by this author.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is Why We Lied finds Will and Sara on honeymoon at a place called McAlpine Lodge its in a remote spot and perfect for a relaxing honeymoon. Unfortunately the McAlphines are a troubled family. Mother and father, adult son, daughter and adopted son. Mercy the daughter is running the lodge and doing it well. Despite her parents hatred and her ex husband Dave who has a violent past. They also have a teenage son together. When Will and Sara are swimming in the lake late at night. They hear a scream and go rushing off to help. Unfortunately they are too late to save Mercy. Karin Slaughter writes a twisted tale. With so many suspects, you will think you know who the killer is and then another twist comes along. This is Why We Lied is a 5 star read, one that will have you saying just one more chapter before bed.
ARC requested from Harper Collins via netgalley. All thoughts are my own, this is my voluntary review.

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Thank you HarperCollins and NetGalley.
I am a huge Karin Slaughter fan and this definitely didn't disappoint.
The Sara / Will saga continues and I am absolutely hooked.
Next one please, pretty please.
You have to read this series it never disappoints.

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Never disappoints this series and this time there’s even an in joke about buffy thrown in. This time Will and Sara are off to a remote cabin site in the woods to live out some childhood fantasy of Wills. When they arrive at the site the my come face to face with someone from Wills past that he hoped never to see again and when Will discovers the owners daughter stabbed to death it is up to them to investigate whilst being cut off from civilisations. Are they putting there own lives in danger and are past grievances clouding Wills judgement.

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I'm a huge Karin Slaughter fan and this book is no exception. It's the latest instalment in the Sara Linton/Will Trent series and if you are familiar with these characters you'll know what a treat you are in for!

Set on their long-awaited honeymoon, of course there's a murder, and a gruesome one at that. With twists and turns you never see coming, this is a masterclass in psychological thrillers. Full marks from me!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for my copy of this book.

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“This Is Why We Lied” is book 12 in the Will Trent series and while it wasn’t my favorite, I was still so happy to be back with these characters because ultimately this is one of my favorite book series’.

In “This Is Why We Lied” we follow Will and Sara on their honeymoon which of course ends in a murder investigation - what else? These characters just can’t catch a break. Just after their arrival at their destination one of their hosts ends up dead and Will and Sara feel like they need to investigate because the whole family of the victim acted reaaally weird and of course the police isn’t a huge help.

While I found the case interesting and intriguing, mostly because I know Karin Slaughter almost always writes amazing plot twists and knows how to mislead you so you really only figure out the murderer at the end, ultimately the book felt a bit long. A lot of what happened we got to read about from multiple POVs and I don’t know if all of them were necessary, it felt a little bit repetetive sometimes. And this actually was a Karin Slaughter novel where my immediate guess of who the murderer was was right but the way to get to the conclusion still made for a compelling read.
But as I said, I just think this isn’t the strongest book in the series but if you are already a fan of the series and I do wholeheartedly recommend picking it up, it’s fanstastic, then this newest addition isn’t one you’d want to miss.

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Another cracking Will Trent and Sarah Linton story based in the beautiful mountains at a remote family run lodge. The family McAlpines that own and run the the lodge are about as dysfunctional as you can get. Will decides to take Sarah to the lodge for their honeymoon but it doesn’t take very long for them to become involved in a gruesome murder. A great read recommended.

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Wow! Another brilliant addition to the Will Trent series!

Everything you've come to expect is here - twists and dark themes abound. This book will be much more enjoyable if you read the series in order (and really the series starts with the six Grant County books.) If you've read her other books, you know that the book contains difficult topics - drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, child abuse. It is realistic and unflinching.

Will & Sarah are staying at a lovely, remote lodge in Northern Georgia for their honeymoon. They have to hike in and the resort is mostly off the grid. No wi-fi (for guests) and only a few spots with any cell service. This is the perfect set-up for what is essentially a locked room mystery. The mountain lodge is run by Mercy McAlpine and the other members of her family (her mother, father, ex-husband, brother and son). When Mercy is attacked and murdered, Will & Sarah become ensnared in the investigation. Everyone is a suspect and there are plenty of secrets and misdirection. In addition to the family, there are the other guests that hiked into the lodge. Eventually a few of the other regulars in the series are also involved, including Amanda and Faith. I suspected some of the solution but the ending was shocking and creepy.

Will & Sara are a great team and it was great to see them in a different setting. Will's past also figures in the story as the ex-husband was also at the same Georgia children's home when Will was there. I can't wait to read the next novel in this series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for allowing me to read this ARC! Thanks to Karin Slaughter for continuing to write about difficult subjects and wonderful characters!

Quote I liked:

Everybody romanticized country living until they needed internet and healthcare.

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Although I'd never read anything by this author and the fact it was number 12 in the series, it read as a stand-alone book. Thrilling and slightly creepy at times I enjoyed this one very much. Eager to read her others now. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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4,5 stars

Oh, brace yourselves, folks, 'cause yours truly decided to dip a toe into the Will Trent ocean for the first time! I know, I know—starting at the end is just how I roll. Who needs logic, right?
But the good news is: you can totally read this as a standalone!

This book took me on an emotional rollercoaster! One minute I was cracking up, the next I was bawling, then feeling a bit queasy, and finally, just plain mad.

The McAlpines? Easily the most twisted family I've ever come across in a book. Slaughter threw in every possible sin except for the kitchen sink! My heart went out to poor Mercy.

Will and Sarah are on their honeymoon in a cosy mountain lodge, all set for some wedded bliss—until a heinous murder crashes the party.

And voilà, we have the perfect locked-room mystery.

Turns out, everyone from her family to some guests had a good motive for wanting Mercy gone. As Will digs into the case, the chilling horrors of Mercy’s life are revealed, leaving the reader absolutely petrified.

I'd slap a solid 5 stars on it if I hadn't cracked the killer's identity right away. Seriously, Will, it was so obvious even my cat could've solved it!

Aside from that, it’s a gritty crime thriller delving into some very dark themes. Slaughter’s writing is as razor-sharp as ever, maintaining its edge right up to the final page!

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This book is really interesting, poor Mercy McAlpine - she had such a terrible life and then, a terrible death. And instead of helping find out who did this to her, her awful family close ranks and won't co-operate with the investigation. Lots of people have motive but who killed Mercy?? Her ex is a dangerous man, a womaniser who has beaten and abused her. Her Dad is a tyrant. Her Mother is a terrible woman who cares more about keeping everything quiet, than finding out who murdered her daughter. So, its up to the GBI agent Will Trent - who is there on his honeymoon with his wife, Sarah, who is a doctor - to try and solve this murder. With bad weather making it difficult to get off the mountain, will they solve this murder in time and find out what actually happened to Mercy??

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I’ve only read a few Karin Slaughter books and have really enjoyed them. I did enjoy this one but, for me, I found it dragging a little and a bit slow. It only really gets going in the last 20%.

There is a few topics covered in the book which some readers may be sensitive to.

This is part of a series, however it is not necessary to read the earlier books.

Many thanks to #NetGalley and #HarperCollinsUK for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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One toxic family. Eight suspicious guests. Everyone is guilty. But who is a killer?
Welcome to the McAlpine Lodge: a secluded mountain getaway, it’s the height of escapist luxury living.

Except that everyone here is lying. Lying about their past. Lying to their family. Lying to themselves.

Then one night, Mercy McAlpine – until now the good daughter – threatens to expose everybody's secrets. Just hours later, Mercy is dead.

Brilliant from beginning to end 😍

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I didn't realise this was book 12 in a collection featuring Will and Sara. It wrong footed me. I've seen sensational reviews for this but sadly it didn't work for me. It felt long and drawn out and really dragged

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This is a story with more grit than route 66. An absolute mountain of different characters, all with flaws, personal demons and if their last name is McAlpine, rotten to their very core.

It was hard to go back to normal life after reading a few chapters of this as I was so taken with finding out whodunnit, and disgusted by the acts of some people and rooting for the good guys to get a move on and sort everyone out that I was very distracted indeed.

Karin Slaughter has been a fave for a while, devouring most of Sara's books and a couple of Will's. This is on a bit from those earlier titles and I see that I'll have to catch up on all of those prior to this one.

All in all, a solid read with more twists and turns than a carousel riding on a rollercoaster.

Thanks to Netgalley and the author and publisher for a chance to read the book. All opinions are my own.
This review has been added to Storygraph and Goodreads already and will be added to Amazon this week.

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