Member Reviews

I liked the premise but there were parts of the character development that fell flat for me, and the delivery felt a bit predictable in parts even with though some twists were worked into the plot. Not a bad read; an ok one.

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I'm sorry I was not able to read and review this book before it was archived, due to serious health issues.

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Joy Malone learns this the night she sees a stranger with all-black eyes across a crowded room—right before the mystery boy tries to cut out her eye. Instead, the wound accidentally marks her as property of Indelible Ink, and this dangerous mistake thrusts Joy into an incomprehensible world—a world of monsters at the window, glowing girls on the doorstep, and a life that will never be the same.

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Requested and downloaded this book back in 2013 with every intention of reading it but then it expired on my device before I had the chance. Have felt bad about that and as a result haven't wanted to leave a review but with more and more publishers relying on Feedback ratings I need to clear out some of these older titles in my queue.

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I had no idea what to expect when I picked it up. The blurb doesn't really tell you what's going on with the plot or even the concept, but there was just something about it that really drew me in. Also, this was one of the few cases where the book trailer totally sold me on reading it.

I haven't read Dawn Metcalf's first book Luminous, but I can assure you that I'm going to now.

Because Indelible was AWESOME! And totally different than any other YA book I've read.

I don't want to tell you too much about the concept because I feel like that takes away from the sheer absurdity and wonderful confusion of the first few chapters, where you as the reader are just as lost and intrigued as Joy is. Just know that the mythos of this book is amazing and original and so, so fun!

Overall, Indelible reminded me a lot of the Sandman graphic novels, written by Neil Gaiman. This book is really visual, and I think it would make an incredible graphic novel. Also, there's that level of creepy beneath all the fantastic, just like in Sandman. And of course, you have the brother and sister mythological creatures, just like in Neil Gaiman's books.

Except where in Sandman you have Dream and his sister Death, in Indelible there's Ink and his sister Inq. But Ink is just as quiet and brooding as Dream, and Inq as spunky and fun-loving as Death. Really, their personalities just seemed so similar, and I was curious to know if Dawn Metcalf was a little bit inspired by this graphic novel series.

Indelible has some crazy cool mythology, which I *think* was inspired by Irish folklore. I also got Dr. Who vibes, with Joy essentially becoming Ink's assistant, the way the Doctor takes Companions.

Besides the fantastic worldbuilding, Dawn Metcalf also writes great characters. I really enjoyed reading Joy. She's spunky and actually pretty funny, and I felt like the way she responded to everything around her felt realistic. She was just a normal girl who'd been thrown into this insane new world, and she's trying to cope.

I feel like this review is sorta confusing because I'm not really explaining much, but trust me when I say you don't want me to. You want to experience this book with fresh eyes. It has lots of great action, the prose is cinematic and really visual, and there's definitely some creeptastic parts. The characters are fun, the romance is equal parts sweet and swoony, and this is one of my favorite books I've read this year.

If you like graphic novels, this is totally the book for you! If you like original plots and worldbuilding that you haven't seen a million times, you should read it. I'll definitely be recommending this to my friends who enjoy fantasy novels. I'm so glad I took a chance on an author I'd never read before!

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Sorry, requested but did not get around to reading.

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