Member Reviews

Matt Chandler in' The Overcomer ' has taken a book of the Bible that I have avoided because of all the confusion and complexity it seemed to hold for me.. He has removed the barriers of fear and opened my heart to the Joy, Yes Joy, that is presented to the believer from John's revelation. He has brought understanding that before was just confusion and fear. Having read the book, understanding my position in Christ Jesus, I too am an Overcomer. I too am strengthened to push back the darkness. Read The Overcomer and you too will be strengthen and blessed.

The Overcomers reminds believers that we are “a major problem to the enemy” (p. xi) and provides teaching and commentary on the book of Revelation. As a teacher, and a pastor, Matt Chandler makes the book of Revelation accessible. He helps readers examine the imagery, and themes in the letter.
The Overcomers also includes Matt’s personal stories and the stories of others. Each story is an example of actions, behaviors, and mindsets of an overcomer. We ultimately see that as sojourners in the Christian life, God is accomplishing His purpose. He is at work in our lives.
I recommend reading the book, listening to the podcast and engaging in a study of the book of Revelation. Don’t be in a hurry. God wants to meet with you.

This book has been an eye-opening amazing journey for me in unlocking truth in the book of Revelation. Matt writes plainly and powerfully on biblical truths applicable to our day. One of my favorite overall themes is that this book was written FOR us, not TO us based on theological dating and study.
If you have overcome hardships, are going through hardships and see no light at the end of the tunnel or are trying to find answers through healing after you have reached a small respite of reprieve; this is a must-read book to start you!
I have been looking for answers, and this book has helped direct me to those answers. I am gaining understanding in the reasons why I am the way I am, and why my experiences are worth rejoicing in!

Matt Chandler opens “The Overcomers” by reminding the followers of Jesus of their identity in Christ, and the specific place God has for them in the unveiling of His plan and purpose for the world. Nothing in the believer’s life is the result of chance. God takes a personal role in our lives in ways that we are not even aware, from cell divisions in the womb to the geographic, professional, and social circles we frequent. This is supremely counter-cultural to the dominant narrative of the impersonal chaos of the cosmos and the struggle to assert one’s own identity in the nihilistic “pay-to-play” wasteland currently invading American life. From this foundation of the believer’s unique gifting and value, Matt unpacks the Book of Revelation not as a book of cryptic horrors, but rather as an affirmation of God’s ultimate power and purpose in reality and the life of the believer. Rather than viewing the book as a puzzle to solve or a blueprint to be superimposed on the news, Matt’s approach is one that fits comfortably in his wheelhouse, that of encouragement and exhortation. His heart for reaching the lost and the spiritual growth of the Christian is evident. He has a unique ability to ask probing questions and present inconvenient truths while simultaneously drawing his reader in to face these sometimes unpleasant challenges head on, with the assurance it is for their ultimate good. While the judgements presented in Revelation are certainly fearful, the Overcomer is reminded that “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind,” (2 Timothy 1:7) and that “In all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37). Matt sums it up this way- “The God who made us for this day and made this day for us can strengthen us, grow our skills and abilities, and go with us as we fulfill our destiny.”

Honestly, I was a little skeptical when I saw the title of the book as I thought it would be a continuation of the stories from his podcast. Boy was I was wrong! I was an overcomer prior to reading this book, but severely lacking in theological backing, having mostly relied on prayer and being led by the Holy Spirit. After reading this book, I feel much more equipped in the Word. Matt Chandler took the scary, difficult to comprehend Revelations and turned it into something I can wrap my head around and concretely understand. This book is a great read for someone newer to diving into Bible knowledge or a person well studied in the Word, as it is a champion to encouraging you on your journey to recognizing, naming, and overcoming spiritual warfare, a battle we all want so desperately to Overcome! Read this book, be encouraged, and keep overcoming.