Member Reviews

I am a sucker for a royal romance, but this one slightly missed the mark for me. Perhaps I think it is because the world-building was so off. These characters seemed to both live in fantastical kingdoms that are based in the real world but there was no real creation/description about them. There was nothing substantial that propped up the story. I liked that they met, fell in love, and then wrote letters, which is incredibly romantic, but it just didn’t make sense how the whole thing played out. I finished this one but it definitely wasn’t my favorite royal romance.

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Such a cute book with a wonderful 2nd chance romance story line. I absolutely loved everything about this book. All of the characters were amazing and I need books for all of them! I can’t wait for the follow up book!

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OMG 😳 this book is so good!
I really enjoyed the story. The characters are so good. This book is lovely.
Thanks Netgalley and publisher for the book

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Lady Camille and Prince Odin met 10 years ago, when they had a one night stand, and she ended up falling in love with him. She would send handwritten letters every day for six months after that night, and he would sometimes respond until she decided it was a one-sided thing. After 10 years, she hadn't heard from him until one day they were arranged to be married. Only to find out that he was trying to save himself from a reality tv show, where he got rejected. 

I liked the book, though it did feel slow at times. I laughed, smiled, and cringed at times. It was somewhat a fun read, but I didn't connect with Odin and Camille as much as I wanted to. Though I was interested in Gunnar. Can't wait to read his book next.

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📚- royal rumble by Holly Kerr
Rating =4 ⭐️
A night spent together that is long forgotten but then they are reunited to get married for their countries benefit and their own, A slow-burn but a great buildup follows a whole story of Odin and Camille and how they overcome their issues and get close to each other and try to get their own happily ever after.

My opinions → I quite enjoyed their story and now strive for the next book. Their chemistry was quite remarkable and it waswritten absolutely amazing giving the characters justice.

It was a cute royal romance with some twist and turns making it funny and enjoyable

The one thing aside from the main character was how the king was easy going with the family and the love between the brothers andhow they are there for each other always

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This story gave me lots of unexpected twists and turns! My favorite characters were the cute pets! The king was a close second though. I love the Frozen and Golden Girl references.

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Our main characters, Camille and Odin, shared a magical night 10 years ago. Flash forward, they are now entering an arranged marriage. Both have things to gain from this marriage, but can they get over the past to make this marriage happen?

Camille is such a strong-willed gem, and boy did she make Odin woooooork to make up for his past mistakes.

Odin is a literal Viking prince, and I loved seeing him fall for Camille.

Royal Rumble was such a fun time that had me all-in and rooting for the couple. With such a great cast of supporting characters, this book was a heartwarming start to a series.

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How lovely book to start February! I discovered Holly Kerr with Royal Rumble and I have to say it was a nice start! Odin is a prince who just got humiliated on a tv show similar to The Bachelorette and he needs to get marry. Camille is a daughter of a awful man and lives on an archaic island behind France who needs for a husband to become a prefect. But the best part? They already know each other. They meet ten years ago at a ball, and they had a great night together! They start reading each other for six month untile Camille’s heart got broken by Odin. So how this match marriage will work? Camille has a passionate heart and loves animals and Odin felt all the responsibilities of the crown and because of that there’ll be a lot of misunderstanding between them. Will it be a love marriage or just a marriage of convenience? The story it’s well written and really easy to follow. I loved it as a comfort book after a long day of work! It’s the first of a series so I can’t wait to learn more about Orin’s brothers and sister!Thanks Netgalley for send my this book that I kindly recommend to who want read something chill and sweet. Royal Rumble out 6th February!!

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4.25 🌟
A cute second chance, kind of enemies to almost lovers novel. Odin and Callie are both heirs to different titles in different places, both placed in an arranged marriage. Will they manage to make love, and the marriage succeed or will Callie and her precious dogs leave before they have the opportunity?

A sweet story, a very easy read and generally quite enjoyable. I liked the dual perspective and the development of secondary characters as well as the main ones. The book was left on a bit of a cliff hanger so it's been closed for now but leaves plenty of options open for the next book in which they'll actually get married.

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I started reading this book because it popped up on NetGalley, I was curious about the cover and the synopsis. I didn't know the author but it's always a good time to discover new authors.
Prince Odin of Laandia and Lady Camille de Saint Pierre are married. The story of their whirlwind romance is sweet and wonderful, and totally made up.
Camille: She needs a husband and the second son of the King of Laandia has just proposed to me. About. Due to an archaic and idiotic 18th century French rule, I need to get married before I take over the government of my little island nation. And after Prince Odin's quick exit from the romantic reality show The Suitorette, it's obvious he's looking for a mate.
The only problem? Ten years ago, Prince Odin broke my heart. And he just told the world. I have to marry him, but I'm in no mood to forgive him.
Odin: On paper, Lady Camille is the perfect choice for a royal bride. Smart, beautiful, ready to rule... but it's her sharp-tongued temper and tendency to hold grudges that has me worried. Yes, we have a past, but it only lasted one night, ten years ago. And several hundred letters. I thought I would have moved on. When I proposed Lady Camille as a bride, it was a good PR move after the humiliation of my royal romance. But seeing her again brings back memories I thought I'd forgotten.
The wedding is in six weeks, but will Camille forgive me before it happens? And what kind of marriage will we have if she doesn't?
Royal Rumble is a sweet, behind-closed-doors romantic comedy of arranged royal marriage and enemies-in-love, full of missed opportunities .
This book pushed me out of my comfort zone. I mean, as a cliché (and as a reality), second chances are not my thing. But this book has changed my mind. The character of Lady Camille as the main character, is the best thing about the book. At first when I read the first part of the story of how they met, I almost cried because of how beautiful and furtive it all was.
This book has taken me out of my comfort zone.I mean, as a cliché (and as a reality), second chances are not my thing.But this book has changed my mind.The character of Lady Camille as the main character, is the best thing about the book.At first when I read the first part of the story of how they met, I almost cried because of how beautiful and furtive it all was.
This book brings a new vision, which is not seen so much in the Royals stories. A King who was in a heavy metal band?Also the incorporation of social networking into the royals in a very "natural" way.He even managed to include a reality show in the plot, this book has everything I like.
"Royal Rumble" is the beginning of a saga, I can't wait to see what happens in the next book (it's not officially out yet, it's published on February 6th). I hope to know more about Prince Gunners and Lyra in the second book.
Thanks to @NetGalley for this ARC.

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Royal Rumble" had its moments, but getting through it felt like a bit of a chore. The best part? The ending wrapped things up nicely, giving a decent payoff and a great cliff hanger for the next book. But, man, I had to push myself through the rest.

The Canadian stuff in the story was cool, but sometimes it seemed like the author was trying too hard. It felt forced, like they were trying to fit in every Canadian stereotype or person they could think of. It started off interesting but got a bit much.

And, oh boy, the romance. I was expecting some heat, but it was more like a lukewarm bath. The connections between characters lacked that spark that keeps you hooked. It needed more passion and excitement to make the love story really work.

The pacing was all over the place, too. Sometimes the story flowed well, but other times it felt like it was dragging its feet. It made it tough to stay interested.

In a nutshell, "Royal Rumble" might be worth it if you're patient and can power through the slower parts. The Canadian bits are there, but they feel a bit forced, and the romance needs more sizzle. If you're after a book with a strong finish, this one might be for you, but be ready for a bit of a bumpy ride along the way.

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Thank you to netgalley and three birds press for this ARC of ‘Royal Rumble’

What an amazing start to a series! Marriage of convenience gets me everytime and I’m here for it! Then add second chance romance on you instantly get 5 stars. I cannot wait for the next one in this series however I can’t imagine it getting any better than this one!

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I enjoyed the premise of this book but unfortunately it wasn’t for me! There were parts I thoroughly enjoyed but I just struggled getting into it mostly.

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review on my blog (Anna's Multiverse) and socials posted January 16th

This is a fun, light and sweet romance. It follows Odin, one of the princes of Laandia, and Lady Camille of Saint Pierre. 10 years ago they had a magical night together that ended up in Camille falling for the prince and him not answering her letters. Now, they are both about to announce their marriage, an arranged pact between both parties. Will any lingering feelings resurface? Will they be able to move past what happened in the past?

As I expected, the details about the engagement and how it came to be are not without flaws, but I assume when you pick up a book with this premise, you do not care as much about that and you just want the couple-to-be to get together. Similarly to that, some details are brushed over when those situations are dealt with or certain issues appear.

The biggest strenght about this book is that it is a fun, cute and quick read. I am a slow reader, yet I finished this in 2 days and I might have done it in less had I not been working. That is to say, it is very fast-paced, the lenght of chapters also contributes to that, since they are quite short and you move to the next one without realizing.

Apart from chapters being short, I also appreciate that we switch points of view, following both Camille and Odin, which is great since you get both perspectives, but it is not repetitive and done quite well, moving from one to the other and not seeing the same things from a different perspective, very useful when characters are not together but also when you want to know their thoughts about a certain scene.

I liked to see Camille build her friendships and getting out of her shell. Odin was a bit different from what I expected given what happened 10 years ago, and I wish they could have talked more about their situation (which is why I brought those issues above). Had we not seen what their history together was, I would have enjoyed their scenes and dynamic way more, because it was quite fun. I still enjoyed it, but a part of me couldn't help being bothered.

I kept wondering who the next book would be about, and I was left a bit confused nearing the book since we needed to resolve certain aspects, but the book clearly opens up for the next story, where we will continue as well to see Camille and Odin, and someone else.

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The premise was interesting. The actual book. Not so much. I liked the vibes more than the actual plot.

The writing wasn't for me and I was quite disappointed about a lot of things. It was so hard to root for Odin. he was being such an idiot the whole book! There's this quote in this book from odin's perspective that sums him up perfecly. "“Oh.” Dating my wife-to-be. It makes sense. I should have thought of that. Why didn’t I think of that?"

EXACLY, yOU MORON. WHY DIDN'T YOU? Oh my god and it was like that all the time. He ignored her when she came there alone, he didn't tell her in advance anything to warn her, and don't even get me started on the engagement ring fiasco. Oh my god, I wanted to strangle and shake him and punch him repeatedly. He wanted to marry her because he told the world what happened between them years prior without even warning her, but hot pissed about her having her own agenda? Asshole.

The only redeeming thing about Odin I found was how into her he was from the beginning. Being scared but aroused, comparing her to Valkyrie etc. But I was really disappointed about his arc.

Which brings me to Camille. I liked her and was on her side (and she finally began wearing colors! I was hoping this would happen!) but one thing I was really hoping for which we never got was a confrontation with her father. He hated her and put her down and we never saw her standing up to him with Odin by her side. He was just gone and we never got a closure about it. I wanted it to happen and was very disappointed when we didn't get that.

In all, the premise was good but the book wasn't my favourite. Writing was very simple - sometimes too simple - and I just wasn't very into that. I won't be reading any more books in the series.

My Goodreads review:

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Me 🤝🏾 a Holly Kerr series

🫅It’s one thing ms Holly Kerr is going to do and that’s make me obsessed over a new series!? So here we go book one of the love in Laandia series

👸Ten years ago prince odin and and Lady Camille shared an amazing night together. The only problem was the day they were 17 and 19 with their whole lives ahead of them so they made a promise to write each other every day. However, only Camille held up her end of the promise.. until she stopped, and it’s life started to happen the two drifted apart and lost communication. Fast forward 10 years, six broken engagements and a reality show disaster later Camille and Odin. Get their second chance.

🗡️Ok I actually, I loved this book for a few reasons 1. being a gave us a different side of Royals. They were so fun and unexpected, which is so different from the usual stick in the mud Royals we usually get. Like seriously a King who use to be in a heavy metal band?! Come on!!! I love how they incorporated so many different every day technologies that we use such as Instagram and Facebook and even gossip magazines.

👑Camille and Odin did have a lot of chemistry and they both cared about each other. However I think did they both were very guarded, for different reasons and I wish we got more in-depth conversations between the two. There were a few loose ends like what did The Perfect end up thinking? What happen to the people of St. Pierre? This was only book one, so I might get those answer later.. i’m actually glad that the wedding didn’t happen in this book because naturally, I’m already looking forward to prince gunners book, and I also hope Lyra makes an appearance soon hopefully even get her own story.

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This is so cute. If you like royal stories and from enemy to lover (frenemy), you should read this. Highly recommend. Prince Odin of Laandia need to find a true loves and will get married soon to Lady Camille in 6 weeks. In 6 weeks, too many things happened to them because of ten years back tragedy where Prince Odin said that he is not in love with Lady Camille after they had exchanges hundred of letters.

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Royal Rumble" by Holly Kerr is a delightful romantic comedy that weaves together the enchanting elements of arranged royal marriages, enemies-turned-lovers, and the complexities of rekindled pasts. With a backdrop of a tiny island nation and a charming whirlwind romance, Kerr crafts a tale that is both sweet and entertaining.

The story revolves around Prince Odin of Laandia and Lady Camille of Saint Pierre, who find themselves entangled in an unexpected royal marriage due to an archaic 18th-century French rule. Camille, in need of a husband to ascend to the throne, is faced with the proposal from Prince Odin, the second son of the King of Laandia. However, their history is not as simple as it seems. A decade ago, Odin broke Camille's heart, and now, they must navigate the challenges of their shared past and present to make their marriage work.

Camille's reluctance and sharp-tongued demeanor add a layer of complexity to the plot, creating a delightful tension that keeps the readers engaged. Kerr skillfully explores the dynamics of forgiveness and second chances as the characters grapple with their past and attempt to build a future together. The emotions are palpable, and the character development is well-executed, allowing readers to connect with the protagonists on a personal level.

The author infuses the narrative with humor, making "Royal Rumble" a genuinely enjoyable read. The inclusion of adorable dogs, sword fighting, and snowball fights adds a whimsical touch to the story, creating a lighthearted atmosphere that balances the deeper emotional moments. Kerr's writing style is engaging, with a perfect blend of wit and charm that brings the characters and their world to life.

The pacing of the book is well-maintained, keeping the readers invested in the unfolding romance between Camille and Odin. As the wedding deadline approaches, the tension builds, and readers are left eagerly anticipating the resolution of the characters' conflicts.

I loved Royal Rumble and was constantly giggling and kicking my feet in the air throughout the story. <3

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This book was not for me. The book read like it was written by a tween or teen after having seen a few reality shows. Everyone was mean or abusive towards each other. Very uncomfortable dynamics. The fake Laandia was not at all charming or idyllic.

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This is the second time I have read a book by Holly Kerr and there is something in her writing style that makes her create complete worlds with complex characters in an original and current story that is difficult not to get into.
I wasn't very interested in the characters, the plot had potential but with each turn of conflict they reacted in a different way that didn't seem rational to me and I really wanted to unravel what had happened ten years ago and give it a better closure. I don't like that when the hero tries to make the protagonist fall in love, all his previous partners are mentioned or how much of a womanizer he is or was.
but I stayed until the end because of the way Holly Kerr tells the story. Besides, it seems to be a royal romance series that will have many fans so much like “American Royals”. I really want to read the next books and get to know every character
If you like marriages of convenience, second chance romance, royal characters and a play boy trying to find a way to get the heroine to forgive him, while discovering a lot of characters that make you wish they had their own book, then this book is for you
Thanks to Holly Kerr for give me a copy of this book in exchange for mi honest and voluntary opinion

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