Member Reviews

A touching children's book that beautifully weaves together the themes of faith, friendship, and the miraculous power of healing. The story centers around Stacy, a courageous girl facing the challenges of leukemia, whose unwavering faith in Jesus becomes a beacon of hope. As Stacy encounters the transformative power of prayer, the narrative not only showcases her resilience but also emphasizes the profound impact of friendship.

What sets this book apart is its ability to convey complex themes in a way that is accessible and relatable to young readers. The illustrations complement the narrative, bringing Stacy and Naomi's journey to life. From Sick to Healed is a testament to the enduring strength found in faith and the importance of supporting one another through challenges. Parents and children alike will find solace in this heartwarming tale, reinforcing the belief that miracles are possible through the power of love and prayer.

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Hey, all you cool cats and tiny superheroes, buckle up because From Sick to Healed is about to blow your mind! Picture this: Stacy, a total rockstar, takes on leukemia like a boss, armed with faith, friendship, and a dash of superhero cape flair. This book isn't just a story; it's a rollercoaster ride of hope, miracles, and the kind of courage that makes grown-ups wish they had Stacy's superhero handbook.

Why should you dive into this kiddo masterpiece? Well, first off, it's like the Avengers of children's books, with Stacy and Naomi teaming up to kick leukemia's butt. Secondly, this isn't your typical "sick kid gets better" tale – it's a wild adventure packed with faith, friendship, and some serious Jesus magic. And thirdly, who doesn't want a sprinkle of hope and a burst of positivity served with their bedtime stories? From Sick to Healed isn't just a book; it's a high-five from the universe, reminding us all that miracles happen when you believe in the power of love and superhero capes.

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This is a story of a little girl who gets diagnosed with leukemia and the power of prayer and Jesus. The illustrations are beautiful. I definitely recommend this book.

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