Member Reviews

An enjoyable thriller which, after a slow start, galloped along to a twisted and complicated finish. The book was engaging although I did find the end reveals a little unbelievable. Kept me reading and I’d certainly look forward to other novels by this author.

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Don’t get me wrong, this book had a slow start that confused me and had me rushing to make my own conclusion. HOWEVER! The twists & turns are well worth it!

Rachel has been through a lot, but I hope this experience allows her to show up as herself UNAPOLOGETICALLY now that the truth has been told!

L C George, you have good one!

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book for it’s published Jan 13th!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the E-ARC of You Can Run by L.C. George. I was given this book in exchange for an honest review and my thoughts are my own,

Wow, this book has left me speechless!
In a twisted game of "who can you trust?", L.C. George delivers us a mixed bag of twists and turns, different POVs, and theories galore.
Rachel has grown up knowing that she is the center of a grisly crime. The murderer happens to be her father, and her mother and sister are his victims. By the time police arrived, three-year-old Rachel had been found with her father, completely unharmed. Rachel does everything she possibly can to break the links between herself and her past, hoping that it will never catch up with her and nobody will ever know. Now living a relaxed and content life with her husband, Dan, Dennis is released from prison. Strange things start happening, and it can only mean one thing. Dennis is back.
The slow burn goes up in flames in this page-turning psychological thriller, and you'll wonder what show you were watching when you aren't reading.

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2.5 stars, 3 rounded up. The overall plot was okay, the twists were good (one of them I had predicted halfway through), but the bulk of the story didn't happen until the last quarter (or less) of the book. This made it seem to drag on and was probably the reason it took me an entire week to finish it as it wasn't a page-turner for me. I could not stand the dynamics between the main character and her husband and her best friends. It was so frustrating and annoying that I almost didn't want to finish the book, but did see it through so that I could write this review on the book in its entirety. Overall, You Can Run was just OK, but I won't be telling everyone I know to go read it.

Thank you to L.C. George and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the chance to read the ARC of You can Run by L.C. George in exchange for my honest review.

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I love a good thriller and this one had me hooked from the beginning! There were so many twists and turns and I always thought I knew what was going to happen… I didn’t. What a good read!

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Never read anything from this author but will read going forward as i love the writing.

The plot gripped you as soon as you start reading. the book is with multiple POV and the build was great as i was trying to figure out through the whole book.

I will recommend the book and can not wait to find more from the author.

Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review.

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You Can Run is a gripping psychological thriller. The plot drew me in right away and the back and forth between present and the past added more depth to the mystery of what was happening. A lot of the book is told through the main character’s inner thoughts and fears as the book goes on. There were times I thought I had the ending figured out, but I was surprised when it was revealed. While I enjoyed the book overall, I didn’t particularly like the main character and how she handled things in the book. Some of the writing felt clunky and there were a few points that were repeated more than necessary. Overall, this is a solid thriller that kept me reading until the end.

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Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator books for the copy of this ebook in exchange for my review!

This book started off really dark and I was unsure if I was going to enjoy where it was headed, but I was gripped by the plot immediately! The whole time I was trying to figure out whose POV the before chapters were and who was actually behind the murders. I will say that my prediction was correct and my suspicions about other characters were correct as well, BUT it did not shake out exactly how I envisioned it. I read most of the book in a day, as I had to know if my thinking was right! 4 stars for keeping me compelled but being slightly predictable.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Inkubator books for my ARC version of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Personally, I loved the premise of this book and the twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. Through the novel, readers are able to descend slowly with the MC without realizing it as she starts to question everything and everyone around her with each passing moment. Once the reader realizes that this is happening, the plot becomes even more compelling. I read the majority of this in one sitting! This would be the perfect book for fans of Freida McFadden.

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A bit slow initially but omg, was I invested! I loved the concept and the characters were brought to life so well that I did genuinely care about the outcome. The before sections built so much tension and the way the book was plotted out just works really well! There's a bit action, who dun it, revenge, thriller, so many different aspects in one amazing story line. And yeah, I was completely wrong about his it was all going to play out lol

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Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the copy of You Can Run by LC George.I loved the description of this book! The writing never drew me in, and Rachel’s POV was an uneven mix of conversations and internal dialogue that never seemed to strike the right balance. I really liked the “before” chapters because they added so much suspense and if you love big reveals, you will love finding out whose POV they were. I was frustrated when Rachel kept hiding things that happened from Dan even after everything he did to try and make her safe. I’m not sure this book was for me, but if you love a surprising reveal and conclusion, you will love this book.

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This was the most intriguing book I have read in a while. It took me ages to work out who the “before” section was and I learned never to assume! I really felt for Rach as the story unfolds and ultimately I trusted no one! There were twists and turns I didn’t see coming and even when I thought I knew what was happening I realised I had been duped by a red herring! It is hard to explain anymore without spoilers but I will be recommending this to my friends and family as I loved it!!

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Good book! Although things got a little scrambled at the end but i think i got it?! Lol This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action packed, intrigue, mystery, murder, serial killers, revenge, a great who done it, great plot twist, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle!! I definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I finished this book in 1 day, I could not put in down. I didn't suspect it would end like it did.. Definitely a page turner.. LC George is a great writer she leaves you want more. This was the 1st book I have read from her. I can't wait to start on another book from her. She keeps you on your toes..

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