Member Reviews

This is a good book. The two main characters are Gabbi and Chase. They meet when they go on a blind date. After they eat, they stop by the newspaper where Gabbi works, while there the security guard was shot and died. Gabbi and Chase decides to help each other and figure out who killed the security guard by fake dating. A couple of days later Gabbi’s house gets broken into. Chase wants to protect her so he ask her to move in with him. While they try to figure out who is trying to hurt Gabbi, they fall in love.

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A light and entertaining read with a few twists and turns. I read this in one sitting and I enjoyed the fast pace and the fake relationship trope.

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I wanted to love this book. It had all the elements - bad ass alpha former SEAL, murder, protecting the lady, but something was just missing for me.

Gabbi (her name was misspelt a few times) is a journalist who happened to stubble upon a big story but she has no idea. On her first date with Chase she stops at work and the security guard at the newspaper is shot.

They are determined to find the killer. Lots of action and romance.

Thank you to NetGalley for the copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Another fantastic book by amazing authors. Could not put it down the spice out of this world and the chemistry perfection.

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The book ticked a lot of my boxes, I truly enjoyed reading the story of Gabby and Chase. I loved how the story went from the disastrous first date to fake dating and working together. The book was easy to read, and I found Chase very likable. I struggled a little bit with Gabby, but the further I got into the story, the more I liked her.

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Okay, this one definitely had me from the beginning. Because the blind date between Chase and Gabbi was a complete and utter disaster. And murder. So I knew immediately that I was going to be rooting for these two! On top of that, she is a reporter and he is a SEAL which is basically one of my all-time favorite tropes. So yeah, I was all in on this book and Katie Knight did NOT disappoint! When Gabbi's friend and the security guard of the paper is gunned down in front of her, she isn't going to let the story go until she finds out who is behind it. Which means teaming up with Chase, since the police think it was a robbery gone wrong and Chase works in security.

As Chase and Gabbi get deeper into the mystery and start figuring things out, Gabbi is put in more danger. She is warned to back off of things, which only makes her more determined. I won't give anything away, but I will tell you that things quickly go from bad to worse. This book kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. It was fast-paced and I was able to read it in one sitting because I couldn't put it down once I had begun. So I definitely recommend this book and this author!

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I thoroughly loved reading Chase & Gabbi's story. Between a first date that was a bust, and solving a murder together, things between them changed. An enjoyable and entertaining read, that I didn’t want to put down.

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Chase is a little older than Gabbi… not a lot. He’s 38 and she is in her 20s. It’s just enough of an age difference that he feels oh-so-mature and finds her to be oh-so-young. He sneers. He takes over, and not in a charming way. In short, he’s a jerk. Red flag, red flag!

But then, the domineering side of him is welcome when Gabbi witnesses a murder. As the book moves ahead, there is one of the most contrived reasons for a fake romance development. Much later, readers may cheer when the good friend sets Gabbi straight with some “hard truth talking”. Maybe you know the kind, when your best friend basically tells you to stop whining because you’re acting like a baby? No? Well, that happens here, and it is SO welcome. Big turning point for Gabbi.

Good ending, if a little quick. Engaging series, even though so far they all keep ending up preggers. Four stars.

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This book hit all my checkboxes. The strong protector, the stubborn and independant woman who has a hard time admitting to how much she likes beeing cared for, the danger, ... I was here for it!

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4.5/5 Stars for this one.
I really enjoyed this age-gap, fake-dating, opposites attract, military tale of Chase & Gabbi. After a complete disaster of a first date, the find themselves working together and falling in love. I love the fast-paced action of this one that ends in happily ever after.
Thank you, NetGalley, for providing this ARC.

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dnf… sorry

i really tried! i just didn’t enjoy it.

it didn’t feel like a high stakes story to me.

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An easy to read story. Military romances are always hit or miss with me personally. However, I love Chase’s character. Gabbi was a bit hard to like but Chase’s feelings for her made it bearable. The murder mystery aspect really caught me off guard and I wasn’t loving it at first. Eventually the flow came together and I have to say it exceeded my expectations.

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When exSEAL Chase and reporter Gabbi finish their failed blind date they stumble across a murder. They begin fake dating as a cover when she wants to investigate with his help.
The development of the love story was fine but the character development wasn’t there for me. I didn’t find Gabbi very interesting as a FMC.

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I like Gabbi but she is pretty hard-core against a protective partner and that got a little irritating. I love Chase. He stayed his course while pivoting to take Gabbi's stance in consideration. The suspense was very interesting and kept me turning pages. The writing is solid. I felt the outstanding secondary characters added authenticity to the story.

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Chase by Katie Knight and Leslie North is an open door small-town romance novel that is full of popular tropes and ends with a happy ever after.

26 year old Gabbi King is a (blackballed NYC) reporter working for a small-town newspaper in Colorado. 38 year old Chase Baker is an (unhappily) retired Navy Seal working for his father's security company.

The unlikely pair are set up on a date and quickly realize they clearly have nothing in common, although each does find the other attractive. Their date goes really badly and ends with someone they both know being murdered.

Wanting to secretly investigate the case the police have dismissed, Gabbi and Chase team up and pretend to be a couple while working together to solve the murder.

This military, fake dating, alpha-male protector, grumpy/sunshine, opposites attract, age gap, forced proximity, suspenseful novel is a pretty good read. I'd
recommend it to anyone who enjoys an easy read with the above mentioned tropes included.

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Can an awkward first date lead to more for former Navy SEAL Chase Baker and Gabrielle “Gabbi” King? Maybe, unfortunately, a murder! She is beautiful, but he thinks she is too young for him. She recently left a situation with a possessive man and fears that he is as well. Agreeing to go their separate ways after dinner, he escorts her to her office at the local newspaper only to hear her scream and find the office guard shot. The guard was an employee of Baker Security, his firm. The police believe it was a robbery gone wrong, but when her house is broken into and trashed, she fears that she is in danger. Posing as a couple, she moves in with him to keep her safe. The attraction between them becomes too hard to ignore and they soon become lovers. As they search through various articles printed in the paper, they focus on a tragedy that occurred years ago and a possible coverup. When her life is on the line, will Chase and his team find her in time? I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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This book is a mystery / romance and although I don't typically read mystery books, I quite enjoyed this one.

I liked the building romance between the two MCs and the added spice. It wasn't a fast paced book I'm my opinion but didn't feel there was any 'filler' or 'fluff' parts that would make a book boring (which this wasn't).

Overall, I really enjoyed this book.

(Suggestion for edit: at the beginning there's a few mix ups of Gabby instead of Gabbi which threw me off a bit especially when Gabbi referred to herself in her thoughts as Gabby)

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I have had the opportunity to read several books by Leslie North and Katie Knight these two ladies are totally awesome. I so love their writing styles, plots and their characters. This is an entertaining read that has its share of drama, mystery, mayhem, murder, danger, great characters and a plot that held me captive. Chase is a sexy alpha ex-Navy SEAL and he is working for father’s security company Baker Security. Gabbi is a reporter. Ashley and Chase are cousins and she sets Chase up on a blind date with Gabbi. Gabbi and Chase for some reason or another are not getting along while on their date. As their date is nearing an end; Gabbi has to return to her office momentarily and Chase waits for her to return. When gun fire rings out Chase goes in search of Gabbi and what he finds is Gabbi leaning over a wounded security guard Oscar who dies. Now Gabbi and Chase are working together to investigate a murder and forge into a fake relationship. As the two continue with their fake relationship they both get more than they bargained for when their feelings and hearts taking center stage. Can’t wait to see what these ladies are up to next.

I received an ARC and I am leaving my review voluntarily.

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The description of the book and the actual book that I downloaded and read weren’t the same, however I thoroughly enjoyed the book Chase. I thought that the two main characters, retired navy SEAL Chase and reporter Gabbi had such a connection and there was so much sexual tension. They were initially set up on a blind date that doesn’t go well but then circumstances intervene so they decide to fake date. Whilst investigating the murder of Oscar the security guard at the newspaper offices where Gabbi works, they become close……. In my opinion this had a bit of everything from friendship, simmering romance, drama and a bit of violence. The characters were all well described and thought out, with some nicer than others! It was easy to follow and keep track of how everyone was connected. Thank you to Netgalley and Relay Publishing for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this author duo.
Even though Chase was a Navy Seal, he is very self conscience when it comes to his father and his business. Gabbi is assertive enough for the both of them. She had a horrible relationship before and is making sure that it doesn't happen again if she can help it. When it came time to trust Chase and his abilities she had no problem stepping back and letting him take control.

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