Member Reviews

This was so different from Ali’s usual work and I ate it up!! Rue and Eli are PERFECT for each other. The tension!! The SPICE!! So good

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I’ve had generally neutral opinions regarding Ali’s books but THIS???????

Not in Love was truly cinema. To be fair, I am from Austin and seeing an emotionally unavailable woman get loved to the corners of the universe made me want to SCREAM. The physicality of their relationship made so much sense as well, and the book truly went all the way to 5 stars for me with that simple conversation of “I appreciate our physicality, but let’s just watch a movie together.” A sexy dance of two kindred spirits finding a home together.

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Hey Siri play "Down Bad" by Taylor Swift. Honestly Eli is the definition of down bad for Rue especially since she doesn't do repeats and wants nothing to do with him at first. Ali Hazelwood did a great job of letting the plot unravel that made the reader feel like we earned the solve and HEA. I would like to see stories for a few mor characters in this world, especially Eli's sister??? Can't wait for her next one!

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review!

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This book was a mixed experience for me, earning three stars. While it had its moments, the predictability and repetitive trope usage overshadowed the positives.

The story centers on Rue, a relatable, emotionally unavailable woman, and Eli, a somewhat forgettable finance guy. Rue’s portrayal as a shy and socially anxious character was refreshing and resonated with me, making her feel very real. Eli, though less memorable, is sweet and completely devoted to Rue, a dynamic I enjoy in romance. Their mutual vulnerability and the way they share hidden parts of themselves added emotional depth to their relationship.

However, the book’s excessive focus on sex, which isn't Hazelwood's strong suit, detracted from the story. Eli’s frequent thoughts about Rue as a "fantastic lay" and his mentions of it to her felt reductive, especially as their emotional connection deepened. It seemed like Eli was more interested in Rue for sex for much of the book, which was disappointing given the story’s potential.

I appreciate the representation of women in STEM, and we definitely need more books that highlight and celebrate women in these fields. However, this book fell short in that regard. Hazelwood’s tendency to stick to the same trope made the plot too predictable, with her books often following a similar pattern, making them less engaging.

While this book might appeal to fans of cutesy STEM romances, relatable female leads, devoted male characters, and plenty of steamy scenes, it ultimately felt too familiar and formulaic to be truly captivating. We need more books that not only feature women in STEM but also uplift and empower them beyond repetitive storylines.

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Fantastic. Ali Hazelwood books hit better the more she writes. The character development, the steam, the story. Loved!

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I was very interested in the plot line, but unfortunately it could not progress without 2-3 shmex scenes. Every single time things got interesting.

I feel like i got blue balled by there being too much sex??

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I am really disappointed in this one. I just couldn't connect with the characters as I have in her other books. I really enjoyed reading Bride earlier this year. But Eli came across as really controlling and the relationship doesn't seem super healthy.

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NOT IN LOVE might be Ali Hazelwood's best novel yet! It's definitely steamier than her other books, but it only serves to deepen the connection between the main characters. I can't wait for this author's next book!

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This book was not my favorite of Ali’s. The story was just okay. I feel like once you’ve read one of her books you’ve pretty much read them all. Overall it was just okay!

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Ali Hazelwood is an insta-buy author for me. Her warmth and humor are evident in her writing, and let’s face it, the spice is THERE. So I was incredibly grateful to be given an ARC of this book.

Now listen, I will basically read a grocery list from Hazelwood I love her writing so much. And I think many fans will enjoy this STEM based romance between a loyal scientist and the executive who is poised to take the business over.

Rue, our heroine, is smart and sweet and seriously too damn loyal to a fault. She’s based her entire research on a handshake agreement with her friend who happens to also be her boss. Which is really bad considering that boss is currently scrambling to save her company from an investment group that is looking to oust her.
Enter Eli. Eli, Eli, Eli. Oh dear. He has some history, (no spoilers!) and is really used to getting what he wants. Except he really wants Rue. Who hates him. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe?

There is some spice and Hazelwood does her usual magic of creating well drawn out characters with conflicting priorities. I especially enjoyed her female friendships in this one. Her best friend and her best friend's sister was much needed anchor for our heroine, providing comic relief and gravity.
That said, for some reason and it’s probably just me and has nothing to do with the book, I didn’t feel as connected to these two. I rooted for them sure, but I felt Rue, while supposed to be incredibly smart, didn’t act very smart. I felt like she should have realized what was happening sooner and even though she is incredibly loyal, really, lady? Come on. The writing was on the wall like four chapters ago.
And Eli and Rue together, while the writing is solid and spicy, it didn’t feel as strong as some of her other couples.

But let’s be honest, Hazlewood’s books are consistently solid romantic Stem stories that deliver spice and heart. So even though this one might not be my favorite, it’s still a solid addition to my Ali Hazelwood collection!

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And then, Rue, I met you. And you casually cracked my life into before and after you.”

A quick and spicy read! This was my first Ali Hazelwood book and I was hoping for more romance. Yet, it is definitely a book that sucks you into the story and as you read, you feel the immediate attraction between the main characters.

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Ali Hazelwood is a queen of quirky romance. I loved every minute of this book - it was a total must read. I just loved it.

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This was not the typical Ali Hazelwood book that I'm used to and it threw me for a loop. If I had known it's more of an erotic romance than a romance, I would have gone in thinking something different. As far as the story goes, it was ok for me and the end made it a little better for sure. As always, I love the STEM element. I will still keep reading her books and just seeing what she comes up with next!

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I have genuinely loved everything that Ali Hazelwood has done. The Love Hypothesis was probably my favorite book ever written This one did not disappoint. It was fun, spicy, and everything in between. I can't wait for her next book to come out.

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This is my first Ali Hazelwood in awhile, and I really enjoyed the tonal shift into this read! Had an undercurrent of darkness, but the love was strong and the MC was incredibly unique. The first half, I wasn't sure. The second half I LOVED. Overall really enjoyable read.

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Thank you Berkley for the gifted e-copy.

Ali Hazelwood is on a roll this year! Not in Love brings a bit more steam than most of her previous books, which is totally fine with me. However, I didn't feel like I connected with the characters in this one like I did in her previous books. I will say this plot was a little deeper (and darker?) than her previous books, and her characters had a lot more depth as well.

Rue is a biotech engineer that focuses her work on extending the shelf life of produce. She doesn't do relationships - or anything longer than one night. She had a rough childhood and has a lot of food issues as a result (hence her research), and she's still dealing with some issues with her brother. She's supposed to have a "date" with Eli but her brother shows up and causes drama, so Rue calls it off - even though there's some sparks flying between her and Eli.

Too bad Eli turns out to be part of the company that show's up at Rue's work because they just took over their loan.

I'm struggling with this review, obviously. There was a lot I liked about this book, but I feel like it dragged a bit in the middle. Rue frustrated me as a character, although I loved Eli. I also really liked Rue's bff and would love a book about her!

Ali Hazelwood is an auto buy author for me, so without a doubt I will read her next book!

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Prior to reading this book, I saw people keep saying "this is her spiciest book yet" and then I read it... I AGREE. It still has the same Ali elements that I've loved in all her previous books, but I definitely was panting 🥵 over them more than usual. This was a fun read overall. Love when the mmc is down so bad for the fmc!

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*Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this title. All thoughts and opinions are my own and were in no way influenced by receiving this copy.

I really enjoyed the drama of this one. And how much spicier this was than her past books. Like she finally stepped out of her asexual super teeny tiny female MC cast type. I mean, sure she was just tall, still only had 1 friend, and was dirt poor. But who cares, this shows growth for Ms Hazelwood.

I really just want a strong female character that also has friends! Is that too much to ask.

But this was good. Entertaining. Definitely skewed from her normal way of writing. And certainly a step in the right direction after how bad (imo) her last adult novel was. So good for her.

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I'm so disappointed. This is not a bad book by any means but it's boring. The love story feels pointless 30% of the way through, making the rest of the book drag. It's insta love, it could've been 100 pages shorter and it put me in a reading slump that I have yet to recover from. Also, the change in POVs was jarring. First person to third person? What are we doing. Why.
After 'Love, Theoretically' rocked my world I was so ready to be in love with this but nope.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was way more smut than I was anticipating and not really in a good way? I didn’t find the characters had a whole lot in common and anytime we heard anything from Eli’s perspective all he seemed to like about Rue was her body/physical appearance despite being an extremely smart, well educated scientist. Not terrible but definitely not my fav.

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