Member Reviews

Too much spice and not enough character development. I also felt like the main conflicts were all really predictable.

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Ali Hazelwood really shook up her formula with BRIDE, which I loved last year. Unfortunately, I was just not feeling this book. I think I'm just bored of her STEM romance books... this didn't feel fresh to me in any way. But if you enjoyed her prior books and want more of that I think NOT IN LOVE will deliver.

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I always adore Ali Hazelwood books because she is the queen of yearning. This book was very good, but not my favorite of hers. Her books definitely follow similar trajectories — smart scientist women with some form of anxiety or trouble, a science figure in their life that’s a boss or authority figure doing something wrong/hurtful and a leading man of romantic interest who is also in some way related to science. This book follows that structure - I did find the dual POV wasn’t my style as much for her writing since the male MC came off as more obsessed with our main character Rue. I did appreciate that Ali finally wrote a non-tiny woman - Rue is tall, full-bodied and confident about her figure which is nice as opposed to her other MCs. Overall I did enjoy this plot and book and like all her other works, read it quickly!

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4.9 Stars

Rue + Eli

Rue is a scientist working together with her childhood bestie for her dream company and her dream boss!
But now it's possible the company will be sold!
And who is standing in front of all employees with her boss to talk about the upcoming changes? None other than Eli. Her almost one-night-dating-app-stand from last night. A night that turned out completely different than expected. Which was a big surprise for Rue. And Eli. Who is super excited to see her again.
But are these the bestest of circumstances?




Another perfect Ali Hazelwood STEM romance!
I so need to see all her books on TV one day!

Rue and Eli are just perfect for each other. But poor Rue is so inexperienced when it comes to relationships and love and just social settings in general. So adorable!
I just loved reading this.
I loved the friends and the dog. I loved the way Eli is just so adorably accepting of all of Rue's 'weirdnesses'! He's definitely superior book boyfriend material!
We get so many amazing moments in this book. Sexy ones. Funny ones. Sad and heartbreaking and emotional ones. So many moments. This was just a really great story for me!

NOT IN LOVE was such a sweet + funny + sexy + mysterious + exciting + just adorable love story. I loved reading it! Run to your nearest book seller for your own Eli - he will be so sold out in no time!

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If you’re looking for a Typical Ali Hazelwood novel, I would say this definitely diverts from that. However, I really ended up liking this book. It has the right amount of Ali’s signature humor while still having a really interesting twist. There were some of her classic tropes that she usually has in her books. Of course, the hero is obsessed with the heroine. That being said, I thought main character, Rue, was actually pretty a-typical for her and I really liked that. It’s pretty dramatic, but I really love that part of Hazelwood books. Also it was steamy! You’ll blush!

Basically, they meet on a dating app. (If you even want to call it a dating app) Then, the next day it turns out that he is acquiring her company. It’s half in her perspective and half his. I think it’s a slightly angsty romance but I didn’t end up minding because it was such a fun read.

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"Not in Love" by Ali Hazelwood dives headfirst into the world of academia and STEM, introducing Rue and Eli as a breath of fresh air compared to Hazelwood's usual Reylo protagonists. Their distinct personalities add layers to the narrative, stepping away from Hazelwood's typical tropes and creating a new dynamic.

True to Hazelwood's style, this novel is filled to the brim with heart, making it so lovely to read. The prose flows effortlessly, drawing readers into the story with ease. However, while I appreciated the level of intimacy, both physical and emotional, I couldn't help but feel it was a bit overwhelming at times. I feel like the amount of physical intimacy in this book made it difficult for our characters to develop more emotionally on page and hurt the story in the long run.

The subplot featuring Kline and Harkness was easily my favorite part. I loved learning about these two warring companies and found it more compelling than the romance. However, I still really liked our protagonists together. I loved Eli and Rue. Their individuality shines through, with Eli's snark and Rue's reserved nature forming a perfect contemporary romance pairing.

However, despite its strengths, "Not in Love" didn't quite hit the mark for me as much as Hazelwood's other works. While it's not without its merits, it fell slightly short of my expectations. It is sexually driven and messy, which I did not expect from Ali Hazelwood, but I am not mad at it. I am glad we are seeing more diversity in her writing style and shoutout to Rue, for fulfilling all of our tall girl fantasies.

3.5 Stars.

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Well, this was delightful and fun. As always, Ali Hazelwood delivers on the swoon, the banter, and the heart. I will read everything she writes.

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4.25/5 (for now but it might go up to a 5)


Okay, I might be exaggerating, but this book was SO GOOD. Like, SO, SO, SO, SO GOOD. I'll write a list of "pros and cons"—meaning what I liked and what I didn't like as much—so I can explain myself better because... where do I even start? (no spoilers!!)

[song: sad, beautiful, tragic - t.s.]

"Do you think that maybe there's another version of us, somewhere in another timeline? Where we're not just a messed-up lump of scar tissue, and we're whole enough to be capable of loving others the way they want to be loved?"

p r o s:

- It wasn't "the same as her other books." The story had a different feel than the author's other works, making it unique in my eyes; it didn't feel as STEM-core. Yes, we got to see women and men in STEM, but something about this actual branch of STEM, the focus of the plot, and how the story was written made this novel feel almost like a regular workplace romance with a sprinkle of college/sports romance. And IT'S A GOOD THING, I PROMISE. It still has Ali's signature all over it, which is why it works so well!

- Eli <3!!!! This MMC was everything. EVERYTHING. Ali sets the bar so high EVERY SINGLE TIME. And EVERY SINGLE TIME, my expectations of men skyrocket. Eli is everything every girl needs. He's acceptance, patience, and love in human form. He deserves the world and he'll live in my head rent-free forever.

- I loved that I got to see more interactions between the two main characters, which gave me an insight into how they truly worked as a couple. It felt like I was seeing a relationship develop in front of my eyes, and it was so sweet and magical. I ADORED THAT. Unlike her other novels - which I love just as much - this one doesn't give you *everything* at the end. You get to see them (or her) slowly fall for each other. Yes, this is a HE-FALLS-FIRST story (<3!!!!!!).

- I LOVED RUE (FMC) as a character. She stole my heart, and now I can't find it. I related to her and her struggles so much that I became emotional more than once while reading the book. She's different from Ali's characters that I've read about before. She's reserved and doesn't try to fit in. She's guarded and good-hearted. She 100% deserved Eli, and I love her for it. [I'm saying this because not every female character I read about deserves the man she gets - which bothers me so much. So, I was happy to actually LIKE HER.]

- I love "imperfect" couples and unexpected pairings. I love when two people shouldn't fit together, but they do, and that's what "Not in Love" is about. Guys, this story is EVERYTHING, and I'm so obsessed. *cries happy tears, but also sad tears because the book is over*.

- The plot itself was interesting – a little slow in the beginning, but then it picked up. The *issue* had me on the edge of my seat, wondering what *this person* had done! The plot and the romance complemented each other perfectly.

c o n s:

- It was a little slow to get into, but take this with a grain of salt because I was actually pretty busy when I started this novel, and it still managed to get me out of a reading slump.

- It ended.


P.S. Could it be that there is a sequel in the works? Or am I simply wandering through Clownelia Street?

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I read somewhere that Ali Hazelwood said she was in her "sad girl era" with this book. She isn't wrong, exactly, but there's still so much heart and love in this book, just like her others. These characters are perfectly written, and honestly this might be my favorite of hers to date! More melancholy please, Ali. It suits you.

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Well oh my God. This book nearly set my house on fire. Also it's sweet and lovely. But spicy. SPICY.

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I love Eli. I love Rue. I love Ali Hazelwood. I. Love. This. Book. Ali never misses. Her MMC’s are ALWAYS my favorites. Nothing & no one beats her heroes & Eli just might actually be my top Ali boyfriend. The mouth on that man?! Immaculate. I adored all of the characters & their backstories were heart wrenching & everything was so relatable & raw & real & I loved every second.

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I adore these two and their story! I feel like this is so different from Ali Hazelwood's other books and I really enjoyed it. I loved being in both of their heads and the distinction between the two. Rue was so immensely relatable and Eli was the softest, hottest man I'm obsessed with both of them. Definitely Ali's spiciest book and I ate up every second of their chemistry.

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Sat for anything Ali writes and this was so freaking good!!! Not only one of Ali’s hottest books yet!! But probably her most emotionally vulnerable , it had me over here tearing up. I also felt like the stem aspect took more of the backseat in this one and the romance was more of a focus point, which I personally really loved!!! I feel for a loss at words because I really do think this was so perfect! The spice had me sweating, truly the Eli the MMC could tie me down any day, the way Ali writes men who are just so caring and understanding but also ultimate simps for their women!!! OBSESSED!!! Rue had me crying, my girl has been through it and she needs to be protected at any and all costs!! Watching her open up+ find trust in Eli and getting a view into their emotional connection was so sweet!
Can’t wait for everyone to experience this one!

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I loved the attention Ali Hazelwood has brought to the STEM community. This novel was a different twist but still highly enjoyable and a unique love story full of passion. I cannot wait to share my full thoughts and review. She has an amazing way of crafting her characters.

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As a huge Ali Hazelwood fan for years, this book did not disappoint!! I was obsessed with the banter and angsty tension between characters as well as the overlying story with STEM qualities. I absolutely adore her writing and cannot wait for her next release!

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Socially awkward scientist Rue finds herself in an unexpected affair with Eli, one of the people in charge of taking over her boss’ company. What starts out physical turns into so much more.

I loved the fact that he fell first (and hard). Rue was a complex, interesting character and Eli seemed to love every weird, quirky thing about her.

There were ups, downs and plot twists along the way, which made for a really interesting story line. Perfect for the science buff! The spice was hot and unique thanks to the “not a fan of penetration” aspect. Overall a cute love story.

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A socially anxious girl who has her walls up high meets one of the men responsible for possibly taking over the company she works for and all kinds of drama ensues. This book was sexy and full of a lot of open communication, which I loved! Ali Hazelwood knows how to write men who fall absolutely head over heels for her female leads. However, the romance in this one felt a little bit insta-lovey at times. I wanted more time spent developing the trust that comes with a relationship, but often our characters used sex to communicate. I just wish we had more time in their heads apart from their obvious infatuation with each other.

This book was a deviation from the normal narrative script that Hazelwood normally follows, and for that I applaud her. I will continue to read any and everything she writes!

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Hey queen!! Girl, you have done it again - constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. I'd say I'm surprised, but I know who you are. IVE READ IT UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL!!!
Thank you so much for this arc, l'm eternally grateful 🫶

I've read every single one of Ali Hazelwood's published books (except Love on the Brain) and they just keep getting better and better (how is that even possible bc they were already so perfect).

I can confirm, this is Ali Hazelwood's spiciest book to date; the spice was SPICING. I was literally gasping for air and had to put my book down multiple times to collect myself because omg THE MOUTH ON THAT MAN. It wasn't overdone either, it was the perfect amount and their romantic connection was strong.

Eli Killgore is like every other Ali hazelwood man. Completely, utterly perfect and obsessed (AND AN EX COLLEGE HOCKEY PLAYER SCIENCE NERD WHO WEARS GLASSES). He definitely made the list of my top book boyfriends.

This time it's even better because we GET HIS POV!!!!! I really hope she keeps writing dual pov because it was such a game changer.

Now on to our fmc. I absolutely love reverse grumpy sunshine and it was done perfectly!! Rue is such a black cat, it was so entertaining and refreshing to read. Also for everyone who hates how most of her fmc's are small and the mmc's are huge, I'm happy to inform you that Rue is 6 feet tall in heels and an absolute boss bitch.

The romance and chemistry between Eli and Rue was one of a kind (I can't even put it in words). They had a magnetic connection and are the true definition of soulmates. They would have found eachother no matter what and fallen in love every single time. Their romantic connection was THAT convincing.

I don't really want to say TOO much more about it because the release date is so far away, but just know that this is top tier Ali Hazelwood and a MUST READ.

Things you'll find in this book:
✨ forbidden romance
✨ "let's get it out of our system"
✨ black cat x golden retriever // reverse grumpy sunshine
✨boy obsessed & he falls first
✨dual pov
✨found family
✨STEM setting

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There is a before this book, and an after this book. And, it is so delicious and exquisite that it changes the reader no matter what. Eli is the first time we get a man properly desiring snd vulnerable while Rue struggles with her emotional capacities in a way that has not been done by Ali Hazelwood before. It disrupts the traditional romance arcs in the best of ways. And, while it could leave a person with a reader hangover, it is so well executed that by the end it feels to satisfying to mind any potential hangover.

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Ali Hazelwood could never have us disappointed. It was a whirlwind story of power and love with enjoyable characters and a fascinating plot line. I loved it.

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