Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for the e-galley of the Wrath of the Talon. The opportunity to be one of the first to read my much anticipated sequel to Last of the Talons, which I also accessed through Netgalley, was much appreciated. Wrath of the Talon follows the sweeping adventure of the first book, beginning with Lina and Rui happily together after the resolution of the first book. Only, Lina’s ambition to take revenge on the men of the organization that wronged her is easily able to disrupt that relationship. What follows is the internal war that Lina must fight between her longing for a family with Rui, and her desire for retribution. Heartbreakingly relatable, I watched Lina make choices I both understood and hope that I would never have to make. The sweeping conclusion is definitely in my TBR. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars, for its ability to sweep me away, no matter how frustrating I found Lina. Seeing yourself in a flawed character is always difficult.

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Book two picks up where The Last of the Talons left off. Eunbi is safely tucked away with Rui in his kingdom, and now Lina is on a mission for vengeance against Kalmin and those who took everything from her in Sunpo. As she plots her revenge with Imugi venom running through her veins and changing her, we start to discover that her wrath maybe more than just hers as "The Voice" inside her begins to take over her actions in order to fulfill a Prophesy.

Shin Lina's character development is headed in a whole new direction in this sequel as she becomes someone else entirely. Rui is as devoted to her as ever and makes me like his character even more than before. We are also introduced to some new characters, including a Gumiho, keeping with the Korean mythology theme.

The plot was well written, but the ending is superb! It is such a twist, shocking and gut-wrenching, and ends on another cliffhanger, making you squirm with anticipation for the epic conclusion to this trilogy.

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I loved the story, the world building and meeting the different characters. I felt completely immersed in the story and couldn't stop reading it. I absolutely love this book and lobe this series!

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Wrath of the Talon as a strong revenge plot and a nice pace with well crafted characters that match each other in violence.

The writing was fantastic and i really liked the addition of interludes to the book, it felt like it added some depth to the story. The explicit nature of the fights was amazing and i felt it helped to create an immersive experience.

I enjoyed this book so much! And i cannot wait to read the final installment of this trilogy!

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Thank you so much for allowing me to review this title!
I absolutely love this series and was so excited to get a copy of this book! I loved where the series has gone and cannot wait for the final book!
Thanks again!

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This book has been a great read. I love how easy it was to follow the story which speaks for itself on the strength of plot. The characters aren’t a bunch of cry babies but actual go getters that conquer.

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Everyone thinks the Reaper of Sunpo—eighteen-year-old assassin Shin Lina—is dead. The only ones who know the truth are her cherished little sister and Haneul Rui, the icily gorgeous Dokkaebi Emperor, who she was sent to kill…and kissed instead.

Now, with the potent Imugi venom surging in her veins, Lina’s returned to right all wrongs. Already her body is changing, growing stronger, stealthier, and more agile, with serpentine scales she can call at will. She is living vengeance, seeking retribution for the massacre of the Talons. She’ll become the sword who cuts down the rival Blackbloods gang, along with their ruthless crime-lord leader. And when she is through, she will take the kingdom as her own.

But there is a mysterious side to Lina’s growing power, a dark voice inside her that whispers and guides her as she slips through the shadows of Sunpo’s streets. One that warns her not to trust the Dokkaebi, especially Rui.

Because if her destiny isn’t to love him…it must be to destroy him.

I love how this story progressed and how the story between Lina and Rui continued to develop. The world building continues to be exquisite and the character development continues to be executed expertly. I can’t wait for book three!

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This takes place pretty quickly after the first book. Lina is determined to get her revenge and avenge her fallen friends.

This book took a turn I did not expect. At first, I was sort of enjoying the book, but nothing exciting was happening, until it did. And things got INTERESTING. I was hooked once the “thing” happened and needed to keep reading to see what happens.

This book is devastating. My heart was ripped to shreds multiple times. It’s romantic in a devastating and heartbreaking way.

I wanted to hate Lina, but I can’t help but understand her and hope for her.

And that ending was not fair to me or to anyone in this book. And now I’m eagerly awaiting the next book to know how this ends because so far it seems very bleak and heartbreaking.

Definitely recommend this read, if you don’t mind your heart being ripped to pieces 😭

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the gifted e-ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The continuation of Rui and Shin Lina's story was everything I needed it to be. With the world thinking she is dead, Shin Lina sets out to exact her revenge on all the people who have wronged her. With the addition of Imugi venom in her blood she is all but unstoppable as she sets out on her mission. As she sets her plan in motion, she begins to hear voices from within that make her question everything she knows and also make her begin to wonder if she should turn on those she has trusted thus far. Her journey through all of the uncertainty leading up to the climax of the book was beautifully written. Seeing her change through the eyes of those she loves was a welcome bit of narrative also. I am anxiously anticipating the next installment as I really need to know what happens next in their story.

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This book ended on a cliffhanger than made me want to immediately jump into the next book! This book felt like a lot was being set up for the next installment but was done in a way I was still entertained. Also I would do anything for Rui.

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The plot was strong and well placed. I love Rui and Lina, they are the bes characters. They should have a break. I also love Iseul and her backstory.

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This book was so good and also so painful to read!! I loved the characters. The writing style is so beautiful, sharp, so strong, and she has an ability to write about the monstrous sides of characters so perfectly. I could almost feel the angst and songster through the pages!

I also especially love reading a diverse range of different mythologies, and I really appreciated discovering Korean mythology in fantasy for the first time!

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4 Stars.

As much as I love reading this book and give it a solid review, this book is my reading bane this year. I say this because it took me A MONTH to finish Book 2 and it's not for the lack of trying. The main reason is that I don't understand the route or the direction of the novel and why the author chooses to take this route. I mean don't get me wrong, I did end up liking the overall idea of it.

The plot was solid and well done. The character development is amazing. Lina's character development was amazing - Sophie really captures Lina so well and I can understand her struggle. I like it is central around Lina because it was ultimately her revenge. The side characters introduced, such as Iseul and her backstory, make this an interesting read. I also like the addition of the interludes to Rui and his bethren side as they struggle to come to terms with the change.

Overall, a solid book worth reading and I cannot wait to read Book 3 and the end of this trilogy.

Thank you Entangled Teen & Netgallery for the earc.

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This book was amazing I couldn’t put it down was completely drawn in from the first page and hooked. I loved the characters the writing and the plot so sad it ended

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Picking right where we left off in Last of the Talons, Shin Lina is back from “the dead” with new abilities, more vital forces, and a new deadly prophecy running rampant in the deepest parts of the dark.

It took me a while to get into the story, and even once I found my place in it, I still had difficulty focusing. The main problems that bothered me throughout this title were the slow start and the excessive monologuing with "The Voice." I get Kim had to show a personality switch when it came to adding this invisible force, and I also understand how important “The Voice” was for this version of events, but it turned me all the way off.

We have some answers to questions left unsaid in LOTT. I appreciate Kim for detailing both sides of history between good vs. evil. I also love that there is more action in this story. I felt in LOTT, Lina boasted of being this great assassin, but we saw her fall flat on her ass on every other page. At least in this book, we see the beast Lina always thought she was making its breakout appearance.

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3.5 Stars

This book started off a bit slow, but that=nkfully it wasn't so slow that it impacted my desire to continue reading.

I'm glad Sohpie J=Kin included Rui's P.O.V. as well as the P.O.V. of "The Voice". I think these perspectives added quite a bit to the story. One detail about The Voice that I wasn't a fan of, however, was when The Voice had taken over Lina's actions, the writing wasn't quite clear on whether it was Lina's actions and thoughts or The Voice's.

While Lina's convictions and feelings towards her sister were very clear and well-cemented throughout the story, I found myself wishing Eunbi had more on-page time. While I as a reader connected with Eunbi through Lina's love for her, I think seeing Eunbi and Lina interact more would've imported the book.

Overall I enjoyed the storyline and character work in this book.

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The second book in Sophie Kim's Talons series is just as good, if not better, than the first. Shin and Haneul are intriguing characters with a lot of chemistry on page. The world is well though out and full of interesting lore. I loved it.

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Questo libro è stata una vera e propria epopea per poterlo leggere.
Non avevo intenzione di leggere la copia che la casa editrice tramite Netgalley gentilmente mi ha inviato (senza che lo richiedessi!), perchè avevo già preordinato la copia cartacea mesi e mesi prima, appena dopo aver finito e ADORATO il primo libro. Ma tra rimandi e rimandi e ritardi da parte di Amazon, mi son dovuta arrendere e leggerlo in ebook. Ma ancora attendo la mia copia cartacea da Amazon, che però ho dovuto rendere dopo averne ricevuta una rovinata e in condizioni oscene a fine luglio. Forse per fine anno dovrebbe arrivarne un'altra? Mah...non me la spiego questa mancanza di copie cartacee. Ho perfino chiesto ad un'amica di cercarne una a Londra, ma niente...non si trova da nessuna parte.

Ma passiamo ora alla recensione del libro.
Purtroppo non posso dare un voto positivo a questo secondo volume. Dove il primo mi aveva subito conquistata con i tanti easter egg che rimandavano al kdrama di Goblin, questo secondo volume mi ha quasi mandata in un blocco del lettore.
Shin Lina è cambiata tantissimo dal primo libro, sia fisicamente che psicologicamente, e non in positivo.
Se nella prima parte del romanzo Shin Lina si concentra sul portare avanti in maniera ossessiva la sua vendetta, come si era prefissata durante il primo libro, nella seconda parte la storia vira da tutt'altra parte, mischiando i punti di vista da un capitolo all'altro e da una scena all'altra.
Questo è uno dei punti negativi più evidenti di questo libro. Ci sono alcune scene dove i punti di vista continuano a cambiare di frase in frase, rendendo la lettura un completo e delirante caos.
Ho trovato davvero faticosa questa lettura, che non mi ha conquistata affatto.
Lina era un personaggio forte e determinato nel primo libro, senza essere overpowered, senza mille poteri. Ora è tremendamente fastidiosa e odiosa. Si è trasformata nel cattivo del libro.
E sebbene non mi dispiaccia leggere i punti di vista del cattivo di turno, non mi è affatto piaciuto come sia stato scritto questo libro.
Decisamente aveva bisogno di un editing più accurato sia per quanto riguarda il personaggio principale, che per i POVs senza senso.
Giunti al finale, si capisce bene che l'obiettivo dell'autrice era arrivare proprio a quella scena devastante, che è stata ben realizzata, ma il cammino che ci ha portati a questo punto decisamente sarebbe dovuto essere più interessante e scritto meglio. Mi rifiuto inoltre di parlare di quanto non soddisfacente sia stata la vendetta di Lina alla fine. Non mi ha convinta per niente.

Credo che questo libro abbia bisogno di un riediting, sopratutto visto che di copie cartacee in giro non se ne trovano. Ipotizzo che i ritardi che questo libro ha subito siano dovuti anche a queste problematiche che però non sono state risolte. Ovviamente è una mia ipotesi e potrebbe non avere nulla a che vedere coi ritardi.
Spero seriamente che il terzo libro torni a farmi amare questi due personaggi, perchè sicuramente voglio leggere il finale di questa storia. Sperando che il libro arrivi per tempo...

Grazie Netgalley e Entangled Publishing per avermi invitata a leggere questo libro e avermi permesso di leggerlo (in un modo o nell'altro)!


This book was a real epic travel to read.
I had no intention of reading the copy that the publisher kindly sent me via Netgalley (without me asking!), because I had already pre-ordered the hardcover paper copy months and months before, just after I had finished and LOVED the first book. But between postponements and delays on Amazon's part, I had to give up and read it in ebook. But I'm still waiting for my paper copy from Amazon, which I had to return after receiving a damaged one in obscene conditions at the end of July. Maybe another one should arrive by the end of the year? Meh... I can't explain this lack of paper copies. I even asked a friend to look for one in London, but nothing... it can't be found anywhere.

But now let's move on to the review of the book.
Unfortunately I can't give a positive rating to this second volume. Where the first one had immediately won me over with the many easter eggs that referred to the Goblin kdrama, this second volume almost sent me into a reader's block.
Shin Lina has changed a lot from the first book, both physically and psychologically, and not in a positive way.
If in the first part of the novel Shin Lina focuses on obsessively pursuing her revenge, as she had set out to do in the first book, in the second part the story veers in a completely different direction, mixing the points of view from one chapter to another and from one scene to another.
This is one of the most obvious negative points of this book. There are some scenes where the points of view continue to change from sentence to sentence, making the reading a complete and delirious chaos.
I found this reading really tiring, which didn't win me over at all.
Lina was a strong and determined character in the first book, without being overpowered, without a thousand powers. Now she is terribly annoying and hateful. She has turned into the villain of the book.
And while I don't mind reading the villain's POV, I didn't like how this book was written at all.
It definitely needed more careful editing job both for the main character and the nonsensical POVs.
By the end, it's clear that the author's goal was to get to that devastating ending scene, which was well done, but the path that led us to this point definitely should have been more interesting and better written. I also refuse to talk about how unsatisfying Lina's revenge was at the end. It didn't convince me at all.
I think this book needs a re-edit, especially since there are no hard copies around. I assume that the delays this book has suffered are also due to these problems that have not been resolved. Obviously, this is my hypothesis and may have nothing to do with the delays.
I seriously hope that the third book will make me love these two characters again, because I definitely want to read the ending of this story. Hoping the book arrives on time...

Thank you Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for inviting me to read this book and allowing me to read it (in one way or another)!

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The deadliest assassin is back, better than ever, and she wants revenge.

Thanks to Sophie Kim and Entangled Teen for sending me an ARC through Netgalley! This does not affect my thoughts about the book in any way. Out now!

MISS SOPHIE HOW COULD YOU?!? Reading this book was one big game, should I be hopeful or accept defeat? I trusted her to make me not cry, but I guess I was wrong, cause utter sadness won in the end (this is giving me extreme flashbacks to the end of s1 of aos) like nooooo!!! I was stunned speechless at that ending.

However, I am glad I got to see some *ahem* *ahem* characters get their very much-deserved end. That’s what you get for hurting my girl! Go, Lina!! And the fact that we got to see things from Rui’s perspective was also so cool, but if there’s one villain in this story it’s that wretched voice!! I swear on all the bookish gods I'm ready to hunt that thing down and make it suffer like it made my grumpy little Lina. No one messes with Lina other than Rui.

Another good thing is that the sequel answered a lot of my questions from book 1. The bad thing: I now have 500 more questions.

You should pick up this series if you love:
🗡️ badass female mc
🪈 fantasy softie male mc
🐉 Korean historical fantasy
💔 enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies
😭 emotional damage
🌝 mythological characters
🍵 political drama

In this book, we now see Lina with these new powers she knows very little about. It was commendable to see her struggles of accepting them. She questions why she can wield them, why her, and so on. This book heavily focuses on her mental struggles with adapting to those powers, and this particular new appearance, "the voice". I'll be honest I did not expect the voice to turn out to be that.

And then there's her scenes with Eunbi, our sweet little girl. Oh, how I adore her! And in those small scenes with her, we see Lina's mental conflict of wanting to protect her little sister, and also wanting to tell her the truth.


In book 2, we do get to see more of Rui and his perspective on things, and that was interesting since we didn't get much of his pov in book 1. And it was a great choice by the author to include those segments to give us more background information on what's going on. And the most adorable part was the fact that he and his court were fully taken by Eunbi! She captures everyone's hearts <3

Now that book 2 has successfully torn me apart flesh and soul, dug out my heart, and pierced it a million times over, I can’t wait to see what book 3 will do to me. Will reign of the talons finish me? Or will I finish reading the book? stay tuned to find out~
miss sophie promise me that book 3 ends well, please 🥺🥺

Anyway, if you enjoyed hearing all about my latest heartbreak you should definitely go check out the Talons series!! it’s the best thing ever!! YOU WILL NOT REGRET THIS.

Does anyone want to keep me company while I wait for book 3?

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Sophie Kim knocks it out of the park again with this wonderful book. 10/10 on characters and world building!

5 Stars!

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