Member Reviews

Ohhh love and chickens! I loved this book, it was just such a cute romance book! This book explores the world of chicken and waterfowl showing and judging. I enjoyed taking a glimpse into this world! I would definitely recommend for anyone who enjoys a sweet quick romance read. Thank you NetGalley and the author Kasey Morris for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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"Love and Chickens" is egg-ceptionally entertaining, clucking good fun from start to finish! This feather-ruffling tale follows Madeline Bennett, a chicken-showing competitor whose life takes a u turn after an unfortunate encounter with the 'egg-stremely' arrogant English poultry judge, George Cooper.

From the moment that feathers fly, readers are whisked away on a whirlwind adventure filled with love, laughter, a little sadness and more drama than you can shake a drumstick at!
Madeline's journey in the competitive poultry world is filled with 'fowl' play, unexpected twists, and enough romantic tension to rival the nest egg at The National.

While the plot may not soar to great heights, "Love and Chickens" delivers a cozy, feel-good read that's perfect for a lazy afternoon or a quiet night in the coop. Despite the occasional cluck-up (we're looking at you, George!), the characters are as endearing as a freshly laid egg and the romance is as sweet as a corn-fed chicken.

Sure, there may be some language quirks that ruffle a few feathers, but don't let that deter you from diving headfirst into this delightful tale. Whether you're a seasoned chicken enthusiast or just looking for a book to 'peck' your interest, "Love and Chickens" is sure to leave you clucking for more. So, 'hen-sure' you grab a copy and get ready for a 'cracking' good time!

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Three years after a life changing accident following The National chicken show, Madeline Bennett is back on the chicken show circuit. After losing most of her prize-winning flock the night the accident, Madeline and her surviving chicken, Elsie hit the show circuit to try and win their way back to the top. What she wasn’t prepared to do again was come face to face with George Cooper, an English poultry judge, who deemed three years earlier that her prize winning rooster was sub-par.
When it becomes apparent there is some corruption going on in the show circuit, the unlikely pair join forces to investigate the matter and a frustrating attraction develops. Whether you are familiar with chicken showing or not, this was a sweet and heart-warming romance by Kasey Morris. Add this to your holiday TBR!

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I ended up DNF'ing this book at 65%. The plot seemed a bit too far fetched to be believable and the MMC and FMC didn't have the chemistry to make a romance believable. The premise looked very promising, but ultimately, I just couldn't get into the book. Thank you to @netgalley for the ARC.

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Mads is a vet assistant by day and a competitive chicken shower on the weekends. She had a large flock of award winning chickens and was at the top of her game until a car accident left her with just one prize chicken, Elsie, and a lot of trauma. She found her way through it and is back on the chicken show scene, but can't get over the way one of the judges treated her at her last show with Benny, a chicken who perished in the accident. Mads eventually gets to know this judge though, and begins to see that maybe he isn't so bad after all, he just happens to say things without thinking. As Mads becomes introduced with the judging side of show chickens, she begins to wonder what it would be like to become a judge herself, but unfortunately gets wrapped up in a bit of the drama that comes with this new role, all while still trying to figure out her feelings for a fellow judge (or two!).

This was such a cute story and the characters were really well done. I had no idea there were chicken shows like the dog shows you sometimes hear about, but I guess that makes sense! I also had no idea how many types of chickens there are out there! There were lots of cute and funny moments, and while it was a tiny bit predictable at times, it was a very quick and light read that had me smiling all the way through. I will definitely check out what Kasey Morris puts out next, and recommend this one to anyone who enjoys stories with animals (and animal lovers) and a light-hearted rom com. Thanks to @netgalley and the author for giving me the chance to read this fun book! It is out now, so go grab your copy!

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I love love and i love chickens. Chickens are my favourite animals so this book was right up my street! A very cute read! Although the plot was clear, i did love it. Recommend for a quick cute read!

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My friends and I decided to read Love & Chickens by Kasey Morris and I’m pleasantly surprised by this book. The story was super cute, I loved the banter and the storyline. I also thought it was a very well written book. I will definitely be recommending it to all my friends. (Even if they don’t like chickens it’s still a very cute romance)

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This was such a cute story. Great for chicken loves and those that just want a sweet enemies to lovers read. There isn’t anything too spicy in the story, but some great banter and friendships!

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DNF @ 20%

Unfortunately I think a book about the world of chicken competitions just isn’t for me. I found that I wasn’t invested in the bird shows at all and since that’s pretty much all that happened, I didn’t really want to keep going.
The pacing seemed a little odd to me, there were a lot of time jumps almost every chapter which made the story feel really choppy.
Also, the mmc asked to talk to the fmc and she literally doesn’t let him say a single word to him? All because she’s mad that a chicken judge… judged her chicken? This kind of made me annoyed with the fmc and since the whole book seems to only be in her pov it made me want to stop reading

Thank you to NetGalley and Kasey Morris for the ARC!

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As someone, like many of us who got chickens during 2020 quarantine, I loved this book. If you aren’t a chicken lover, you’ll still love this. It’s funny, has good banter and the sexual tension between those two. If you watched and loved the chicken people documentary, you’ll also love this (side note. If you haven’t watched that, go watch it). You don’t need any knowledge about chickens or showing them. The author explains everything to keep you in the loop without feeling like you are reading a wiki page. Madeline, our main girl. She’s speaks the mind but her internal dialogue was funny and very relatable. Plus the best friend side character had me cracking up. George, he’s english, broody, closed off, and cares deeply for his family. Need I say more? I was surprised how much emotion the author managed to pack in, such as George’s sisters background, and Madeline’s accident. I love the disability representation in this book. Canes have a such a stigma, so I’m glad Madeline had a realistic struggle with it herself. Plus I have new chicken breeds to add to the want list.

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If there is an audience for it, there is a Pride and Prejudice retelling about it. This is Pride and Prejudice set in the backdrop of the apparently cut-throat community of Poultry and Fowl Shows. Think dog shows, but for chickens, ducks, geese, etc. As a chicken person myself - we have a backyard flock, not show quality - I was excited to pick this up in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way. I was honestly hoping for some "cock" jokes and lots of chicken puns and for the book to not take itself too seriously.

I honestly don't really know what to think about this. It was a really fast read. The writing is a bit inconsistent - sometimes overly formal (why do all Americans think British people use the word "shall" in every day speech?), sometimes juvenile. One of the best parts of P&P is the banter between Darcy and Elizabeth - Elizabeth's ability to call Darcy out on his BS and say what she is thinking. I think the author was trying to do that here, but instead the MFC just came across as kind of mean and a b-word for no apparent reason (okay - the reason is because the Darcy character judged her rooster a bit harshly). But is that enough to cast him as a nemesis? I don't know. It was too much of a stretch for me.

I can tell the author either has chickens and/or did a LOT of research about chickens, their care, their breeding, and the show world because pretty much ALL of it made it into this book. It was VERY chicken heavy and almost read, at times, like a how-to book for chicken care. I wanted more romance and more chicken puns/jokes, but got a fairly serious approach to this topic. Other chicken people will for sure find some interest in this - but I'm not sure it's going to translate to the wider audience. And she really missed the boat on "cock" jokes - they write themselves! And there was nary a one in here.

The steamy scenes seemed to come out of nowhere. They were a bit awkward to me, but I was rooting for the couple to get together by the end. I appreciated the subtle (and at times not so subtle) nods to the original P&P. The writing wasn't off-putting despite some minor inconsistencies (is this trying to be in P&P time period with the dialogue or modern times?? Pick an era).

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me to read and review an advance reader copy of this book.

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I am a chicken mom of 11 so when I saw this book, I requested it immediately!!

I came for the chickens but stayed for the disability rep which I think is so rare to see in romance novels. I can only name like 2 books off the top of my head where the main character or the love interest had a disability and I so glad to be adding another book to that list <3

I loved the plot and the writing style in the book because it just felt so cohesive and well put together! The characters were very likable with great chemistry, and, of course, the chickens were adorable! The enemies to lovers in this book was soooo reminiscent of Pride and Prejudice so I absolutely adored that aspect of the book !!!

Perhaps this is a bit embarrassing but I loved reading a book about chickens so much, I literally cried at random parts because they are just so <3333 My chickens are my children so I cannot put into words how much this book means to me.

I was a bit nervous because of the trigger warnings, but I think that Kasey Morris did an incredible job writing the scenes where said warnings applied. If you are nervous about reading this book because of the warnings, trust me that they are integral to the story and dealt with appropriately: )

4.5 stars!!!!

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Pride & Prejudice vibes + Best in Show (but with chickens) makes for a surprisingly cute romance! Mads is getting back into competition after a tragic accident left her injured and her flock mostly gone. She runs into George, the judge who dissed her chickens right before the tragic accident which means he is now her mortal enemy. The book is a sweet journey through both MC learning more about each other and the reader learning fun chicken showing facts. It's a great way to spend an afternoon and you'll start looking up where your nearest farm show is.

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What a delight! As a crazy chicken lady myself I was swept up into the details of what showing/judging chickens is like. Of course the romance between the two MC’s was a bonus as well! My only wish was for a little more plot development surrounding the start of the romance between Madeline and George and the journey to the nationals after the big “bust” occurs. Overall a quick and enjoyable read.

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This book is just too freaking cute!! A romcom with chickens?? It’s sweet, swoony, funny and full of banter. I had no idea what to expect going into this book but it is such a lighthearted cozy romance with some mystery to it. I’m not a chicken girl — as in I know nothing about chickens or really any birds — but that did not prevent me from being fully invested in this story. Also I know a lot about chickens and chicken shows now😂 There’s drama, tension, banter, great friendship & some clucking fantastic animal friends. If you love a good wholesome romance that you can eat up in one sitting definitely check out Love & Chickens!🖤🩷

🖤Enemies to Lovers
🖤Found Family
🖤Hurt Past
🖤Disability Representation
🖤He Falls First
🖤Chicken Espionage

George Cooper is a cutie & Madeline is a strong spunky heroine. The chickens and geese are such fun side characters and everyone deserves a friend like Patricia. There are lots of Pride & Prejudice vibes too if you’re into that! This book will leave you with warm fuzzy feels and a lot of chicken knowledge.

I’m so happy I was able to read and review an early copy from Kasey Morris via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc.
I have chickens so when I saw this book I immediately knew I wanted to read it. It’s a shorter book, under 200 pages so a super easy quick fun little read. I love that I knew the different breeds of chickens it was talking about.
4.5 stars, super cute

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•enemies-to-lovers trope
•main character with a disability (and she is super witty!)
•learned so much about chickens! Who knew showing poultry was a thing?! And that chickens have such varied personalities - no wonder they’re popular pets nowadays!
•quick/feel-good/laugh-out-loud read
•debut female author
•fun cast of characters (except Chad 😂)
•lots of plot twists - never boring!
•a dozen chickens - how sweet!

•no pictures! 😂 i had to google all the different breeds in the middle of reading

Thanks to NetGalley and the author for this ARC! I’m excited to follow this author as her writing continues to develop and her catalog grows. This book earned the 4th star from me because of its unique theme!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5/5 stars)
Let me start by saying this was a cute, fluffy, enemies to lovers rom com with lots and lots of c*cks. And not the kind you’re thinking of. 😉I’m not very familiar with the chicken world so I did struggle a bit getting into this as I wasn’t really sure what to expect. But I feel like I learned a lot and I appreciate the author’s details when it came to poultry judging.

The plot felt a little dragged on in the beginning, but by the second half, I was full on rooting for Madeline and George. I just wish there was more character development for them both individually but also as a couple. Also have to give a shoutout to Patricia and her goose, Sir Lancelot.

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Love & Chickens - I am guilty of choosing a book based upon its cover! And I am so glad I did! This is a quick, light read, romcom style with witty dialogue, and well developed characters. Not only are Madeline (FMC) & George (MMC) both loveable, the animal characters (Elsie & Sir Lancelot) bring just as much to this story. This a great story filled with enemies to lovers, second chances, and overcoming adversity. This book was extremely well written & I am so glad I discovered this author! Very grateful to have received an ARC of this book - I'll be keeping an eye out for more books by this author!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

Madeline showed prized chickens until one day she got in a bad car accident and got injured and all but one of her chickens passed. She took a few years to heal emotionally from the accident and rejoined the show circuit for chickens! That is where she saw her nemesis Judge George Cooper! He was the judge that gave her most prized chicken a bad review the day of her accident. Seeing him now, she holds a grudge, but she gets over her hard feelings when she gets to know him better and understands his struggles in life with his family.

This book contains some of my favorite tropes:
* Enemies to lovers
* Quick banter
* disability representation
* mental illness/addiction representation

I also loved Madeline's show circuit best friend, Patricia and her grumpy goose that hisses all the time! He is quite the diva!

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