Member Reviews

Pleasantly surprised that I ended up liking this one! I had a bit of a hard time getting into the chicken part of the story, lol. The rest of the story was very well done. The character development, the setting, the background information. I really liked the authors writing style. I was probably a little more than halfway through when I started actually enjoying the bird show part of the story. I would recommend reading this, it's worth it! I would definitely read more books by this author!

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my first ever arc!!!
i’m so thankful i got the chance to read this book and get to review it!

love and chickens - 3,5 stars

this story is about madeleine bennett who has a flock of chickens and goes to chicken shows. three years before the start of this book she was at a show and the judge, george cooper, misjudged her chicken. after the show she got in an accident and lost most of her flock. wanting to get back to her old status quo, madeleine takes place at a regional chicken show, where she meets george again. this stirs up some resentment in her but quickly she realises, that george is not the despicable human she thinks he is.

i was sceptical when starting this book, since i have never seen someone write about chicken shows. i honestly thought it was going to be silly, but i was proven wrong.

as this book is very short i feel like it lacked a little in character depth and the plot was a little all of the place, at leaset in the first half.
that being said i had a little trouble getting into the book, since i didn’t really connect to the characters at first. i loved george, he’s such a man.

all in all this was a very cute and cozy palette cleanser between books. i can only recommend!

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As a fellow chicken owner and lover, I HAD to get my hands on this book! I’m literally in the midst of getting my brooder ready for this seasons specialized breeds of chicks!
Such a feel good romance about a woman who shows her chickens and the competitive aspect and corruption that can happen. Her show bestie shows geese and it’s a laugh out loud fun read that gets you inside these shows!
Madeline Bennett is back to showing after a horrendous accident that nearly took her life and all her chickens but one. She’s got a chip on her shoulder whenever judge George Cooper is around as he told her, her birds were mediocre at best .. which was the day of her accident.

It’s an enemies to lovers
A delightful light read
English MMC
Cane use rep.
Little bit of mystery and detective work
“Secret Agent Chicken Spy”.
Cute and Sweet
HEA guaranteed

George ends up being such a swoony character. I mean, who needs flowers when you can buy the woman you fancy top of the line birds of her favorite breed?

“Faithfully yours, George.” 😍😍

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I loved this book so much. I honestly didn't think I would but I really did. Madeline had been through a traumatic event and she was piecing her life together again. She associated George with that trauma and because of it she hated him. I loved George so much, he was a sweetheart, you could see he genuinely liked her and cared for her, it was really cute. They passed the hate phase and she started to see him in a new light. He was much more complex than she thought and had more to give that it appeared. I loved Madeline and her strength, she was cautious with her feelings but not afraid to follow them. She lives life the way she wants because she knows it can change in an instant. They were so good together, they each had something to move on from and they helped each other do it

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This was a fun quick read for a hate-to-love rom-com. I didn’t realize this was Pride & Prejudice inspired when I started, but I picked up on it quickly. The elements used were scattered and reimagined in some interesting contemporary twists. The main character uses a cane occasionally (more books should have disability rep). I liked the background of the competitive chickens, it was different for me in a book. I don’t have any chickens, but I do like them and grew up with different family members having them around. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this and I look forward to the next book from this author.

*Provided a DRC (digital review copy) from the publisher for review. All opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed reading this cute rom com, the characters were very likeable and I enjoyed the witty sarcastic commentary between characters which made me laugh and cringe sometimes. It was a very well paced story and a easy read for me. Thanks NetGalley for the ARC and an opportunity to read and review this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I can honestly say that I never thought I would read a romance about chickens, but I am so glad that I have!
This story was sweet and light, and had a lot of the pieces that I love in my romance novels.

What I loved:
The animal side characters. Elsie and Sir Lancelot are my absolute favorites!
The disability representation (Madeline uses a cane after a car accident)
The back and forth between George and Madeline
The friendship between Madeline and Patricia
What I didn’t enjoy:
Not knowing exactly how George feels or thinks about anything, especially Madeline

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I really enjoyed the story, and I learned a lot. I was not expecting that at all. however this book was the perfect little romcom to give knowledge plus keep you entertained! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about chickens. and it made me want to get some chickens of my own even more so then i had before. My husband said this book ruined me because now all i can talk about is chickens. haha I really loved this book tho. I will more then likely be ordering a copy when it comes out!

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Wow, where to begin?

Firstly, I would like to start off by extending my heartiest of gratitudes to Kasey and NetGalley for this wonderful ARC. I had so much fun reading this book because of how beautiful it was.

This book had soul.

I am thoroughly and completely head-over-heels with this absolute masterpiece. In fact it was SO GOOD, I gobbled it up in one sitting.

Madeline is a wonderful character. So smart, so confident, so bold and and so brave. She has spunk, I have to admit. She does her very best to not define herself by the problems she has encountered in life and does a smashing job of it.

I loved the whole American girl - British boy part of this, it was absolutely delightful.

George Cooper was wonderful. A book boyfriend through and through. He goes above and beyond for her and it's so perfect to read. He's got his own issues to sort through and they both help each other wonderfully throughout the book.

There were a few parts through the book that seemed to drag, and a few parts that got sped up quite quickly, which is the only reason I have given this book 4 stars and not 5.

There was so much to learn about Chicken Showing(apparently that's a thing! who knew???)and I can say I have significantly come away learning a lot more about different breeds of geese and chickens and roosters(something I never knew I needed, but apparently I did).

Kasey has a way of incorporating words of information so beautifully into her book that it felt so smooth and flawless throughout and it was wonderful.

All in all, this was an absolute masterpiece of a book and I look forward to reading, nay, devouring much much more books of the same author.

Story: 5 stars
Spice: 3.5 stars
Grammar and Punctuation: 5 stars
Flow: 5 stars
Overall: 4 stars

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What an amazing read truly, 5 stars across the board.
First and foremost the author is a gem, I reached out to her about some potentially triggering items and the need for some CW/TW in the book. She was so receptive and awesome and is going to mitigate the situation!

I truly did not expect to love a book about chicken showers. This book is an adaption of Pride & Prejudice but with birds lol.

I loved seeing the main characters progress through dealing with her new disability from her accident, and how she dealt with the heavy PTSD emotions that came with it.

Our MMC was truly an underdog, did not see him or his story coming and it was perfect.

The writing was really well developed and the characters had fantastic growth points throughout the book.
Loved the inclusion of disabled characters

And to top it off a chicken show coup???? To take down a big time judge. What a perfect amount of drama! I 100% cannot wait to see what this author does and will continue to read from her!

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This was a book that, via the description, I wasn't completely sure what the book would look like but, it definitely was a charming read. I do not know anything about poultry shows personally, however, I enjoyed learning some information while having a cute romance on top. It was a very nice and uplifting read. Some jumps between scenes can be a little confusing, however, overall I enjoyed reading this book.

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Love & Chickens by Kasey Morris
I'm beyond surpised that I could get so engrossed in a book set mostly around showing birds. I've been to my local state fair and gone down the very aisle setup with the pens described in the book, but I never thought I'd read a book with this as it's main setting.
Madeline Bennett has something to prove, after a three year absence from the show circuit she's back to prove she can win. Surprised to have to have her nemesis, George Cooper, who crushed her dreams at Nationals be judging at her first show since then. With fate planning a role Madeline is put into a unique position to spend more time with George, and this opens more questions about him . And you can definitely feel the awkward vibe coming off both of them, jeez people use your words.
Ultimately it's a enemies to lovers story, so if that's your trope, grab it and settle in. If you want to learn more about show chickens and the seedy (probably not really, but who knows) underbelly of the show circuit is an interesting backdrop for a story.

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What a cute book! I was fortunate to receive a NetGalley ARC of this book, and I really enjoyed it. This story is a nice mix of light humor and and more serious topics, with a sweet romance thrown in. The author apparently keeps livestock, and it comes across clearly in the story that she knows what it means to take care of and love animals. I did not see some of the twists coming (who knew "poultry politics" were even a thing?) but this is the kind of book where everything is neatly and happily resolved by the end of the story. My only criticism, and it's very small, is that the details about chicken breeding and showing got a little dry at times for me. But honestly, this is a book about love amongst competitive poultry shows, and the author's knowledge about the subject rang true to the story and the presentation of that kind of information jibed with the main characters' interests and personalities. I wasn't familiar with this author but I would definitely read her again!

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Who the heck would have thought I’d be reading a book about Poultry Shows?!

Love & Chickens was such a surprisingly delightful read.

The book was a super quick one that dealt with chickens, enemies to lovers, him falling first and a little corruption.

I can say I honestly enjoyed this book and highly recommend for cute and quick rom com read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Kasey Morris for the opportunity to read this early!!

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Thank you netgalley and Kasey Morris for the ARC
No spoiler review.
First of all holy crap George and madeline are just 🔥🔥 🔥, especially those scenes 😩. The banter and their chemistry is just electrifying. Also there were some parts that were emo 🤧 but it was wholesome.

I loved the overall theme and storyline of this book. I really enjoyed knowing about the poultry competitions and knowing about different breeds. It is the first time I heard about this type of thing. I learnt something new from it.

I really enjoyed this from the beginning till the end ❤🤭, I hope everyone else also enjoy this book too.

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This is definitely unlike any book I've ever read. A romance novel heavily threaded with chickens. I didn't know what to expect when I started reading this and I didn't have super high hopes but I ended up absolutely loving this book. If you know nothing at all about chickens, like me, trust that you'll still enjoy this read. This book gave off a Jane Austen vibe that I thoroughly enjoyed. The characters are well rounded in a way that you feel like you know exactly who they are and understand their thoughts/actions. There's even some chicken espionage! You'll more than likely learn something about birds, especially if you're like me and end up googling the bird breeds referenced.

Long story short, I started this book about 24 hours ago and I've finished it because I couldn't put it down. Highly recommend this book to anyone who likes romance or a great romcom.

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I was intrigued by the description of this book, despite not knowing much about chickens other than they make so kind of noises. It was an easy read and I enjoyed it, but there were a couple of points that stood out to me. It was almost an enemies to lovers trope, but it seemed from the start that Madeline disliked George more than George disliked Madeline. Some of the major plot points (I'm looking at you, first kiss!) seemed rushed to me. The way certain minor storylines wrapped up made sense, but some of the major ones were missing some anticipation for me.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read, and it definitely had me looking up d'Eccles and Sebastopols.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kasey Morris for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Love & Chickens
by Kasey Morris
Publish Date Feb 27, 2024
What a simply adorable book with chickens!! The cover was so cute and it made this book jump up in my TBR- well done!! The characters of Madeline and George were so well done and I loved learning more about them as the story carried on. Who wins a trip to England at a Chicken Show? Madeline does apparently and man she has a surprise when she arrives. I love how George Cooper changed from George F***ing Cooper to F***ing George Cooper.

I love how the book addresses the change of someone who is able to do whatever they want to having a disability due to an accident. As a person who has gone through the change of being able to walk, work and travel with no problems to having to slow down, use aides and rerouting my trips due to pain and exhaustion this book nailed it on the head without it being too much. Many don't realize how much a change in your body changes you not only physically but how you think others see you and you push through and then pay for it later. Thank you Kasey Morris for this - I didn't know I needed this character but it is refreshing to read!!

Chad.... oh Chad - gross - use your cane Madeline (not Maddie). He is a great character to hate & the name is perfect...
Urban Dictionary - CHAD - a stereotypical alpha male that is "cocky"
Cambridge Dictionary - CHAD - the paper fragments punched out after a hole punch.
I am glad Mads realized what a douche canoe he was. Who knew there is cheating in bird shows.... don't be a hanging Chad. Gross Chad Gross!!

This is a wonderful book and I enjoyed watching George & Madeline go from enemies to partners with the bonus of her finding out what a great guy he is. Who needs a dozen roses when you have chickens? This book was a great glimpse into a world that is full of a community that are passionate about what they love. I also enjoyed the friendships within this book and hope there may be more because the characters are so fun to read. Well done, Kasey Morris and I look forward to reading more from you in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kasey Morris for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion. Keep reading and finding your next adventure in black and white.

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I had the honor of receiving this ARC, courtesy of Kasey Morris & Netgalley, &and I must say, it did not disappoint!

I normally wouldn't go for a book about chickens, however love and romance is definitely up my alley! Going into this book, I was unsure of what to expect but to my surprise, it was nicely put together. The author found a way to incorporate chickens, a hate-to-love romance, a scheming potential love interest, physical disability & dealing with it in everyday life, drama, and not to mention a few spicy scenes into one book and I loved it.

Whenever the author mentioned a breed of chicken/poultry, it was never in an overwhelming way, but rather in a way that makes you curious and want to see the beauty being refered to. (So don't be detered by the title! Even if you're not a chicken person, the romance in this book will keep you engulfed!)

Madeline & George's relationship was fate! Madeline went from disliking George so much, practically hating him to falling in love with him. The events leading up to them falling in love were so great, at some point I thought to myself "There is no escaping this man!" Lol.

It was such a great read and I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish!

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This book might just be my number one rom-com of 2024! I have never had such a fun time reading a romance book before! It’s so silly and fun but also covers serious topics in a way that makes you feel for the characters.
Instantly I found myself wishing to me friends with Madeline! I think she is one of my most favorite female main characters!
The story itself is so intriguing! I have grown up around chickens my whole life as my family has them, but I didn’t know anything about poultry events and now I’m interested in learning more after reading this book.
The banter and tension between Madeline and George is so fun! I think they are just perfect for each other:)

This truly might be one of the most well written debut rom-coms I’ve ever read!
I highly, highly recommend! (But especially to those who 1. Grew up with chickens 2. Have a serious affection for Pride and Prejudice.
-rivals to lovers
-Pride and Prejudice vibes
-investigation and tension
-contemporary rom-com
-happily ever after

Thank you to the author for the arc copy in exchange for my honest review!

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