Member Reviews

The Davidsons seem like a normal family. But they do have one little secret…

Really well-done! The characters and tension were especially well-written. I thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn't put it down.

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This was a fantastic thriller that was gripping from the first page! Really enjoyed the twists and the plot kept me guessing.

Thank you to NetGallery and the publisher for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Au pairs always make for an interesting read. This one was a fast paced twisty novel that would be great to read in one sitting or in between other harder books as a palate cleanser.

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I love a good Nanny/ Au Pair murder or missing story and this was a quick and easy read for me! I found the twist to be a bit predictable but sometimes I just need something fast to read and this was that for me. Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for a copy of this work in exchange for an honest review!

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The Davidsons seem like a normal family. But they do have one little secret…American student Alice Snyder was excited to be spending the summer in Scotland, working as an au pair for the Davidson family at their remote lodge. But one month after she arrived, Alice disappeared without trace. Now the new au pair, Melanie, has arrived - and soon notices that the Davidsons are a bit odd. There’s the strange comings and goings at night, the creepy paying guests, and sinister uncle Gray who makes her flesh crawl. And then there’s the worrying scratch marks on the floor of the au pair’s bedroom. Did Alice try to barricade herself in? What could she have been so afraid of? Are the Davidsons somehow linked to her disappearance? And is Melanie herself now in danger?As she desperately tries to find out what happened to Alice, Melanie begins to understand that this old house harbours a truly horrifying secret. Alice was its last victim, but she might be its next.

I really enjoyed this story. From start to finish, it was amazing.

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This was a fantastic thriller that was gripping from the first page! Really enjoyed the twists and the plot kept me guessing.

Thank you to NetGallery and the publisher for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you net galley for an earlier version of the book. I thought I knew the twists, but the author surprised me. There was some very good twists! I recommend it !

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This was a fantastic and fast-paced read that I absolutely could not put down. The twists were large and it was one of those books where you felt like you knew part of what was going on, but not quite enough to make sense of what was happening.

The two main characters (Melanie and Alice) which you read in the point of views of are strong female leads that the reader becomes very invested in the well-being of. Although both characters were very different in personality and age, I found myself drawn into both of their orbits and how we would find them as the plot thickened. Alice, a new high school graduate who runs away from home (just for the summer) to au pair is an overly sheltered and overly trusting young woman who takes joy in the small things and sees magic in all places. Melanie, older and a bit harder, is less trusting and more skeptical of the Davidsons and the lodge that they run.

I also loved the children, each so different in personality and actions. Each of these characters is so well described and developed that I was able to ascertain a clear picture of each in my head.

The alternating point of view between Alice (in the past) and Melanie (in the present) really worked well in adding to the twists of the story. Almost the entire story we are wondering what happened to Alice, while Melanie helps us determine what is wrong with the lodge and the Davidsons.

As Melanie stays for longer and finds out more about what happened or didn't happen with Alice, we start to wonder if Melanie might find herself in the same sort of trouble too, adding to the suspense.

The setting, like the characters is very well-described and gives the reader a clear picture of the Scottish country side and the idyllic lodge. This book both made me want to go to Scotland more and less at the same time. Although beautiful in its isolation, the reader is left to wonder whether this isolation will cause the downfall of Melanie and Alice.

This was my first Jane Renshaw book, but it defintiely will not be my last after reading The Au Pair. The amount of detail Renshaw was able to pack into the plot and characters was superb.

Calling all mystery, thriller, and suspense readers- this is a book to pick up

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Ok read. There were a few twists but I feel like a lot was not explained. If you have a few hours, this is a relatively easy read but I wouldn’t waste more time on than that.

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The Au Pair is a hell of a compulsive thriller that I read in 48hrs, which is rare for me. The plot was exciting, the Scottish location of Scallan Lodge was haunting and so atmospheric (it have me The Turn of the Key vibes, which I loved), the main character Alice was so well drafted: perfect young lady, the ideal daughter, yet not annoying.or boring. I also loved Tess and how she was setting the tone. Melanie/Donna was amazing and her selflessness made me root for her up till the end! Alice decided to run away from her loving adoptive family in Indiana and flew to Scotland where she knew her adoptive mother was from. She found a job as an au pair on a large property named Scallan Lodge and had to take care of three girls: Isabel, Tess and Christina. She quickly realized that something was off about the place, the house, and the family. One morning, we found her clothes on the beach, and all assumed that she took a dip in the ocean and drowned, considering she was a bad swimmer. This book takes her on a roller coaster ride hoping, to find out what really happened to Alice. What a great thriller, a well-balanced quota of good a bad people, and I so loved the ending. I'm swooning!

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I was able to read this book through kindle unlimited.
I really enjoyed this book. I loved how everything tied together and the final surprise was wonderful.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC

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I liked Alice and Melanie and I instantly connected with them and the plot. The twists were somewhat predictable but still enjoyable. I had predicted the outcome but I didn't know how it would play out so I had to keep reading to find out.

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I enjoyed reading this story and it was very well written. I was hooked from the beginning and i liked Alice and Melanie. The twists were a little predictable but I still enjoyed the story. I recommend it to everyone

Thank you Netgalley and Inkubator Books for this arc

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4 ⭐️

Wow, what's the big connection and drive behind Donna wanting to find out what happened to Alice? Is Alice even still alive?!

This had a handful twists and a few little easter eggs along the way if you pick up on them.

I thought this was an interesting book and I'd read more by this author personally.

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Okayyyyyy... I have an Au Pair. So when I saw a book titled The Au Pair, how could I scroll past without requesting? Absolutely loved this book, devoured it, and recommended it in my Au Pair/Host groups online. The story was written a little amateurish but it was an easy and quick read. I didn't mind this aspect because I expected that a lot of non-native English speakers would be reading this book and it would be perfectly suited for them. Two storylines that merge is an amazing way to tell a story. They interweaved beautifully.

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3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I found this story intriguing and the plot had me interested from the start. I found the story telling to be vivid and I felt like I was right there working out who done it along with the MC. That being said the plot fell a little short for me. I found parts to be slow and finding out the “suspect” wasnt all that surprising (its kind of a “lock room” setting so there were only so many charactors to pick from). I did not see some of the twist though and I thought the ending was gripping with a happy ending.

Thank you Netgalley and Inkubator Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review

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Thank you to Net Galley for this ARC! I was excited to read this one, but it quickly fell flat for me. I found the writing to be childish, the main character Alice to be so immature and ridiculous that I could never believe she was an adult (though 18 is hardly an adult, but still). The creepy uncle was so transparent and the heavy religious overtones just thoroughly grossed me out. Alice’s POV often read like a child’s diary and there was just no redemption for me after that. With some heavy editing, this could be a decent read.

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Wow! The Au Pair was a fantastic thriller, full of intrigue and mystery.
It was very well written. I loved Jane's writing style, it drew me into the story straight away.

The main characters Alice and Melanie were interesting, charismatic and complex. I really enjoyed reading the book from both of their perspectives.
There were many tense and heart pounding moments throughout. The twists were great, I really didn't see them coming.

I was hooked by the end of the first chapter and I stayed up far too late to finish it. It was well worth the lost sleep though. 😆

This is the first book I've read from Jane Renshaw and it definitely won't be the last.

I very highly recommend.

5 stars from me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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A young au pair from the US, arrives in Scotland and quickly realises things aren't quite right in the family home . She disappears, without a trace and another au pair joins the family. But she's not exactly honest about her reasons for being there. I liked the style of writing, and the dual story lines, that eventually run side by side. Some clever twists, not totally unexpected. But a good read.

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Alice Synder is an American student who is excited to be spending her summer in Scotland. She's going to be an Au Pair for the Davidson family.
However, one month after she arrives, Alice disappears without a trace.
The family hires a new Au Pair named Melanie. A little while after she arrives, she notices that the family seems a bit odd.
There's someone who keeps leaving and going at night, creepy paying guests, and Uncle Gray who makes her skin crawl. There's scratch marks on the floor of the Au Pair's bedroom. It makes her question if Alice barricaded herself in. Melanie wonders if she's in danger herself.
As she tries to find out what happened to Alice, she begins to realize that the house holds a horrifying secret.
This book was a decent read. It kept me intrigued and I didn't expect what was happening to happen.
I'd rate this book 4.5 stars out of 5 stars.

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