Member Reviews

Reinvent Yourself by Dr. Susan Kahn offers a thoughtful exploration of personal growth and self-improvement, particularly in a professional context. The stories of individuals who successfully reinvented themselves were my standout feature, providing relatable and inspiring examples. While the book is rich in psychological theories and research, it sometimes delved too deeply into detail to make simple points, which slowed the pacing. The exercises were a mixed experience—some were insightful and sparked genuine reflection, while others felt less impactful. The chapter on overcoming feeling "stuck" was precious, and I plan to apply some of those lessons in my work life. Overall, this is a solid resource for those at a crossroads, but it's best approached by dipping in and out rather than reading straight through. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

This book is pitched between life coaching and straight science, there are a lot of science-y terms used which are explained and there is discussion around the structure of the brain itself. The title is broad enough to be applied to changing jobs, changing roles or changing careers entirely, the content is more about moving jobs or making the decision to go freelance.
It is interesting and there are some good points made, although the author focuses more on people getting stuck or settled in their current role and not wanting to learn or develop into a promotion. There isn't much time given to people who do desperately want to upskill and gain a new role or promotion, but are unable to pursue this due to financial constraints, family problems, or industry issues.
Many people after graduation find the only options available are basic office, hospitality or civil service roles. People have bills to pay and not everyone has a family willing or able to keep bailing them out until they can secure a more lucrative role.
Some interesting ideas but a lot of I think important points either glossed over or omitted completely to suit the text.

This book offers practical insights to help you revamp your career. It uses actionable steps and real-world examples to guide you through career changes. If you’re looking for a job a change or to boost your current role, this book provides valuable tools for professional growth.

I work in a neonatal ICU and try to do as much as possible for all our staff, I'm always looking to learn and this has been a great learning tool on how to support staff further.

It was an ok read, not fully what I was looking for, but that is not the authors fault, I am sure many will find it a great help.

The title of this book really conveys the content of the book. I'd love reading nonfiction with a touch of story inside it, but this book with guides is easy to read as well. This is perfect for me (or you) who have a chance or in need to "reinvent" myself in order to be better in my career

This book was quite dense. It's a good place to start, but if you are already familiar with psychology, some parts may bring nothing new and you may feel like attending a uni class.
It is really nicely organized and has many exercises for you, so it can be really helpful. The author actually says that you can read it in a linear fashion or just read the chapters that appeal to you.
I would have liked it to be a bit lighter, but reading more about the science behind can be really useful when it comes to understanding yourself.

Thanks must first go to Netgalley, the publisher and Susan Kahn for the ARC of Reinvent Yourself. An easy and compelling read, well written and researched. Useful tips to implement into everyday life

Reinvent Yourself is very heavy on summarizing traditional psychology studies and I felt a little lighter on the practical advice and actionable items. It was more dense to get through than expected given the title and cover. I thought it was more of a pop science, self help vibe but instead it felt a little more like I was back in my undergrad psych courses. I think if you are new to psychology, it would be a good intro to the studies and findings but since I had heard almost all of it before, it didnt provide the new insights I was looking for.

Somewhere between a science text and a pop life coaching book comes this work Reinvent Yourself. Many terms are explained and the structure of the brain looked at, whether past knowledge or updated. The title could apply to staying in the same job, with new skills, but the content appears to be more about moving job or going freelance. The author lectures in England.
We're told people get settled and stuck in their work role, and may not want to learn and take promotion. I think the author puts far too little emphasis - almost none - on wanting desperately to upskill and raise status, but not being able to, due to financial constraints, family issues, or industry issues. She brushes it aside to get on with telling us about leadership methods and scheduling tasks. I do know someone who changed job by retraining for a few years at a lower wage until qualified. A few years later, both the secure new job and previous job vanished with a change of UK government policy. Many graduates find the only option is a basic office, hospitality or civil service job. There's also the Peter principle which is not mentioned, of people being promoted above their level of competence.

An engaging and practical book you'll find yourself reaching for on numerous occasions, a valuable addition to your bookshelf.

Really enjoyed it! Didn't love the title but I think that might be me being in my late 30s not looking to reinvent myself but simply just keep learning and evolving which the book helps with. It's simple, concise and accessible and I love that the advice is backed by actual studies and references are included - one to recommend to friends and family!

A very good book to read if you want to change all or parts of yourself and or your life. It gives great examples of case studies. The exercises are thought provoking. It is very well written.

This book really goes in hard! It asks you to really dig deep and discover things about yourself - at times it was a bit much!!
It was an OK read, and definitely makes you think. But I would have liked a little bit more humour to break up the intense-ness.

I really enjoyed this book. It really makes you think what do you want from life. It has given me some good ideas

#ReinventYourself #NetGalley#Koganpage
This book offers a comprehensive approach to personal transformation and self discovery. The book is well structured, providing readers with practical advice and exercises to navigate through various aspects of their lives.
One of the strengths of the book is its emphasis on self reflection and goal setting. The author encourages readers to assess their strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals and work towards self improvement.
However there is nothing that new and many of the ideas have been explored by other researchers, these are referenced throughout the book if you are familiar and follow these researchers work this book is reiterating what you may be aware of.

An interesting and helpful book on reinvention in the workplace and beyond. The layout of this book, in short engaging chapters, means that it's very readable and easy to dip in and out of.

I felt that there was little original content to this book. It is well-written and may be more helpful to a reader who is less familiar with the self-help genre.

I found this both interesting and useful as a self-help. Some great practical steps and exercises for improvement. We all need a reset now and then and this book is a well written, well researched piece of work that everyone can benefit from. One to keep handy to reference when needed.

A really inspiring read for when you feel stuck in a rut. A great mix of exercises, anecdotes, and studies that keep you engaged and help you to engage in the process. Ideal if you feel like you need a bit of a professional reboot but not sure where to start