Member Reviews

A joyful read!

Faith is due to marry her fiance, Perry; the one thorn is that her future mother-in-law is insisting that her wedding dress is the one to be worn = and it is hideous. Best friend Marilyn has dubbed it 'The Ghost Web' and is doing her best to dissuade Faith from wearing it, but Faith has a past of which others are completely unaware. Both women become involved with the Grace Chapel Choir, run by Hester who is a force in her own right. It's the turning point in Faith's life, bringing her the confidence she has been sadly lacking up until now.

This is everything and more that I've come to expect from this author. The characters - a fine array of them - are beautifully drawn and the story is written with honesty and humour. I had a clear image of 'The Ghost Web' in my mind - and yes, hideous only begins to describe it! A very enjoyable tale about human nature and the importance of friendships, this is a novel I'm happy both to recommend and to give all five glowing stars.

My thanks to the publisher for my copy via NetGalley; this is - as always - my honest, original and unbiased review.

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I love Beth's books and feel this one is the best I have read. an uplifting book with wonderful narratives and descriptions. Highly recommend.

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This is such an epic emotional journey that we take with Faith, gradually finding out about her traumatic past and the bond between her and her brother.
Beth creates a wonderful supportive community with the choir and the amazing Hester, you are completely drawn into everyone’s lives.
The topics may be very dark but there is hope and uplifting moments to stir your soul as you read along.
Very well written with characters that you genuinely feel for and wish for a better future.
Some dramatic moments kept me turning the pages and made this an entertaining read.

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I liked Lean On Me but I felt it was a little all over the place. The story goes between the past and present. It touches upon domestic abuse, suicide and mental illness. The story is about Faith who is engaged to Perry who is super wealthy. I loved the characters from the church choir and her friend Marilyn. I enjoyed those parts of the book. Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books. This is my own opinion.

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It's taken a few days to find the words to describe the impact this book has had on me. Lean on Me is one of those rare books that will stay with your for a long time.

The main character is Faith, who is facing the prospect of marrying millionaire Perry. The problem is, she's not sure she's marrying him for the right reasons. Is she marrying him for love or for security? This is where the depth of the story comes in. Faith, which is not actually her real name, is desperately trying to hold together her own life but also that of her addict brother Sam. Plus they're both dealing with the effects of an incredibly traumatic past, and the implications for their futures.

There is so much in this book, from Faith's tenacity to never give up on her brother to the warmth from the local choir she joins. It's all spun together so beautifully that you just can't put it down, to see if Faith gets the happy ending she truly deserves.

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A charming and easy read that I thoroughly enjoyed. A story of friendship, community and family and with wonderful and warm characters it is a story that could resonate with all of us. It is a book that will make you smile but that is not to say it didn't have any depth or emotion.

A great read, great writing and great characters, a story about life and how we cope and how we treat people and how others treat us. A wonderful book that I was able to read in a day.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Faith and her brother Sam have had a disturbing childhood even having to change there names to hide from the past and try and continue on with their lives.

As Faiths wedding to wealthy businessman Perry approaches and with the never ending future mother-in-law organising everything, Faith finds solace in the Grace Church and an amazing group of mix matched women of the choir.

A wonderful story about love, fear and hope and friends that become family.

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A fabulous read and very uplifting. I enjoyed this book so much. Such a wonde4ful story. I wondered where it was going at first but, I got into it quickly and got lost in the story. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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This isn't an easy read, covering domestic abuse, loss and drug taking. There is plenty to help prevent it from being too downbeat though, with touches of humour and, above all else, the community spirit that is enjoyed by all in the choir. Throw in a millionaire fiancé and a rugged minister and there's romance in the mix. Definitely recommended.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Beth Moran and it definitely won’t be the last. Her characters are so relatable and the storyline just flowed so well. I really enjoyed this book even though the subject wasn’t what I’d consider easy ready at times. Highly enjoyable and I’d definitely recommend to anyone looking for a good read.

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Loved this one! I think we will be seeing it as a highly-sought after pick for a lot of book clubs. I highly recommend this unique story.

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What a great story! This tale of family (both blood and chosen), friendship, love, abuse, and heartache touched me to the core. I found myself feeling the characters emotions…hurting when they hurt, scared when they were, happy when they were etcetera. Faith’s story of what she has been through to get where she is one that inspires. “Lean On Me” is definitely one of my favorite books by Beth Moran.

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Josie Silver’s books are always more than romcom, and this book was no exception. Lean on me features Faith, a woman who’s had a tough upbringing as she’s working on finding herself with the help of unknowingly to her and the love of a new community.

The misfits in faith community, showing her love and support through the churches chorus makes you just want to root for them all!

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one of my current favourite authors and this book did not disappoint!
the characters are like a warm hug and i couldn’t put the book down (but had to go to work!)
a lovely read that made my heartache in places but made me smile in others , spoiler but everyone needs a dylan in their life

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I love this authors books and this one was one that had me turning the pages.

I loved Faith’s character. She had a difficult life, so did her brother. The ladies in the choir were all lovely, helping others.

Faith is a hard worker, but her mother in law and fiancé Peter are better off than her and not that nice.

The story covered some difficult issues, as well as lots of secrets that were revealed throughout the story.

I highly recommend this book.

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An absolutely lovely, heartwarming story.
I loved all the characters & will be recommending this book!

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Beth Moran consistently writes solid, engaging books that effectively combine a solemn tone of tragedy with the soft joy that comes with new relationships. This one was very much written in her usual style, and I flew through it as I do all her other stories.

The main character’s past was heartbreaking, and the friendships that she gained through the choir group were even more impactful than her romantic interests.

However, I struggled to find the usual allure in this book - Faith’s relationship with her fiancé Perry, and her friendship & budding attraction to Dylan, were very flimsy and I didn’t fully buy into the romantic aspect of the story. It also felt like there was a lot going on at all times; if the author intends for there to be multiple branches off the storyline, it needs to be done in an organised way, and this one felt a bit chaotic.

Nevertheless, I will always be on the lookout for new releases by this author! 🥰

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Faith Harp  is getting married; not really for love, not really for friendship but because how else can she escape her past? 

I'm really undecided about this book; I found it tricky to get into.... I couldn't get interested in the characters, it all felt a bit far fetched and the pace was slow  but then suddenly it turned and became one of thoae stories you read as fast as you can to find out what happens in the end! I'm not sure I'd recommend it, if you like Moran's writing, which I have in the past, you'll probably like this one but it does come with many trigger warnings - substance misuse and abuse being just two. 
I did enjoy the story in the end, and the ending is satisfying... There are a few twists and turns, not all of them the ones you want to happen, and by the end, the characters were largely endearing.

There are some real other strengths in the story however, the choir for one... I actually think that a book revolving around the choir and their stories would be excellent!

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A truly joyful fun read following Faith with all her trials and tribulations in life. A great cast of characters which kept me turning the pages from start to finish. This is a must ‘feel good’ read.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. I have read a few of her others too. This was a journey for Faith through a lot of trials and troubles in her life. It shows how a community can come together to enrich each others lives. Faith has a lot of decisions to make along the way.

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