Member Reviews

A really gripping read, I thought the characters were intriguing and I'm going to look out for more by this author.

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This book had an interesting concept - what happens if everyone is connected to AI and what happens if the AI gains a mind of its own. I’m left a little fuzzy on the ending, though. Still not clear on how the issue was resolved.

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I think this is a relevant dystopian novel with all of the AI technology in the world today, and more of it that's to come. I like stories that are focused on the dangers of technology run our lives because it a way of keeping us aware - as long as we pay attention.
In any case, While some parts of the story dragged, this was otherwise a good novel that I think is going to go over well with readers of sci-fi/dystopian novels.

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Melanie Bokstad Horev ( is the author of nearly a dozen novels. The Architect: Breaking the Code was published earlier this month. It is the 12th book I completed reading in 2024.

Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own! Due to moderate scenes of violence and mature language, I categorize this novel as PG.

On their eighteenth birthday, every young person in the Republic of Novatech goes through The Binding. This procedure ties them to The Architect and puts them under his control. Alexandra Trent is 17, and her binding day is soon approaching. Her anchor in this world had been her uncle, Doctor Timothy Trent. But she had lost him to a heart attack a year earlier.

The Binding had created a perfect society. There was no crime, and people are guided for the greater good of society. It is a sterile, controlled world. Decoration and clothing are limited to shades of black, gray, and white. The rules are enforced by the Sentinels. While it was unheard of to question the Binding, Alexandra had doubts.

Alexandra is surprised when she receives a strange package. It contains a book. She panics a little as books are banned. She fears that Sentinels will arrive to punish her. She discovers in the book a coded message from her uncle. He seems to have resisted the Architect, and she wonders if his death had really been of natural causes.

The message starts her on a quest to find the Guardians, the underground resistance to the Architect. She hopes that she can help them to free the people from the autocratic rule of the Architect. The journey puts her close friends in danger and exposes her to a bit of romance.

I spent 7.5 hours entertained by this 311-page science fiction dystopian young adult novel. With young adults being the target audience, both the villains and challenges are a bit simplistic. I like the chosen cover art. I give this novel a rating of 3.3 (rounded to 3) out of 5.

You can access more of my book reviews on my Blog (

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The Architect by Melanie Horev. Is a thrilling dystopian novel about a society controlled by an artificial intelligence. The story line is relevant at this time of AI, it reminds me of 2001, 1984, and Logan’s Run. Who doesn't love a sci-fi story that explores the dangers of technology and totalitarianism, kind of like a preview of things to come.

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Thank you to netgalley and victory editing for this ARC of ‘ The Architect’

From the first page I knew I was going to love this book. It has such a unique and interesting concept that I haven’t come across before. I tend to steer clear of AI related books as it has a tendency to terrify me! With that being said after reading the synopsis to this one I couldn’t help being intrigued.
The characters were mostly likeable and the plot had me on the edge of my seat! I cannot wait to read more of this series in the future and have immediately added the authors other series’ to my tbr!

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This dabbles a bit in Divergent and The Matrix without being derivative. There are some issues of consistency in terms of character actions (characters simultaneously doing things that can't be done simultaneously), but overall the story was compelling. It was a quick read, although there were parts in the middle that dragged (without the story suffering from sagging middle syndrome.)

The author's prose is crisp and tidy; I enjoyed her writing style and narrative voice. If someone wanted something with the feel of the first two Divergent books, I would recommend this novel to them.

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I recently had the pleasure of reading a captivating book that left me thoroughly entertained. The infusion of sci-fi elements into the narrative immediately grabbed my attention, adding an exciting dimension to the story. One of the standout features was the well-defined and intricately crafted characters, whose relationships unfolded in a compelling manner.

The journey embarked upon by these characters was not only enjoyable but also filled with unexpected twists that kept me guessing about the true meaning behind their actions. This element of mystery added an extra layer of intrigue to the overall plot, making it an engaging and unpredictable read.

I must commend the author for creating a narrative with such strong and appealing aspects. The storytelling prowess, coupled with the well-developed characters and the cleverly woven sci-fi elements, made for an immersive and enjoyable reading experience.

I also want to express my gratitude to Victory Editing and Melanie Bokstad Horev for providing me with the opportunity to delve into this story through an advanced reader copy. Their generosity in sharing this work allowed me to discover a book that I genuinely enjoyed, and I am pleased to offer my honest appreciation for the experience. Overall, I highly recommend this book to those seeking a riveting blend of science fiction, well-crafted characters, and unexpected plot twists.

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I love books that get to the heart of the matter from the first page and this book definitely didn't disappoint in that arena.
Alex grows up in a future controlled by an AI, we follow along as she starts to question the rite of passage ever 28 year old takes; thus beginning her journey on righting a wrong that was supposed to have good intentions from the start

A solid 3 stars as I felt some parts of the book stretched a little bit especially when we get to the climax at the end..
I look forward to more books by this author

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How I wish that there were physical copies available with this one... I would use it in my KS3 courses in a heartbeat if there were physical copies available. But alas, it is only available on Kindle.

The writing is impeccable. I love the story as a lot of teenagers probably will be able to relate to that fear of being watched and controlled by AI.

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This book was so fun and enjoyable to read. The sci-fi aspect of it really held my attention. The characters and the relationships between them were very defined and well created. I really enjoyed the journey these’d characters went on together along with the unexpected aspects of the story where the readers aren’t always sure the true meaning behind what the characters are doing. Overall, I think it is a great read with a lot of strong aspects of it.
Thank you Victory Editing and Melanie Bokstad Horev for sending me this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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