Member Reviews

I found this piece to be exceptionally well-crafted, and I'm eagerly anticipating the opportunity to delve into more works by this author. Given its potential popularity among our library patrons, we're certainly looking forward to adding it to our collection

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I definitely walked away from this wanting to apply some of the advice/tips !

It was also very easy to understand and very relatable.

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I really enjoyed this. This book was so informative, and I I can’t wait to try and put some of these use, in marriage.

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Quick and effective little handbook! Whether you are newly married or celebrating a golden anniversary this book is a great little refresher guide. The sections are short so easy to read and absorb the information.

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The Best Little Marriage Handbook will take you on a fun & exciting journey - to surprising places - where you will discover an incredibly rewarding ideal marriage communication style, keeping your marriage intimacy cooking, your hearts deeply connected & increasing your Emotional IQ.

The Good News is that Safe Communication Skills are easy to embrace, if you will give them a couple of weeks to win you over.

Open your Best Little Marriage Handbook with your spouse, every week!

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This was a short read, but packed with a lot of compassionate advice and tips for any long-term partnership. I would recommend it to anyone, not just married couples, as communication/dialogue and patience goes a long way in any interpersonal relationship!

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This 86-page book has more questions than answers.
I was hoping for a summary of his best takeaways, but it's filled with questions you and your spouse should answer.
It's more of a workbook than a book full of practical tips.

Because the price is currently only $6, it's hard to be too critical of a book, especially one based on decades of marriage counseling.

If the book gives you one good idea (or question) that improves your marriage, it's more than paid for itself.

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This book was a short & easy read with a ton of valuable information. The content is not drawn out at all.

I thought the discussion prompts were in a separate workbook, but I realized as I continued the book that there are several sections with discussion prompts and options. Each section had a ton of questions that if answered honestly, could definitely help improve any relationship.

The basis of this book is on creating a safe space in your relationship. The tips and insight are insanely valuable.

I volunteered to read this ARC through NetGalley

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC copy for abest Little Marriage Handbook

I always love looking at a good marriage book. You never know when something you read just might come in handy down the road. After all no marriage is perfect and if yours is well good for you.

What makes this one better than others I have read:
It has a lot of examples
Simple and short explanations
Its a very short and sweet book

A lot of marriage books just go on and on and that get boring this is not that book.

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"Best Little Marriage Handbook" by William L. Monette, MEd Counseling Psychology, offers a refreshing perspective on the intricacies of marriage, providing practical advice and insightful guidance for couples seeking to build and sustain a strong, lasting connection. Monette's background in counseling psychology shines through in this well-crafted handbook, making it a valuable resource for both newlyweds and couples with years of experience.

One of the strengths of this book is its emphasis on practical strategies and exercises that couples can implement in their daily lives. Monette's approach is rooted in psychological principles, yet he manages to convey them in a reader-friendly manner. The accessible language and relatable examples make the book engaging and easy to digest, ensuring that readers can apply the advice to their own relationships. The incorporation of counseling psychology concepts adds depth to the content, offering couples a solid foundation for understanding and addressing the challenges that may arise in marriage.

Monette's writing style is clear, concise, and filled with empathy. He strikes a balance between providing guidance and allowing space for individual interpretation, recognizing that every marriage is unique. The author's genuine care for the well-being of couples is evident throughout the book, creating a sense of trust between the reader and the advice presented. Additionally, the handbook is organized in a logical and sequential manner, making it easy for readers to follow the progression of ideas and exercises.

While the book does cover familiar topics in marriage literature, such as communication and conflict resolution, Monette's unique perspective and incorporation of counseling psychology principles set it apart. However, some readers may find that certain sections could benefit from more in-depth exploration. Despite this, "Best Little Marriage Handbook" deserves a solid four-star rating for its practical approach, insightful content, and the author's genuine commitment to helping couples build and maintain fulfilling marriages. It stands as a valuable resource in the realm of marriage literature, offering a blend of psychological wisdom and real-world application.

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My husband generally enjoys doing these type of things together, asking questions that spark conversation. This book didn’t give many answers, but seems to be a help as far as boosting communication.

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This is a tiny and wise book!

It features some key points that can make the communication better between partners, starting with the great power of listening. Truly, anyone can learn from it.

This is the kind of book you pick up when you need a short and concise starting point on how to navigate a relationship that is not fulfilling. It's worth giving it a try.

I received a copy of this in order to share my view on it.

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Great little Handbook! It’s true we could probably all benefit from bringing more kindness and love to our communication in marriage. I knew from the introduction that I would immediately consume this book in its entirety. I really like how it’s broken up into two sections, and how you’re guided to take the skills from the first section and apply them to the discussions in section two. It’s a very quick read, but I know I’ll be returning to this book again and sharing it with my partner — the discussion prompts are gold!

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