Member Reviews

I’d maybe have a list of trigger warnings at the end, even if they’re spoilers, just have a link to it or a page number. I’m a mom myself and it was triggering when both her daughters were taken from Socorrito; let alone with her being drugged and sent back home. Also the domestic violence in relation to Patrick. I did find Cora, Lourdes, María, and Lucía’s interludes to be a bit jarring and interrupt the flow at first, but it grew on me over time. I loved the banter. Really good job writing Perlita, I absolutely loathe her. Balibrera did an excellent job showing how Perlita assuages her guilt from her own perspective. The imagery is absolutely stunning, I feel like I’m transported into each scene. The dialogue too is artful and well rounded, I feel like I can tell who is who without even looking. Also, the satire? The sarcasm? Top tier, in a heartbreaking way. Also, the General wanting her teeth and calling them pearls??? Uhh super weird lol but adds to the fact that he’s not mentally stable. “Can one measure the worth of a soul?” This book with the strong maternal and sister bonds, reminds me a bit of Jane the Virgin. Heartbreaking and heart wrenchingly written, the rose glasses ripped off way of storytelling doesn’t hold back.

My favorite quote: “More of what? Graciela wondered. Whatever more was, she didn’t want it. All she wanted was her mother and her home, and to be with us, and she did not understand why she’d been ripped out of her life by the roots, transplanted in this place that seemed barely to want her.”

Just a few grammar issues: (I had this sent to my Kindle, I apologize if the “Loc” is a bit odd - that’s all it gives me instead of a page number!)
In the prologue, Loc 28 - The “A” in “all is still” should be capitalized.
Loc 169 - María should be capitalized.
I’m kind of noticing that at the start of every chapter, the words that should be capitalized in the first sentence aren’t? Maybe this is a formatting issue and the printed book will be different but I just wanted to mention it.

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I was hooked from the very first sentence of this book. It hooked me in the story of sisterhood, family and learning about a different culture. I cried at certain parts as I have two older sisters this book now has a place in my heart, that makes it a little more special. I will definately recommend this book when it comes out.

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I didn’t enjoy this style of writing I was not easy to read for me. I was really excited about the plot bc as an immigrant u can relate but I didn’t enjoy it

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Thank you Netgalley for the arc of this upcoming release!

I have seen this book floating around on social media, mostly Instagram. And it was mostly other authors singing its praise and bringing awareness to it. Before even looking into the story itself, I was instantly impressed by the way the cover art seemed to evoke something in me. There is so much beauty and so much pain. And plenty of Easter eggs for the story beyond the art.

The plot itself seems to flow with a steady pace which is something I appreciate since I struggle at times with historical elements in my fiction. I enjoyed this. I felt for our characters and I was engaged with this from start to finish. This could also be expanded and I would be happy to read more from the universe.

Well done!

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An absolutely beautiful story that follows two sisters as they experience the tumultuous political environment of 1920's El Salvador and later the racial tension of the United States. Graciela and Consuelo are compelling characters, very different as sisters but both drawing the reader's sympathy and support as they move through live, both separate and together at various points throughout the story. The history of El Salvador's persecution of indigenous peoples and and its subsequent political effects is not something that I had any background knowledge of and seeing it through Graciela and Consuelo's perspectives was compelling and tragic. After fleeing their home country the sisters embark on different paths, both thinking that the other had not survived La Matanza, the Massacre. In the United States (and for Consuelo, France), they continue to experience prejudice as a result of their indigenous features, facing discrimination, limited job opportunities, and stereotyping. Despite this, the sisters grow and change as they follow the path their lives have taken them, leading to a touching ending where the reader can feel the support amongst the sisters and the women who have become their found family.

While the story focuses on Graciela and Consuela, their other sisters offer their voices throughout the story and even their support through memory. At times it was slightly difficult to follow these added narratives but this was minor. The story is character-driven and presents several stages of history from perspectives not often seen. Overall a beautiful story that I will be thinking about for a long time. I can't wait to read other works by this author and hope to purchase a physical copy of this book when it is officially published.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Gorgeous and magically done story with some really really sad elements about how people (women in particular) can survive through the toughest times and adversity. Thanks for the arc

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This was a heartbreaking story but it had so much to say about how women can survive. I thought the story was unlike anything I ever read. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The Volcano Daughters...woah.

First of all, the narrative perspective used to weave this story is so unique, but more than that, entirely captivating. The book is slow, as in it takes a while to get through, and typically books like this are hard for me. But The Volcano Daughters has had me hooked since the first page and I found myself waiting for moments to pick it up again-at work, waiting for my car to heat up, waking up early to read a few chapters and then staying up late to read a few more. I picked away at this book, wanting to savor every piece of it like a favorite meal.

I have always been and will always be a sucker for stories structured around women, but especially around sisters-blood related or not. Consuelo and Graciela had me laughing, had me crying, and had me waiting with baited breath the entire time and that's not even including their other sisters, the ones left behind, who's voice reach through to help give you the full picture of everything going on.

Despite knowing that certain things would happen base on the synopsis, I still found myself tearing up at particularly highly intense moments, namely when the daughters are stolen from their mother. It's the tragedy of knowing, of wanting so desperately to pull yourself into the story just to say "No, please, no." And THAT is a talent few writers possess. I could, but I wont, spoil the entirety of the story and you could read it yourself and still feel as if you were blindsided in a way.

God, I don't even have words outside of desperately wanting to read everything this author puts out.

Thank you to Netgalley for an early copy for review.

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