Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley, Terri Parlato and Hera Publishers for the eArc of All the Dark places.

This was my first book by Terri Parlato and I devoured it within na few sittings over a couple of days. The narrative starts with Molly and her friends who are celebrating her Husband, Jay's 40th birthday. The following morning he is found in a pool of blood, throat slit and his office is ransacked.

Detective Rita Meyers takes on the case and starts investigating, only to believe, as the evidence points, to one of their friends. As the investigation deepens, Rita starts connecting the dots and finds out who the killer really is.

This grabbed my attention right from the start. The plot is medium paced, flowed very well into the twists and turns, It takes you into some dark psychological corners and the pay off was executed well. The character development comes through the investigation as she questions both Molly and Jays friends. Secrets come out and a killer is on the loose.

4.25 rounded down to 4 for Netgalley/Amazon

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All the Dark Places by Terri Parlato and Narrated by Stephanie Cozart; Christina Moore is the first book in the new Detective Rita Myers series.......and what a creepy, dark and full of twists and turns this book was......The moment I started to read it I could not put it down......It was excellent especially as it is the first book I have read by the author. I loved it and looking forward reading more from Terri.

I highly recommend this book. Great start to a new promising series.

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This book was a bit too slow for me. I didnt really connect with the writing style. I liked it but I couldnt say I loved it.

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"All the Dark Places" by Terri Parlato is a gripping and haunting thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat until the very last page. From the moment I started reading, I was completely engrossed in Molly Bradley's harrowing journey as she grapples with the shocking and brutal murder of her husband, Jay.

Parlato's writing is atmospheric and evocative, painting a vivid picture of the snow-covered streets of Boston and the chilling atmosphere inside Molly's home in the aftermath of Jay's death. The tension builds with each chapter, as dark secrets are revealed and suspicion falls on Molly's closest friends.

I found myself unable to put the book down, as I desperately tried to unravel the mystery alongside Molly and Detective Rita Myers. The twists and turns in the plot kept me guessing until the very end, and I was completely blindsided by the final reveal.

"All the Dark Places" is a masterclass in psychological suspense, with its complex characters, intricate plot, and spine-tingling atmosphere. It's the kind of book that stays with you long after you've finished reading, leaving you haunted by its dark and unsettling themes.

Terri Parlato has crafted a five-star thriller that is sure to keep readers up at night, eagerly turning pages to uncover the truth hidden within the shadows of Molly's past.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my gifted copy! I voluntarily leave my review.

After celebrating her husband's 40th birthday. Molly wakes the next morning to discover her husband has been brutally murdered. As the plot thickens, Molly starts to question if Jay is really who she thought he was and begins to suspect everyone. So many suspects but just one murderer. A very nice, SHOCKING surprise!

This book kept my interest throughout the entire story, slowly building the suspense. A must read for anyone that likes Megan Miranda!

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Written creatively this domestic thriller was entertaining, not the best of its genre, but a decent read nonetheless. Recommended.

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Great mystery/thriller that kept my attention and had me wondering who did it. I enjoyed reading along and trying to come up with my own conclusion. I never guessed it! I would recommend this book to my family and friends.

Thank You to Kensington Books and Terri Parlato for providing a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Not bad, though I found the pacing too slow in the first part of the book. It is told by Molly (whose husband is found murdered) and Rita, the main detective. Molly has a secret in her past which comes to light half way through the book. I started off thinking that she was odd, the secret does give a reason for this. Also not sure about some of the description, at times it helps paint a good picture of what is happening and where, at other times it is a bit too much and irrelevant. I did like the pacing of the last few chapters and the crime was fairly well thought out.

On the whole I did like this book and would read more from this author in the future, thanks to Net Galley for the ARC

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This was a brilliant book. A definite 5 star read. A close knit friend group, one murder and plenty of dark, long held secrets. Highly recommended xx

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An easy to read thriller with some really interesting characters. Rita seemed so likeable with hints of a back story which made me wonder if this was not the first book with her as the lead and on searching I see this to be the case so I will be reading her earlier tale too.
The plot kept a great pace and the group of suspects was always manageable and enough to keep me guessing and as usual getting it wrong.
I loved it from the start and can recommend it wholeheartedly.

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This is one of the books that had me say let's read another of the book's short chapters, well past my bedtime. It is a police procedural story that is right up my alley and I liked and enjoyed reading it. I will follow this author and read future books too.

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Slow burner. Multiple POVs. Seemed to go on and on without getting to main points in a timely manner. The story had a good message underneath though. Molly came out stronger in the end and got somewhat of a happy ending. Just wasn’t as fast paced or thrilling as I like.

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Wow! The last line of the book choked me up. Damn. That was a crazy wild ride! Very mysterious with tons of suspects to chose from! I was torn on who I thought it was but one of my guesses was right! I did have the why figured out tho(sorta). What a sick and twisted character! This who dun it is an excellent story with dual pov between the MFC and the detective. I didn’t honestly care too much for the detectives parts. I liked seeing it from her point of view I just felt like a lot of it was added nonsense with the personal life but that’s just my personal opinion and it did not take away from the book at all. This was her first book so a big thank you to @NetGalley for this chance to read it in exchange for an honest opinion! I cannot wait to read her next book, I highly recommend this to all you thriller fans!

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Finished this in record time and this was a winner!
Molly is a young widow whose husband was just murdered. While police work on that mystery, her past begins to come back and haunt her, leading her to believe she is now in danger. And all of her best friends are the suspects.
This book had me guessing the entire time and I was so wrong about who the killer was. If you are a thriller lover, this has all of the makings of a great one!
Thank you @netgalley and @terriparlatoauthor for the advanced copy!

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Thanks to NetGalley and #Hera for the book #AllTheDarkPlaces by #TerriParlato. Molly threw her husband a surprise 40th birthday party. The next morning he is found dead in his office. Does she really know her husband? I loved the fast paced storyline and all the secrets. This is definitely a book to recommend.

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I love the dedication, it’s touching. This book is detail oriented and characters are unforgettable. The mystery grips in the beginning and the more I read it, the more It gripped me. This is a great page turner and whodunnit. The book is messed up and twisted. It will keep you guessing till the end.

Molly Bradley’s psychologist husband Jay is found dead in his office on the night of his 40th birthday. A day before six friends gathered to celebrate his fortieth birthday. But Molly went to bed early ( before the midnight) and when she woke up, Jay was not there, she searched him in the entire house and found his lifeless body on the floor of his office. She was trying to fathom it and the regret and fear gripped her until the dark secrets and revelations came in light. The ending was so shocking. The revelations were so horrifying too. The author slowly unveils the mystery. The investigation is spot on. There are many things in the story not just murder investigation so this is a multilayered story.

Thanks to the Author, Publisher and Netgalley.

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This is a gripping thriller set in Boston, Massachusetts.

When I started reading it, I immediately felt a connection with the protagonist, Molly. I liked the way she narrated, as she seemed reflective and self-aware. The story quickly took a turn that had me turning the pages quickly, and it wasn't long before I felt emotionally invested. I also found this light enough to read in one sitting, so if you like thrillers, you may want to give it a try.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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Engaging, Dark..
A close circle of friends begins to disintegrate when murder arrives in their midst in this dark and twisting tale. Who can be trusted and is the killer really one of their own? Detective Rita Myers is sent to investigate. Combining domestic noir with police procedural, a tension fuelled narrative with a deftly drawn cast and a plot underpinned by a constant vein of menace. Dark and engaging.

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Wow, this book is a thrill ride from start to finish! It's like a snowball of secrets and lies that starts rolling and gains momentum with each page. You've got a tight-knit group of friends who are all hiding something, a seemingly perfect couple whose facade gets shattered by a brutal murder, and a detective who's sharp as a tack and isn't afraid to dig deep.

The story flips between Molly, the wife who's trying to make sense of it all while dealing with her own traumatic past, and Detective Rita, who's got a keen eye for detail and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. As the investigation unfolds, you'll start suspecting everyone! The author does an amazing job of dropping clues and red herrings that'll keep you guessing until the very end.

It's a total page-turner that'll keep you up way past bedtime. And the snowy Boston backdrop? Perfectly atmospheric. 🔥

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All The Dark Places
Written by Terri Parlato

Blurb / About:

A moment you never want to forget…

Snow falls softly outside Molly Bradley’s Boston home on a frigid January night. Inside, six close friends are gathered to celebrate the fortieth birthday of Molly’s psychologist husband, Jay. The house rings with laughter, there’s good food and good company and as Molly falls asleep, she reflects on this perfect evening.

A moment you fear you never will…

But the following morning, Molly discovers Jay dead on the floor of his office, his throat brutally slashed. Devastated, she tries to make sense of what has happened, but her world starts to implode when Detective Rita Myers tells her that this was no random murder – she believes Jay’s killer is among their circle of friends.
As the case becomes deeper, and dark revelations come to light, Molly questions whether Jay was all he seemed to be – and whether someone else knows the dark secrets in her past. And until Molly figures out who she can really trust, she won’t be able to stop herself becoming the next target…

My Review:

I found this book easy to get into, & it kept a good pace throughout. What I particularly liked was how the main characters, Molly, & Rita, came across, - as not only believable, but in their authentic characterisation too. I found that alternating between the two, throughout, was refreshing, in how their characters contrasted but complimented each other well, within this plot. The way in which Rita was portrayed & came across, put me in the mind of the main character from the well known TV detective series ‘Vera’. I also liked how this kept me guessing right through to the very end, - as all of the friends/party guests were suspects throughout, & I really wasn’t able to predict which of them was the killer, - I didn’t even have any hunches, as they all equally could have been! - so I did not foresee who the killer turned out to be, coming.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading this. It kept me hooked, & kept me guessing, & with the authentic character of the detective, Rita Myers, I’m really hoping that this can be followed on from in a series, with this lead character, as a crime thriller detective series, (here’s to hoping anyway!).

Based on a rating of 1-10, where 10 is the highest, I would give this book a rating of 9 out of 10! Overall, I very much enjoyed reading this. It was a compelling read, from start to finish, with a satisfying ending, & I would deffo highly recommend!

Coming soon!
* This book will be available from 7th March 2024! - Available to buy, or download.

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