Member Reviews

I may revisit this at a later time, but right now I am stopping at chapter 4. The writing is choppy and definitely could have used more editing, making it difficult for me to continue.

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So I was excited to read this at first,due to the paranormal element.I wanted more of Lexi and her ability.There is alot of graphic wordage about the serial killer so I would definitely say there is a trigger warning. I wanted more from the characters, and there is a cliff hanger , so hoping there is a book two to clear up some questions.

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The story sounded promising, but ultimately had too many plot holes and poor sentence structure that had me contemplating putting this on a “did not finish” list. Some of the writing seemed simple, lazy, and introduced characters and offered their perspective when not necessary (and we have no idea who this character is). We all have to start somewhere, but this was amateur writing and will not be looking for any sequels—since this book just abruptly ended.

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The main character has some sort of psychic abilitie and pairs up with a detective to try and find the killer.
From reading the book Description. I though this book was a Paranormal romance/murder mystery. (The main character sees the ghost of the dead and with this information helps the detective in charge solve the crime.)
Not really.

This story is more about the serial killer, and is very graphic in describing his kink for the way he kills women. Most of the chapters are about him and his process and feelings when he commits the murders. There is also a backstory to how he became a murderer.
The main character, Lexi, has psychic abilities and pairs up with detective Evan to try and find the killer.
The trigger warnings on this book are a mile long. My only issue with this story was with the inconsistencies to the plot by the middle of the book. I also thought the main characters could have been better developed just as the serial killer was.
Overall, it is well written.
It is a quick read, only 248 pages.
It ends on a bit of a cliffhanger.
If this become a series, i would be interested in seeing how it progresses and if book 2 will fill some of the plot holes from book 1.

Thank you @netgalley and for this ARC.

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Lexi Wells: Gift of Sight by Karen Tjebben is a spine-tingling blend of mystery and paranormal elements. The intriguing storyline follows Lexi, a medium with a unique gift, and Detective Evan Steele as an unlikely duo solving a series of murders. The collaboration between the skeptical detective and the gifted medium adds an interesting dynamic to the narrative. (I received a review copy of this book and all opinions are my own.) Tjebben skillfully weaves together suspense and supernatural elements, making this a compelling read for those who enjoy a mix of crime-solving and the unexplained."

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Tjebben gives us a strong female character who has psychic abilities. These abilities allow Lexi to help the police when her neighbors are murdered by a serial killer. There were plenty of twists and actions to keep you from putting down this book. This book is very descriptive, so the murder scenes are very detailed, not for the squeamish. Lexi has had her psychic abilities since she was five years old but tries not to talk about or use them. When her neighbor and the neighbor’s daughter are killed, the police are having a tough time finding any clues. Lexi decides to use her abilities and find out who killed her neighbor. Detective Even Steele finds her in the house using her abilities and decides to believe her and helps her try to get information from the beyond. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal romance. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for providing an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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