Member Reviews

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
My salty marry is all about the little mermaid becoming a pirate. I like the idea the book has some humor but it was too much.

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Another great and incredibly zany installment in this series. I hope the authors continue doing stuff like this together but I do wish there was some kind of author note at the end detailing the actual history vs how the authors reinterpreted it.

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After watching the MY LADY JANE show on Amazon Prime, I wanted more of this story and requested this ARC from the accompanying MARY series. This installment, in particular, follows pirate Mary Read and marries her story with the Little Mermaid.

The premise of pirates + mermaids really had me, but the story fell apart immediately, unfortunately.

This isn’t my first book by Hand, Ashton, or Meadows, but it is the first book I’ve read with the three of them working together. I’ve enjoyed the books they’ve written independently, but I’m not sure their styles complement each other well, as I couldn’t bring myself to finish this one.

One of my biggest reading pet peeves is when characters break the fourth wall and address the reader directly, and right off of the bat, this book was filled with that, which drove me crazy and took me out of the story. On top of that, the first chapter of the book is entirely the reader being addressed and told point-blank what this story will entail and who all of the characters are, which I feel was incredibly unnecessary.

Mary didn’t have any agency; her story was a series of things happening TO her rather than choices she was making, which based on what I know about Mary Read, isn’t who she was at all.

Any one of these flaws I can usually overlook, but combining them all, especially right off the bat, was more than I could overcome, and I had to DNF, unfortunately.

I would not recommend these books, unfortunately, but I would recommend the MY LADY JANE show on Amazon Prime (even though it was canceled after one season).

Thank you to Netgalley and HarperTeen for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Quite honestly, I ended up being so disappointed by this book. In theory, it's exactly the kind of thing that I'd love - reimaginings of both history and fairytales, clever humor, and a compelling, badass lady as the protagonist. In execution, it definitely leaned more towards the 'young' in 'young adult,' there was entirely too much wink-wink, nudge-nudge humor and breaking of the fourth wall in the narration, and it just...fell really flat for me. If nothing else came out of this, I at least learned that I have no need to read any more of the series, or anything else by the trio of authors.

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Like the other books in the Mary and Jane series, this was silly and funny. It combines a retelling of The Little Mermaid with pirates and is a pretty fun and easy read.

I enjoyed the twists from the Disney version, having more mermaids and new love interests. It made the story a little less predictable and more it's own. There were times when things got a bit too ridiculous for me though and I think maybe this is better suited to a younger audience than myself.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own. Thank you to Harper Teen and NetGalley for the copy.

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3.5 stars - I loved the idea of The Little Mermaid becoming a pirate!
Overall, a decent read. I enjoyed some of the humor, some of it was a little too silly for my taste.
I enjoyed our main protagonist.
I struggled about 35% in.. maybe it was because of the pacing? But it wasn't keeping my attention if I'm being honest.
I enjoyed one twist in the book, but would have enjoyed even more!

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These three authors are so good at taking history and turning it on it's head in a retelling. This is the third in the Mary series and takes Mary Read and the little mermaid and just tosses in a whole bunch of other interesting and funny interludes to create a very entertaining story. I enjoyed it as I have enjoyed their other retellings as well. Thank you authors for your sense of humor and zaniness.

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My Salty Mary was the first story by the Lady Janies that I have read courtesy of HarperTeen and NetGalley.

It took me a long time to get through the book, but that is more to do with me than it is the book itself. However, it took the first five or six chapters for the story to pick up.

🏴‍☠️All the pop culture references
⚓️Women pirates
🏴‍☠️Calico Jack
🏴‍☠️The twist on the classic tale of the Little Mermaid
⚓️Tobias Teach
🏴‍☠️Blackbeard’s treasure

🏴‍☠️Most men
⚓️The breaks in the fourth wall sometimes felt forced.
🏴‍☠️The pop culture references similarly occasionally felt forced
⚓️Did I mention misogyny?

💎💎💎💎 out of five caverns full of treasure

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Like the other "Mary" and "Jane" books by this imaginative trio, My Salty Mary is a lighthearted reimagining that combines modern elements with history and fantasy to create a completely new and entertaining (though snarky) tale. I haven't read all of the Mary or Jane books, but I have read enough to know that I either like them or I don't. In this case, my interest is ambiguous. The premise is fun. The execution is creative. There are some witty phrases. But the characters and events are also kind of annoying to me. I'm not above reading for pure entertainment, but I do like to take something away from the experience. This time, I'm like, eh, there are other fish (*cough* books) in the sea.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review an advanced copy of this novel. I highly enjoyed it and will be recommending it to others.

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You can’t go wrong with this group of authors!! Such a unique twist on the Little Mermaid turning her into a lady pirate! The banter and wit is still on point from these ladies. There’s plenty of adventure, found family, and a touch of romance. I did find that the action was slow a bit at first, but it picked up nicely as the book went on. I will always recommend anything these ladies write, and I’m so glad The Lady Jane has brought them more fans!

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This book was wonderful! The narrators were very charming and the fact that it's a pirate retelling of The Little Mermaid was icing on the cake. The characters were very likeable and easy to root for and the plot moved along at an enjoyable pace. As someone who enjoys the ocean/pirate genre, it was fun to see the inclusion of some famous names (including Captain Crunch!) as some of the minor characters. I will absolutely recommend this book and the series overall to friends and students.

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🔪 Friends to lovers
🏴‍☠️ Pirates & Mermaids
🌶️ Chaste

The Little Mermaid meets some extremely fictitious Pirate Captains and a contest ensues! Mix some history in with a healthy dose of classic seafaring novels and out comes this novel.

I love a pirate story and a good mermaid tale, and this one delivered. It was more pirate than mermaid-oriented for sure. No famous captains in the history of the world are left unincluded, and no pirate pun or joke is left unsaid. It's so fun to read, and I heartily recommend to anyone that enjoys a lighthearted overall tone, like The Princess Bride and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Verdict: Loved it and have already recommended to a few friends.

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I had a fun time with this one. I've always loved The Little Mermaid and I enjoy pirate stories as well, so it was interesting to see the two twined together. Sure the jokes were super cheesy at times (I'll admit, I rolled my eyes at a few). But I still had a great time on this adventure with these characters. I think readers that have enjoyed the rest of the books in the Mary series will like this.

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I enjoyed this as I always do with this series. That said, I feel somewhat that this one lacked some of the charm as previous books. It was a very fun read, per usual, and I enjoyed the cultural humor thrown in. I do feel that every hurdle the characters faced was *immediately* neutralized. So there was no investment on my part for what would happen. Overall, I would recommend this one as a fun, mindless read. It seems to be rather rushed, which could possibly be due to the fact that it wasn't the authors' original draft. Not the best in the series but still a fun read. Thank you to NetGalley and HarperTeen for this copy.

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I love this series and this book was the best addition to it! It was humourous and tongue-in-cheek and it made me laugh out loud so many times. As usual the characters were so darn vibrant and ultimately stole the so. It was a great reading experience and deserves all the stars!

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Another fantastic addition to this series. I think this is a great choice for anyone who liked The Ladies Guide to Petticoats and Piracy.

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This series is one of my all-time favorite YA series. These books are so clever, are so funny, and are so so much fun to read. Even if I had any skepticism, the authors blow me away every single time. I can't wait for more because I will happily gobble up anything they write.

This is a mixed retelling of pirate Mary Read and the Little Mermaid. Did I think this would work? I wasn't sure. Did it work? Absolutely. This was the perfect book to end my summer with, as it's full of pirate adventure, treasure hunts, a smidge of romance, and a great story. It's laugh out loud funny, the characters bounce right off the page, and keeps readers engaged from the first page. Feel free to read them in order, or out of order. They're all stand alone, but are easily one of the best YA series of all time. Love love love!

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Edit-I changed my rating from 4 to 5 stars because this really did get me interested in something I didn’t think I would care about. That is 5-star worthy!

I almost didn’t read this one because I didn’t think I would be interested, but that would’ve been a big mistake! I knew nothing about Mary Read, but I’m glad I do now. This was told in the same cheeky, funny way as the others in this series and I cracked up at all of the random references. Don’t sleep on this one!

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So I DNF'ed this book just about halfway through. I remember reading My Lady Jane when it first came out and enjoying it, so when I heard this one was about Mary Read I was so excited. Unfortunately it just didn't work for me. For the most part it was fine, although it did kind of skew a little young. My main issue was that modern day references kept being inserted into it and it just drove me insane. I would be reading, everything would be fine, then all of a sudden one of the pirates would be named Captain Crunch or Bill and Ted would be mentioned. I understand it's a fantasy world but it just didn't work for me. In fact it drove me insane. I'm sure there are some people who will enjoy all of those little easter eggs, but I found it really cringey. I honestly can't remember if things like that were included in My Lady Jane or not, but if they were I guess they didn't bother me back then like they do now. It's a shame though, because aside from that it was a fairly decent story from what I read, if not slightly juvenile (almost more like MG to me than YA).

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