Member Reviews

This story centres around four childhood friends and one pretty big secret – which could ruin the whole friendship group if it ever were to come out. One slightly drunken New Year’s Eve, Georgie and her friends decided on what they thought was a great idea to help them all stick to their resolutions – to write down their secrets, sealing them away in envelopes and posting them to each other.

At the end of the year, anyone who hadn’t kept to their resolutions – well, their secret would be revealed! What further motivation could the four friends need to stick to their resolutions – especially for Georgie – you see, her secret is huge, and could potentially ruin the life-long friendship.

We follow each of the characters throughout the year and see if each of them can find happiness and growth in their lives, especially Georgie, who is struggling with regret and is desperately trying to get back her envelope before her mysterious words are revealed.

Can You Keep a Secret? is a beautifully written book about the highs and lows of friendships, relationships and life in general. The book covers some emotional and difficult topics, such as toxic relationships, body image and self-worth, but all done with sensitivity. Can You Keep a Secret? is a really heart-warming, but also quite emotional read as well.

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A read involving secrets and friends. An interesting read. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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Gosh this was a great story and very original to me. Georgie and her friends come up with a plan to keep their new years resolutions, by having each of them write down a secret and sending it to each other. All they have to do to avoid their secret being told is to stick to their resolutions, easy peasy? I mean of course not lol!

It's a story that isn't just funny but like all Jo Lovett books it deals with real life issues which I always like.

A great story and can't wait to see what she comes up with next

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It is about seven friends who, in various stages of drunkenness, decided to write down their secrets as a new year resolution. The secrets will be revealed the following year, except some have bigger secrets than others.

There were a lot of names at the beginning. I struggled to get into this story. It didn’t start off for me on the right notes. It was slow and boring. Subsequent chapters felt like just going through the motions of reading.

It only began to pique my interest more than halfway in when things started getting interesting and there was a whole lot of drama to unpack.

I love the friendship between Georgie and Poppy. I wonder why Georgie continued to put up with her mother’s behaviour. I wish that angle was explored more so Georgie can confront her mother.

If you love women’s fiction then you will like this.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. I've enjoyed Jo Lovett's previous books and was pleased to have my request for her latest ARC granted. This was an enjoyable read, albeit a bit slow. The plot was interesting and I was particularly invested in Georgie and Raf.

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Can you keep a secret? I'd say that this group of friends can't! Georgia and Poppy tell this tale of a group of friends who make new year's resolutions and seal secrets in envelopes to read out as forfeit of they don't stick to their resolutions. There's love, misunderstandings, friendship and found family galore in this book.

I thought this book may have more twists and turns than it did, but was an easy read and enjoyable.

Thanks Netgalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Can you keep a secret? By Jo Lovett was entertaining and a thoroughly enjoyable read. It includes secrets& lies obviously, but is a story of second chances, righting wrongs, fixing friendship issues and romance – whether that is rekindling it or starting something new.
A drunken plan to share secrets as an incentive to complete resolutions leads to a lot of drama; shocking secrets are out there that could have damaging repercussions. Georgie regrets writing her secret down and sets about getting it back no matter what, she knows it can change the lives of many of those she holds dear. Her plan is to get close to Raf and retrieve it but as with most things, secrets will have a way of coming out no matter what.

I enjoyed the storyline, found it to be original and entertaining. The characters are interesting, each bringing something different to the story. It is emotional at times, I felt for Poppy especially – she has a lot of information to take in at a time where she is struggling herself. I was desperate to see a happy resolution for all but especially for her.
Romance is never far away and it was nice to see Georgie find someone who could put her first for once.

A light hearted, read that entertains and surprises. I didn’t know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised. Would recommend for those who are fans of a rom-com.

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It's only fairly recently that I discovered Jo Lovett and her amazing books. I read the synopsis of 'Can You Keep A Secret?' and it certainly appealed to me. I couldn't wait to dive in and so without further ado, I grabbed my Kindle, grabbed a cup of tea and settled down for what proved to be a fun afternoon of reading. I really enjoyed 'Can You Keep A Secret?' but more about that in a bit.

I was drawn into 'Can You Keep A Secret?' from the very start. In fact by the time I got to the end of the first couple of chapters, I knew that this was one story that I was going to enjoy and reading it would prove to be very addictive. I was spot on too. Part of the reason why I enjoyed the story so much has to do with the characters. On the whole I really enjoyed meeting the four main characters. In fact I ended up feeling as though I had been included in their friendship circle and I wasn't just somebody who happened to be reading a book. I had my own ideas as to how the story was going to turn out so of course I had to keep reading to see if I had guessed correctly or if I had totally got the wrong end of the stick. I became so wrapped up in the story and in the lives of the different characters that I lost all track of time and just how quickly I was getting through the book. All too quickly I reached the end of 'Can You Keep A Secret?' and had to say goodbye to the characters. I found 'Can You Keep A Secret?' to be a delightful romantic comedy, which certainly cheered me up and left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

'Can You Keep A Secret?' is extremely well written and then some. Jo has an easy going writing style that is easy to get used to and easy to get along with. In fact reading one of Jo's books feels more like a chat between friends rather than reading a book. I hope that makes sense. Jo certainly knows how to grab the reader's attention and keep it throughout the course of the story. Jo clearly cares about her characters and this shines through in the very vivid and realistic way in which she describes them. She makes her characters seem just as real as you and I. As I mention earlier in the review, some of the characters felt more like friends rather than characters in a book. I love the way in which Jo makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action.

In short, I really enjoyed reading 'Can You Keep A Secret?' and I would recommend it to other readers. I will certainly be reading more of Jo's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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What a fantastic book from Jo, telling the story of three friends who devise a plan to stick to their New Year resolutions. A lovely read which I couldn't put down.

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Can You Keep a Secret, a story of 4 best friends giving themselves a challenge to keep all their New Years resolutions, if they break it then the secret they wrote and sent to each other would be read out to the whole group.

The problem is Georgie was a little drunk setting a lot of resolutions and then writing down a bit secret that could effectively cause a their tight not group to fall apart.

For a story that's based around 4 best friends it's only told from the perceptive of two of them, it was a little hard to get into for me, some of Georgie's behaviour seemed a little childish and I didn't really get in to the story till over halfway through.

I liked the connection they all had with each other as well as the men of the group, each friend going through their own life hurdles and I think I missed those little snippets as it's only a told from the perspective of Poppy and Georgie.

Overall I did enjoy it, an easy read of friendship, getting older and all the fun hurdles and crazyness that comes with life!

Thanks to NetGalley for the download.

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A very easy, dual perspective read with romance, comedy and a lot of reality that resonates with you. That being said, didn't particularly like the concept of them lying to each other all the time!

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Can You Keep A Secret? by Jo Lovett

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Georgie James and her friends come up with a genius plan to help them stick to their resolutions… They all write down secrets, seal them in envelopes and then post them to each other. The secrets will be revealed at the end of the year if they haven’t kept their resolutions.

It’s perfect. Except…

Georgie's secret is BIG... and revealing it could destroy their friendships. She has no idea why she chose that one to write down. There are plenty of innocent things she could have said – even admitting she finds newcomer Raf incredibly annoying would have been better.

What she does know is that there’s no way she can let her secret be revealed. Which means she needs to keep her (nightmare) resolutions and, most importantly, get her envelope back before anyone can open it. Which, given she sent her secret to Raf, means spending a lot more time with him than she’d choose to...

My Opinion

This is a light-hearted read. Jo Lovett has written some great characters, all of which you can relate to. As an incentive to keep their resolutions that they have set for the New Year, the friends also have to write down a secret that they don't want to tell - if the friends fail to keep the resolutions, they will have to reveal the secret. This was an uplifting read, and whilst not what I expected, it was a great read.

Rating 4/5

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i had high hopes for this as it’s sounds so much fun but i did struggle with the way the story flows
it’s a story of friendships and growing up the bonds that tie people together
a light hearted read that makes you want to read until the very end to find out the secret!

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In current-day England, Georgie and her friend group decide to participate in a New Year's resolution challenge- they must complete their resolutions or face the consequences of sharing a HUGE secret with the rest of the group. The secret that Georgie has decided to put on the line isn't really hers to share; so, when she realizes she won't be able to keep up with her resolutions, she has to cozy up to Raf, the keeper of her secret. But, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to their 'friendship'.

Firstly, I had very high hopes for this book. I thought it would be more of a rom-com than it was, and I guess that might be on me for not researching in-depth before reading. I wanted to like Georgie, but she seemed like the type of mother to pawn her son off onto a nanny to go to the pub with her friends. I don't like her as a character, even though I'm supposed to. She seems like a lazy parent and a bad friend.

Secondly, I don't like that there is a secondary sotryline that basically adds nothing to the plot. The storyline of Georgie's secret, which involves Poppy and her husband, is seemingly swept under the rug with little-to-no conflict. I wanted there to be an "i'll love you no matter what" scene, but everybody was just okay with Georgie's mistake, and nothing happened to Poppy in the end, so it wasn't like anything really changed.

Lastly, I don't buy Georgie's romance. I'm supposed to love her love because that's the main focus of the story, but my ♡ felt nothing while reading. Not a longing for them to be together, not an attraction to Raf, not anything. This could be for a few reasons: 1) the introduction of the secondary storyline makes it difficult to create a relationship to the main characters. 2) there were a lot of words, but not a lot of description. I don't know what Raf or Georgie look like, what they wear, how her eyes crinkle when she smiles or how he smells, all I know is that she thinks he's really hot, which is mentioned several times– give me some nuance.

Overall, I wanted to love this book so so much. In the end, it fell short for me. Not enough nuance or conflcit. If you're thinking about reading this book, do yourself a favor and save yourslef the time. Pick up almost literally anything else.

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Can you keep A Secret is a wonderful blend of romance and friendship fiction. Jo Lovetts's obvious strength is in her character development. Her characters have so much depth, are authentic and relatable.

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A delightful and heartwarming romantic comedy, “Can You Keep A Secret?” by Jo Lovett weaves together friendship, secrets, and the complexities of human relationships. This book is a warm reminder that sometimes, the best secrets are the ones we share with the people who truly matter.

Lovett invites readers into the lives of a group of friends who embark on a unique New Year's Eve tradition that involves writing down their deepest secrets, sealing them in envelopes, and exchanging them. The catch? These secrets will be revealed at the end of the year if they fail to keep their resolutions.

The protagonist, Georgie James, finds herself in a precarious situation when she writes down a secret that could potentially shatter her friendships. Lovett masterfully captures the essence of vulnerability and the fear of exposure. Georgie's secret is BIG, and the stakes are high. As the clock ticks, she grapples with regret, uncertainty, and the desperate need to retrieve her envelope before anyone else can open it.

The novel's strength lies in its relatable characters. Georgie and her friends are flawed, genuine, and endearing. Lovett skillfully portrays their insecurities, dreams, and the messy dynamics of their relationships. The banter between the characters is witty, and their camaraderie feels authentic. As readers, we become invested in their lives, cheering for their growth and hoping they find happiness.

The romance element adds an extra layer of charm. Enter Raf, the newcomer who unwittingly becomes entangled in Georgie's secret. Their interactions are both hilarious and heartwarming. Raf is more than just a love interest; he's a catalyst for Georgie's self-discovery. Lovett avoids clichés and instead explores the complexities of attraction, vulnerability, and the courage to reveal one's true self.

The pacing is spot-on, with each chapter leaving you eager for the next revelation. As the secrets unfold, the tension builds, and you'll find yourself flipping pages late into the night. Lovett's writing is accessible, peppered with humour and poignant moments. She captures the essence of friendship: the unspoken bonds, the shared laughter, and the unwavering support.

While the premise is light-hearted, the underlying themes resonate deeply. Georgie's struggle with body image, self-worth, and the fear of judgment is relatable. Lovett doesn't shy away from portraying the messiness of life; some problems remain unresolved, and not everything magically falls into place. Toxic relationships, insecurities, and the quest for acceptance are explored with sensitivity.

A refreshing addition to the romantic comedy genre, “Can You Keep A Secret?” is not just about romance; it's about friendship, growth, and the courage to confront our inner demons. Lovett's storytelling is comforting, genuine, and filled with hope. This book will leave you smiling and believing in the power of secrets, resolutions, and unexpected love.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for a temporary e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A group of friends decide to write down their new year resolutions and also a secret to be revealed if they don't actually follow them through - only they did this whilst drunk, not to be recommended. The main problem is that one, Georgie has a secret that could cause a lot of harm if it came out.
Looking at other reviews this is definitely a bit of a "marmite" book, with some definitely not liking it. Personally I did enjoy it, I really felt for Georgie and Poppy, who were both struggling with their relationships and became invested in their issues becoming resolved. It shows the perils of making resolutions that you are unlikely to keep and to never write down secrets that you don't want to come to light. Relationships should never be never taken for granted and communication is essential. In summary an emotional book that you might be better off reading with a cuppa, rather than a glass of wine.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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i was so excited about this book and i think this could definitely be entertaining for a different audience, i don't want to give this a rating since i didn't finish it, but i'll give it two stars because i liked raf, and i liked beth and ankita, the little i did see from them. i also think georgie's son is so sweet!

unfortunately i just can't get into these characters. i think this would have been better if 1. they stuck to one pov or 2. the author gave a voice to everyone in the friend group. considering we're following them on their resolutions and they've all got a secret they don't want getting out on the line, it would've been interesting to get each of their perspectives.

i also do think our first main character georgie is just too immature at times--especially being in her mid-thirties.

i made it about 30% in and i just can't go on (sorry, that sounds dramatic lol)

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I won't lie, I didn't know what to truly expect from this book after also seeing the reviews but I was pleasantly surprised.

We have 4 childhood best friends and their partners/new friends all together for New Year's Eve, and they decided it was a good idea to write down some resolutions for the new year, but with a twist. Each would also write a secret they're keeping from all the other friends and they would mail it to each other. If, at the end of the year, someone hadn't fulfilled their resolutions, they would have to share their secret. What could possibly go wrong?

I have to say, there were definitely things that threw me off a bit so I thought I'd start with that this time:
- I don't understand why we only have 2 POV's when this is supposedly about the 4 best friends. And they're still written in 3rd person as well...
- Some of the stuff happening in this book was a tad bit childish. I sometimes had trouble remembering these characters were all in their 30's, some almost 40.
- Come on! These are your best friends? From childhood? Why are you keeping these little secrets from them??? Seriously, only one of them was understandable to be made a secret for a bit while working things out. Everything else is simply things you talk to your friends like right away...
- And I don't like that we didn't get more information about the other 2 friends btw...

Anyhow, with that out of the way. Everything else was great. I definitely liked the plot, and the characters. I enjoyed following along 2 love stories and the issues between them. I thought that some resolutions where hilariously stupid and prone to fail. But most importantly, I liked how real this ended up being. These are 30' years olds, struggling through life and through some situations, making resolutions 70% impossible to keep with their busy lives and stumbling through life trying to navigate it correctly. And that's realistic. And I like it.

Raf was a sweetheart tho a tad childish as well sometimes, but I loved him.
Georgie is adorable. Even with all her issues she's still constantly putting everyone else above her and trying to help them. Bless.
Declan, omg, doctor!!!! He's really sweet too. Clearly with some edges as well, because they all do but genuinely husband goals (except well... one small problem with lack of communication).
Poppy, omg. She's so strong. Genuinely don't know how she didn't completely lose it but I'm so happy everything worked out. She deserves all the happiness.
I liked the other friends too, just wish we could've followed and known more about them as well.

It was genuinely a good book. Not my favorite, obviously, but I had fun reading it and I liked it. I'd definitely read it again if I could turn back time and still knew what this was truly about. Imperfections be dammed.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. 🩷

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I absolutely love stories about friendships whether they are new, old or somewhere in between. This story was really, really good, full of love, misunderstandings, misery and finishing with a proper, lovely ending

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