Member Reviews

I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley with the understanding I would share a review of the book.

You can tell a lot about a person by how they handle bad times, even disasters. The main character of this book, Jenny James, responds to a series of ‘unfortunate’ events mostly with humor. I doubt I would do the same in her place. It is difficult to say any more about this book without revealing too much. I found the characters and situations compelling and throughly enjoyed reading it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Muse for allowing me to read an ARC of Jenny James Is Not a Disaster by Debbie Johnson, in exchange for my honest review.

I absolutely adored this book! I loved all of the characters, the witty banter, the descriptions, everything! I related to Jenny in that, as mothers, we are learning on the fly. We don't always have the answers, and (shhh) we are not always right. I admired her for stepping back and thinking from the other person's perspective.

This book was wonderful from start to finish, and I definitely recommend it to others.

I look forward to reading more by Debbie Johnson.

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Jenny James house quite literally falls over a cliff with a rock slide. She has a teenage son that is almost dying me with high school. She decides to use this opportunity to take off on an adventure with a stranger. I could suspend my belief enough to get into this book. Jenny James is a full blown adult and is acting like a 20 something without a care in the world. Doesn’t she have homeowners insurance? Doesn’t she need to look for a new job. This book just wasn’t it for me.

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I really enjoyed this mid-life road trip novel. Honest, humorous, and hopeful.

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a sweet story that made me feel things I hadn’t felt in a while. I could relate a lot with Jenny and the relationship she had with her parents.

I loved seeing her relationship with her son be caring yet flawed.

All of the characters were well developed in my mind. Look forward to reading more from Debbie Johnson.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy to review.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

Jenny is a single mother of an eighteen-year-old son working in a carpet store. Her life up until now has been quiet, mundane, and relatively uneventful - until the worst week of her life - and she watches her house slide into the ocean. It doesn’t help that her ancient car doesn’t start, her son is moving on to university, and her job is made redundant. What happens next for her is every kind of unknown, but sometimes the beauty of the unknown is what you can find there.

This is my favorite adult book I’ve read this year. I absolutely loved this story and its characters - Jenny, her son Charlie, and Luke, the unassuming, motorhome-living neighbor - and it just lifted me up. The banter is dynamite, and the whole thing is so, so funny while still dealing with unbelievably heavy issues; it is sort of an Eat, Pray, Love for real people. The lower-middle class struggle is real and relatable, especially the fact that one second you are hanging on, the other you are without any support system at all. This book is about finding yourself, forgiving yourself, dealing with and recovering from unimaginable grief, and trusting people to take care of you. I loved this book - I have already recommended it to anyone who will listen!

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5 star read! It checked so many boxes- the perfect book to grab off your shelf when you’re not sure what you’re in the mood to read. Very enjoyable, and I was over the moon to have a chance to read it. Huge thank you to NetGalley and Harper Muse for the advanced copy. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Publication date July 9, 2024.

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Jenny James and her son Charlie might not have a lot of money but they have each other, she has a respectable job as office manager for a carpet showroom in Norfolk and he is about to go off to university. Then Jenny is hit by one disaster after another: her job is in jeopardy; her ancient banger refuses to start; its been raining for weeks on end; and the cliff on which her rented cottage sits has been so weakened by the continuous rain and high winds that it collapses taking her cottage with it. Now, in the space of one day, she is homeless, probably jobless, and without transport with approximately £20 in her purse, oh and she's 67p overdrawn.

While trying to rescue precious photographs which are fluttering close to the cliff edge Jenny nearly goes over as well, until the unfriendly motorhome owner who set up in a neighbouring field rescues her. He, Luke, actually doesn't seem that bad, he offers the two of them towels, tea, and brandy while they wait for emergency services and the council representative.

Faced with the prospect of having to live in emergency accommodation (again), with no job to keep her tied to Norfolk, Jenny wonders whether she and Charlie should also buy an RV and live in it like Luke, so Luke suggest they spend a few weeks in his luxurious motorhome that can sleep six people with him, like a holiday, to see if they enjoy the lifestyle.

Now I'm a creature comforts kind of gal, give me a mini bar and a spa over the horrors of teeny weeny showers, chemical toilets (or hooking up sewage pipes), and fold down beds, but this sounded idyllic. Choosing destinations based on a whim, visiting ancient sites, swimming in rivers and lakes, pottering round villages and small towns sounds lovely, although in reality I suspect it would be difficult to find a berth in high summer without a lot of searching.

As companions on the road Jenny and Luke open up about their pasts, why Jenny is no longer in contact with her family, why Luke gave up a high paying career and large house to aimlessly tour the British countryside.

I have to say I loved this, although I would say I don't think the title really does the book justice, it sat on my TBR pile for over two months because the title didn't call to me, before I picked it up last night and then devoured it.

Anyway, gorgeous countryside, a handsome companion, a cute dachshund, a teenage boy, and British sunshine, what's not to love?

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.

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What a cracker of a book! It can fit into so many categories... travel guide, self help book, romance novel, blog, and best of all... a warmhearted humourous tale.
I felt for the character in so many ways and think that she has been through so much in this book, I'm happy that she is finding her joy and living for herself.
The other characters bring it to life and add in moments that really make a reader smile. Betty and Frank certainly steal the show on many occasions.
My absolute favourite part of the book has to be the humour and the banter. Hilarious! I love the double act that Jenny and Charlie have and in fact love most of Jenny's dialogue.
While I have read a few books by this author and given them 5 stars for their ingenuity and heartfelt words, this one is a definite 5 star and buying to keep on the shelf.
Thanks so much to Netgalley and the author and publisher for a temporary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Muse for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

Loved this! It was so funny, yet it also made me tear up, it was a feel good story even with all the tragic elements. The characters were fantastic. The very slow burn between Jenny and Luke was just right. And if all of these places are real, you could actually use it as a travel guide. Loved the mention of Henry Cavill - he is, indeed, a god among men.

This is my first time reading this author and now I have to check out her backlist. Highly recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins Focus for the ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

I loved this book so much that I almost devoured it in one sitting. The characters were well developed and easy to root for and the writing was beautiful as well.

After a series of crazy disasters, Jenny, a 30 something single mom to a teenager, finds herself on a cross country motor home trip with her neighbor who she barely know. When Jenny, her son, Charlie and Luke travel she learns a lot about herself and what she wants in life and she forges a beautiful relationship with Luke, despite his complicated history. She also reunites with her estranged family. It's a wonderful read and I highly recommend it. Thanks for the opportunity to review it!

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Thank you Netgalley and Harper Muse Publishing for an eARC ♥️😍

Get ready to join Jenny on a wild ride! Her life is unraveling faster than a Norfolk coastal cliffside (yep, that actually happens!). But instead of wallowing in misery, she grabs her son Charlie and their adventurous neighbor Luke (plus his trusty sidekick Betty the dachshund) and hits the road.

As they explore England's hidden gems, Jenny faces her past head-on and starts to piece together a new future. You'll laugh at the witty banter, nod your head to the relatable struggles, and maybe even tear up a bit as Jenny confronts her fears and learns to let go.

This book is like a cozy British road trip in words - you'll feel like you're cruising along with the gang, sipping tea and snacking on scones (OK, maybe not, but you'll wish you were!). It's a heartwarming reminder that life's ups and downs can lead to unexpected adventures and new beginnings. So grab a cuppa, settle in, and join Jenny on her journey to rediscovery!

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Debbie Johnson's latest novel, Jenny James Is Not a Disaster, is a heartwarming and relatable story about a single mother who finds herself at an unexpected crossroads. Jenny, a thirty-something single mom, is used to her fair share of bad days. But when her job, car, and home are all lost in one fell swoop, she's forced to face her life's trajectory and what she wants from it. Estranged from her parents and with nowhere else to turn, Jenny and her son, Charlie, find refuge in the camper of their reclusive neighbor, Luke. As the unlikely trio hit the road, Jenny begins to reflect on her past, present, and future. Along the way, Jenny learns to embrace the unexpected, finding both challenges and opportunities in her new nomadic lifestyle. She reconnects with her son, explores her own passions, and discovers a newfound sense of freedom. Johnson's writing is honest and humorous, capturing the complexities of Jenny's character and the challenges she faces. The supporting cast of characters is equally well-developed, each with their own unique story and impact on Jenny's journey. Jenny James Is Not a Disaster is a well-crafted and thought-provoking novel about resilience, self-discovery, and the power of human connection. It's a story that will resonate with readers of all ages and walks of life, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, we have the power to create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

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What Jenny experienced at the very beginning of this book was enough to lead any person into the absolute depths of despair. However, she persevered and continued to move forward. She knew that she had to be strong both for herself as well as for Charlie. I found it to be quite admirable especially the fact that when she had Charlie as a very young mother and had nothing, that she created a life for the two of them that was full of love and warmth. Even though they didn't have a lot materially, you could feel how close they were as evidenced by their dialogue and interactions. When they both embarked on the adventure with Luke, not only did Jenny step out of her comfort zone but it felt like her life had color again. She realized how much more there was to see and explore. When she reunited with her parents, she realized how important family is and how dependency on others is not a bad thing. That is how in opening herself up that she fell in love with Luke and reignited her dream of becoming a writer and creating the blog. I would certainly read the sequel of their next adventures!

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I usually love a paragraph - the long, flowing sentences, weaving a picture and taking me on a journey.

But I must be honest - I struggled to engage with this.

I was enticed by the idea of a camper trip, because I've had a lot of those last year and it would be my first time engaging with one on the page, but sadly this was not to be.

I may have been put off by the first page, and the conflict between 'breathalyzer' and 'mum'. I couldn't tell if this was supposed to be British or American, and the confusion stayed with me. I don't mind either (or any of the other myriad of countries available!), but I do prefer to know.

As things progressed, the soliloquies grew increasingly tiresome and I found myself skipping ahead to find someone saying something. I found it unemotive, and the most random of things happened without warning or rationale.

Needless to say, it wasn't for me.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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A sweet and heartwarming story about a single mother and teenage son who find themselves after a storm. Jenny is someone you want to cheer for.

Thanks Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC to review.

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Who among us hasn't dreamed, at one time, of dropping everything and embarking on a journey? Jenny James did just that—with a little nudge from Mother Nature—and found herself amid a life-changing journey. "Jenny James Is Not a Disaster" by Debbie Johnson follows a 36-year-old struggling single mom who discovers happiness and joy in an unexpected place.

Jenny James is not a disaster, even though her life may have been. After her cottage on the Norfolk coast fell off a cliff, and she lost her job in the same week, Jane is at a crossroads. It's just her and her 18-year-old son - sadly, she is estranged from her family - and she has to decide what to do with her life. When her handsome nomadic neighbor, Luke, who lives in a camper van with his dachshund, Betty, offers them a road trip around England, she accepts. As they frolic around England, she is forced to take a hard look at her life and past choices, stop and smell the roses, and come to terms with her past.

I enjoyed the book very much. It was a less light read than I thought it would be, which is not a bad thing, and full of inspiring life lessons. I loved the humor and banter between the characters, the growing relationships between them, the sharing of backstories that made them close their hearts to love, and the way the heroine reinvented herself. I also loved the descriptions of the various historical sites. I could smell the roses, so to speak, and envision those vivid scenes.

I have to say that the way Jenny went on a trip with someone who was a perfect stranger until then made me raise a brow at first. I also thought that being estranged for about 18 years from her family was unreasonable, as well as her unwillingness to share her story with her son. I loved the resolution of the heroine's issues, though, and the ending warmed my heart. Some scenes were touching, causing me to shed a tear.

The book highlights the complicated relationships between parents and children, and it's done with humor and heartfelt insights. I loved the message that "home is wherever you are happy." The author paints a compelling story of a journey of happiness, self-discovery, and individual pride. With themes of friendship, trust, love, letting go of the past, and self-discovery, the author has woven a tale that I enjoyed reading. The gentle budding romance added to the enjoyment. Highly recommended!

* I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Jenny James Is Not a Disaster by Debbie Johnson is an enjoyable contemporary fiction that left me feeling uplifted and a smile upon my face.

This was a feel-good contemporary fiction that takes the reader along for a ride of overcoming obstacles, finding meaning, looking for that silver lining, and finding hope in a future that now doesn’t seem quite as dark. Jenny, Charlie, and Luke are great main characters, and through their gathered trip, we get to see them truly blossom.

4/5 stars

Thank you NG and HarperCollins Focus, Harper Muse for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 7/9/24.

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This was quite the road movie, only for it to be a book :) With three enjoyable main characters, especially the banter between Charlie and his mother Jenny was a joy. And him praising her, saying she rocked for leaving her comfort zone on one particular day, something to do with not revisiting a sandwich she just had for lunch (in case I spoil things by revealing too much) almost had me in tears.

Jenny has set everything aside for Charlie and struggles to make ends meet, often feeling like she is not good enough in what she has to offer as a single mother. This means she has some issues with certain people for making her do everything on her own. Indeed, everyone's problems are validated, so is this, seriously.
It was nice to read that things can be somewhere in between instead of being black and white, even if that is easier to deal with since there are so many things in life we cannot control. In the end some people turn out to be quite a surprise.

And yet that is exactly what was a bit much for me in this too good to be true feelgood book. All of the painful loose ends being nicely wrapped up.
Personally, a feelgood book can still have some leftover, unresolved, toxic aspect in the background, despite or especially with a happy-ending for a more real-life feeling, methinks.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.

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