Member Reviews

thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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"Threads of the Needle" by DG Zitting invites readers on a mind-bending journey into a future where technology, consciousness, and the fabric of reality intertwine. Buckle up for an adventure with Hope Valencia, a PT-SOF agent navigating a not-so-distant future Amsterdam, where uncertainty and cryptic tasks abound.

Now, let me be honest, this book promised to appeal to 'curious seekers of meaning,' and while I consider myself one, I found myself feeling like I needed a PhD in quantum mechanics to fully grasp everything. The language used by the author was, at times, pompous, and the sentence structures were complex, making it a bit of a struggle to follow. The excessive use of abbreviations didn't make things easier, leaving me feeling like I was missing vital pieces of the puzzle.

I did manage to grasp a few concepts, like the Copenhagen interpretation in quantum mechanics and something about altering algebraic reality – but beyond that, the intricacies of the narrative often eluded me. The Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam also stuck in my mind, providing a tangible anchor in a sea of complex ideas.

One notable aspect is the acknowledgment that ChatGPT played a significant role in crafting the book, particularly in handling the complex scientific and metaphysical aspects of the narrative. While this collaboration contributed to the book's depth, it also might have unintentionally excluded readers with diverse backgrounds.

In essence, the book reads more like a scientific treatise than a novel for the general reader. For someone without an extensive background in mathematics or physics, like myself, the content went over my head. If you're a lover of intricate scientific explorations and have a solid foundation in these fields, this might be right up your alley. However, for the curious seekers of meaning with a less specialized background, be prepared for a challenging read that might leave you feeling like you need a quantum leap in your understanding.

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Somehow all at once a study of theoretical quantum mechanics and a thrilling science fiction novel examining the driving force behind human thoughts and emotions. This story posits the idea of alternate realities that are available with strong intention and the Dimensional Algebraic Reality Equation: belief–intricately connected to emotion–plus thought equals reality.
When MIT graduate Gabriel Valencia began his research on the existence of quantum consciousness and a conceptual “Conscious Agent” particle, he never imagined his ideas being purchased by a large social media company. Suddenly, his miraculous scientific discovery is twisted into a tool for addictive reality-escaping technology. His daughter, Hope, is an operative for the League of Consciousness, which is directly fighting against Gabriel’s inventions. Hope finds herself on a mission to discover her father’s true motivations through space and time, investigating the nature and manipulation of reality.
This book was both enthralling and honestly rather confusing. Although the science terms were well explained and thought out, I found myself lost with some of the abbreviations and needing to flip through to the definitions at the end of the book (which were very helpful!). Parts of the story felt much more like a physics textbook than others, but I found the discussions about human life, thoughts, and emotions so incredibly interesting.

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Thoughtful journey that questions what is reality and what will happen if we allow it to be purchased. Part adventure, part thought experiment, set in the world of scientific discovery and social media. Hope’ must help her parents once her father’s technology is being used by a social media company. His discovery which allows threads of probable realities to be known begins to jeopardize reality itself.

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