Member Reviews

*3.5 stars*

So first off, I really enjoyed the setting for this one, I feel like it'd make a great beach popcorn thriller. The audio was done really well and it kept me wanting to listen. But I felt like some of the characters just felt flat and under developed. Plus one of the characters we hear from I just struggled connecting with and then was even more frustrated with something about her. It's hard to elaborate without spoiling anything.

I felt like the end was a little confusing and rushed. It almost felt like I was missing something but then the final twist was pretty good. Overall, it was enjoyable to listen to but just not the most mind blowing thriller I've read. The end was feeling a little long too. I was surprised when it said I was still only at 80% because it felt like it was the end. It went kind of slowish build to bam everything!

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Wow, this was great literally from cover to cover. I loved the art chosen for the cover, beautiful and dramatic yet simple. The colors, much like the story, are vibrant, attractive and attention grabbing. I was completely engaged from the first page to the very last. This is the first book I have complete by this author but it certainly won’t be the last. I loved the details provided about the beautiful location, lovely young people living what many believe to be their best lives out on a beach far away from the troubles of every day life…..but things aren’t always as they seem. I thought many times that I had it all figured out but the author sure kept me guessing until the very end. I am so pleased with the storyline, the attention to detail, the well thought out characters and the more than what meets the eye setting. I would also like to take a moment to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the narrator. I feel the narration can either make or break a book, especially a thriller, and felt this one was spot on!

I will definitely be recommending this to friends that love thrillers. Thank you to Sara Ochs, the publisher, the narrator and NetGalley for allowing me an advanced copy of this audiobook!

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I love this cover, and was intrigued by "two mysterious women" in "a searing vacation thriller."

Set on a remote island in Thailand, The Resort does have an isolated, small-cast feel, though its setting wasn't atmospheric enough to make me feel the heat while reading on a frigid night.

Overall I'd characterize this as a rocky read. It feels like it wants to be light and entertaining at times, but then others are dramatic and morbid (e.g., the opening scene is in the POV of a person dying). My interest in the characters and plot similarly ebbed and flowed.

The narrators were OK. I could understand them without issue. But one of the characters is Swedish, and another Scottish - I'd have loved narrators who could perform their accents. I also found one of the narrators' performances pretty one-note. I guess it matches her personality, but it also left me not enjoying her chapters as much.

And yet! The epilogue almost redeemed all of it. I don't think it quite did, but it did leave me wanting a sequel, despite not having a super positive opinion of the first 95% of the book.

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DNF at 50%. I’m always drawn to thrillers and this one taking place at a resort in Thailand drew me right in. However it just didn’t work for me - it was very slow and I was bored. I listened to the audiobook and think it also wasn’t helped by one of the narrators giving a very one note delivery. I ended up deciding not to finish. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the free ebook and audiobook to review.

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A twisty thriller set at a dive resort in Thailand, it made for a unique and interesting backdrop. It felt slow to start but moved along at a decent pace after the first murder is revealed.

I liked the twists, the unreliable narrator’s, the lies and the deceit amongst the characters. Never knowing who you could trust.

The writing felt a bit technical, or like I was being told the story, rather than experiencing it. I was leaning toward a three star review until the very end, the last twist was something I didn’t expect and I liked that.

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I can’t believe this is Sara Ochs' debut novel. Love her writing. The characters have a lot of depth and I love the island setting. I rarely say this but I truly didn’t see any of the twists coming. The end was shocking and the final twist was completely out of left field. Not sure if this will become a series but the book ended in a way that almost makes you expect a follow-up.

One note: I listened to this as an audiobook. There are two female narrators and they both seem to have an English (or Australian?) accent, but they read the dialogue as Americans. Every once in a while a word was pronounced in a way that made this evident. That said, their voices were extremely easy on the ears, so this didn’t bother me at all.

Overall, I loved The Resort. It would make a great movie. Definitely recommend.

Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for sending this book for review. All opinions are my own.

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I wasn’t a big fan of this book because I didn’t really like or connect with any of the characters. It seemed very repetitive to me and the twists were mostly predictable. Up until the end that is, there’s a big twist at the end that I didn’t see coming and that was probably my favorite part of the book. This book is about a murder that takes place on an island. This book also dives into the culture of tourism, the greed and corruption that can lie there and travel expats/ travel influencers and what they add to that equation.

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I went into this book not knowing a whole lot but wow I really enjoyed it!
To be honest at the beginning it felt like just a basic thriller/mystery but the ending got me!
Some reviews have said the ending was far fetched and sure maybe it was but it didn't change the story for me. I loved the ending!

I highly recommend The Resort

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The Resort by Sara Ochs
Narrated by Miranda Raison, Dakota Blue Richards, Joe Jameson, Pema Monaghan

This is the ultimate vacation book and what I mean by that is to enjoy it I need to send my critical thinking brain on vacation. That's not a bad thing, it's just I needed to not think about what I would do in each situation but instead let each character make their mistakes and watch the consequences. Would "I" walk down dark alleys chasing cloaked figures, would I go running down dark trees jungle trails just because I need to get away, would I do this or that, knowing it was a really bad idea but do it anyway because (insert various excuses here). No I would not but that's why a book won't be written about me...ha ha

We get the story via several POVs and the very last one is a stunner. We have scuba diving instructor Cass, running away from something, but now settled in with a group of expats who consider their little group to be family. Cass wants to be part of this family and it can happen since her expat boyfriend is serious about her. Cass is running away from something very big though and she knows her new life could blow up if her secret is exposed.

Then there is beautiful, shapely, influencer Brook, who is running towards something. What happened a few years ago has consumed her life and she's going to get the only revenge she can get. But she too longs for family and the friendship she sees among the permanent expats tempts her to stop here and settle in because this life looks so enviable.

But someone has died here and maybe an accident wasn't really an accident. Maybe things are being covered up and maybe someone would kill to keep covering up what has happened. Choices will need to be made, keep digging or risk everything. Setting aside my critical mind and allowing the story to play out allowed me to enjoy this mess of an island, a place that looks like paradise but is far from it. There are several narrators and the voices fit the characters although a couple of them do sound very similar to me. Thanks to clearly labeled chapters, telling me the POV for that chapter, I never did get confused about who was talking though. Overall, I came away knowing I'm never going to a resort because I'm not about to dip my toes in these kinds of waters.

Thank you to RB Media, Recorded Books, and NetGalley for this ARC.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy of this audiobook. The Resort is a pretty fast paced thriller and while I do love a good plot twist at the end, I also prefer it to be believable. So A+ for the twist, but it was a little far fetched. Still a good read!

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Although I never fully did the gap year backpacker life thing and my version of expat living was a little different than some, I spent enough time overseas and traveling that I know the lifestyle.--the feelings, the activities, the friendships, the most popular locations.

The Resort by Sara Ochs (coming out on 13 February) captures that lifestyle well...and some of the problems that come along with that kind of life.

(Note: the book has also been published under the name "The Dive.")

Book: The Resort
Author: Sara Ochs
Format: Audiobook
Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Crime/Mystery
Places Featured: Koh Sang, Thailand (a fictional island similar to Koh Samui, which is mentioned in the book)
Review Score: ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 (rounded up)
Review: The Resort is told from the perspective of two women staying at the Koh Sang Resort in Thailand. One is an expat dive instructor that works for the resort and one is a travel influencer staying as a guest--both have secrets and, like many, have left home to travel for a reason. After a full moon party (trust me, those really are big for the traveling crowd), a body is found in the ocean and both women know something isn't right. As they search for the person behind the death, they get closer and closer to danger themselves. It's a good destination thriller that kept me listening. It had some good twists and turns (it has quite the ending!), but the story was a little convaluted and some of the steps along the way to solving the mystery are a little too convenient. I wouldnt necessarily recommend it before traveling to Thailand, though--you may be a little too scared to visit after reading this one.

*I was given a version of this book for free in exchange for an honest book review--thank you to @netgalley and @recordedbooks. The book will be released on 13 February 2024.

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The Resort brought me along on a gorgeous trip to Thailand, which quickly turned deadly and mysterious.

Told through a dual POV, The Resort is about multiple murders occurring on a small island. Brooke is a travel influencer who has been on the island for just a couple of weeks, slowly growing a bond with Cass and the other residents Brooke refers to as the Permanents, people who came for vacation and never left. Cass has dark secrets in her past, which are referred to but not fully revealed until we come close to the end.

The atmosphere was incredible, with the secluded island turning from peaceful to terrifying overnight. I felt like I was there as the author spoke of lush jungles, cliff walks, and scuba diving off the shore. It felt like the perfect setting for a scary story or slasher movie. The plot is full of twists and turns, and the shocking finale had me captivated!

The two women each have something that they aren’t telling us, and their secrets kept me intrigued as I read and listened to this one. The narrators did a fantastic job of infusing the story with their nerves, fears, and determination. The audio was well done. My one comment on the audio would be that I had to turn the volume up for every chapter that was Brooke’s character, as that narrator was a bit quieter and not as clear as the narrator for Cass’ chapters.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the ALC. all opinions are my own.

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Mystery thriller set in Thailand fails to deliver.

A group of permanent residents on the island of Koh Sang, nestled in the Gulf of Thailand, have become like family over the years. Although they have all run from something in their pasts, they now work and live in this resort community and take care of each other. The recent death of a guest has upset the group dynamics, but the permanents have not seen the worst of it yet. A minor influencer, Brooke, arrives on the island ostensibly to promote tourism to this idyllic but relatively unknown SCUBA paradise, but soon it becomes obvious to all that she has an agenda.

This started out well but quickly deteriorated into lots of melodrama and took forever to get to the point. The motives behind the behaviors of all the characters seemed to ring false and the extent of their reactions was quite overdone. I didn't like any of the characters with all their secrets and lies. Their personal traumas and the reasons for each coming to Koh Sang were revealed much too late. It drug on and the detail I wanted to know was so slowly revealed that I was over it all by the time I got the answers. A last-ditch attempt at a final, crazy twist pushed the conclusion into the incredible.

I both read the e-book ARC and listened to the audio recording of this book thanks to NetGalley and the publisher. I am not recommending.

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Wow! That ending!!

Cass wanted to start a new life, far away from the memories that haunted her. So, she packed her bags, moved to Thailand, and ended up working as a scuba instructor. For a while, life was good, and she felt like she had finally left her past behind. But little did she know that one day, her past would catch up with her. The question is, will she be able to face it?

I admit the beginning of the story was a bit slow and confusing with the number of characters being introduced. However, once I got into the plot, I found it engaging and it kept me hooked till the very end. The ending was nothing short of mind-blowing! Overall, if you're looking for a book with an unexpected twist, then this is worth a read.

***Thank you to NetGalley, Sara Ochs, and RB Media for graciously sending me the audiobook to review. As always, all thoughts are my own.***

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I was approved this ARC from NetGalley. The Publication date is February 6th. I’m so happy I was able to read this book early.

I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I honestly don’t usually enjoy the trope of influencers, I think it’s been overdone lately, but this one was different and refreshing.

I was engaged with the book from beginning to end. I didn’t see any of the plot twists coming. I thought I had it figured out, but was very wrong. The author does a great job at making someone seem guilty.

There wasn’t a single character that was reliable. They all had lies and things they ran away from home because of. They weren’t honest to anyone, including their so called friends. I felt like the lies and deception just made this book even better.

This was my first time reading a book by Sara Ochs, it seems to be her second book. I’m looking forward to reading more from her! I thought this book was a fun thriller that is a quick read!

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It was hard for me to believe this was a debut novel. The author did such an incredible job of describing the remote location and what a dive resort is like. As a scuba diver and traveler I couldn't wait to start to read this and I think it helped picture the story. As each dive resort is like it's own family. Cassie is a dive instructor who has run away from her past and reinvented herself here. She is engaged and happy. Someone leaves her a note with her old name on it and she can't figure out how they found her.

She is taking her dive group out when a dead body is discovered. This isn't the first tourist to be killed on vacation but are they all related? Cassie wants to figure out what happened to Lucy.

I listened to the audiobook. The narrator did a fantastic job and just when you think it is all wrapped up in a neat little bow they shock you at the end. Well, done. So many moving parts and wasn't sure how it all connected. I can't wait to see what this author comes up with next.

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Book Title: The Resort
Author: Sara Ochs – Debut Author
Narrators: Miranda Raison. Dakota Blue Richards, Joe Jameson, and Pema Monaghan
Publisher: RB Media
Genre: Mystery Thriller
US Audiobook Pub Date: February 13, 2024 Original Pub Date was April 27, 2023 in the UK with the title–“The Dive”
My Rating: 4.5 rounded up
Pages: 432

This story is told from the POV of Cass, a Scuba Diver Instructor and Brooke-an influence.
Story starts when Logan, asks Cass to marry him. They are attending the Full Moon Party/Celebration (Yes the Island has many popular parties.
Cass should be over the moon happy but the thought of the note she just received – “We know what you did” is heavy on her mind.

The night after the party Cass is ready to take her students on their first dive on the beautiful island Koh Sang, Thailand. The students are excited. Cass can see their anticipation which is normal. Lisa one of the students is late (everyone was at the party last night so no surprise someone is late!) While waiting Cass goes over some key things she have been teaching ~
1.- Breathe normally if something goes wrong.
2 - Always dive with someone you trust.
3- Don't panic if your oxygen is running out.
However, when she doesn’t show up they continue with their dive plans.
Lisa does show up - dead on the ocean floor.

This is the second time a death has happened recently on the island. Cass somehow feels responsible and wonders if she should rethink her stay here.

Living in Southern California near the ocean and know many divers -however never been interested as I am claustrophobic.
The story has me curious> The UK title is “The Dive” “The Resort” is a better title for me.
This was great!
When I got to the Big Reveal and thought the story ended. I noticed my status showed 76%
I then could NOT put down this audiobook. I am walking around the house carrying my tablet while during household chores.
We discover that both Cass and Brooke are trying to get away from their past.
There are indeed surprises that I didn't see coming; followed with multiple secrets, mysteries, lies, intrigue, and a unique friendship.
Story truly is a rollercoaster ride.

I rated this 4+Stars but after reading THAT Epilogue I rounding up!!!

Problem with this story is now it is going to be hard to start a new read – as I will still thinking
About these characters!

Want to thank NetGalley and RB Media Recorded Boos. for this great audiobook.
Audiobook Publishing Release Date scheduled for February 13, 2024

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A fast paced destination thriller. I devoured this one in 24 hours. This one keeps you guessing until the end. A fantastic debut novel.

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I love these types of twisty thrillers. This one didn't disappoint on the twists and turns through the end. All of the characters were unreliable, and you never really knew who was telling the truth at any point. The only part that I didn't like were that there were too many characters. Between switching points of view and the number of characters it was hard to keep track at certain points. I liked this author and will read future works.

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This wasn’t a good fit for me. I wasn’t drawn into the story and had a hard time telling the different POV’s apart.

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