Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Recorded Books for this ARC.

I liked this read, but I didn’t love it. The narrator’s did well, but I found myself getting confused with the POVs due to the narrators sounding too similar at times.

I found myself invested half way through and slowly losing interest to the end. The end had a good twist, but by then I no longer cared for the characters.

I’d recommend this to fans of thrillers with drama or newbies to the thriller genre.

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I will be screaming about this audiobook from the rooftops! What a thrilling ride! The narration was perfect, and the fast pace had me devouring this book. I was so shocked by that ending. This may be a top thriller of 2024!

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2.5 stars - simply wasn't a trope I wanted to read about.
TW: SA, grooming

This was just okay for me. It is the author's debut work and that in itself is something to celebrate and note before reading my review below.

I listened to this as an audiobook and the narrator was fine. No issues there. It had multiple POVs and a twist that I didn't see coming. My issue with it was the twist/ reasons for the killings and where the story went after. The epilogue was definitely great, and was another twist.. that said I don't love when the bad person seems to get away with it. That happens too often in real life, so I'd at least like my thriller reads to end with some real justice.

The premise and the resort vibe itself was enjoyable. It was just where the story went that didn't work for me. I don't really enjoy thrillers that touch on SA and grooming. With that said, I do think the writing was good, and perhaps I will enjoy the author's next book more.

Thank you netgalley for the arc of the audiobook in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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